diff --git a/autotest/test_prt_voronoi2.py b/autotest/test_prt_voronoi2.py
index 59ff282a2bb..d5004e8cfad 100644
--- a/autotest/test_prt_voronoi2.py
+++ b/autotest/test_prt_voronoi2.py
@@ -175,9 +175,11 @@ def build_prt_sim(name, gwf_ws, prt_ws, targets, cell_ids):
gwf_budget_file = gwf_ws / f"{gwf_name}.bud"
gwf_head_file = gwf_ws / f"{gwf_name}.hds"
+ grb_file = gwf_ws / f"{gwf_name}.disv.grb"
+ ("GWFGRID", grb_file),
("GWFHEAD", gwf_head_file),
("GWFBUDGET", gwf_budget_file),
diff --git a/doc/mf6io/mf6ivar/dfn/prt-fmi.dfn b/doc/mf6io/mf6ivar/dfn/prt-fmi.dfn
index 3deb36646fd..61a99fe0746 100644
--- a/doc/mf6io/mf6ivar/dfn/prt-fmi.dfn
+++ b/doc/mf6io/mf6ivar/dfn/prt-fmi.dfn
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ type string
tagged false
reader urword
longname flow type
-description is the word GWFBUDGET or GWFHEAD. If GWFBUDGET is specified, then the corresponding file must be a budget file from a previous GWF Model run.
+description is the word GWFBUDGET, GWFHEAD, or GRB. If GWFBUDGET is specified, then the corresponding file must be a budget file from a previous GWF Model run. If GWFHead is specified, the file must be a head file. If GWFGRID is specified, the file must be a binary grid file.
block packagedata
name filein
diff --git a/msvs/mf6core.vfproj b/msvs/mf6core.vfproj
index a90fddd986e..ae7b472b7fc 100644
--- a/msvs/mf6core.vfproj
+++ b/msvs/mf6core.vfproj
@@ -624,6 +624,7 @@
diff --git a/src/Model/Discretization/Dis.f90 b/src/Model/Discretization/Dis.f90
index 798d1ae479f..1666026f4da 100644
--- a/src/Model/Discretization/Dis.f90
+++ b/src/Model/Discretization/Dis.f90
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ module DisModule
use MemoryManagerModule, only: mem_allocate, mem_deallocate
use MemoryManagerExtModule, only: mem_set_value, memorystore_remove
use TdisModule, only: kstp, kper, pertim, totim, delt
+ use LongLineReaderModule, only: LongLineReaderType
implicit none
@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ module DisModule
real(DP), dimension(:, :, :), pointer :: botm => null() !< top and bottom elevations for each cell (ncol, nrow, nlay)
real(DP), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: cellx => null() !< cell center x coordinate for column j
real(DP), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: celly => null() !< cell center y coordinate for row i
+ type(LongLineReaderType) :: line_reader
procedure :: dis_df => dis3d_df
diff --git a/src/Model/Discretization/Disu.f90 b/src/Model/Discretization/Disu.f90
index 15b2df64058..ecc4b56f02a 100644
--- a/src/Model/Discretization/Disu.f90
+++ b/src/Model/Discretization/Disu.f90
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ module DisuModule
use MemoryManagerExtModule, only: mem_set_value, memorystore_remove
use TdisModule, only: kstp, kper, pertim, totim, delt
use DisvGeom, only: line_unit_vector
+ use LongLineReaderModule, only: LongLineReaderType
implicit none
@@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ module DisuModule
integer(I4B), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: javert => null() ! cell vertex pointer ja array
integer(I4B), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: idomain => null() ! idomain (nodes)
logical(LGP) :: readFromFile ! True, when DIS is read from file (almost always)
+ type(LongLineReaderType) :: line_reader
procedure :: dis_df => disu_df
@@ -122,41 +123,37 @@ module DisuModule
!> @brief Create a new unstructured discretization object
- !<
subroutine disu_cr(dis, name_model, input_mempath, inunit, iout)
- ! -- dummy
+ ! dummy
class(DisBaseType), pointer :: dis
character(len=*), intent(in) :: name_model
character(len=*), intent(in) :: input_mempath
integer(I4B), intent(in) :: inunit
integer(I4B), intent(in) :: iout
- ! -- local
+ ! local
type(DisuType), pointer :: disnew
character(len=*), parameter :: fmtheader = &
&' VERSION 2 : 3/27/2014 - INPUT READ FROM MEMPATH: ', A, //)"
- !
