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979 lines (695 loc) · 26.2 KB


C++20 library for efficient dynamic polymorphism through type erasure.

Goals are efficiency, understandability and extensibility.

Clang GCC (MSVC works too)

Also there are tools for polymorphism such as multidispatching visit_invoke or type_switch

See /examples folder for fast start!

Basic usage example

Foundation of library'a type erase part is a Methods - a description which part of the type we want to use after erasing.

Let's create one for erasing types with void draw():

// For each type T do value.draw()
template<typename T>
struct Draw {
  static void do_invoke(const T& self) {

We can use Draw for type erasion:

#include "anyany.hpp"
using any_drawable = aa::any_with<Draw>;

And now we can use any_drawable to store any type with .draw()

// some types with .draw()
struct Circle {
  void draw() const {
    std::cout << "Draw Circle\n";
struct Square {
  void draw() const {
    std::cout << "Draw Square\n";

int main() {
  any_drawable shape = Circle{};
  aa::invoke<Draw>(shape); // prints "Draw Circle"
  shape = Square{};
  aa::invoke<Draw>(shape); // prints "Draw Square"
  // see /examples/basic_usage.hpp for more

There are no virtual functions, inheritance, pointers, memory management etc! Nice!

You can add any number of Methods:

using any_my = aa::any_with<Draw, Run, aa::copy, aa::move>;

Wait, copy... move? Yes, by default any is only have a destructor, so you can create move only any or ... copy only etc

Predefined Methods:


enables copy constructor


enables move constructor, move assignment (and copy assignment if aa::copy method presented)

Note: move constructor for any_with always noexcept


enables std::hash specialization for any_with and poly_ref. If any_with is empty, then hash == 0.

Note: poly_ptr has specialization of std::hash by default, but it is pointer-like hash.


enables operator== for any_with.

Two any_with objects are equal if they contain same type(or both empty) and stored values are equal.


enables operator<=> and operator== for erased any_with.

Always returns std::partial_ordering.

If two any_with objects do not contain same type returns unordered, otherwise returns result of operator <=> for contained objects.

Note: equal if both empty


adds R operator()(Args...) for any_with and poly_ref

Note: also supported const, noexcept and const noexcept signatures


template<typename Signature>
using cpp23_function_ref = aa::poly_ref<aa::call<Signature>::template method>;

cpp23_function_ref<int(float) const> fooref = foo;

Invokes destructor. any_with has it by default, but maybe you want to use it with aa::poly_ptr to manually manage lifetime

copy_with<Alloc, SooS>

used for creation copyable basic_any_with with custom Allocator


// 16 here is a Small Object Optimization buffer size
using my_any_with_alloc = aa::basic_any_with<MyAlloc, 16, aa::copy_with<MyAlloc, 16>::template method>;
More formally about Methods

Method is a template class/alias with one type argument, such that specializations of Method for each type T contains addressable static method do_invoke

template<typename T>
struct MethodName {
  static Ret do_invoke(SelfType, Args...);
  • SelfType may be T& or const T& or T (copy T for each invoke of Method)
  • Ret and Args... must be same for all specializations of Method

Method is a const Method if SelfType is not T&. const Method may be called even when erased object is const qualified

About type descriptors

There are descriptor_t and descriptor_v<T>, they are used to describe static or dynamic types of objects.

You need to use it only If you want to create custom poly traits.

Polymorphic types:


Polymorphic containers:

Compile time information
// true if type created by any_with, basic_any_with or inherits from such type
template <typename T>
concept any_x = /*...*/;

// true if type can be used as poly traits argument in any_cast / type_switch / visit_invoke etc
template <typename T>
concept poly_traits = requires(T val, int some_val) {
                        { val.get_type_descriptor(some_val) } -> std::same_as<descriptor_t>;
                        { val.to_address(some_val) };

You can define traits for your polymorphic hierarchies(LLVM-like type ids, virutal functions etc).

Library has two such traits built-in(you can use them as example for implementing your own):

  • anyany_poly_traits - for types from <anyany.hpp>
  • std_variant_poly_traits - for std::variant
Interface features

For example, you want to have method .foo() in type created by any_with or poly_ref with your Method.

Then you should use plugins:

template <typename T>
struct Foo {
    static void do_invoke(T&) { /* do something*/ }
    // any_with<Foo> will inherit plugin<SELF>
    template <typename CRTP>
    struct plugin {
      void foo() const {
        auto& self = *static_cast<const CRTP*>(this);
        // Note: *this may not contain value, you can check it by calling self.has_value()

any_with<Foo> val = /*...*/;; // we have method .foo from plugin!

