When running locally it is possible to enable the
Django Debug Toolbar
by defining the ENABLE_DEBUG_TOOLBAR
environment variable:
$ ENABLE_DEBUG_TOOLBAR=1 ./runserver.sh
This tool exposes various useful pieces of information about things like HTTP headers, Django settings, SQL queries, and template variables. Note that running with the toolbar on may have an impact on local server performance.
To log database queries to the console when running locally,
environment variable:
$ ENABLE_SQL_LOGGING=1 cfgov/manage.py shell
>>> from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
>>> User = get_user_model()
>>> User.objects.count()
(0.004) SELECT COUNT(*) AS "__count" FROM "auth_user"; args=()
This will log any database queries (and time taken to execute them) to the console, and works with any Django code invoked from the shell, including the server and management commands:
$ ENABLE_SQL_LOGGING=1 ./runserver.sh
$ ENABLE_SQL_LOGGING=1 cfgov/manage.py some_management_command
Similarly, to log Elasticsearch queries to the console when running locally,
environment variable.
This will log any Elasticsearch queries (and time taken to execute them) to the console, and works with any Django code invoked from the shell, including the server and management commands:
$ ENABLE_ES_LOGGING=1 ./runserver.sh
$ ENABLE_ES_LOGGING=1 cfgov/manage.py some_management_command
This project can be configured for real-time monitoring with New Relic. This requires an active New Relic account and a valid license key.
First, you'll need to install
the New Relic Python Agent
from PyPI.
This package is not part of the standard development requirements but is
included in
the requirements/deployment.txt
It can be installed into your Python environment using the following command:
$ pip install newrelic
New Relic monitoring is implemented by wrapping every request to the Django web server with a call to the Python agent. This agent records information about web requests and reports it back to New Relic's servers. Additionally, and depending on configuration, the agent also injects a bit of JavaScript into every page header allowing for monitoring of client-side performance in the web browser.
The New Relic Python agent has many
configuration settings
that control the information that gets recorded about web requests. This
project includes a default
file that enables New Relic's
high security mode
to limit the recording of potentially sensitive information.
To activate New Relic monitoring of your instance of cf.gov, you'll need to set two environment variables:
: a valid New Relic license keyNEW_RELIC_APP_NAME
: a unique identifier to describe your running application
Make sure to choose a unique application name to help distinguish your web traffic from any other users who may be running against the same New Relic account.
This project's
file contains placeholder entries for these two variables.
Once you've set these two variables, start or restart your local web server.
When you make your first web request, you'll see messages in the console indicating that the New Relic Python agent has been activated. You should also see a message containing a link to the New Relic console:
Reporting to: https://rpm.newrelic.com/accounts/XXXXXXXX/applications/XXXXXXXX
You should now be able to use that link to navigate to the New Relic console and, after a few seconds, see your web server traffic in New Relic APM and New Relic Browser.