- ! -- Create a new discretization object
+ ! Create a new discretization object
allocate (disnew)
dis => disnew
- !
- ! -- Allocate scalars and assign data
+ ! Allocate scalars and assign data
call dis%allocate_scalars(name_model, input_mempath)
dis%inunit = inunit
dis%iout = iout
- !
- ! -- If disu is enabled
+ ! If disu is enabled
if (inunit > 0) then
- !
- ! -- Identify package
- if (iout > 0) then
+ ! Identify package
+ if (iout > 0) &
write (iout, fmtheader) dis%input_mempath
- end if
- !
- ! -- load disu
+ ! load disu
call disnew%disu_load()
end if
- !
end subroutine disu_cr
!> @brief Transfer IDM data into this discretization object
diff --git a/src/Model/Discretization/Disv.f90 b/src/Model/Discretization/Disv.f90
index 6781a156175..016d0b2c38a 100644
--- a/src/Model/Discretization/Disv.f90
+++ b/src/Model/Discretization/Disv.f90
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ module DisvModule
use MemoryManagerModule, only: mem_allocate, mem_deallocate, mem_setptr
use MemoryManagerExtModule, only: mem_set_value, memorystore_remove
use TdisModule, only: kstp, kper, pertim, totim, delt
+ use LongLineReaderModule, only: LongLineReaderType
implicit none
@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ module DisvModule
real(DP), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: top1d => null() !< top elevations for each cell at top of model (ncpl)
real(DP), dimension(:, :), pointer, contiguous :: bot2d => null() !< bottom elevations for each cell (ncpl, nlay)
integer(I4B), dimension(:, :), pointer, contiguous :: idomain => null() !< idomain (ncpl, nlay)
+ type(LongLineReaderType) :: line_reader
procedure :: dis_df => disv_df
diff --git a/src/Model/ModelUtilities/FlowModelInterface.f90 b/src/Model/ModelUtilities/FlowModelInterface.f90
index 60a4729e257..65a144eea2e 100644
--- a/src/Model/ModelUtilities/FlowModelInterface.f90
+++ b/src/Model/ModelUtilities/FlowModelInterface.f90
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ module FlowModelInterfaceModule
use ListModule, only: ListType
use BudgetFileReaderModule, only: BudgetFileReaderType
use HeadFileReaderModule, only: HeadFileReaderType
+ use GridFileReaderModule, only: load_grb
use PackageBudgetModule, only: PackageBudgetType
use BudgetObjectModule, only: BudgetObjectType, budgetobject_cr_bfr
@@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ module FlowModelInterfaceModule
type(ListType), pointer :: gwfbndlist => null() !< list of gwf stress packages
integer(I4B), pointer :: iflowsupdated => null() !< flows were updated for this time step
integer(I4B), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: ibound => null() !< pointer to Model ibound
+ class(DisBaseType), pointer :: gwfdis => null() !< flow model discretization object
real(DP), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: gwfflowja => null() !< pointer to the GWF flowja array
real(DP), dimension(:, :), pointer, contiguous :: gwfspdis => null() !< pointer to npf specific discharge array
real(DP), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: gwfhead => null() !< pointer to the GWF head array
@@ -37,12 +39,13 @@ module FlowModelInterfaceModule
integer(I4B), pointer :: iubud => null() !< unit number GWF budget file
integer(I4B), pointer :: iuhds => null() !< unit number GWF head file
integer(I4B), pointer :: iumvr => null() !< unit number GWF mover budget file
+ integer(I4B), pointer :: iugrb => null() !< unit number binary grid file
integer(I4B), pointer :: nflowpack => null() !< number of GWF flow packages
integer(I4B), dimension(:), pointer, contiguous :: igwfmvrterm => null() !< flag to indicate that gwf package is a mover term
type(BudgetFileReaderType) :: bfr !< budget file reader
type(HeadFileReaderType) :: hfr !< head file reader
type(PackageBudgetType), dimension(:), allocatable :: gwfpackages !< used to get flows between a package and gwf
- type(BudgetObjectType), pointer :: mvrbudobj => null() !< pointer to the mover budget budget object
+ type(BudgetObjectType), pointer :: mvrbudobj => null() !< pointer to the mover budget object
character(len=16), dimension(:), allocatable :: flowpacknamearray !< array of boundary package names (e.g. LAK-1, SFR-3, etc.)
