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yaml merge Anchor Options

William W. Kimball, Jr., MBA, MSIS edited this page Sep 30, 2020 · 24 revisions
  1. Introduction
  2. Scalar Anchors
    1. Left Scalar Anchor Override
    2. Right Scalar Anchor Override
    3. Rename Conflicting Scalar Anchors
  3. Hash Anchors
    1. Left Hash Anchor Override
    2. Right Hash Anchor Override
    3. Rename Conflicting Hash Anchors


The yaml-merge command-line tool enables users to control how it handle conflicting Anchors during a merge operation. Non-conflicting Anchors are automatically merged and the definition-use order between each Anchor and its Aliases is preserved during the merge. An Anchor conflict occurs only when the same Anchor name is used in both of the LHS and RHS documents and the Anchored value is different between them.

Any attempt to merge with Anchor conflicts when using default options will result in an error. This is because the yaml-path tool will refuse any operation which would destroy data unless the user explicitly instructs it to do so, and how. Not all Anchor conflict resolution options are destructive; the rename option reserves all Anchors and their Aliases in both documents by uniquely renaming conflicting Anchors and Aliases in the RHS document.

But what are Anchors? In short:

Anchors are a name assigned to a Scalar or Hash (AKA: Map, Dictionary) YAML data element. This name is prefixed with an & sign. Beyond that point within the same YAML document, the data which was "anchored" can be re-used any number of times by referencing the Anchor via its Alias form whereby the & is replaced with an * sign.

In other words, YAML defines two kinds of Anchors. Scalar Anchors define reusable Scalar values (which are String, Integer, Float, Boolean, etc. data types). Hash Anchors (AKA Map Anchors or Dictionary Anchors). To date, there is no definition in YAML for an Array Anchor (AKA List Anchor AKA Sequence Anchor).

Each of these Anchor types will be explored in how they are merged based on user option selection. When there is no conflict, RHS Anchors are merged into the LHS document no matter what Anchor merge option is selected. In order to resolve Anchor conflicts, the yaml-merge tool's available Anchor merge options include:

  1. stop (the default) causes merging to abort upon detection of an Anchor conflict.
  2. left causes LHS Anchors to overwrite conflicting RHS Anchors.
  3. right causes RHS Anchors to overwrite conflicting LHS Anchors.
  4. rename causes RHS Anchors to be automatically and uniquely renamed before they are merged into the LHS document. The RHS document is updated to use the new Anchor name everywhere its Aliases appear before the merge.

Scalar Anchors

Scalar Anchors are usually gathered up into a special Array named aliases: near the top of each YAML file. Such a file might look like:

File: LHS1.yaml

  - &scalar_anchor_string This is a reusable String value
  - &scalar_anchor_integer 5280

      string_alias: *scalar_anchor_string
      integer_alias: *scalar_anchor_integer
    string_alias: *scalar_anchor_string
    integer_alias: *scalar_anchor_integer

Were you to query the YAML file at /a_hash/which_reuses/those_anchors/string_alias (or a_hash.which_reuses.those_anchors.string_alias), you'd get back This is a reusable String value:

yaml-get --query=/a_hash/which_reuses/those_anchors/string_alias LHS1.yaml
This is a reusable String value

We can impose an Anchor conflict by attempting to merge with:

File: RHS1.yaml

  - &scalar_anchor_string A DIFFERENT STRING VALUE
  - &scalar_anchor_integer 5280

  another_alias_string: *scalar_anchor_string
  another_alias_integer: *scalar_anchor_integer

Notice that RHS1.yaml redefines &scalar_anchor_string but not &scalar_anchor_integer. In this case, only &scalar_anchor_string is in conflict. A query against /another_hash/another_alias_string (or another_hash.another_alias_string) in RHS1.yaml would yield the expected value:

yaml-get --query=/another_hash/another_alias_string RHS1.yaml

The next sub-sections are examples of the various ways to deal with such an Anchor conflict.

Left Scalar Anchor Override

You can instruct yaml-merge to override the value of conflicting Anchors in the RHS document. By setting --anchors=left or -a left, yaml-merge would produce this output:

  - &scalar_anchor_string This is a reusable String value
  - &scalar_anchor_integer 5280
  - *scalar_anchor_string
  - *scalar_anchor_integer
      string_alias: *scalar_anchor_string
      integer_alias: *scalar_anchor_integer
    string_alias: *scalar_anchor_string
    integer_alias: *scalar_anchor_integer
  another_alias_string: *scalar_anchor_string
  another_alias_integer: *scalar_anchor_integer

Notice that the RHS Anchors were turned into Aliases of the same-named LHS Anchors. Because the default option for Arrays is to preserve all elements from both documents during the merge, the aliases: array receives the redefined Anchors-as-Aliases from the RHS document. This is normal and you can override this behavior.

