Easy-to-grasp, step-by-step tutorials for creating firmware for the AVR family of microprocessors.
- Everything in Lesson 1 (you can also use the setup from a later lesson; we just won't be using a button for this).
Now let's do away with user input and let the processor do its own thing. Interrupts are used not only for making a system interactive; they can also handle timed events. In this lesson, we'll set up the chip's internal timer to fire off an interrupt periodically.
The ATMega88 by default runs at 1 MHz (1 million cycles/second) and has a simple internal oscillator (a.k.a. "clock") that we can play with. Projects that require precise timing use an external crystal or ceramic oscillator, which are cheap and easy to come by -- we may do something with that later. The internal clock is fine for our needs here.
- Do everything in Lesson 1 or later.
Download the code from Code 01-04 and save it to your AVR development directory. Take a look at the code. This one is also simple and commented; pay special attention to the interrupt handling.
Open a Terminal in the directory holding the code.
As in previous lessons, enter the following commands in order:
avr-gcc -g -Os -mmcu=atmega88 -c 01-04.c
avr-gcc -g -mmcu=atmega88 -o 01-04.elf 01-04.o
avr-objcopy -j .text -j .data -O ihex 01-04.elf 01-04.hex
sudo avrdude -c buspirate -P /dev/ttyUSB0 -p m88p -U flash:w:01-04.hex
As soon as the firmware is finished being flashed, the LED should begin flashing -- toggling once per second.
To get interrupts working as a delay timer, we need to do a bit more prep work and introduce some new code.
disables all interrupts while we're making changes (CLear Interrupt)
These two lines divide
the chip's frequency by 64
OCR1A = 15624;
gives a 1-second duration (1 MHz/64 - 1)
Puts Timer1 into Clear Timer on Compare (CTC) mode
Enables Timer1 Compare Match interrupt (TIMER1_COMPA_vect in code)
enables all interrupts (SEt Interrupt)
Now it's time to move on to the next lesson (if not available yet, keep your eyes open)!
As always, please send questions, corrections, and/or snide remarks to xenloops at protonmail dot com.