character(len=LENVARNAME) :: depvartype = ''
@@ -65,8 +68,7 @@ module FlowModelInterfaceModule
procedure :: initialize_gwfterms_from_gwfbndlist
procedure :: initialize_hfr
procedure :: read_options
- procedure :: read_packagedata
+ procedure :: read_package_data
end type FlowModelInterfaceType
@@ -110,10 +112,11 @@ subroutine fmi_df(this, dis, idryinactive)
if (this%inunit /= 0) then
call this%read_options()
end if
! -- Read packagedata options
if (this%inunit /= 0 .and. this%flows_from_file) then
- call this%read_packagedata()
+ call this%read_package_data()
call this%initialize_gwfterms_from_bfr()
end if
@@ -151,7 +154,8 @@ subroutine fmi_da(this)
use MemoryManagerModule, only: mem_deallocate
! -- dummy
class(FlowModelInterfaceType) :: this
- ! -- todo: finalize hfr and bfr either here or in a finalize routine
+ ! -- todo: finalize hfr, bfr either here or in a finalize routine
! -- deallocate any memory stored with gwfpackages
call this%deallocate_gwfpackages()
@@ -181,6 +185,7 @@ subroutine fmi_da(this)
call mem_deallocate(this%iubud)
call mem_deallocate(this%iuhds)
call mem_deallocate(this%iumvr)
+ call mem_deallocate(this%iugrb)
call mem_deallocate(this%nflowpack)
call mem_deallocate(this%idryinactive)
@@ -208,6 +213,7 @@ subroutine allocate_scalars(this)
call mem_allocate(this%iubud, 'IUBUD', this%memoryPath)
call mem_allocate(this%iuhds, 'IUHDS', this%memoryPath)
call mem_allocate(this%iumvr, 'IUMVR', this%memoryPath)
+ call mem_allocate(this%iugrb, 'IUGRB', this%memoryPath)
call mem_allocate(this%nflowpack, 'NFLOWPACK', this%memoryPath)
call mem_allocate(this%idryinactive, "IDRYINACTIVE", this%memoryPath)
@@ -220,6 +226,7 @@ subroutine allocate_scalars(this)
this%iubud = 0
this%iuhds = 0
this%iumvr = 0
+ this%iugrb = 0
this%nflowpack = 0
this%idryinactive = 1
end subroutine allocate_scalars
@@ -325,7 +332,7 @@ end subroutine read_options
!> @brief Read packagedata block from input file
- subroutine read_packagedata(this)
+ subroutine read_package_data(this)
! -- modules
use OpenSpecModule, only: ACCESS, FORM
use ConstantsModule, only: LINELENGTH, DEM6, LENPACKAGENAME
@@ -346,12 +353,12 @@ subroutine read_packagedata(this)
iapt = 0
blockrequired = .true.
- ! -- get options block
+ ! -- get packagedata block
call this%parser%GetBlock('PACKAGEDATA', isfound, ierr, &
blockRequired=blockRequired, &
- ! -- parse options block if detected
+ ! -- parse packagedata block if detected
if (isfound) then
write (this%iout, '(1x,a)') 'PROCESSING FMI PACKAGEDATA'
@@ -410,6 +417,19 @@ subroutine read_packagedata(this)
call budgetobject_cr_bfr(this%mvrbudobj, 'MVT', this%iumvr, &
call this%mvrbudobj%fill_from_bfr(this%dis, this%iout)
+ case ('GWFGRID')
+ call this%parser%GetStringCaps(keyword)
+ if (keyword /= 'FILEIN') then
+ call store_error('GWFGRID KEYWORD MUST BE FOLLOWED BY '// &
+ '"FILEIN" then by filename.')
