Для начала рекомендуется изучить статью в которой описаны возможные способы экплуатировать кластер с подами, в которых повышены привилегии.
От таких подов мы и будем защищатся. Сначала попробуем создать такие поды в дефолтном кластере. В директории ./bad-pods есть поды и деплойменты с привилегиями из статьи
$ yc managed-kubernetes cluster get-credentials --id $(terraform output -json | jq -r .cluster_id.value) --context-name devops --external --profile=demo-devops-user1 --force
$ kubectl apply -f ./bad-pods/pods
И убедимся что все успешно создалось.
nrkk-osx:staging nrkk$ kubectl get po
everything-allowed-exec-pod 1/1 Running 0 8s
hostipc-exec-pod 1/1 Running 0 8s
hostnetwork-exec-pod 1/1 Running 0 8s
hostpath-exec-pod 1/1 Running 0 8s
hostpid-exec-pod 1/1 Running 0 8s
nothing-allowed-exec-pod 1/1 Running 0 8s
priv-and-hostpid-exec-pod 1/1 Running 0 8s
priv-exec-pod 1/1 Running 0 8s
Удалим поды
$ kubectl delete -f ./bad-pods/pods
Установим kyverno с набором политик default , который будет блокировать нам плохие поды.
helm repo add kyverno https://kyverno.github.io/kyverno/
helm repo update
helm install kyverno kyverno/kyverno --namespace kyverno --create-namespace --set validationFailureAction=enforce
kubectl apply -f ./bad-pods/pods
Посмотрим на созданные политики Политики из профиля default доступны в директории kyverno-policies
$ kubectl get clusterpolicies.kyverno.io
disallow-add-capabilities true enforce
disallow-host-namespaces true enforce
disallow-host-path true enforce
disallow-host-ports true enforce
disallow-privileged-containers true enforce
disallow-selinux true enforce
require-default-proc-mount true enforce
restrict-apparmor-profiles true enforce
restrict-sysctls true enforce
Увидим что создался только nothing-allowed-exec-pod , а остальное поличло ошибки
$ kubectl apply -f ./bad-pods/pods
Error from server: error when creating "../../kubernetes/bad-pods/pods everything-allowed-exec-pod.yaml": admission webhook "validate.kyverno.svc" denied the request:
resource Pod/default/everything-allowed-exec-pod was blocked due to the following policies
host-namespaces: 'validation error: Sharing the host namespaces is disallowed. The fields spec.hostNetwork, spec.hostIPC, and spec.hostPID must not be set to true. Rule host-namespaces failed at path /spec/hostIPC/'
host-path: 'validation error: HostPath volumes are forbidden. The fields spec.volumes[*].hostPath must not be set. Rule host-path failed at path /spec/volumes/0/hostPath/'
priviledged-containers: 'validation error: Privileged mode is disallowed. The fields spec.containers[*].securityContext.privileged and spec.initContainers[*].securityContext.privileged must not be set to true. Rule priviledged-containers failed at path /spec/containers/0/securityContext/privileged/'
Error from server: error when creating "../../kubernetes/bad-pods/hostipc-exec-pod.yaml": admission webhook "validate.kyverno.svc" denied the request:
resource Pod/default/hostipc-exec-pod was blocked due to the following policies
host-namespaces: 'validation error: Sharing the host namespaces is disallowed. The fields spec.hostNetwork, spec.hostIPC, and spec.hostPID must not be set to true. Rule host-namespaces failed at path /spec/hostIPC/'
Error from server: error when creating "../../kubernetes/bad-pods/hostnetwork-exec-pod.yaml": admission webhook "validate.kyverno.svc" denied the request:
resource Pod/default/hostnetwork-exec-pod was blocked due to the following policies
host-namespaces: 'validation error: Sharing the host namespaces is disallowed. The fields spec.hostNetwork, spec.hostIPC, and spec.hostPID must not be set to true. Rule host-namespaces failed at path /spec/hostNetwork/'
Error from server: error when creating "../../kubernetes/bad-pods/hostpath-exec-pod.yaml": admission webhook "validate.kyverno.svc" denied the request:
resource Pod/default/hostpath-exec-pod was blocked due to the following policies
host-path: 'validation error: HostPath volumes are forbidden. The fields spec.volumes[*].hostPath must not be set. Rule host-path failed at path /spec/volumes/0/hostPath/'
Error from server: error when creating "../../kubernetes/bad-pods/hostpid-exec-pod.yaml": admission webhook "validate.kyverno.svc" denied the request:
resource Pod/default/hostpid-exec-pod was blocked due to the following policies
host-namespaces: 'validation error: Sharing the host namespaces is disallowed. The fields spec.hostNetwork, spec.hostIPC, and spec.hostPID must not be set to true. Rule host-namespaces failed at path /spec/hostPID/'
Error from server: error when creating "../../kubernetes/bad-pods/priv-and-hostpid-exec-pod.yaml": admission webhook "validate.kyverno.svc" denied the request:
resource Pod/default/priv-and-hostpid-exec-pod was blocked due to the following policies
host-namespaces: 'validation error: Sharing the host namespaces is disallowed. The fields spec.hostNetwork, spec.hostIPC, and spec.hostPID must not be set to true. Rule host-namespaces failed at path /spec/hostPID/'
priviledged-containers: 'validation error: Privileged mode is disallowed. The fields spec.containers[*].securityContext.privileged and spec.initContainers[*].securityContext.privileged must not be set to true. Rule priviledged-containers failed at path /spec/containers/0/securityContext/privileged/'
Error from server: error when creating "../../kubernetes/bad-pods/priv-exec-pod.yaml": admission webhook "validate.kyverno.svc" denied the request:
resource Pod/default/priv-exec-pod was blocked due to the following policies
priviledged-containers: 'validation error: Privileged mode is disallowed. The fields spec.containers[*].securityContext.privileged and spec.initContainers[*].securityContext.privileged must not be set to true. Rule priviledged-containers failed at path /spec/containers/0/securityContext/privileged/'
Создадим еще деплойменты , чтобы увидеть как тут работают политики.
