Xill is built using Maven. This project contains almost the whole platform.
To launch Xill IDE you run mvn
in the xill-ide module.
In IntelliJ you can launch nl.xillio.contenttools.Application by creating a run configuration with the following properties:
Main Class: nl.xillio.contenttools.Application
VM Options: -Dfile.encoding=utf-8
Use classpath of module: xill-ide
To build Xill IDE you:
- Check out the repository
- Run
mvn package -P build-native
to build a native package
You can now find your native application at xill-ide-native/target/jfx/native
To update the project versions in the poms you run
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=X.XX.XX -pl xillio-parent -P build-native
in the project directory.