Rasterio's command line interface (CLI) is a program named "rio" [1].
The CLI allows you to build workflows using shell commands, either interactively at the command prompt or with a script. Many common cases are covered by CLI sub-commands and it is often more convenient to use a ready-made command as opposed to implementing similar functionality as a python script.
The rio program is developed using the Click framework. Its plugin system allows external modules to share a common namespace and handling of context variables.
$ rio --help ⏎
Usage: rio [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Rasterio command line interface.
-v, --verbose Increase verbosity.
-q, --quiet Decrease verbosity.
--aws-profile TEXT Select a profile from the AWS credentials file
--aws-no-sign-requests Make requests anonymously
--aws-requester-pays Requester pays data transfer costs
--version Show the version and exit.
--help Show this message and exit.
blocks Write dataset blocks as GeoJSON features.
bounds Write bounding boxes to stdout as GeoJSON.
calc Raster data calculator.
clip Clip a raster to given bounds.
convert Copy and convert raster dataset.
edit-info Edit dataset metadata.
env Print information about the Rasterio environment.
gcps Print ground control points as GeoJSON.
info Print information about a data file.
insp Open a data file and start an interpreter.
mask Mask in raster using features.
merge Merge a stack of raster datasets.
overview Construct overviews in an existing dataset.
rasterize Rasterize features.
rm Delete a dataset.
sample Sample a dataset.
shapes Write shapes extracted from bands or masks.
stack Stack a number of bands into a multiband dataset.
transform Transform coordinates.
warp Warp a raster dataset.
Commands are shown below. See --help
of individual commands for more
For commands that create new datasets, format specific creation options may
also be passed using --co
. For example, to tile a new GeoTIFF output file,
add the following.
--co tiled=true --co blockxsize=256 --co blockysize=256
To compress it using the LZW method, add
--co compress=LZW
Added in 0.10.
The bounds
command writes the bounding boxes of raster datasets to GeoJSON for
use with, e.g., geojsonio-cli.
$ rio bounds tests/data/RGB.byte.tif --indent 2
"features": [
"geometry": {
"coordinates": [
"type": "Polygon"
"properties": {
"id": "0",
"title": "tests/data/RGB.byte.tif"
"type": "Feature"
"type": "FeatureCollection"
Shoot the GeoJSON into a Leaflet map using geojsonio-cli by typing
rio bounds tests/data/RGB.byte.tif | geojsonio
Added in 0.19
The calc
command reads files as arrays, evaluates lisp-like expressions in
their context, and writes the result as a new file. Members of the numpy
module and arithmetic and logical operators are available builtin functions
and operators. It is intended for simple calculations; any calculations
requiring multiple steps is better done in Python using the Rasterio and Numpy
Input files may have different numbers of bands but should have the same number of rows and columns. The output file will have the same number of rows and columns as the inputs and one band per element of the expression result. An expression involving arithmetic operations on N-D arrays will produce a N-D array and result in an N-band output file.
The following produces a 3-band GeoTIFF with all values scaled by 0.95 and
incremented by 2. In the expression, (read 1)
evaluates to the first
input dataset (3 bands) as a 3-D array.
$ rio calc "(+ 2 (* 0.95 (read 1)))" tests/data/RGB.byte.tif /tmp/out.tif
The following produces a 3-band GeoTIFF in which the first band is copied from
the first band of the input and the next two bands are scaled (down) by the
ratio of the first band's mean to their own means. The --name
option is
used to bind datasets to a name within the expression. (take a 1)
gets the
first band of the dataset named a
as a 2-D array and (asarray ...)
collects a sequence of 2-D arrays into a 3-D array for output.
$ rio calc "(asarray (take a 1) (* (take a 2) (/ (mean (take a 1)) (mean (take a 2)))) (* (take a 3) (/ (mean (take a 1)) (mean (take a 3)))))" \
> --name a=tests/data/RGB.byte.tif /tmp/out.rgb.tif
The command above is also an example of a calculation that is far beyond the design of the calc command and something that could be done much more efficiently in Python.
Added in 0.27
The clip
command clips a raster using bounds input directly or from a
template raster.
$ rio clip input.tif output.tif --bounds xmin ymin xmax ymax
$ rio clip input.tif output.tif --like template.tif
If using --bounds
, values must be in coordinate reference system of input.
If using --like
, bounds will automatically be transformed to match the
coordinate reference system of the input.
It can also be combined to read bounds of a feature dataset using Fiona:
$ rio clip input.tif output.tif --bounds $(fio info features.shp --bounds)
Added in 0.25
The convert
command copies and converts raster datasets to other data types
and formats (similar to gdal_translate
Data values may be linearly scaled when copying by using the --scale-ratio
and --scale-offset
options. Destination raster values are calculated as
dst = scale_ratio * src + scale_offset
For example, to scale uint16 data with an actual range of 0-4095 to 0-255 as uint8:
$ rio convert in16.tif out8.tif --dtype uint8 --scale-ratio 0.0625
You can use --rgb as shorthand for --co photometric=rgb.
