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200 lines (171 loc) · 7.76 KB
  1. User Interview is a User research method. This method is a) Qualitative, while observing "What people say?" b) Quantitative, while observing "What people do?" c) Quantitative, while observing "What people say?"

  2. Human centered design [HCD] is an iterative approach with 4 subsequent phases. Which phase follows "Testing?" a) Generating ideas b) Observation c) Creating prototypes

  3. You are an application user. It is a common thing that you make an unwanted acton within the application which is irreversible. The application should better elaborate the following quality component: a) Effectiveness b) Learnability c) Errors d) Satisfaction e) Memorability

  4. You made an unwanted action within the app. However, you have no option to revert the action and have to proceed. The application violates the heuristic: a) Visibility of system status b) User control and freedom c) Help and documentation d) Aesthetics and minimalistic design e) Recognition rather than recall

  5. If you need to identify problems with your design by an expert, you will choose the following technique: a) Card sorting b) User interview c) Sketching d) Design review

  6. Decide on the correctness of the following statements about formative evaluation. a) Goal is to identify usability problems b) Uses qualitative measures c) Goal is to measure / compare user performance d) Uses quantitative measures

  7. Decide on the correctness of the following statements about Information Architecture [AI] a) The IA is not related to the web navigation b) The IA is a proposal of the structure and the naming of the information on the web c) If you are not able to find something in the web app, it is a problem of the IA d) When creating the IA, the interconnection of the content and functionality according to the shared properties is important

  8. Creating personas is a user research method a) No b) Yes

  9. Decide on the correctness of the following statements about the usability heuristic "Flexibility and efficiency of use" according to Jakob Nielsen: a) Allow users to tailor frequent actions b) Shortcuts speed up the interaction of the expert users c) Shortcuts speed up the interaction of the novice users d) Hide shortcuts from novice users e) Design the system using shortcuts only

  10. External consistency in the context of the usability heuristics "Consistency and standards" according to Jakob Nielsen means: a) Consistency within a single product or a family of products b) Intuitive consistency c) Consistency with established industry conventions d) Consistency out of habit

  11. Jakob Nielsen defined these usability components: a) Tailoring for the user b) Satisfaction c) Memorability d) Intuitiveness e) Errors f) Ease of use g) Adaptiveness h) Personalization i) Learnability j) Efficiency k) Transparency

  12. We typically perform these activities during the phase of generating ideas in the context of human-centered design [HCD]: a) Creating user scenarios and tasks b) Web analytics c) A/B Testing d) Creating personas e) Creating the Information Architecture [IA]

  13. Choose suitable methods for improving the accessibility for color-blind user: a) Daltonisation b) Special color filtration foils mounted on the screen c) We use one-color-flickering [blikanie] to distinguish red / green d) Increase the red / green contrast e) Convert red / green into changes in brightness and / or blue / yellow coloration f) Colors change with the interaction

  14. Which are the 4 main phases of human centered design [HCD]? a) Audit of concurrent systems b) Generating ideas c) Creating user manuals d) Observation e) Implementation of the user interface f) Risk management g) Prototyping h) Testing

  15. Decide on the correctness of the following statements about Lo-Fi prototype. a) Visually resembles the final prototype b) Is interactive c) Lo-Fi prototype is not suitable for mobile applications d) Can be paper-based e) Is cheap and fast-to-make

  16. Which of the following metrics are suitable for usability testing? a) Time to complete task b) The ability of the user to understand the user manual c) Euclidian distance between the actual click and the correct click d) Task completion rate

  17. What is the purpose of Hi-Fi prototyping technique? a) To test the interactions b) To communicate the design with developers c) For final usability and user experience testing d) To visualize first design ideas e) For requirements acquisition

  18. What is inappropriate tactic for user interview a) Finding out what delays the user while working b) Interrupting the user c) Rushing the user d) Posing leading and closed questions e) Interviewing the user directly at the workplace f) Defining too broad or vague goal of the interview g) Posing open questions

  19. Currently valid legislation - generally binding legal regulation for ensuring the accessibility in Slovakia: a) Is mandatory for all Slovak domains b) Is mandatory for all public administration systems in Slovakia c) Does not exist in Slovakia only the European Union recommendations exist

  20. Design Review methods [UX Audit] are carried out by: a) Experts by systematic analysis b) UX testers in the lab c) UX testers in the real-world conditions

  21. Choose from the listed rules only those which belong to 10 Usability Heuristics by Jakob Nielsen. Beware, only some of them are correct! a) Visibility of system status b) Consistency and standards c) Match between system and the real world d) Colors help us understand the content e) Design the elements first and then the whole interaction f) User control and freedom g) Design mobile first!

  22. Order the following steps according to the information visualization reference model: [Obrázok 9. Prednáška Strana 18] a) Preprocessing and data transformations b) Visual mapping c) Interactions d) View creation

  23. Which of the following methods are Design Review methods [UX Audit]? a) User Interview b) Cognitive Walkthrough c) Stakeholder testing d) Heuristic Evaluation e) Persona-based Inspection f) Cost analysis of the project

  24. Choose the most suitable research method for creating the Information Architecture [IA] a) Card sorting b) Interview c) Creating Personas d) Testing

  25. Attributes of the product or service provides the same level of reachability of online information and services no matter the physical or mental abilities or disorders of the user is called: a) Generalization b) Learnability c) Multiplatformity d) Accessibility

  26. Usability is: a) Qualitative attribute of a product or service b) Synonym for "User Experience" c) Broader term including everything related to the human-computer interaction

  27. Decide on the correctness of the following statements about Design Review method (UX Audit) called Cognitive Walkthrough: a) Task-based context is required b) Is based on examining system reliability c) Is based on examining system learnability d) Involves large samples of UX experts

  28. Among "Best practice" for the Usability Heuristic of Jakob Nielsen "Recognition rather than recall" we consider the following: a) Reduce the amount of information users have to remember b) Make it possible for the user to recognize by colors c) The user is not pushed to remember the information which is the system able to store

  29. Which of the listed methods are methods of User Research? a) Analysis of the concurrent product b) Discussion groups c) Usability testing d) Storage-based connection proposal e) Contextual interviews f) Professional audit

  30. Decide on the correctness of the following statements about prototyping a) Prototypes are mede only by graphic designers to choose the right colors and fonts b) We typically test during the prototyping c) Agile sprints are suitable for prototyping d) Prototyping is an iterative process