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File metadata and controls

733 lines (555 loc) · 25.6 KB



jdbgen is a tool for generating text(source) files from database table informations, using in-house template engine.

If you want to create model class in java or table headers in html from database table, this tool will fit perfectly as you need.


Note! JRE 11 or above is required to run this application. Make sure JRE bin directory in PATH or JAVA_HOME has been set.

  1. Download application from latest release.
  2. Unzip downloaded archive to desired location.
  3. Run Linux/Unix/Mac) or jdbgen.cmd(for Windows) or run jdbgen-xx.jar directly as java application.

UI Workflow

Master Password

Master password is used to encrypt/decrypt your database connection informations.

At the first time you run application, master password setting window appeared.

Master password setting window

Next time you run the program, master password asking window appeared.

Master password asking window

Note! If you forgot master password, all customized informations will be lost.

Connection Manager Window

Connection manager window

Managing database connection informations, connection dependent templates and options.

General Tab

Name Descriptions
Connection Name Unique connection name which will be shown in left list
Driver JDBC driver(can be managed by Driver Manager Window)
Connection URL JDBC driver specific connection URL to database
User Name Database user name
User Password Database user password
Icon Icon used in connection list(see Icons Usage)
Connection Props Additional connection properties
Keep Alive Execute dummy query every N seconds to keep alive connection

Managing basic connection informations.

Templates Tab

Connection manager templates

Name Descriptions
Template Name A name for identifing template file
Template File Template file location(Template Instructions)
Output Name Template Output file name template(Template Instructions)

You can create/manage template presets in Template Preset Window.

Options Tab

Connection manager options

Name Descriptions
Output Directory Where the generated output files are written.
Author Name Author text(${author} in template) which used in template.
(ex. John Doe <>)
Custom Variables User defined item type variables which used in templates.

Driver Manager Window

Driver manager window

Managing JDBC driver information, driver dependent properties.

Built-in drivers are cannot be modified in this window, but you can create/clone driver informations.

General Tab

Name Descriptions
Driver Name Unique driver name which will be shown in left list
JDBC Jar JDBC driver(can be downloaded by Maven Repository Window
URL Template Driver specific JDBC connection URL template,
which shown when creating new connection
Driver Class java.sql.Driver implementation class
(when click this field, implementation class list will be shown)
User Password Database user password
Icon Icon used in driver list(see Icons Usage)
Connection Props Additional connection properties for this driver

Custom Queries Tab

Driver custom queries

Name Descriptions
Get table comments Getting table comments from schema in SQL(${catalog} and ${schema} available)
Get table column comments Getting table column comments from table in SQL(${catalog}, ${schema} and ${table} available)
Get table list Getting tables from schema in SQL(${catalog} and ${schema} available)
Get table column list Getting table column list from table in SQL(${catalog}, ${schema} and ${table} available)

If table list does not shows, you need to write these database dependent queries, refer Custom Queries.

Template Presets Window

Template preset window

Managing set of templates for specific usage.

Name Descriptions
Template Presets List of defined presets
Preset Name Unique name of preset which will be shown in left list
New Preset from Current Connection When clicked, all templates of current connection
will be copied int current preset with new preset name
Apply to Current Connection When clicked, templates of current connection
will be replaced with current preset templates
Template Name A name for identifing template file
Template File Template file location(Template Instructions)
Output Name Template Output file name template(Template Instructions)

Maven Repository Window

Maven repository window

JDBC driver search and download.

Generator Main Window

Generator main window

Generating text files using table information and templates.

Name Descriptions
Connection Current selected database connection
Catalogs/Schemas Database catalog and schema tree, select leaf node to be generated.
Show Views Toggle to show/hidden views in table list
Tables Table/View list of current schema
Templates Select template to be generated, click Select table header to select/deselect all template
Output Directory Output location of generated text/source files
Author Name Author text(${author} in template) which used in template.
(ex. John Doe <>)
Abbreviation Check if you want apply abbreviation replace to all items which has .abbr or not
Custom Variables User defined item type variables which used in templates.
Dark UI Change UI theme to dark/light.
Generate Start generate process, Progress Window will be shown.
Close Close program

Abbreviation Mapping Window

Abbreviation Mapping Window

Manage abbreviation mapping rules. This abbreviation mapping will be applied in .abbr decorator of item statement.

If you check total name it will check and replace name itself not each words.

Progress Window

Progress window

Shows progress/logs of generating process.