Added in 0.24
The edit-info
command allows you edit a raster dataset's metadata, namely
- coordinate reference system
- affine transformation matrix
- nodata value
- tags
- color interpretation
A TIFF created by spatially-unaware image processing software like Photoshop or Imagemagick can be turned into a GeoTIFF by editing these metadata items.
For example, you can set or change a dataset's coordinate reference system to Web Mercator (EPSG:3857),
$ rio edit-info --crs EPSG:3857 example.tif
set its :ref:`affine transformation matrix <coordinate-transformation>`,
$ rio edit-info --transform "[300.0, 0.0, 101985.0, 0.0, -300.0, 2826915.0]" example.tif
or set its nodata value to, e.g., 0:
$ rio edit-info --nodata 0 example.tif
or set its color interpretation to red, green, blue, and alpha:
$ rio edit-info --colorinterp 1=red,2=green,3=blue,4=alpha example.tif
which can also be expressed as:
$ rio edit-info --colorinterp RGBA example.tif
See :class:`rasterio.enums.ColorInterp` for a full list of supported color interpretations and the color docs for more information.
Added in 0.13
The info
command prints structured information about a dataset.
$ rio info tests/data/RGB.byte.tif --indent 2
"count": 3,
"crs": "EPSG:32618",
"dtype": "uint8",
"driver": "GTiff",
"bounds": [
"lnglat": [
"height": 718,
"width": 791,
"shape": [
"res": [
"nodata": 0.0
More information, such as band statistics, can be had using the --verbose
$ rio info tests/data/RGB.byte.tif --indent 2 --verbose
"count": 3,
"crs": "EPSG:32618",
"stats": [
"max": 255.0,
"mean": 44.434478650699106,
"min": 1.0
"max": 255.0,
"mean": 66.02203484105824,
"min": 1.0
"max": 255.0,
"mean": 71.39316199120559,
"min": 1.0
"dtype": "uint8",
"driver": "GTiff",
"bounds": [
"lnglat": [
"height": 718,
"width": 791,
"shape": [
"res": [
"nodata": 0.0
The insp
command opens a dataset and an interpreter.
$ rio insp --ipython tests/data/RGB.byte.tif
Rasterio 0.32.0 Interactive Inspector (Python 2.7.10)
Type "src.meta", "src.read(1)", or "help(src)" for more information.
In [1]: print(src.name)
In [2]: print(src.bounds)
BoundingBox(left=101985.0, bottom=2611485.0, right=339315.0, top=2826915.0)
Added in 0.21
The mask
command masks in pixels from all bands of a raster using features
(masking out all areas not covered by features) and optionally crops the output
raster to the extent of the features. Features are assumed to be in the same
coordinate reference system as the input raster.
A common use case is masking in raster data by political or other boundaries.
$ rio mask input.tif output.tif --geojson-mask input.geojson
GeoJSON features may be provided using stdin or specified directly as first argument, and output can be cropped to the extent of the features.
$ rio mask input.tif output.tif --crop --geojson-mask - < input.geojson
The feature mask can be inverted to mask out pixels covered by features and keep pixels not covered by features.
$ rio mask input.tif output.tif --invert --geojson-mask input.geojson
Added in 0.12.1
The merge
command can be used to flatten a stack of identically structured
$ rio merge rasterio/tests/data/R*.tif merged.tif
New in 0.25
The overview
command creates overviews stored in the dataset, which can
improve performance in some applications.
The decimation levels at which to build overviews can be specified as a comma separated list
$ rio overview --build 2,4,8,16
or a base and range of exponents.
$ rio overview --build 2^1..4
Note that overviews can not currently be removed and are not automatically updated when the dataset's primary bands are modified.
Information about existing overviews can be printed using the --ls option.
$ rio overview --ls
The block size (tile width and height) used for overviews (internal
or external) can be specified by setting the GDAL_TIFF_OVR_BLOCKSIZE
environment variable to a power-of-two value between 64 and 4096. The
default value is 128.
$ GDAL_TIFF_OVR_BLOCKSIZE=256 rio overview --build 2^1..4
New in 0.18.
The rasterize
command rasterizes GeoJSON features into a new or existing
$ rio rasterize test.tif --res 0.0167 < input.geojson
The resulting file will have an upper left coordinate determined by the bounds of the GeoJSON (in EPSG:4326, which is the default), with a pixel size of approximately 30 arc seconds. Pixels whose center is within the polygon or that are selected by Bresenham's line algorithm will be burned in with a default value of 1.