If your Method have inner alias using explicit_interface = /*anything*/, then all types before inserting into any_with will be checked.

They must explicitly satisfy Method: using satisfies = aa::satisfies<Method1, Method2...>;


template<typename T>
struct Foo {
 static void do_invoke(T&) {}

 using explicit_interface = int;
struct BadType { };
// error - BadType do not satisfies Foo
// any_with<Foo> x = BadType{};

struct GoodType {
  using satisfies = aa::satisfies<Foo>;

// all works
any_with<Foo> y = GoodType{};


Accepts any number of Methods and creates a type which can hold any value, which supports those Methods. Similar to runtime concept

Interface of created type
// all interface from method's plugins(see basic_usage in /examples)

// All constructors and move assign operators are exception safe
// move and move assign always noexcept

struct Any {
  // aliases to poly ref/ptr
  using ptr = /*...*/;
  using ref = /*...*/;
  using const_ptr = /*...*/;
  using const_ref = /*...*/;

  // operator & for getting poly ptr
  poly_ptr<Methods...> operator&() noexcept;
  const_poly_ptr<Methods...> operator&() const noexcept;
  // main constructors
  // creates empty
  constexpr Any();
  Any(auto&& value); // from any type
  Any(const Any&) requires aa::copy
  Any& operator=(const Any&) requires aa::move and aa::copy

  Any(Any&&) noexcept requires aa::move;
  Any& operator=(Any&&) requires method aa::move;
  // observers
  bool has_value() const noexcept;
  // returns true if poly_ptr/ref to *this will not be invalidated after moving value
  bool is_stable_pointers() const noexcept
  // returns descriptor_v<void> if value is empty
  type_descriptor_t type_descriptor() const noexcept;
  // forces that after creation is_stable_pointers() == true (allocates memory)
  template <typename T>
  Any(force_stable_pointers_t, T&& value);

  // also emplace constructors(std::in_place_type_t<T>), initiaizer list versions
  // same with force_stable_pointers_t tag etc etc
  // same with Alloc...

  // modifiers
  // emplaces value in any, if exception thrown - any is empty(use operator= if you need strong exception guarantee here)
  template<typename T, typename... Args>
  std::decay_t<T>& emplace(Args&&...); // returns reference to emplaced value

  template <typename T, typename U, typename... Args>
  std::decay_t<T>& emplace(std::initializer_list<U> list, Args&&... args)

  // postcondition: has_value() == false
  void reset() noexcept; 

  // see aa::equal_to description for behavior
  bool operator==(const Any&) const requires aa::spaceship || aa::equal_to;
  // see aa::spaceship description for behavior
  std::partial_ordering operator<=>(const Any&) const requires aa::spaceship;
  // ... interface from plugins for Methods if presented ...

All constructors and copy/move assignment operators have strong exception guarantee

Note: if your type has noexcept move constructor, it can really increase perfomance(like in std::vector case).


using any_printable = aa::any_with<Print, aa::move>;


Same as any_with, but with custom alloc and small object optimization buffer size - if you need a copyable basic_any_with use copy_with

template<typename Alloc, size_t SooS, TTA... Methods>
using basic_any_with = /*...*/;


Non owning, always not null, lightweight(~=void*)

poly_ref<Methods...> implicitly converible to smaller count of Methods.

poly_ref<A, B, C> is converible topoly_ref<A, B>, poly_ref<A>, poly_ref<B>... etc etc.

This means you can add in interface of functions only Methods they are really require. Then if you add Method to your any_with type there are NO abi/api break.

// you can invoke this function with any poly_ref<..., A, ...>
void foo(poly_ref<A>);
template <template<typename> typename... Methods>
struct poly_ref {
  poly_ref(const poly_ref&) = default;
  poly_ref(poly_ref&&) = default;
  poly_ref& operator=(poly_ref&&) = default;
  poly_ref& operator=(const poly_ref&) = default;
  // only explicit rebind reference after creation
  void operator=(auto&&) = delete;
  descriptor_t type_descriptor() const noexcept;
  // from mutable lvalue
  template <not_const_type T> // not shadow copy ctor
  poly_ref(T& value) noexcept
  poly_ptr<Methods...> operator&() const noexcept;
  // ... interface from plugins for Methods if presented ...


Same as poly_ref, but can be created from poly_ref and const T&

Note: do not extends lifetime


Non owning, nullable, lightweight(~=void*)

poly_ptr<Methods...> implicitly converible to smaller count of Methods.

poly_ptr<A, B, C> is converible topoly_ptr<A, B>, poly_ptr<A>, poly_ptr<B>... etc etc.