Icons Usage

Icon can be specified with four types:

  1. Local image/icon file.
  2. FontAwesome v4.7 icons.
  3. Color bullet.
  4. Stock icons.

Local image/icon file

This type can be specified by local filesystem absolute/relative path, "jpg", "jpeg", "tiff", "tif", "gif", "png" and "ico" files can be used.

example: /home/user/sample.png

FontAwesome v4.7 icons

FontAwesome icon is used for many web/application products recent years. v4.7 version is used in this application. Actually jiconfont-font_awesome is used in this application.

You can specify FontAwesome icon using 'fa:' prefix in Icon field. Icon color will be same as default font color.


Icon Field String

Color bullet

Color bullet is simple color circle icon, "white", "light_gray", "gray", "dark_gray", "black", "red", "pink", "orange", "yellow", "green", "magenta", "cyan" and "blue" can be used.

You can specify color bullet icon using 'color:' prefix in Icon field.


Icon Field String
$${\color{blue}⬤}$$ color:blue
$${\color{green}⬤}$$ color:green
$${\color{red}⬤}$$ color:red

Stock icons

This icons used for application internal needs, database brand icon mostly.

All available stock icons are:

Icon Field String

Template Instructions

Template is a text which uses predefined character sequence, basically opened with ${ and closed with } characters.

Here is a sample which shows how does it works.

If we have a database table created with below SQL script:

create table t_sample_album (
  album_id int not null,
  album_name varchar(256) not null,
  artist_name varchar(512) not null,
  publish_date DATE,
  primary key (album_id)
comment on table t_sample_album is 'Music Album';
comment on column t_sample_album.album_id is 'Album identifier';
comment on column t_sample_album.album_name is 'Album display name';
comment on column t_sample_album.artist_name is 'Creator artist name';
comment on column t_sample_album.publish_date is 'Published date';

and we have a template like:

 * ${remarks} Model class
 * @author ${author}
 * @version 1.0 ${date:yyyy-MM-dd}
class ${table.suffix.pascal}Model {
    ${for:item=columns}// ${remarks}
    private ${item:key=javaType, padSize=10, padDir=right} ${name.camel};
    // Getters and Setters
    // get ${remarks}
    public ${javaType} ${if:item=javaType, equals='boolean'}is${else}get${endif}${name.pascal}() {
        return ${name.camel};

    // set ${remarks}
    public void set${name.pascal}(${javaType} ${name.camel}) {
        this.${name.camel} = ${name.camel};

then will generate below code:

 * Music Album Model class
 * @author John Doe <>
 * @version 1.0 2024-08-12
class SampleAlbumModel {
    // Album identifier
    private Integer    albumId;
    // Album display name
    private String     albumName;
    // Creator artist name
    private String     artistName;
    // Published date
    private Date       publishDate;
    // Getters and Setters
    // get Album identifier
    public Integer getAlbumId() {
        return albumId;

    // set Album identifier
    public void setAlbumId(Integer albumId) {
        this.albumId = albumId;
    // get Album display name
    public String getAlbumName() {
        return albumName;

    // set Album display name
    public void setAlbumName(String albumName) {
        this.albumName = albumName;
    // get Creator artist name
    public String getArtistName() {
        return artistName;

    // set Creator artist name
    public void setArtistName(String artistName) {
        this.artistName = artistName;
    // get Published date
    public Date getPublishDate() {
        return publishDate;

    // set Published date
    public void setPublishDate(Date publishDate) {
        this.publishDate = publishDate;


Control Statements

Contol statements branchs process with condition or iterates items.

if Statement

if statement branchs process with conditional statement.

${if:item=<field>, <condition>[, <condition>]}
 ...    // conditions met
[${elif:item=<field>, <conditions>[, <condition>]} ...]
 ...    // another condition met, multiple elif can be used
 ...    // condition not met

Where field is a member of current object(table or column) decorator(like .camel, .suffix etc) can be used. conditions can be added multiple times, in this case all conditions must met to execute true part.

conditions can be one of -

Condition Description
[value|equals]=<value> When item value is equals <value>
notEquals=<value> When item value is not equals <value>
startsWith=<prefix> When item value starts with <prefix>
notStartsWith=<prefix> When item value not starts with <prefix>
endsWith=<suffix> When item value ends with <suffix>
notEndsWith=<suffix> When item value ends with <suffix>
contains=<item> When item collection contains <item> or when item is string and <item> is , separated string then item contained in <item>
notContains=<item> When item collection not contains <item> or when item is string and <item> is , separated string then item not contained in <item>
matches=<regex> When item value matches with regular expression <regex>, regex conformant with Java Regex
notMatches=<regex> When item value not matches with regular expression <regex>, regex conformant with Java Regex

Like many other language, multiple elif statement can be used and else statement is optional. if statement must be closed with endif statement.