It is possible to rasterize into an existing raster and use an alternative default value:
$ rio rasterize existing.tif --default_value 10 < input.geojson
It is also possible to rasterize using a template raster, which will be used to determine the transform, dimensions, and coordinate reference system of the output raster:
$ rio rasterize test.tif --like tests/data/shade.tif < input.geojson
GeoJSON features may be provided using stdin or specified directly as first argument, and dimensions may be provided in place of pixel resolution:
$ rio rasterize input.geojson test.tif --dimensions 1024 1024
Other options are available, see:
$ rio rasterize --help
New in 1.0
Invoking the shell's $ rm <path>
on a dataset can be used to
delete a dataset referenced by a file path, but it won't handle
deleting side car files. This command is aware of datasets and
their sidecar files.
New in 0.18.
The sample command reads x, y
positions from stdin and writes the dataset
values at that position to stdout.
$ cat << EOF | rio sample tests/data/RGB.byte.tif
> [220649.99999832606, 2719199.999999095]
[18, 25, 14]
The output of the transform command (see below) makes good input for sample.
New in 0.11.
The shapes
command extracts and writes features of a specified dataset band
out as GeoJSON.
$ rio shapes tests/data/shade.tif --bidx 1 --precision 6 > shade.geojson
The resulting file, uploaded to Mapbox, looks like this: sgillies.j1ho338j.
Using the --mask
option you can write out the shapes of a dataset's valid
data region.
$ rio shapes --mask --precision 6 tests/data/RGB.byte.tif | geojsonio
See http://bl.ocks.org/anonymous/raw/ef244954b719dba97926/.
New in 0.15.
The stack
command stacks a number of bands from one or more input files
into a multiband dataset. Input datasets must be of a kind: same data type,
dimensions, etc. The output is cloned from the first input. By default,
will take all bands from each input and write them in same order to
the output. Optionally, bands for each input may be specified using the
following syntax:
--bidx N
takes the Nth band from the input (first band is 1).--bidx M,N,O
takes bands M, N, and O.--bidx M..O
takes bands M-O, inclusive.--bidx ..N
takes all bands up to and including N.--bidx N..
takes all bands from N to the end.
Examples using the Rasterio testing dataset that produce a copy of it.
$ rio stack RGB.byte.tif stacked.tif
$ rio stack RGB.byte.tif --bidx 1,2,3 stacked.tif
$ rio stack RGB.byte.tif --bidx 1..3 stacked.tif
$ rio stack RGB.byte.tif --bidx ..2 RGB.byte.tif --bidx 3.. stacked.tif
You can use --rgb as shorthand for --co photometric=rgb.
New in 0.10.
The transform
command reads a JSON array of coordinates, interleaved, and
writes another array of transformed coordinates to stdout.
To transform a longitude, latitude point (EPSG:4326 is the default) to another coordinate system with 2 decimal places of output precision, do the following.
$ echo "[-78.0, 23.0]" | rio transform - --dst-crs EPSG:32618 --precision 2
[192457.13, 2546667.68]
To transform a longitude, latitude bounding box to the coordinate system of a raster dataset, do the following.
$ echo "[-78.0, 23.0, -76.0, 25.0]" | rio transform - --dst-crs tests/data/RGB.byte.tif --precision 2
[192457.13, 2546667.68, 399086.97, 2765319.94]
New in 0.25
The warp
command warps (reprojects) a raster based on parameters that can be
obtained from a template raster, or input directly. The output is always
To copy coordinate reference system, transform, and dimensions from a template raster, do the following:
$ rio warp input.tif output.tif --like template.tif
You can specify an output coordinate system using a PROJ.4 or EPSG:nnnn string, or a JSON text-encoded PROJ.4 object:
$ rio warp input.tif output.tif --dst-crs EPSG:4326
$ rio warp input.tif output.tif --dst-crs '+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84'
You can also specify dimensions, which will automatically calculate appropriate resolution based on the relationship between the bounds in the target crs and these dimensions:
$ rio warp input.tif output.tif --dst-crs EPSG:4326 --dimensions 100 200
Or provide output bounds (in source crs) and resolution:
$ rio warp input.tif output.tif --dst-crs EPSG:4326 --bounds -78 22 -76 24 --res 0.1
Previous command in case of south-up image, --
escapes the next -
$ rio warp input.tif output.tif --dst-crs EPSG:4326 --bounds -78 22 -76 24 --res 0.1 -- -0.1
Other options are available, see:
$ rio warp --help
Rio uses click-plugins
to provide the ability to create additional
subcommands using plugins developed outside rasterio. This is ideal for
commands that require additional dependencies beyond those used by rasterio, or
that provide functionality beyond the intended scope of rasterio.
For example, rio-mbtiles provides
a command rio mbtiles
to export a raster to an MBTiles file.
See click-plugins for more information on how to build these plugins in general.
To use these plugins with rio, add the commands to the
entry point in your setup.py
file, as described
and in rasterio/rio/main.py
See the plugin registry for a list of available plugins.
Suggestions for other commands are welcome!
[1] | In some Linux distributions "rio" may instead refer to the command line Diamond Rio MP3 player controller. This conflict can be avoided by installing Rasterio in an isolated Python environment. |