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Ottr aims to solve certificate rotations for any device that is not capable of being managed by an agent and has the ability to configure their X.509 certificate from a remote session (via API, SSH, SSM Agent). Ottr attempts to build an asset inventory of devices across your infrastructure and provides the framework to automate the end-to-end certificate rotation lifecycle for these hosts.

While the current implementation uses Let's Encrypt as the Certificate Authority (CA), Ottr can be extended to any CA that supports the ACME protocol.

Ottr Core Platform: infra/

PKI Network Topology

  1. CloudWatch event executed to trigger Lambda function.

  2. Otter Lambda function scans DynamoDB which contains device data in the following structure:

      "system_name": "",
      "common_name": "",
      "certificate_authority": "lets_encrypt",
      "certificate_expiration": "2021-10-31T01:49:35",
      "data_center": "DC1",
      "device_model": "PA-XXXX",
      "host_platform": "panos",
      "ip_address": "",
      "origin": "API",
      "os_version": "9.1.0",
      "subject_alternative_name": [
    • Once a device is queried from the database, the following information is checked:

      • Is the certificate_expiration field is either None (default value) or if the datetime is within 30 days of the expiration date?

      • Is there is a valid ECS task definition to perform the certificate rotation? A lookup based on the host_platform, os_version, certificate_authority, and device_model (Optional) for the device is checked against the routing config.

    • If these conditions are true, the device data is stored until the entire database has been scanned. Once all assets that match the conditions are aggregated we create a payload in the following structure to send a batch request to AWS Step Functions using a Map state. For any devices that do not have a corresponding ECS task definition from the routing config file an error is logged within CloudWatch Logs under /aws/lambda/otter.

        "assets": [
            "hostname": "", # PanOS 9.x Device
            "common_name": "", # Certificate Common Name (CN)
            "certificate_validation": "False", # Do Not Perform Certificate Validation for HTTP Requests (i.e. Self-Signed or Invalid Certificate on Host)
            "task_definition": "otter-panos-9x-lets-encrypt",
            "dns": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX" # Route53 Hosted Zone ID for
            "hostname": "", # Linux Distribution
            "common_name": "",
            "certificate_validation": "True", # Perform Certificate Validation (Current Valid Certificate on Host)
            "task_definition": "otter-linux-aws-ssm-lets-encrypt",
            "dns": "YYYYYYYYYYYYYY" # Route53 Hosted Zone ID for
        "region": "us-east-1", # AWS Region Ottr is Built
        "table": "otter" # DynamoDB Table Name
  3. The otter-state Step Function will launch an ECS task which will build and run the platform specific container (i.e. PanOS 9.x) depending on the device data passed into the Step Function.

    • In the event that the container executes and exists with a non-zero status code the Step Function will route to the Lambda Handler which is a notification system that leverages Slack that sends messages to a designated channel and provides a link to the error logs for investigation:

    Error Notification

  4. When the Step Function executes an ECS task, a Fargate container is spun up after pulling the container image down from Elastic Container Registry (ECR). While the runtime logic varies depending on the platform of the host, the general flow is documented below:

    a. Container connects to host and checks the following conditions:

    • Host is reachable.
    • Common Name (CN) and Subject Alternative Names (SANs) have CNAME records to your organization's subdelegate zone. More information provided within dns/
    • If any of the conditions are not met, the container will exit with a non-zero status code and a notification will be generated through the Lambda Handler.

    b. Container reaches out to device to generate a Public/Private Key Pair and Certificate Signing Request (CSR) on the device and pulls the CSR back onto the container.

    c. The CSR is sent to the Certificate Authority (i.e. Let's Encrypt) to sign. is used as the ACME Client to perform the certificate signing process.

    d. Since the Certificate Authority (CA) needs to validate domain ownership for the Common Name (CN) and Subject Alternative Names (SANs) within your Certificate Signing Request (CSR), DNS-01 challenge is used to write a DNS TXT record within the subdelegate zone.

    e. After the domain is validated a certificate is generated by the Certificate Authority which the ACME Client subsequently pulls down and writes to the container filesystem. A separate request is made from the runtime logic to push the certificate onto the host and commit changes.

