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Preprocessing for SNP tissue enrichment analysis methods

Install dependencies into isolated environment

conda env create -n SNP_enrich --file environment.yaml

conda activate SNP_enrich


Requires bedtools2 in the $PATH for overlapping:

$ wget

$ tar -zxvf bedtools-2.29.1.tar.gz

$ cd bedtools2

$ make

On VM may require installing libraries:

sudo apt-get install build-essential

sudo apt-get install libz-dev

sudo apt install libbz2-dev

sudo apt install libclang-dev

sudo apt-get install liblzma-dev

sudo apt-get install bzip2

LDSC Preprocessing:

Download all available Epimap enhancer/promoter files and merge them into one bed file:

$ python

In future, please check if bed files are hg19/Hg38 and liftover if needed. (Sumstats from GCS are Hg38)

LDSC partitioned heritability:

Edit config file to specify the GCS buckets for input sumstats, temporary processing folders, and already existing results.

$ vim configs/configs.txt

Formatting sumstats:

The following will process all summary stats which do not already have LDSC results:

$ NCORES = number of cores

$ scripts/ gs://genetics-portal-dev-analysis/xg1/LDSC_enrichments/* gs://genetics-portal-dev-analysis/xg1/Test_sumstat_inputs/*.parquet $NCORES

Make commands to run LDSC:

$ INPUT_STUDY_PATH=gs://genetics-portal-dev-analysis/xg1/rsid_sumstats/



Commands are written to LDSC_studies_to_run.txt

Pipe to parallel:

$ cat LDSC_studies_to_run.txt | parallel -j $NCORES --joblog logs/

CHEERS preprocessing

Generate epigenetic input: For EPIMAP:

Generate consensus peak files:

$ python scripts/CHEERS_preprocessing/
Which creates the consensus peaks in : 
$		../../tmp/Master_enhancers.sorted.merged.bed

Generate signals:

$	 python --Sample "BSS01668" --Peaks "../../tmp/Master_enhancers.sorted.merged.bed" --outdir "../../tmp/H3K27ac"

The output directory of the signals in consensus peak files can be passed to the CHEERS normalisation script.


Generate consensus peak files:

$		python scripts/CHEERS_preprocessing/ --prefix BLUEPRINT --Peaks configs/BLUEPRINT_peaks.tsv --outdir ~/BLUEPRINT_peaks/

Generate signals in consensus peaks (for one sample): (URLs are in configs/BLUEPRINT_signals.tsv)

$		python scripts/CHEERS_preprocessing/ --Sample 0 --Peaks ~/BLUEPRINT_peaks/BLUEPRINT_Consensus_peaks.bed --BW_URL --outdir /home/xg1/BLUEPRINT_peaks/ReadsInPeaks

Can be piped to parallel:

$	cat configs/BP_generate_signal_manifest.txt | parallel -j $NCORES

The output directory of the signals in consensus peak files can be passed to the CHEERS normalisation script.

Generating credible SNP set inputs:

We used the latest Open Targets finemapping results, the latest publicly available credible SNP sets can be downloaded at:

$ gs://open-targets-genetics-releases/22.02.01/v2d_credset

I’ve saved the credible SNPs as ~/Credible_SNP_sets/finemapping_220401.parquet/

Generate credible SNP sets in hg19 for EPIMAP:

$ python 
$   --Study_ID GCSTxxxx 
$   --input_credset ~/Credible_SNP_sets/finemapping_220401.parquet/
$   --Enrichment_outdir ~/CHEERS/Results/
$   --input_peak Normalised_signals.txt
$   --outdir ~/Credible_SNP_sets/Formatted_hg19/

This will also create a manifest file: ~/compute_CHEERS_enrichments.txt

Which can be used to run CHEERS compute enrichments in parallel:

$	cat ~/compute_CHEERS_enrichments.txt | parallel -j $NCORES

Generate credible SNP sets in hg38 for BLUEPRINT:

$ python  --Study_ID GCST006979 --input_credset ~/Credible_SNP_sets/finemapping_220401.parquet/ --Enrichment_outdir /home/xg1/BLUEPRINT_peaks/Results/ --input_peak /home/xg1/BLUEPRINT_peaks/Normalised/BLUEPRINT_counts_normToMax_quantileNorm_euclideanNorm.txt --outdir ~/Credible_SNP_sets/Formatted_hg38/

This will also create a manifest file: ~/compute_CHEERS_enrichments.txt

Which can be used to run CHEERS compute enrichments in parallel:

$	cat ~/compute_CHEERS_enrichments.txt | parallel -j $NCORES