If you were to repeat the previous two queries against the merged document, and inspect the resulting aliases: Array, you'd get:

yaml-merge --anchors=left LHS1.yaml RHS1.yaml | yaml-get --query=/a_hash/which_reuses/those_anchors/string_alias -
This is a reusable String value

yaml-merge --anchors=left LHS1.yaml RHS1.yaml | yaml-get --query=/another_hash/another_alias_string -
This is a reusable String value

yaml-merge --anchors=left LHS1.yaml RHS1.yaml | yaml-get --query=/aliases -
["This is a reusable String value", 5280, "This is a reusable String value", 5280]

Right Scalar Anchor Override

You can instruct yaml-merge to override the value of conflicting Anchors in the LHS document. By setting --anchors=right or -a right, yaml-merge would produce this output:

  - &scalar_anchor_string A DIFFERENT STRING VALUE
  - &scalar_anchor_integer 5280
  - *scalar_anchor_string
  - *scalar_anchor_integer
      string_alias: *scalar_anchor_string
      integer_alias: *scalar_anchor_integer
    string_alias: *scalar_anchor_string
    integer_alias: *scalar_anchor_integer
  another_alias_string: *scalar_anchor_string
  another_alias_integer: *scalar_anchor_integer

Notice that the conflicting RHS Anchor (&scalar_anchor_string) has replaced the original LHS value. As with the right behavior and because the default option for Arrays is to preserve all elements from both documents during the merge, the aliases: array again shows the redefined Anchors-as-Aliases from the LHS and RHS documents. This is normal and you can override this behavior.

If you were to repeat the previous two queries against the merged document, and inspect the resulting aliases: Array, you'd get:

yaml-merge --anchors=right LHS1.yaml RHS1.yaml | yaml-get --query=/a_hash/which_reuses/those_anchors/string_alias -

yaml-merge --anchors=right LHS1.yaml RHS1.yaml | yaml-get --query=/another_hash/another_alias_string -

yaml-merge --anchors=right LHS1.yaml RHS1.yaml | yaml-get --query=/aliases -

Rename Conflicting Scalar Anchors

You may not always wish to override the values of Scalar Anchors during a merge. In some cases, such collisions may be accidental and you really need both documents' Anchors to be preserved during the merge. For this and similar cases, yaml-merge supports a rename option for handling Anchor collisions. By setting --anchors=rename or -a rename, yaml-merge would produce this output:

  - &scalar_anchor_string This is a reusable String value
  - &scalar_anchor_integer 5280
  - &scalar_anchor_string_1 A DIFFERENT STRING VALUE
  - *scalar_anchor_integer
      string_alias: *scalar_anchor_string
      integer_alias: *scalar_anchor_integer
    string_alias: *scalar_anchor_string
    integer_alias: *scalar_anchor_integer
  another_alias_string: *scalar_anchor_string_1
  another_alias_integer: *scalar_anchor_integer

Notice that the conflicting RHS Anchor (&scalar_anchor_string) was renamed to &scalar_anchor_string_1. Throughout the rest of the merged document, all uses of the previously-conflicting Anchor name have been renamed to match this change, fully preserving both the LHS and RHS documents in the merged result. Note also that the non-conflicting anchor (&scalar_anchor_integer) caused no disruption and seamlessly integrated with the LHS original. Because the default option for Arrays is to preserve all elements from both documents during the merge, the aliases: array again shows the redefined Anchor-as-Alias for this non-conflicting element. This is normal and you can override this behavior.

If you were to repeat the previous two queries against the merged document, and inspect the resulting aliases: Array, you'd get:

yaml-merge --anchors=rename LHS1.yaml RHS1.yaml | yaml-get --query=/a_hash/which_reuses/those_anchors/string_alias -
This is a reusable String value

yaml-merge --anchors=rename LHS1.yaml RHS1.yaml | yaml-get --query=/another_hash/another_alias_string -

yaml-merge --anchors=rename LHS1.yaml RHS1.yaml | yaml-get --query=/aliases -
["This is a reusable String value", 5280, "A DIFFERENT STRING VALUE", 5280]

In most cases, this is probably the preferred outcome.

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