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Releases: xapi-project/xs-opam

Improve packages in xs-extra

06 Apr 10:44
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This release contains improvement in the xs-extra hierarchy that contains toolstack components.

054a791 2017-04-02 Merge pull request #65 from lindig/master     GitHub      
09d103e 2017-04-02 Update README: Travis builds and role of in.. ..ian Lindig
15d4f83 2017-04-02 Update .gitignore                             ..ian Lindig
1626afb 2017-04-02 Merge pull request #64 from jonludlam/master  GitHub      
a91741b 2017-03-31 Add xenopsd dependence to xapi                Jon Ludlam  
7894ce6 2017-03-31 Add ezxenstore dependence to xapi-libs-tran.. Jon Ludlam  
0249c8e 2017-03-30 Merge pull request #63 from mseri/master      GitHub      
f0f894b 2017-03-30 xenopsd: update opam file                     ..cello Seri
6ad448c 2017-03-30 Merge pull request #61 from mseri/master      GitHub      
5ae075a 2017-03-30 disable libvirt in xenopsd                    ..cello Seri
2792e3b 2017-03-29 update xapi-rrdd and xapi-xenopsd opam files  ..cello Seri

Improved Travis builds, fixes in meta data

30 Mar 10:18
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This release cleans up meta data and improves Travis builds.

83b6984 2017-03-27 Merge pull request #60 from jonludlam/master  GitHub      
b23d00e 2017-03-27 Merge pull request #59 from mseri/master      GitHub      
3849cdc 2017-03-27 Fix uninstall of netdev and tapctl            Jon Ludlam  
d67a1a6 2017-03-27 fokexecd: fix uninstall step in opamfile      ..cello Seri
a853d0d 2017-03-25 Merge pull request #57 from lindig/master     GitHub      
d52f5cc 2017-03-24 Simplify                            ..ian Lindig
055ced7 2017-03-24 Merge pull request #56 from mseri/travis      GitHub      
cca69c5 2017-03-24 travis: re-introduce use of depext            ..cello Seri
bef2cd1 2017-03-24 travis: make 1s meaningful                    ..cello Seri
4d14cc2 2017-03-24 .travis: reorder to follow execution          ..cello Seri
3eedb21 2017-03-24 xapi: update opam file                        ..cello Seri
f59e1f0 2017-03-24 travis: fix concatenated variables syntax     ..cello Seri
e3de1e7 2017-03-24 travis: separate non extra packages from ex.. ..cello Seri
3c331dc 2017-03-23 update README and comments                    ..cello Seri
ebd9270 2017-03-23 travis: add opam lint failable step           ..cello Seri
5558051 2017-03-23 xapi, xenopsd: update opam file               ..cello Seri
cca8b69 2017-03-23 bisect: time to get rid of it                 ..cello Seri
6b00594 2017-03-22 travis: restructure travis file               ..cello Seri
00637de 2017-03-22 rrd2csv: correctly rename dependency          ..cello Seri
7072663 2017-03-22 travis: use our script instead                ..cello Seri
344f7a5 2017-03-22 unstuck xenctrl to allow full test            ..cello Seri
07039b1 2017-03-22 travis: use new style                         ..cello Seri

More packages in xs-extra, new upstream-extra, improved Travis builds

23 Mar 09:57
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This release adds a new name space upstream-extra, more packages in xs-extra, and improved Travis builds. The new entries are mostly taken from, which is now depricated. These packages are mostly for daemons and tools, rather than libraries. However, they are not fully portable and might not build on all OCaml platforms -- see Overall is this release moving us closer to better Opam support for XenServer toolstack components.