This means you can add in interface of functions only Methods they are really require. Then if you add Method to your any_with type there are NO abi/api break.

// you can invoke this function with any poly_ptr<..., A, ...>
void foo(poly_ptr<A>);

Note: poly_ptr and const_poly_ptr are trivially copyable, so std::atomic<poly_ptr<...>> works.

template <template<typename> typename... Methods>
struct poly_ptr {
  poly_ptr() = default;
  poly_ptr(std::nullptr_t) noexcept;
  poly_ptr& operator=(std::nullptr_t) noexcept;

  poly_ptr(not_const_type auto* ptr) noexcept;
  // from non-const pointer to Any with same methods
  template <any_x Any>
  poly_ptr(Any* ptr) noexcept;
  // observers
  // returns raw pointer to value
  void* raw() const noexcept;
  // returns descriptor_v<void> is nullptr
  descriptor_t type_descriptor() const noexcept;
  bool has_value() const noexcept;
  bool operator==(std::nullptr_t) const noexcept;
  explicit operator bool() const noexcept;

  // similar to common pointer operator* returns reference
  poly_ref<Methods...> operator*() const noexcept;
  const poly_ref<Methods...>* operator->() const noexcept;


Same as poly_ptr, but can be created from poly_ptr and const T* / Any*



Functional object with operator():

// specialization for anyany types

template<typename T>
struct any_cast_fn<T, anyany_poly_traits> {

  // noexcept versions returns nullptr if bad type
  // others throw std::bad_cast if cast is bad

  using X = std::remove_reference_t<T>;
  template <any_x U>
  std::add_pointer_t<T> operator()(U* ptr) const noexcept;

  const X* operator()(const any_x auto* ptr) const noexcept ;

  template <any_x U>
  decltype(auto) operator()(U&& any) const {
    (std::is_lvalue_reference_v<T>) => T&
    (std::is_rvalue_reference_v<T> && std::is_rvalue_reference_v<U&&>) => T&&
    (std::is_rvalue_reference_v<U&&>) => T (value moved out from any)
    else => T (copy value from any)

  const X* operator()(const_poly_ptr<...> p) const noexcept;

  X* operator()(poly_ptr<...> p) const noexcept;
  std::conditional_t<std::is_rvalue_reference_v<T>, std::remove_cvref_t<T>,
                     std::conditional_t<std::is_reference_v<T>, T, std::remove_cv_t<T>>>
  operator()(poly_ref<...> p) const;
  std::conditional_t<std::is_reference_v<T>, const X&, std::remove_cv_t<T>>
  operator()(const_poly_ref<...> p) const;

// version for custom traits

template <typename T, poly_traits Traits>
struct any_cast_fn {
  // returns nullptr if type descriptors are not equal
  // const pointer for const U and just pointer otherwise
  // const U or not determinated by Traits.to_address
  template <typename U>
  auto* operator()(U&& val) const;


using any_comparable = aa::any_with<aa::copy, aa::spaceship, aa::move>;

void Foo() {
  any_comparable value = 5;
  value.emplace<std::vector<int>>({ 1, 2, 3, 4}); // constructed in-place
  // any_cast returns pointer to vector<int>(or nullptr if any do not containts vector<int>)
  aa::any_cast<std::vector<int>>(std::addressof(value))->back() = 0;
  // version for reference
  aa::any_cast<std::vector<int>&>(value).back() = 0;
  // version which returns by copy (or move, if 'value' is rvalue) 
  auto vec = aa::any_cast<std::vector<int>>(value);


Functional object with operator().

Accepts any_with or poly_ref and Method arguments. Invokes Method.

If arg is const any_with or const_poly_ref, then only const Methods permitted.

Throws aa::empty_any_method_call in any is empty

template<TTA Method>
struct invoke_fn {

  // Here Args... are really Method arguments, so implicit conversions possible
  template <any_x U>
  result_t<Method> operator()(U&& any, Args... args) const;
  template <any_x U>
  result_t<Method> operator()(const U& any, Args... args) const {

  // ill-formed if p has no Method
  result_t<Method> operator()(poly_ref<...> p, Args... args) const;
  result_t<Method> operator()(const_poly_ref<Methods...> p, Args... args) const {

