Electron-based desktop app to manage and configure WPLib Box
For running of the WPLib Box in to your environment, follow the steps below:
With SSH:
$ git clone git@github.com:wplib/box-admin.git
or with HTTPS:
$ git clone https://github.com/wplib/box-admin.git
and then either the folder:
$ cd box-admin
To install the required dependencies with npm:
$ npm i
or with yarn:
$ yarn install
NOTE: To use the Box Admin application, you need to have the WPLib Box virtual machine running in your environment.
If you have already done this, skip to step 3.2
Turn the following commands to install WPLib Box:
- Oracle Virtual Box
- Vagrant by HashiCorp
For install the Box, turn of the following the below steps:
Then enter the folder gearbox.local
$ cd src/renderer/box/gearbox.local/
And run the commands below in the terminal
$ vagrant up
NOTE: This is a process that may take a while and may vary from the environment and speed of your internet connection.
To run the virtual machine, run the command below on the terminal in the gearbox.local folder:
$ cd src/renderer/box/gearbox.local/
Running the virtual machine:
$ vagrant up
To install the required dependencies, run the command below on the terminal in the spa folder:
$ cd src/renderer/box/gearbox.local/www/spa/
With npm:
$ npm i
Or with yarn:
$ yarn install
To build assets, run:
$ npm run build
For static files to be accessible through the url http://gearbox.local
you need to copy the files generated after the build that are in src/renderer/box/gearbox.local/www/spa/dist
to src/renderer/box/gearbox.local/www
Turn the following commands on the terminal to use project as a developer:
$ npm run dev
To generate the applications for the platform, run the following commands on the terminal according to your environment:
$ npm run build:mac
$ npm run build:windows
# run unit & end-to-end tests
$ npm test
# lint all JS/Vue component files in `src/`
$ npm run lint