Create a small university library system where students can check out physical books with the following functionality.
There would be 2 roles: Student and Librarian.
The flow of the app should be this:
The student can see the list of all the books that exist in the library. He can filter or search by title, author or genre. Once a book is selected to see its details, you can see if there are available copies of this book (in stock). If so, the student can request the check out for this book and the stock for that book will decrease.
The student can see all the books he has requested for check out. Once the student has used the book, he will return it to the library. For this, the librarian can look for people that has check out books and then he can mark that record/book as returned, that way the stock of that
book will increase.
The Librarian is in charge of adding new users with the following information: First name, Last name, email and role.
Also, the Librarian can add new books with the following information: Title, Author, Published Year and Genre.