To date our contracts have been tested in a gas free environment. This lesson demonstrates basic gas techniques using Brownie.
Execute at the current gas price reported via the GasNow API. Available strategies: ['rapid', 'fast', 'standard', 'slow']
> from import GasNowStrategy
> GasNowStrategy(<strategy>)
Set default gas strategy for all transactions
> from import gas_price
> gas_price(<gas_strategy>)
Inspect the full trace details of a transaction, including gas usage
> tx.call_trace()
Run scripts without displaying full transaction details.
$ brownie run --silent
Run your scripts without typing the --network flag. Update brownie-config.yaml to set a default network to
> networks:
> default: <network_id>
Ethereum is not an ERC-20 token, so adding liquidity to an Ethereum denominated pool requires passing funds at the transaction level.
> eth_pool.add_liquidity([amount_in_wei, amount_other_tokens], min_mint, {'from': account, 'value': amount_in_wei})