This is ${if:item="type", startsWith="TABLE"}physical table${else}not table${endif}.
This is
${if:item="type", equals="TABLE"}
pysical table
${elif:item="type", equals="VIEW"}
virtual view
unknown object ${type}

for Statement

for statement repeats inside contents using collection items.

${for:item=<collection field>[, <controls>]}
 ...    // repeats

Where collection field is a collection type member of current object(obviously table object), for statement must be closed with endfor statement.

collection field can be one of -

Collection Field Description
columns All columns in current table object
keys Primary key fields in current table object
notKeys All columns except primary keys in current table object

and controls can be a combination of -

Control Description
inStr=<infix> Appends <infix> between iterations.
indent=<spaces> An integer value applied after line break, can be negative.
skipList=<skips> , separated column names string to skip loop

Start location of for statement is important, every line after inside line break will be indented to the start position, indent control will applied relatively with this position.

Note! Only collection item(obviously column item) is accessible inside for statement, if you want to access outer object use super statement.


SELECT ${for:item=columns, inStr=","}
       ${name} AS "${name.camel}"${endfor}
  FROM ${table}
 WHERE ${for:item=keys, inStr="AND ", indent=-4}${name} = #{${name.camel}}

results like:

       ALBUM_NAME AS "albumName",
       ARTIST_NAME AS "artistName",
       PUBLISH_DATE AS "publishDate"
 WHERE ALBUM_ID = #{albumId}

item Statement

Item means member field of table/column object in this application.

${(<field name>|<custom variable>)[<decorators>]} or
${item:key=(<field name>|<custom variable>)[<decorators>][, <extra decorators>]}

Where field name is member field name of table/column, and custom variable is user supplied variable in Generator Main Window.

decorators can be a combination of -

Decorator Repeatable Description
.abbr Apply abbreviation mapping to this item(see Abbreviation Mapping Window. Abbreviations will be replaced to replacement word according to mapping rules.
.suffix Remove prefix including first _ in value(ex. T_SAMPLE_ALBUM -> SAMPLE_ALBUM)
.prefix Remove suffix including last _ in value(ex. SAMPLE_ALBUM_T -> SAMPLE_ALBUM)
.camel Change value to camel case(ex. SAMPLE_ALBUM -> sampleAlbum)
.pascal Change value to pascal case(ex. SAMPLE_ALBUM -> SampleAlbum)
.snake Change value to snake case(ex. SAMPLE_ALBUM -> sample_album)
.screaming Change value to screaming snake case(ex. sample_album -> SAMPLE_ALBUM)
.skewer Change value to skewer case(ex. sample_album -> sample-album)
.kebab Alias of .skewer
.lower Change value to lower case(ex. SAMPLE_ALBUM -> sample_album)
.upper Change value to upper case(ex. sample_album -> SAMPLE_ALBUM)
.replace('X','Y') Replace X string to 'Y' string(ex. sample_album name.replace('album', 'music') -> sample_music)

Note! multiple decorators are processed in pipelined manner, in the other words, former decorator result will be the input of latter decorator.

extra decorators can be a combination of -

Decorator Description
padSize=<size> Appends spaces to make value length fit to size.
padDir=<direction> left or right, where the spaces appended to.
quote=<quote> Wrap value with quote string.
prepend=<prepend> Prepend prepend string to value.
postpend=<postpend> Postpend postpend string to value.


// if table like : T_SAMPLE_ALBUM ( ALBUM_ID, ALBUM_NAME )

${name.suffix.pascal}   // same as ${item:key=name.suffix.pascal}
// results SampleAlbum

${name.replace('SAMPLE', 'TEST').suffix.pascal} // same as ${item:key=name.replace('SAMPLE', 'TEST').suffix.pascal}
// results TestAlbum

[${for:item=columns, inStr=", "}${item:key=name.camel, quote="\""}${endfor}]
// results ["albumId", "albumName"]

Databse table object member fields:

Member Field Type Description
catalog String Database catalog where this table included.
schema String Database schema where this table included.
name String Table name.
table String Alias of name
type String JDBC compliant table type(TABLE, VIEW)
remark String Table comments
columns Collection of column object All columns in current table
keys Collection of column object Primary key columns of current table
notKeys Collection of column object All columns of current table except primary keys.

