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The Absurdity of the Nobel Prizes in

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The Absurdity of the Nobel Prizes in Science



Philosopher Thomas Carlyle, that “the history of the world is but the biography of great men.”这个想法对应着天才都是孤独的鸡汤,但是早已过时,现在的科学都是teamiest of team sports。


**absurdity: **the quality or state of being ridiculous or wildly unreasonable; preposterousness, ridiculousness, ludicrousness

distortion: the action of giving a misleading account or impression; the action of distorting or the state of being distorted;

refrain: stop oneself from doing something; refrain from doing sh.

anachronistic: belonging to a period other than that being portrayed; belonging or appropriate to an earlier period, especially so as to seem conspicuously old-fashioned

trove: a store of valuable or delightful things

churlish: rude in a mean-spirited and surly way

cynical: believing that people are motivated by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity; skeptical, doubtful

whet: sharpen the blade of (a tool or weapon); a thing that stimulates appetite or desire


omission: someone or something that has been left out or excluded; exclusion, negligence

agony: extreme physical or mental suffering; hurt, pain

promulgate: promote or make widely known (an idea or cause)

pernicious: having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way; harmful, damaging, destructive, hurtful

hazardous: risky, dangerous

labyrinth: maze; complex

posthumously: after the death of the originator

pivotal: of crucial importance in relation to the development or success of something else; crucial, vital

propagate: breed specimens of (a plant, animal, etc.) by natural processes from the parent stock; spread and promote (an idea, theory, etc.) widely; breed, spread, reproduce

lucrative: producing a great deal of profit

proponent: a person who advocates a theory, proposal, or project; supporter, advocate

apotheosis: the highest point in the development of something; culmination or climax

consent: permission for something to happen or agreement to do something; give permission for something to happen; agreement, approval, assent

by common consent: with the agreement of all