Given an array of integers arr
, return the number of subarrays with an odd sum.
Since the answer can be very large, return it modulo 109 + 7
Example 1:
Input: arr = [1,3,5] Output: 4 Explanation: All subarrays are [[1],[1,3],[1,3,5],[3],[3,5],[5]] All sub-arrays sum are [1,4,9,3,8,5]. Odd sums are [1,9,3,5] so the answer is 4.
Example 2:
Input: arr = [2,4,6] Output: 0 Explanation: All subarrays are [[2],[2,4],[2,4,6],[4],[4,6],[6]] All sub-arrays sum are [2,6,12,4,10,6]. All sub-arrays have even sum and the answer is 0.
Example 3:
Input: arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] Output: 16
1 <= arr.length <= 105
1 <= arr[i] <= 100
class Solution:
def numOfSubarrays(self, arr: List[int]) -> int:
MOD = int(1e9) + 7
counter = [0] * 2
s = ans = 0
for v in arr:
s += v
counter[s % 2] += 1
if s % 2 == 1:
ans += 1 + counter[0]
ans += counter[1]
return ans % MOD
class Solution {
private static final int MOD = (int) 1e9 + 7;
public int numOfSubarrays(int[] arr) {
int[] counter = new int[2];
int s = 0, ans = 0;
for (int v : arr) {
s += v;
++counter[s % 2];
if (s % 2 == 1) {
ans = (ans + 1 + counter[0]) % MOD;
} else {
ans = (ans + counter[1]) % MOD;
return ans;
class Solution {
int numOfSubarrays(vector<int>& arr) {
const int MOD = 1e9 + 7;
vector<int> counter(2);
int s = 0, ans = 0;
for (int& v : arr)
s += v;
++counter[s % 2];
if (s % 2 == 1) ans = (ans + 1 + counter[0]) % MOD;
else ans = (ans + counter[1]) % MOD;
return ans;
func numOfSubarrays(arr []int) int {
const MOD = 1e9 + 7
counter := make([]int, 2)
s, ans := 0, 0
for _, v := range arr {
s += v
if s%2 == 1 {
ans = (ans + 1 + counter[0]) % MOD
} else {
ans = (ans + counter[1]) % MOD
return ans