  // invokes Method without type erasure (for common interface for all values)
  template<typename T>
  requires (!any_x<T>)
  result_t<Method> operator()(T&& value, Args... args) const;
  // binds arguments and returns invocable<result_t<Method>(auto&&)> for passing to algorithms
  // each invoke of result can create copies of args, because assumes to be invoked more then one time
  constexpr auto with(Args... args) const;



void foo(std::vector<aa::poly_ref<Foo>> vec) {
  std::ranges::for_each(vec, aa::invoke<Foo>);

any_animal Pet = Cat{};
// operator & creates poly_ptr,
// then operator* creates poly_ref
aa::invoke<Say>(*&Pet, std::cout);


Same as invoke, but undefined behavior if any has no value instead of exception throwing


Selects .case based on input arg dynamic type and invokes visitor with this dynamic type or default function

Also supports poly_traits as second template argument, so it supports any type for which you have poly traits

template<typename Result = void, poly_traits Traits = anyany_poly_traits>
struct type_switch_fn {

  // invokes Fn if T contained
  template <typename T, typename Fn>
  type_switch_impl& case_(Fn&& f);
  // If value is one of Ts... F invoked (invokes count <= 1)
  template <typename... Ts, typename Fn>
  type_switch_impl& cases(Fn&& f);
  // if no one case succeded invokes 'f' with input poly_ref argument
  template <typename Fn>
  Result default_(Fn&& f);
  // if no one case succeded returns 'v'
  Result default_(Result v);
  // if no on ecase succeded returns 'nullopt'
  std::optional<Result> no_default();



  Result val = aa::type_switch<Result>(value)
      .cases<char, int, unsigned char, double>(foo3)


Its... runtime overload resolution! aa::make_visit_invoke<Foos...> creates overload set object with method .resolve(Args...), which performs overload resolution based on Args... runtime types.

Resolve returns nullopt if no such function exist to accept input arguments

This example is very basic, see also /examples/visit_invoke_example.hpp for more


std::string ship_asteroid(spaceship s, asteroid a);
std::string ship_star(spaceship s, star);
std::string star_star(star a, star b);
std::string ship_ship(spaceship a, spaceship b);

// Create multidispacter
constexpr inline auto collision = aa::make_visit_invoke<


// Perform runtime overload resolution
std::optional<std::string> foo(any_with<A> a, any_with<B> b) {
  return collision.resolve(a, b);


Polymorphic container adaptor, which behaves as Container<std::variant<Types...>>, but much more effective.

Supports operations:

  • visit<Types...>(visitor) - invokes visitor with all contained value of types Types
  • view<T> - returns reference to container of all stored values of type T

Container is a std::vector by default.

template<template<typename> typename Container, typename... Ts>
struct basic_variant_swarm {

  // modifiers
  void swap(basic_variant_swarm& other) noexcept;
  friend void swap(basic_variant_swarm& a, basic_variant_swarm& b) noexcept;
  // selects right container and inserts [it, sent) into it
  template <std::input_iterator It>
    requires(tt::one_of<std::iter_value_t<It>, std::ranges::range_value_t<Container<Ts>>...>)
  auto insert(It it, It sent);

  // insert and erase overloads for each type in Ts...
  using inserters_type::erase;
  using inserters_type::insert;

  // observe

  bool empty() const noexcept;
  // returns count values, stored in container for T
  template <tt::one_of<Ts...> T>
  auto count() const;

  template <std::size_t I>
  auto count() const;
  // returns count of values stored in all containers
  constexpr auto size() const requires(std::ranges::sized_range<container_for<Ts>> && ...);

  // returns tuple of reference to containers #Is
  template <std::size_t... Is>
  auto view();
  template <std::size_t... Is>
  auto view() const;

  // returns tuple of reference to containers for Types
  template <tt::one_of<Ts...>... Types>
  auto view();
  template <tt::one_of<Ts...>... Types>
  auto view() const;

  // visit

  // visits with 'v' and passes its results into 'out_visitor' (if result is not void)
  template <tt::one_of<Ts...>... Types>
  void visit(visitor_for<Types...> auto&& v, auto&& out_visitor);
  // ignores visitor results
  template <tt::one_of<Ts...>... Types>
  void visit(visitor_for<Types...> auto&& v);
  // visits with 'v' and passes its results into 'out_visitor' (if result is not void)
  void visit_all(visitor_for<Ts...> auto&& v, auto&& out_visitor);
  // ignores visitor results
  constexpr void visit_all(visitor_for<Ts...> auto&& v);

  template <tt::one_of<Ts...>... Types, std::input_or_output_iterator Out>
  constexpr Out visit_copy(visitor_for<Types...> auto&& v, Out out);

  template <tt::one_of<Ts...>... Types, std::input_or_output_iterator Out>
  constexpr Out visit_copy(Out out);
  // visits with 'v' and passes its results into output iterator 'out', returns 'out" after all
  template <std::input_or_output_iterator Out>
  constexpr Out visit_copy_all(visitor_for<Ts...> auto&& v, Out out);
  // passes all values into 'out' iterator, returns 'out' after all
  template <std::input_or_output_iterator Out>
  constexpr Out visit_copy_all(Out out);