$ kubectl apply -f ./bad-pods/deployments/
Деплойменты создались, а вот поды в них не создались. Потому что при попытке создать под, деплоймент получает такую же ошибку, какую получили бы мы создав под напрямую. Детально ошибку можно увидеть сделать kubectl describe
nrkk-osx:staging nrkk$ kubectl get deploy
everything-allowed-exec-deployment 0/2 0 0 29s
hostipc-exec-deployment 0/2 0 0 29s
hostnetwork-exec-deployment 0/2 0 0 29s
hostpath-exec-deployment 0/2 0 0 28s
hostpid-exec-deployment 0/2 0 0 28s
nothing-allowed-exec-deployment 2/2 2 2 28s
priv-and-hostpid-exec-deployment 0/2 0 0 28s
priv-exec-deployment 0/2 0 0 27s
Удалим kyverno
$ kubectl delete -f ./bad-pods/deployments/
$ kubectl delete -f ./bad-pods/pods/
$ helm delete kyverno --namespace kyverno
Установим OPA Gatekeeper
$ helm repo add gatekeeper https://open-policy-agent.github.io/gatekeeper/charts
$ helm repo update
$ helm install gatekeeper gatekeeper/gatekeeper --namespace gatekeeper --create-namespace
Так библиотеку шаблонов политик, доступных в gatekeper. При помощи kustomize установим все шаблоны в кластер
$ curl -s "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/\
kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/master/hack/install_kustomize.sh" | bash
# проверьте тут что kustomize просто положит бинарный файл в текущую директорию
$ ./kustomize build https://github.com/open-policy-agent/gatekeeper-library/library | kubectl apply -f -
Применим политики gatekeeper для защиты от bad pods.
$ kubectl apply -f ./gatekeeper-policies/
Проверим что у кластере есть
- Шаблоны политик
$ kubectl get constrainttemplates
k8sallowedrepos 20h
k8sblocknodeport 20h
k8scontainerlimits 20h
k8shttpsonly 20h
k8simagedigests 20h
k8spspallowedusers 20h
k8spspallowprivilegeescalationcontainer 20h
k8spspapparmor 20h
k8spspcapabilities 20h
k8spspflexvolumes 20h
k8spspforbiddensysctls 20h
k8spspfsgroup 20h
k8spsphostfilesystem 20h
k8spsphostnamespace 20h
k8spsphostnetworkingports 20h
k8spspprivilegedcontainer 20h
k8spspprocmount 20h
k8spspreadonlyrootfilesystem 20h
k8spspseccomp 20h
k8spspselinuxv2 20h
k8spspvolumetypes 20h
k8srequiredlabels 20h
k8srequiredprobes 20h
k8suniqueingresshost 20h
k8suniqueserviceselector 20h
- Сами политки
$ kubectl get constraints
k8spsphostfilesystem.constraints.gatekeeper.sh/psp-host-filesystem 20h
k8spspprivilegedcontainer.constraints.gatekeeper.sh/psp-privileged-container 20h
k8spspforbiddensysctls.constraints.gatekeeper.sh/psp-forbidden-sysctls 20h
k8spsphostnetworkingports.constraints.gatekeeper.sh/psp-host-network-ports 20h
k8spsphostnamespace.constraints.gatekeeper.sh/psp-host-namespace 20h
k8spspprocmount.constraints.gatekeeper.sh/psp-proc-mount 20h
Создадим плохие поды
$ kubectl apply -f ./bad-pods/pods
pod/nothing-allowed-exec-pod unchanged
Error from server ([denied by psp-host-namespace] Sharing the host namespace is not allowed: everything-allowed-exec-pod
[denied by psp-host-network-ports] The specified hostNetwork and hostPort are not allowed, pod: everything-allowed-exec-pod. Allowed values: {"hostNetwork": false}
[denied by psp-privileged-container] Privileged container is not allowed: everything-allowed-pod, securityContext: {"privileged": true}
[denied by psp-host-filesystem] HostPath volume {"hostPath": {"path": "/", "type": ""}, "name": "noderoot"} is not allowed, pod: everything-allowed-exec-pod. Allowed path: [{"pathPrefix": "/foo", "readOnly": true}]): error when creating "../../kubernetes/bad-pods/everything-allowed-exec-pod.yaml": admission webhook "validation.gatekeeper.sh" denied the request: [denied by psp-host-namespace] Sharing the host namespace is not allowed: everything-allowed-exec-pod
[denied by psp-host-network-ports] The specified hostNetwork and hostPort are not allowed, pod: everything-allowed-exec-pod. Allowed values: {"hostNetwork": false}
