All command line actions can also be ran from the web API. The API is available at https://your.server/yunohost/api. For now there's no documentation on the various routes ... but you can get an idea by looking at the actionmap here (in particular the api
You must first retrieve a login cookie to perform the actions. Here is an example via curl:
# Login (with admin password)
curl -k -H "X-Requested-With: customscript" \
-d "password=supersecretpassword" \
-dump-header headers \
# GET example
curl -k -i -H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-L -b headers -X GET https://your.server/yunohost/api/ROUTE \
| grep } | python -mjson.tool
To simplify the remote administration of a YunoHost instance in CHATONS/Librehosters projects, API classes have been developed by users.
For example, this PHP class will allow you to administer your YunoHost instance from a PHP application (website, capacity management tool...).
Here is an example of PHP code to add a user to your YunoHost instance:
$ynh = new YNH_API("adresse IP du serveur YunoHost ou nom d’hôte", "mot de passe administrateur");
if ($ynh->login()) {
$domains = $ynh->get("/domains");
$first_domain = $domains['domains'][0];
$arguments = array(
'username' => 'test',
'password' => 'yunohost',
'firstname' => 'Prénom',
'lastname' => 'Nom',
'mail' => 'test@'.$first_domain,
'mailbox_quota' => '500M'
$user_add = $ynh->post("/users", $arguments);
} else {
print("Login to YunoHost failed.\n");