+ call this%parser%StoreErrorUnit()
+ end if
+ call this%parser%GetString(fname)
+ inunit = getunit()
+ call openfile(inunit, this%iout, fname, 'DATA(BINARY)', FORM, &
+ this%iugrb = inunit
+ this%mdldis => load_grb(this%iugrb, this%iout)
case default
write (errmsg, '(a,3(1x,a))') &
'UNKNOWN', trim(adjustl(this%text)), 'PACKAGEDATA:', trim(keyword)
@@ -418,28 +438,21 @@ subroutine read_packagedata(this)
end do
write (this%iout, '(1x,a)') 'END OF FMI PACKAGEDATA'
end if
- end subroutine read_packagedata
+ end subroutine read_package_data
!> @brief Initialize the budget file reader
- !<
subroutine initialize_bfr(this)
- ! -- modules
class(FlowModelInterfaceType) :: this
- ! -- dummy
integer(I4B) :: ncrbud
- !
- ! -- Initialize the budget file reader
call this%bfr%initialize(this%iubud, this%iout, ncrbud)
- !
- ! -- todo: need to run through the budget terms
- ! and do some checking
+ ! todo: need to run through the budget terms
+ ! and do some checking
end subroutine initialize_bfr
!> @brief Advance the budget file reader
!! Advance the budget file reader by reading the next chunk
!! of information for the current time step and stress period.
- !!
subroutine advance_bfr(this)
! -- modules
@@ -586,35 +599,22 @@ subroutine advance_bfr(this)
end subroutine advance_bfr
!> @brief Finalize the budget file reader
- !<
subroutine finalize_bfr(this)
- ! -- modules
class(FlowModelInterfaceType) :: this
- ! -- dummy
- !
- ! -- Finalize the budget file reader
call this%bfr%finalize()
- !
end subroutine finalize_bfr
!> @brief Initialize the head file reader
- !<
subroutine initialize_hfr(this)
- ! -- modules
class(FlowModelInterfaceType) :: this
- ! -- dummy
- !
- ! -- Initialize the budget file reader
call this%hfr%initialize(this%iuhds, this%iout)
- !
- ! -- todo: need to run through the head terms
- ! and do some checking
+ ! todo: need to run through the head terms
+ ! and do some checking
end subroutine initialize_hfr
!> @brief Advance the head file reader
- !<
subroutine advance_hfr(this)
- ! -- modules
+ ! modules
use TdisModule, only: kstp, kper
class(FlowModelInterfaceType) :: this
integer(I4B) :: nu, nr, i, ilay
@@ -705,22 +705,27 @@ subroutine advance_hfr(this)
end subroutine advance_hfr
!> @brief Finalize the head file reader
- !<
subroutine finalize_hfr(this)
- ! -- modules
class(FlowModelInterfaceType) :: this
- ! -- dummy
- !
- ! -- Finalize the head file reader
close (this%iuhds)
- !
end subroutine finalize_hfr
+ !> @brief Initialize the grid file reader
+ subroutine initialize_gfr(this)
+ class(FlowModelInterfaceType) :: this
+ call this%gfr%initialize(this%iugrb)
+ end subroutine initialize_gfr
+ !> @brief Finalize the grid file reader
+ subroutine finalize_gfr(this)
+ class(FlowModelInterfaceType) :: this
+ call this%gfr%finalize()
+ end subroutine finalize_gfr
!> @brief Initialize gwf terms from budget file
!! initialize terms and figure out how many
!! different terms and packages are contained within the file
- !!
subroutine initialize_gwfterms_from_bfr(this)
! -- modules
@@ -818,7 +823,6 @@ subroutine initialize_gwfterms_from_bfr(this)
end subroutine initialize_gwfterms_from_bfr
!> @brief Initialize gwf terms from a GWF exchange
- !<
subroutine initialize_gwfterms_from_gwfbndlist(this)
! -- modules
use BndModule, only: BndType, GetBndFromList
@@ -918,22 +922,16 @@ subroutine allocate_gwfpackages(this, ngwfterms)
end subroutine allocate_gwfpackages
!> @brief Deallocate memory in the gwfpackages array
- !<
subroutine deallocate_gwfpackages(this)
- ! -- modules
- ! -- dummy
class(FlowModelInterfaceType) :: this
- ! -- local
integer(I4B) :: n
- !
