Mosiah 15:1 And now Abinadi saith unto them: I would that ye should understand that God himself shall come down among the children of men and shall redeem his people.
Mosiah 15:2 And because he dwelleth in flesh, he shall be called the Son of God; and having subjected the flesh to the will of the Father, being the Father and the Son,
Mosiah 15:3 the Father because he was conceived by the power of God and the Son because of the flesh, thus becoming the Father and Son
Mosiah 15:4 --and they are one God, yea, the very Eternal Father of heaven and of earth--
Mosiah 15:5 and thus the flesh becoming subject to the spirit, or the Son to the Father, being one God, suffereth temptation and yieldeth not to the temptation, but suffereth himself to be mocked and scourged and cast out and disowned by his people.
Mosiah 15:6 And after all this and after working many mighty miracles among the children of men, he shall be led—yea, even as Isaiah said, as a sheep before the shearer is dumb, so he opened not his mouth--
Mosiah 15:7 yea, even so he shall be led, crucified, and slain, the flesh becoming subject even unto death, the will of the Son being swallowed up in the will of the Father.
Mosiah 15:8 And thus God breaketh the bands of death, having gained the victory over death, giving the Son power to make intercession for the children of men,
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…satisfy the demands of justice…
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Mosiah 15:9 having ascended into heaven, having the bowels of mercy, being filled with compassion toward the children of men, standing betwixt them and justice, having broken the bands of death, having taken upon himself their iniquity and their transgressions, having redeemed them and satisfied the demands of justice.
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He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken.
KJV Bible, 1769, Isaiah 53:8
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Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.
KJV Bible, 1769, Isaiah 53:10
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Mosiah 15:10 [highlight]#And now I say unto you: Who shall declare his generation? Behold, I say unto you that when his soul has been made an offering for sin, he shall see his seed. And now, what say ye? And who shall be his seed?#
Mosiah 15:11 Behold, I say unto you that whosoever hath heard the words of the prophets, yea, all the holy prophets which have prophesied concerning the coming of the Lord, I say unto you that all those who hath hearkened unto their words and believed that the Lord would redeem his people and have looked forward to that day for a remission of their sins, I say unto you that these are his seed—or they are heirs of the kingdom of God.
Mosiah 15:12 For these are they whose sins he hath borne; these are they for whom he hath died, to redeem them from their transgressions. And now, are they not his seed?
Mosiah 15:13 Yea, and are not the prophets, every one that has opened his mouth to prophesy that has not fallen into transgression—I mean all the holy prophets ever since the world began—I say unto you that they are his seed.
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How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!
KJV Bible, 1769, Isaiah 52:7
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Mosiah 15:14 And these are they which hath published peace, that hath brought good tidings of good, that hath published salvation, that saith unto Zion: Thy God reigneth!
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How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!
KJV Bible, 1769, Isaiah 52:7
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Mosiah 15:15 And O how beautiful upon the mountains were their feet!
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How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!
KJV Bible, 1769, Isaiah 52:7
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Mosiah 15:16 And again, how beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of those that are still publishing peace!
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How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!
KJV Bible, 1769, Isaiah 52:7
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Mosiah 15:17 And again, how beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of those who shall hereafter publish peace, yea, from this time henceforth and forever!
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How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!
KJV Bible, 1769, Isaiah 52:7
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Mosiah 15:18 And behold, I say unto you: This is not all, for O how beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that is the founder of peace, yea, even the Lord who hath redeemed his people, yea, him who hath granted salvation unto his people.
Mosiah 15:19 For were it not for the redemption which he hath made for his people, which was prepared from the foundation of the world, I say unto you—were it not for this—that all mankind must have perished.
Mosiah 15:20 But behold, the bands of death shall be broken. And the Son reigneth and hath power over the dead; therefore he bringeth to pass the resurrection of the dead.
Mosiah 15:21 And there cometh a resurrection, even a first resurrection, yea, even a resurrection of those that have been and which are and which shall be, even until the resurrection of Christ, for so shall he be called.
Mosiah 15:22 And now the resurrection of all the prophets and all those that have believed in their words—or all those that have kept the commandments of God—these shall come forth in the first resurrection; therefore they are the first resurrection.
Mosiah 15:23 They are raised to dwell with God, who hath redeemed them. Thus they have eternal life through Christ, who hath broken the bands of death.
Mosiah 15:24 And there are those who have part in the first resurrection, and these are they that have died before Christ came, in their ignorance, not having salvation declared unto them. And thus the Lord bringeth about the restoration of these, and they have a part in the first resurrection or hath eternal life, being redeemed by the Lord.
Mosiah 15:25 And little children also hath eternal life.
Mosiah 15:26 But behold and fear and tremble before God—for ye had ought to tremble—for the Lord redeemeth none such that rebelleth against him and dieth in their sins—yea, even all those that have perished in their sins, ever since the world began—that have willfully rebelled against God, that have known the commandments of God and would not keep them. These are they that have no part in the first resurrection.
Mosiah 15:27 Therefore had ye not ought to tremble? For salvation cometh to none such, for the Lord hath redeemed none such. Yea, neither can the Lord redeem such, for he cannot deny himself; for he cannot deny justice when it hath its claim.
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…to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people…
KJV Bible, 1769, Revelation 14:6
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Mosiah 15:28 And now I say unto you that the time shall come that the salvation of the Lord shall be declared to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people.
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Thy watchmen shall lift up the voice; with the voice together shall they sing: for they shall see eye to eye, when the LORD shall bring again Zion.
KJV Bible, 1769, Isaiah 52:8
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Mosiah 15:29 Yea, Lord, thy watchmen shall lift up their voice; with the voice together shall they sing. For they shall see eye to eye when the Lord shall bring again Zion.
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Break forth into joy, sing together, ye waste places of Jerusalem: for the LORD hath comforted his people, he hath redeemed Jerusalem.
KJV Bible, 1769, Isaiah 52:9
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Mosiah 15:30 Break forth into joy! Sing together, ye waste places of Jerusalem! For the Lord hath comforted his people; he hath redeemed Jerusalem.
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The LORD hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.
KJV Bible, 1769, Isaiah 52:10
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Mosiah 15:31 The Lord hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes of all the nations, and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.