is one of web-project in école 42. The purpose of this project is to create a dating website like tinder. Usage of ORM
, validators
, User Accounts Manager
, NoSQL Database
is strictly forbidden in this project.
light mode | dark mode |
chat | notification |
mobile | map |
scroll pagination |
- Dark mode
- Realtime Chat
- Google Oauth2 login
- Interactive Google Map
- Mobile support responsive UI
- Mailing service(verification email / reset password)
- Tracking location based on IP address if user don't allow browser gps.
- Suggestion based on user's interest, age, language, sexual orientation(hetrosexual, bisexual, homosexual).
- pagination with scroll event
- Auto generated 500 seed users
- jwt authentication flow (access token, refresh token)
- Nuxt (Server Side Rendering) with vuetify
- Express (API server)
- Dockerized MySQL
Make sure you already have docker and docker-compose(>= 1.27). And then change the name of dotenv file we prepared(.env.example) to .env in both folder(api, app).
Theae are the API key list that you need to prepare in advance.
- Google Map API key (Place API)
- Google Oauth API key
- Mailgun API key
We prepared a script for making your life easy, so you just need to type following command.
> sh ./