[denied by psp-privileged-container] Privileged container is not allowed: everything-allowed-pod, securityContext: {"privileged": true}
[denied by psp-host-filesystem] HostPath volume {"hostPath": {"path": "/", "type": ""}, "name": "noderoot"} is not allowed, pod: everything-allowed-exec-pod. Allowed path: [{"pathPrefix": "/foo", "readOnly": true}]
Error from server ([denied by psp-host-namespace] Sharing the host namespace is not allowed: hostipc-exec-pod): error when creating "../../kubernetes/bad-pods/hostipc-exec-pod.yaml": admission webhook "validation.gatekeeper.sh" denied the request: [denied by psp-host-namespace] Sharing the host namespace is not allowed: hostipc-exec-pod
Error from server ([denied by psp-host-network-ports] The specified hostNetwork and hostPort are not allowed, pod: hostnetwork-exec-pod. Allowed values: {"hostNetwork": false}): error when creating "../../kubernetes/bad-pods/hostnetwork-exec-pod.yaml": admission webhook "validation.gatekeeper.sh" denied the request: [denied by psp-host-network-ports] The specified hostNetwork and hostPort are not allowed, pod: hostnetwork-exec-pod. Allowed values: {"hostNetwork": false}
Error from server ([denied by psp-host-filesystem] HostPath volume {"hostPath": {"path": "/", "type": ""}, "name": "noderoot"} is not allowed, pod: hostpath-exec-pod. Allowed path: [{"pathPrefix": "/foo", "readOnly": true}]): error when creating "../../kubernetes/bad-pods/hostpath-exec-pod.yaml": admission webhook "validation.gatekeeper.sh" denied the request: [denied by psp-host-filesystem] HostPath volume {"hostPath": {"path": "/", "type": ""}, "name": "noderoot"} is not allowed, pod: hostpath-exec-pod. Allowed path: [{"pathPrefix": "/foo", "readOnly": true}]
Error from server ([denied by psp-host-namespace] Sharing the host namespace is not allowed: hostpid-exec-pod): error when creating "../../kubernetes/bad-pods/hostpid-exec-pod.yaml": admission webhook "validation.gatekeeper.sh" denied the request: [denied by psp-host-namespace] Sharing the host namespace is not allowed: hostpid-exec-pod
Error from server ([denied by psp-host-namespace] Sharing the host namespace is not allowed: priv-and-hostpid-exec-pod
[denied by psp-privileged-container] Privileged container is not allowed: priv-and-hostpid-pod, securityContext: {"privileged": true}): error when creating "../../kubernetes/bad-pods/priv-and-hostpid-exec-pod.yaml": admission webhook "validation.gatekeeper.sh" denied the request: [denied by psp-host-namespace] Sharing the host namespace is not allowed: priv-and-hostpid-exec-pod
[denied by psp-privileged-container] Privileged container is not allowed: priv-and-hostpid-pod, securityContext: {"privileged": true}
Error from server ([denied by psp-privileged-container] Privileged container is not allowed: priv-pod, securityContext: {"privileged": true}): error when creating "../../kubernetes/bad-pods/priv-exec-pod.yaml": admission webhook "validation.gatekeeper.sh" denied the request: [denied by psp-privileged-container] Privileged container is not allowed: priv-pod, securityContext: {"privileged": true}
Попробуем создать еще деплойменты чтобы убедится что все работает идентично
kubectl apply -f ./bad-pods/deployments/
nrkk-osx:staging nrkk$ kubectl get deploy
everything-allowed-exec-deployment 0/2 0 0 21s
hostipc-exec-deployment 0/2 0 0 20s
hostnetwork-exec-deployment 0/2 0 0 20s
hostpath-exec-deployment 0/2 0 0 20s
hostpid-exec-deployment 0/2 0 0 20s
nothing-allowed-exec-deployment 2/2 2 2 20s
priv-and-hostpid-exec-deployment 0/2 0 0 20s
priv-exec-deployment 0/2 0 0 20s
Удалим Gatekeeper
helm delete gatekeeper --namespace gatekeeper
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