Add a Honeypot spam protector to use by itself or in combination with a Nocaptcha. The honeypot is inspired by spatie/laravel-honeypot as it uses an honeypot field that is invalidated when filled and validates an field that has a timestamp. The timestamp is checked to make sure the form wasn't submitted crazy fast.
composer require xddesigners/honeypotfield
Configure the honeypot spam protector by itself or with the nocapcha protector.
# configure if you want to use the honeypot by itself
default_spam_protector: XD\Honeypot\Protectors\HoneypotProtector
# configure if you want to use both capcha and honeypot protection
default_spam_protector: XD\Honeypot\Protectors\NocaptchaProtector
Configure the dis-allowed time in seconds to submit a form.
submitted_in_seconds: 5