This is the hands-on part in chapter 3 for reviewing changes - especially making suggestions.
Copy the following code to your clipboard by clicking the icon in the top right corner.
var lookup = { M:1000,CM:900,D:500,CD:400,C:100,XC:90,L:50,XL:40,X:10,IX:9,V:5,IV:4,I:1 }; var roman = ''; var i; for ( i in lookup ) { while ( num >= lookup[i] ) { roman += i; num -= lookup[i]; } } return roman;
Navigate to src/app.js and edit the file by clicking the pencil 🖊️ icon in the top right corner. Make sure you have selected the right branch in the top left corner!
Delete line 2 and insert the code by presssing Ctrl+V.
Commit directly to the branch you created in
Navigate back to the pull request and look for src/app.js under
Files changed
. Mark lines 6 to 9 and create a multi-line comment. Click the suggestion button and you'll see that the code is in the suggestion block including whitespaces. -
Add 4 blanks to the beginning of every line to fix the indent issue with the nested while loop. Click
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