Database column object member fields:

Member Field Type Description
catalog String Database catalog where this column included.
schema String Database schema where this column included.
table String Database table where this column included.
name String Column name.
column String Alias of name
typeName String Column data type name
length Integer Column data type length
remarks String Column comments
nullable Integer 0 or 1. 1 is nullable
isKey Boolean true if this column is primary key
defVal String Default value of this column
typeString String Combination of typeName and length(ex. VARCHAR(40)).
jdbcType String JDBC compliant type name.
javaType String Corresponding java type name

User created custom variables can be used anywhere with same usage of item statement.

Other Statements

There are several utility statements for convenience like,

Statement Usage Description
author ${author[:<extra decorator>]} User supplied Author Name field in Generator Main Window.
date ${date[:format=<date format>]} Current date with date format which compliant with SimpleDateFormat.
user ${user[:<extra decorator>]} OS login user ID.
super ${super:key=<table member field>[<decorators>][, <extra decorator>]} Only available inside of for statement, you can access table object using this statement
Text ${"any string can include '${' or '}'"} Statement for escaping ${ or }

Custom Queries

If JDBC driver is not fully compliant with JDBC specifications, getting information of table or column will not performed successfully. So database dependent query must be supplied to get these informations.

Get Table Comments SQL

A SQL to get all table name and it's comments.

Results must contain table name and it's comments with ordered.

Supplied parameters:

Parameter Description
catalog Database catalog where schema included
schema Database schema where table included

Result set must contain these fields:

Fields Type Description
First field String Table name
Second field String Table comments

Example for MS SQL Server:

SELECT OBJNAME, cast(value as varchar(8000)) as VALUE 
FROM fn_listextendedproperty ('MS_DESCRIPTION','schema','${schema}','table',null,null,null)

Get Column Comments SQL

A SQL to get all column name of a table and it's comments.

Results must contain column name and it's comments with ordered.

Supplied parameters:

Parameter Description
catalog Database catalog where schema included
schema Database schema where table included
table Database table where columns included

Result set must contain these fields:

Fields Type Description
First field String Table column name
Second field String Table column comments

Example for MS SQL Server:

SELECT OBJNAME, cast(value as varchar(8000)) as VALUE 
FROM fn_listextendedproperty ('MS_DESCRIPTION','schema','${schema}','table','${table}','column',null)

Get Table List SQL

A SQL to get all table informations.

Results must contain correct field name and informations.

Supplied parameters:

Parameter Description
catalog Database catalog where schema included
schema Database schema where table included

Result set must contain these fields:

Fields Type Description
TABLE_CAT String Database catalog where schema included
TABLE_SCHEM String Database schema where table included
TABLE_NAME String Table name
TABLE_TYPE String JDBC table type(ex. TABLE, `VIEW)
REMARKS String Table comments

Example for H2 database:

  from information_schema.tables
 where TABLE_CATALOG='${catalog}'
   and TABLE_SCHEMA='${schema}'

Get Column List SQL

A SQL to get all column informations of a table.

Results must contain correct field name and informations.

Supplied parameters:

Parameter Description
catalog Database catalog where schema included
schema Database schema where table included
table Database table where columns included

Result set must contain these fields:

Fields Type Description
TABLE_CAT String Database catalog where schema included
TABLE_SCHEM String Database schema where table included
TABLE_NAME String Table name
COLUMN_NAME String Column name
DATA_TYPE Integer Integer value corresponding to java.sql.Types
TYPE_NAME String Database specific data type name
COLUMN_SIZE Integer Column size(length)
NULLABLE Integer 0 or 1. 1 means nullable
REMARKS String Column comments
COLUMN_DEF String Column default value
IS_KEY Integer 0 or 1. 1 means this column is member of primary key

Example for H2 database:

            WHEN DATA_TYPE='DATE' THEN 91
            ELSE 0 END AS "DATA_TYPE",
       DATA_TYPE as "TYPE_NAME",
       CASE WHEN exists(select 1
                          from information_schema.index_columns B
                         where TABLE_CATALOG='${catalog}'
                           and TABLE_SCHEMA='${schema}'
                           and TABLE_NAME='${table}'
                           and COLUMN_NAME=A.COLUMN_NAME
                           and INDEX_NAME=(select INDEX_NAME from information_schema.indexes
                                            where TABLE_CATALOG='${catalog}'
                                              and TABLE_SCHEMA='${schema}'
                                              and TABLE_NAME='${table}'
                                              and INDEX_TYPE_NAME='PRIMARY KEY'))
           THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS "IS_KEY"
  from information_schema.columns A
 where TABLE_CATALOG='${catalog}'
   and TABLE_SCHEMA='${schema}'
   and TABLE_NAME='${table}'