- ! -- initialize
do n = 1, this%nflowpack
call this%gwfpackages(n)%da()
end do
end subroutine deallocate_gwfpackages
!> @brief Find the package index for the package with the given name
- !<
subroutine get_package_index(this, name, idx)
use BndModule, only: BndType, GetBndFromList
class(FlowModelInterfaceType) :: this
diff --git a/src/Model/TransportModel/tsp-fmi.f90 b/src/Model/TransportModel/tsp-fmi.f90
index bd696f98fab..caed1abf753 100644
--- a/src/Model/TransportModel/tsp-fmi.f90
+++ b/src/Model/TransportModel/tsp-fmi.f90
@@ -351,6 +351,7 @@ subroutine gwtfmi_da(this)
call mem_deallocate(this%iubud)
call mem_deallocate(this%iuhds)
call mem_deallocate(this%iumvr)
+ call mem_deallocate(this%iugrb)
call mem_deallocate(this%nflowpack)
call mem_deallocate(this%idryinactive)
diff --git a/src/Utilities/BudgetFileReader.f90 b/src/Utilities/BudgetFileReader.f90
index 4094d4ff098..fc0e99e6751 100644
--- a/src/Utilities/BudgetFileReader.f90
+++ b/src/Utilities/BudgetFileReader.f90
@@ -56,8 +56,7 @@ module BudgetFileReaderModule
- !< @brief initialize
- !<
+ !< @brief Initialize the budget file reader
subroutine initialize(this, iu, iout, ncrbud)
! -- dummy
class(BudgetFileReaderType) :: this
@@ -69,6 +68,7 @@ subroutine initialize(this, iu, iout, ncrbud)
integer(I4B) :: kstp_last, kper_last
integer(I4B) :: maxaux
logical :: success
this%inunit = iu
this%endoffile = .false.
this%nbudterms = 0
@@ -224,8 +224,7 @@ subroutine read_record(this, success, iout_opt)
end if
end subroutine read_record
- !< @brief finalize
- !<
+ !< @brief Finalize the budget file reader
subroutine finalize(this)
class(BudgetFileReaderType) :: this
close (this%inunit)
diff --git a/src/Utilities/GridFileReader.f90 b/src/Utilities/GridFileReader.f90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..99c36b558a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Utilities/GridFileReader.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+module GridFileReaderModule
+ use KindModule
+ use SimModule, only: store_error, store_error_unit
+ use ConstantsModule, only: LINELENGTH
+ use BaseDisModule, only: DisBaseType
+ use DisModule, only: DisType
+ use DisvModule, only: DisvType
+ use DisuModule, only: DisuType
+ use InputOutputModule, only: urword, read_line
+ use LongLineReaderModule, only: LongLineReaderType
+ implicit none
+ private :: load_dis, load_disv, load_disu
+ public :: load_grb
+ contains
+ !> @brief Load a discretization from a binary grid file.
+ function load_grb(inunit, iout) result(dis)
+ ! dummy
+ integer(I4B), intent(in) :: inunit
+ integer(I4B), intent(in), optional :: iout
+ class(DisBaseType), pointer :: dis
+ ! local
+ type(LongLineReaderType) :: line_reader
+ character(len=:), allocatable :: line
+ integer(I4B) :: liout, lloc, istart, istop, ival, ierr
+ character(len=10) :: grid
+ integer(I4B) :: version, ntxt, lentxt
+ if (present(iout)) then
+ liout = iout
+ else
+ liout = 0
+ end if
+ ! grid type
+ call line_reader%rdcom(inunit, liout, line, ierr)
+ lloc = 1
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ grid = line(istart:istop)
+ call upcase(grid)
+ ! version
+ call line_reader%rdcom(inunit, liout, line, ierr)
+ lloc = 1
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 2, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ version = ival
+ ! ntxt
+ call line_reader%rdcom(inunit, liout, line, ierr)
+ lloc = 1
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 2, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ ntxt = ival
+ ! lentxt
+ call line_reader%rdcom(inunit, liout, line, ierr)
+ lloc = 1
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 2, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ lentxt = ival
+ ! load grid-specific data
+ select case (grid)
+ case ('DIS')
+ dis => load_dis(inunit, liout)
+ case ('DISV')
+ dis => load_disv(inunit, liout)
+ case ('DISU')
+ dis => load_disu(inunit, liout)