9930f48 2017-03-22 Merge pull request #46 from jonludlam/ezxen.. GitHub      
ee036dd 2017-03-22 Use new release                               Jon Ludlam  
6a67f81 2017-03-22 Add build-time oasis dependency to ezxensto.. Jon Ludlam  
9c35316 2017-03-22 Merge pull request #55 from mseri/master      GitHub      
24ad587 2017-03-22 upstream-extra: introduce ocveralls for cov.. ..cello Seri
ec91f5f 2017-03-21 Merge pull request #53 from mseri/rrd2csv     GitHub      
c8a3b45 2017-03-21 rrd2csv: point at archive/master              ..cello Seri
f81cb1d 2017-03-21 Merge pull request #52 from lindig/blacklist  GitHub      
b36b1c0 2017-03-21 Merge pull request #54 from mseri/master      GitHub      
bf7b38a 2017-03-21 upstream-extra: introduce qcheck and qtest .. ..cello Seri
ff04005 2017-03-21 rrd2csv: introduce to xs-extra                ..cello Seri
6882ecd 2017-03-21 For Travis, move from whitelist to blacklis.. ..ian Lindig
4c0586d 2017-03-21 Merge pull request #50 from mseri/master      GitHub      
f72c366 2017-03-21 Update README after introducing upstream-ex.. GitHub      
99359ee 2017-03-21 bos: downgrade to fulfil topkg constraint     ..cello Seri
c67566e 2017-03-21 upstream-extra: add missing test deps (bos,.. ..cello Seri
be2c0f1 2017-03-21 Add ezxenstore library                        Jon Ludlam  
349e7ca 2017-03-21 Merge pull request #48 from mseri/master      GitHub      
6ac6536 2017-03-21 Merge pull request #47 from gaborigloi/sync.. GitHub      
d0eaf43 2017-03-21 include packages in upstream-extra ..cello Seri
754ba3f 2017-03-21 upstream-extra: add alcotest, necessary to .. ..cello Seri
2024247 2017-03-21 message-switch: add upstream version contra.. Gabor Igloi 
fe2aadc 2017-03-21 Synchronize message-switch opam file with u.. Gabor Igloi 
51b36fd 2017-03-20 Merge pull request #45 from jonludlam/sbr-c.. GitHub      
dad813e 2017-03-20 Add constraint to shared-block-ring package   Jon Ludlam  
26f44b5 2017-03-20 Merge pull request #44 from lindig/CP-20959   GitHub      
4e73537 2017-03-20 Update maintainer of xen-gnt to xen-api@lis.. ..ian Lindig
e7c91b4 2017-03-20 Remove constraint on ocaml version in xs/ h.. ..ian Lindig
f1fd709 2017-03-20 Move xapi-storage-ffs to follow HEAD of its.. ..ian Lindig
a33fd1b 2017-03-20 Update maintainers, remove constraint on OC.. ..ian Lindig
9fa1835 2017-03-17 Add to test building xapi, xenopsd .. ..ian Lindig
269d495 2017-03-17 Remove version constraints                    ..ian Lindig
46b345d 2017-03-17 Fix xapi's opam file                          ..ian Lindig
a94b8fa 2017-03-17 Reformat opam files for forkexecd, rrdd, xe.. ..ian Lindig
c034ba1 2017-03-17 Improve xapi's opam file. Not sure it is co.. ..ian Lindig
984ac13 2017-03-16 Add xapi-storage-ffs to xs-extra              ..ian Lindig
3705604 2017-03-16 Add xapi-plugin to xs-extra                   ..ian Lindig
bc5d727 2017-03-16 Add rrddump to xs-extra                       ..ian Lindig
6670258 2017-03-16 Fix xapi-squeezed opam file                   ..ian Lindig
ed2936a 2017-03-16 Fix xapi-storage-script opam file             ..ian Lindig
6567037 2017-03-16 Fix xapi-storage opam file                    ..ian Lindig
5b9f3f4 2017-03-16 xenctrl: add url file (that is not always u.. ..ian Lindig
35641c1 2017-03-16 Fix xapi-xenopsd opam file                    ..ian Lindig
be84b9c 2017-03-16 Add libvirt to xs-extra                       ..ian Lindig
d450a9d 2017-03-16 Add xenopsd to xs-extra                       ..ian Lindig
01a2e04 2017-03-16 Fix url files - point to ..ian Lindig
109d049 2017-03-10 Add xapi-storage-script to xs-extra           ..ian Lindig
b7daf13 2017-03-10 Add xapi-storage-cli to xs-extra              ..ian Lindig
ff96e9a 2017-03-10 Add xapi-storage to xs-extra                  ..ian Lindig
955a37b 2017-03-10 Add xapi-squeezed to xs-extra                 ..ian Lindig
c8f463b 2017-03-10 Add xapi-rrdd to xs-extra                     ..ian Lindig
090752c 2017-03-09 Add xapi to xs-extra                          ..ian Lindig

New packages in xs-extra, fixed Travis build, minor fixes

15 Mar 12:16
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c72cecc 2017-03-15 (github-mseri/master) vncproxy: fix opam file to pass opam lint [Marcello Seri]
fdcad72 2017-03-15 update wsproxy opam file to pass opam lint [Marcello Seri]
f8cef48 2017-03-14 wsproxy: mock install/uninstall after vncproxy [Marcello Seri]
5b4c0d3 2017-03-14 test also wsproxy [Marcello Seri]
bc700c6 2017-03-14 xenstore: remove unnecessary camlp4 dependency [Marcello Seri]
2fe1337 2017-03-14 add wsproxy to xs-extra [Marcello Seri]
7c3e9a1 2017-03-14 (lindig/master) Merge pull request #42 from lindig/master [GitHub]
94a9891 2017-03-14 Simplify and fix Opam setup in Travis [Christian]
e9a2342 2017-03-13 Merge pull request #41 from jonludlam/shared-block-ring-constraint [GitHub]
2daf2da 2017-03-13 Add constraint to shared-block-ring [Jon Ludlam]
1c5998e 2017-03-13 Merge pull request #40 from gaborigloi/add_vncproxy [GitHub]
60386bf 2017-03-10 Add vncproxy to xs-extra [Gabor Igloi]

Move fast-moving packages to new category xs-extra

10 Mar 14:23
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This release doesn't change the packages that are part of xs-opam but re-organises them. Some fast-moving packages are moved from xs into the new xs-extra hierarchy. These packages are no longer fixed to a version but follow the HEAD of their master branch. In addition, the Travis build was improved.