  // ...also const versions for visit...


  aa::variant_swarm<int, double, std::string> f;
  // no runtime dispatching here, its just overloads
  f.inesrt("hello world");
  auto visitor = [](auto&& x) {
    std::cout << x << '\t';
  f.visit_all(visitor); // prints 5, 3.14, "hello world"


This container behaves as std::vector<T>, but stores fields separatelly.

Supported operation: view<T> / view<I> to get span to all fields of this index

T must be aggreagte or tuple-like type

Note: data_parallel_vector is a random access range Note: ignores std::vector<bool> specialization, behaves as normal vector for bools

template <typename T, typename Alloc>
struct data_parallel_vector {
  using value_type = T;
  using allocator_type = Alloc;
  using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
  using size_type = std::size_t;
  using reference = proxy; // similar to vector<bool>::reference type
  using const_reference = const_proxy;

  void swap(data_parallel_vector&) noexcept;
  friend void swap(data_parallel_vector&) noexcept;

  data_parallel_vector() = default;

  explicit data_parallel_vector(const allocator_type& alloc);
  data_parallel_vector(size_type count, const value_type& value,
                               const allocator_type& alloc = allocator_type());
  explicit data_parallel_vector(size_type count, const allocator_type& alloc = allocator_type());
  template <std::input_iterator It>
  data_parallel_vector(It first, It last, const allocator_type& alloc = allocator_type());
  data_parallel_vector(const data_parallel_vector& other, const allocator_type& alloc);
  data_parallel_vector(data_parallel_vector&& other, const allocator_type& alloc);
  data_parallel_vector(std::initializer_list<value_type> init,
                               const allocator_type& alloc = allocator_type());

  // copy-move all default

  data_parallel_vector& operator=(std::initializer_list<T> ilist);

  using iterator;
  using const_iterator;

  iterator begin();
  const_iterator begin() const;
  iterator end();
  const_iterator end() const;
  const_iterator cbegin() const;
  const_iterator cend() const;

  reference front();
  const_reference front() const;
  reference back();
  reference back() const;
  reference operator[](size_type pos);
  const_reference operator[](size_type pos) const;

  size_type capacity() const;
  size_type max_size() const;

  // returns tuple of spans to underlying containers
  template <typename... Types>
  auto view();
  template <typename... Types>
  auto view() const;
  template <std::size_t... Nbs>
  auto view();
  template <std::size_t... Nbs>
  auto view() const;

  bool empty() const;
  size_type size() const;

  bool operator==(const data_parallel_impl&) const = default;

  iterator emplace(const_iterator pos, element_t<Is>... fields);
  reference emplace_back(element_t<Is>... fields);

  void push_back(const value_type& v);
  void push_back(value_type&& v);

  iterator erase(const_iterator pos);
  iterator erase(const_iterator b, const_iterator e);

  iterator insert(const_iterator pos, const value_type& value);

  iterator insert(const_iterator pos, value_type&& value);

  iterator insert(const_iterator pos, size_type count, const T& value);

  template <std::input_iterator It>
  iterator insert(const_iterator pos, It first, It last);

  iterator insert(const_iterator pos, std::initializer_list<value_type> ilist);

  void assign(size_type count, const value_type& value);

  template <std::input_iterator It>
  void assign(It first, It last);

  void assign(std::initializer_list<T> ilist);

  void clear();
  void pop_back();
  void reserve(size_type new_cap);
  void resize(size_type sz);
  void resize(size_type sz, const value_type& v);
  void shrink_to_fit();


struct my_type {
  int x;
  float y;
  bool l;
void foo() {
  aa::data_parallel_vector<my_type> magic;
// ints, floats, bools are spans to all stored fields of my_type (&::x, &::y, &::l)
  auto [ints, floats, bools] = magic;
  magic.emplace_back(5, 6.f, true);

Using with CMake

  1. Clone this repository into folder with your project
  2. Add these lines to it's CMakeLists.txt
target_link_libraries(MyProjectName PUBLIC anyanylib)


git clone
cd AnyAny
cmake . -B build
cmake --build build