+ end select
+ ! rewind file
+ rewind (inunit)
+ end function load_grb
+ function load_dis(inunit, iout) result(dis)
+ ! dummy
+ integer(I4B), intent(in) :: inunit
+ integer(I4B), intent(in), optional :: iout
+ type(DisType), pointer :: dis
+ ! local
+ type(LongLineReaderType) :: line_reader
+ end function load_dis
+ function load_disv(inunit, iout) result(disv)
+ ! dummy
+ integer(I4B), intent(in) :: inunit
+ integer(I4B), intent(in), optional :: iout
+ type(DisvType), pointer :: disv
+ ! local
+ type(LongLineReaderType) :: line_reader
+ character(len=:), allocatable :: line
+ integer(I4B) :: dim, lloc, istart, istop, ival, ierr
+ real(DP) :: rval
+ integer(I4B) :: ncells, nlay, ncpl, nvert, njavert, nja
+ integer(I4B), allocatable :: shp(:)
+ ! 1. read header text
+ ! ncells integer ndim 0 #
+ call line_reader%rdcom(inunit, liout, line, ierr)
+ lloc = 1
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 2, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ ncells = ival
+ ! nlay integer ndim 0 #
+ call line_reader%rdcom(inunit, liout, line, ierr)
+ lloc = 1
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 2, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ nlay = ival
+ ! ncpl integer ndim 0 #
+ call line_reader%rdcom(inunit, liout, line, ierr)
+ lloc = 1
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 2, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ ncpl = ival
+ ! nvert integer ndim 0 #
+ call line_reader%rdcom(inunit, liout, line, ierr)
+ lloc = 1
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 2, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ nvert = ival
+ ! njavert integer ndim 0 #
+ call line_reader%rdcom(inunit, liout, line, ierr)
+ lloc = 1
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 2, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ njavert = ival
+ ! nja integer ndim 0 #
+ call line_reader%rdcom(inunit, liout, line, ierr)
+ lloc = 1
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 2, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ nja = ival
+ ! xorigin double ndim 0 #
+ call line_reader%rdcom(inunit, liout, line, ierr)
+ lloc = 1
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 3, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ xorigin = rval
+ ! yorigin double ndim 0 #
+ call line_reader%rdcom(inunit, liout, line, ierr)
+ lloc = 1
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 3, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ yorigin = rval
+ ! angrot double ndim 0 #
+ call line_reader%rdcom(inunit, liout, line, ierr)
+ lloc = 1
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 1, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ call urword(line, lloc, istart, istop, 3, ival, rval, liout, 0)
+ angrot = rval
+ ! top
+ ! botm
+ ! vertices
+ ! cellx
+ ! celly
+ ! iavert
+ ! javert
+ ! ia
+ ! ja
+ ! idomain
+ ! icelltype
+ ! 2. allocate disv object
+ allocate (disv)
+ call dis%allocate_scalars("", input_mempath)
+ allocate (disv%nodesuser(ncells))
+ allocate (disv%bot(ncells))
+ allocate (disv%idomain(ncells))
+ allocate (disv%icelltype(ncells))
+ allocate (disv%con)
+ allocate (disv%con%iausr(ncells + 1))
+ ! 3. read/populate arrays
+ end function load_disv
+ function load_disu(inunit, iout) result(disu)
+ ! dummy
+ integer(I4B), intent(in) :: inunit
+ integer(I4B), intent(in), optional :: iout
+ type(DisuType), pointer :: disu
+ ! local
+ type(LongLineReaderType) :: line_reader
+ end function load_disu
+end module GridFileReaderModule
diff --git a/src/meson.build b/src/meson.build
index 0cd60f953c5..7a15500bd7d 100644
--- a/src/meson.build
+++ b/src/meson.build
@@ -383,6 +383,7 @@ modflow_sources = files(
'Utilities' / 'DevFeature.f90',
'Utilities' / 'ErrorUtil.f90',
'Utilities' / 'GeomUtil.f90',
+ 'Utilities' / 'GridFileReader.f90',
'Utilities' / 'HashTable.f90',
'Utilities' / 'HeadFileReader.f90',
'Utilities' / 'HGeoUtil.f90',