freertos ref:
canbus to usart directly
I'm using NUCLEO F103RB.
First install stm32CubeMX. ... ia=productId=LN1897
and install SystemWorkBench
Use CubeMx to create project new project
For me chose NUCLEO-F103RB
Now configure the pin function. CAN+RTC+USART+WWDG
also, you should take some time to look "clock" "configuration" "power calculation" is to calculate the power use for the project,most time is not that important ![image]
project--settingproject name "test4" Most important is to chose "Toolchain / IDE" to SW4STM32.........Important
generate code
now, finished to generate project to use. next step is to import the project to systemworkbench.
import project to System Work Bench. open systemworkbench, chose workpace directory. this is not that important
import our project file--import
in Genaral chose existing projects into workspace
open the project and find main.c in while(1), add HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOA, GPIO_PIN_5, GPIO_PIN_SET); This means to turn on the blue led
click "run"
chose Ac6 STM32 C/C++ application
than the blue led turn on.