1ad950a 2017-03-10 Update README [Christian]
8446aaa 2017-03-10 Update README [Christian]
4d95b58 2017-03-10 xapi-xenops: follow master branch [Gabor Igloi]
a3ff8f1 2017-03-10 xapi-tapctl: follow master branch [Gabor Igloi]
eba3796 2017-03-10 xapi-rrd-transport: follow master branch [Gabor Igloi]
6dbd33a 2017-03-10 xapi-rrdd-plugin: follow master branch [Gabor Igloi]
10c6071 2017-03-10 xapi-netdev: follow master branch [Gabor Igloi]
55bd799 2017-03-10 xen-api-libs-transitional: follow master branch [Gabor Igloi]
b49a3bc 2017-03-10 Pin xapi-forkexecd to master branch [Gabor Igloi]
fae3ffb 2017-03-10 Make message-switch follow master branch [Gabor Igloi]
35e76fb 2017-03-10 Pin xapi-idl to HEAD of master branch [Gabor Igloi]
80d7478 2017-03-09 distinguish XS and XS_EXTRA packages [Gabor Igloi]
4954e4b 2017-03-09 Move fast-moving packages & dependents to xs-extra [Gabor Igloi]
7417aff 2017-03-08 Revert "travis: add missing library to XS - xapi-netdev" [Marcello Seri]
b2a48c4 2017-03-08 xapi-netdev: fix uninstall script [Marcello Seri]
b80f828 2017-03-08 travis: add missing library to XS - xapi-netdev [Marcello Seri]
6a01d3c 2017-03-08 netlink: fix uninstall script [Marcello Seri]
8755b81 2017-03-08 travis: uninstall and reinstall XS packages [Marcello Seri]
405a468 2017-03-08 xapi-stdext: fix uninstall script [Marcello Seri]
16b3041 2017-03-08 Move shared-block-ring into upstream/ directory [Gabor Igloi]
1082924 2017-03-08 Move rpc into upstream/ directory [Gabor Igloi]
cf9806c 2017-03-08 Move xenstore and xenstore_transport into upstream [Gabor Igloi]
c669a28 2017-03-08 travis: test XS packages uninstall scripts [Marcello Seri]

Update libraries to use PPX-based RPC scheme

08 Mar 14:16
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61edd2b 2017-03-08 (HEAD -> master, github-lindig/master) Update message-switch to 1.2.1 [Christian]
d7d67f9 2017-03-08 Update xapi-backtrace to 0.4 [Christian]
4546937 2017-03-08 Update xapi-forkexecd to 1.2.1 [Christian]
5070064 2017-03-08 Update xen-api-client to 0.9.14 [Christian]
d96d19b 2017-03-08 Update xapi-idl to 1.12.0 [Christian]

Include ocaml-rpc 1.9.11 which fixes a bug

03 Mar 14:58
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History of ocaml-rpc up to 1.9.11:

0f4d438 2017-03-03 (HEAD -> ppx2, tag: v1.9.11, github-lindig/ppx2, github-jonludlam/ppx2) Open Rpc module in is_string [Jon Ludlam]
d3ef65a 2017-03-03 (tag: v1.9.10) Launder the real type through an Rpc.t [Jon Ludlam]
a8738f8 2017-03-03 Fix marshalling of dictionaries [Jon Ludlam]
0fb57f1 2017-03-03 Add a test to check for correct marshalling of dictionaries [Jon Ludlam]

Upgrade ocaml-rpc to 1.9.10 (marshalling of dictionaries)

03 Mar 14:24
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This release includes ocaml-rpc 1.9.10 that fixes marshalling of dictionaries.

Update to message-switch 1.2.0, forkexecd 1.2.0

02 Mar 16:03
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9334767 2017-03-02 (HEAD -> master, lindig/master, github-xapi/master, github-lindig/master) Merge pull reques
f4acfaa 2017-03-02 Update message-switch to v1.2.0 [Gabor Igloi]
86891f1 2017-03-02 Update forkexecd to final 1.2.0 version [Gabor Igloi]
a52d71e 2017-03-01 Merge pull request #25 from gaborigloi/remove_optcomp [GitHub]
4cb56c8 2017-02-20 Remove optcomp [Gabor Igloi]

Update message-switch to 1.0.1.ppx

28 Feb 16:33
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This release includes an updated message-switch package,