  5. After a certificate is committed to the device, validation checks are performed to ensure that the certificate issuer is from the expected CA as well as contain an expiration date that is in line with a newly provisioned certificate. For example, depending on the certificate_authority field within the database the expiration time varies as lets_encrypt certificates are only valid for 90 days while digicert certificates are valid for 13 months. After the validation, the certificate expiration date is updated within DynamoDB in the certificate_expiration index.

Network Routing:

From a network standpoint Ottr is deployed within two dedicated private subnets in different availability zones (AZs). It is recommended to use start with smaller subnets (e.g., /28) that are dedicated for this service as the routes that will be reachable into the on-prem environment will be wide ranges over ports 443 and 22. Prerequisites are listed below:

  1. 22 (SSH), and/or 443 (SSL, AWS SSM) connections between the private subnets and the devices set for rotations on-prem or within AWS (Internal):
    • When containers are executed, the requests that are made to the device are either HTTP Requests or from an SSH Client. The majority of cases only require 443, but in certain use cases 22 is also required.
  2. 443 (SSL) for routes to the following Let's Encrypt Endpoints (Internet):
    • [Production]
    • [Staging]
  3. 443 (DNS over HTTPS) for Cloudflare DNS:
    • [Production]
  4. If your organization is performing L7 packet filtering at your edge firewalls you will also need to allow connections to *

Network Routing

When the Step Function receives the step input, it will assess each element within assets and executes ECS tasks in parallel with a default concurrency of 50. The only limitation to this is if there are more hosts that require certificate rotations than the number of Elastic Network Interfaces (ENI) available in the subnets that Ottr runs in since each container binds to an ENI during runtime. In the case this happens, the Step Function will set the other tasks back in the queue and execute when an ENI becomes available.

Ottr API: infra/

Ottr API is a Swagger API built on top of Flask-RESTX. It is fronted by an AWS Application Load Balancer (ALB) and handles compute using a Fargate backed ECS Cluster that uses an Envoy sidecar to ensure end-to-end TLS before forwarding the request to the application.

The API provides the ability to update and search the database in a programmatic manner as well as execute rotations in the case of one-off cases. A number of input validation checks are also performed to ensure that the data is in a valid format before being written into the database.

  • Deploying the API will be done through infra/ We recommend you choose two private subnets to deploy the instances in but if that is not possible it is also configurable to run within public subnets.
  • The ingress_ip_ranges field will determine what IP Ranges will allow you to access the API (443) as well as provide SSH (22) connectivity to the EC2 backed hosts for ECS. If you require a deployment in a public subnet please ensure that it is appropriately locked down to only addresses your organization can reach.
Endpoint Permissions Description
/admin/v1/users [GET] ADMIN List Users
/admin/v1/users [POST] ADMIN Create Users
/admin/v1/users/{username} [DELETE] ADMIN Delete Users
/admin/v1/management/certificate-validation/unset/{system_name} [PATCH] ADMIN Unset Certificate Validation for HTTP Requests if Device has Self-Signed or Invalid Certificate
/admin/v1/management/certificate-validation/set/{system_name} [PATCH] ADMIN Set Certificate Validation if /unset was Used Unintentionally
/api/v1/assets [POST] PRIVILEGED Add Assets
/api/v1/assets [PUT] PRIVILEGED Update Assets
/api/v1/assets/delete/{system_name} [DELETE] PRIVILEGED Delete Assets
/api/v1/certificate/rotate/{system_name} [POST] PRIVILEGED Manual Certificate Rotation
/api/v1/search [GET] DEVELOPER Query Database for Assets
/user/v1/authenticate [POST] DEVELOPER Generate Bearer Token
/user/v1/authenticate [PUT] DEVELOPER Update Password


Ottr Core Platform + Ottr API:

The architecture below demonstrates the overall flow with how the API integrates with Ottr Core Platform.
