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Contributing to Ottr

Ottr provides a framework to streamline the end-to-end rotation lifecycle for X.509 certificates on any agentless device. The premise of the architecture was built around the principle that engineering teams would traditionally build custom scripts to automate as much of their infrastructure as possible, including rotating X.509 certificates. Ottr extends this principle by creating a modular design where these existing scripts can be containerized and dropped into the framework to begin automating certificate rotations no matter what stack your organization is running.

The simplest way to contribute is to provide two scripts for a platform that currently is not supported or a newer OS version of an existing platform that has a flow that is different from older versions.

  1. Generate Public/Private Key Pair and Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
  2. Uploading a Signed Certificate Up to Device

By providing those two scripts that is the majority of the logic required for us to integrate a new platform. However, if you are looking to do a full integration, you will need to copy a baseline template from platforms/template and continue following the steps below.

Example Scenerio

Our organization wants to integrate certificate rotations for the following devices.

  • Platform: Juniper JunOS
  • OS Version: 18.2
  • Model: SRX5600
  • Certificate Authority: Let's Encrypt

Prerequisite Setup

  1. Since the current platform (Juniper JunOS) is not currently supported we need to change the routing config and API routing config to add a valid entry.

    • Within the routing config files, the certificate_authority field is in the key value structure [certificate_authority]: otter-[platform]-[version]-[certificate_authority]. That value represents the ECS task definition that determines which container to run based on the host metadata (i.e. Juniper JunOS 18.2 SRX5600 using Let's Encrypt). You can name this in any format you want but we recommend you follow the standard.
     "platform": {
     "junos": {
       "os": {
         "18.2": {
           "certificate_authority": {
             "lets_encrypt": "otter-junos-18x-lets-encrypt"
           "model": [
  2. Build and Update API and Lambda

    cd $HOME/Desktop/ottr-venv/ottr
    # PREFIX: Variable from infra/
    make build-otter-router AWS_REGION=[VALUE] AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=[VALUE]
    • For Lambda functions running containers, even after a container image is updated to ECR, the Lambda function still required you deploy the image again.
      • Login to AWS
      • Search otter within Lambda
      • Deploy New Image → Save
  3. Add device to database through API using the PUT /api/v1/assets endpoint.

    import requests
    import json
    username = ''
    password = ''
    url = 'https://[API_ENDPOINT]'
    data = {
       "username": username,
       "password": password
    # Authenticate to API
    response = + '/user/v1/authenticate', json=data)
    output = json.loads((response.content).decode('utf-8'))
    token = output.get('token')
    # Add Device to Database
    data = {
       "system_name": "",
       "common_name": "",
       "certificate_authority": "lets_encrypt",
       "data_center": "DC1",
       "device_model": "SRX5600",
       "host_platform": "junos",
       "ip_address": "",
       "os_version": "18.2",
       "subject_alternative_name": [
    response = requests.put(url=url + '/api/v1/assets', headers={"Authorization": token}, json=data)
  4. Now that there is a valid route to execute a container, the module in infra/ will build the ECS task definition and ECR registry. The ECS task definition that was referenced within the routing config will be used as the family field within the module. The repo_name field should be what you name the directory when you create it under ottr/platforms.

    module "otter_junos" {
       source             = "./modules/container"
       repo_name          = "otter-junos-18.x"
       family             = "otter-junos-18x-lets-encrypt"
       task_role_arn      = aws_iam_role.otter_ecs_fargate.arn
       execution_role_arn = aws_iam_role.otter_ecs_fargate.arn
  5. Use the Secrets Module in infra/, that will be used to generate a item within AWS Secrets Manager. Those credentials will be used for authentication against your any device that matches the platform.

    module "junos" {
       source         = "./modules/secrets"
       name           = "prod/otter/junos"
       region         = var.region
       aws_account_id = data.aws_caller_identity.otter.account_id
  6. Build Infrastructure for ECS and Secrets Manager

    cd $HOME/Desktop/ottr-venv/ottr/infra
    terraform init
    terraform apply

    Secrets Manager:

    • Login to AWS
    • Search prod/otter/junos
    • Retrieve Secret Value → Edit
      • Add username and password as within the key elements and include the corresponding values used for authentication.


    • When the container module is built an ECS task definition is created that links to an ECR image i.e. [ACCOUNT_ID].dkr.ecr.[REGION] After writing the container runtime logic, which is described in the following section, we can build and push the image to the registry that was created by this Terraform container module.
  7. Include DNS domain alias by adding an entry into dns/ for each Common Name (CN) as well as all Subject Alternative Names (SANs) per host. When we created the element in the database we set the common_name to and the subject_alternative_name was Since we are using DNS Subdelegation to perform validation the module below will perform the CNAME mapping.

       module "dns_junos_example" {
          source                    = "./modules/dns"
          certificate_common_name   = ""
          subject_alternative_names = [""]
          alias_domain_name         = ""

Developing Platform Container

After building and configuring the infrastructure, now it's time to write the runtime logic to perform rotations on the designated platform. The template directory contains the skeleton for the runtime logic. The template will need to be copied to a new directory such as platforms/junos-18.x.

Before building and pushing any images to ECR for testing, we want to ensure that there are no issues running locally. To configure your local environment you will need to open and update the following fields:

  1. AWS_REGION: Region you are build the Ottr infrastructure in.
  2. DYNAMODB_TABLE: Name of the DynamoDB Table for Ottr's Asset Inventory.
  3. HOSTED_ZONE_ID: Route53 Hosted Zone ID, depending on the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) for your device this value will differ. For example, if you are attempting a certificate rotation on you will need to look within Route53 for the Hosted Zone ID for
  4. HOSTNAME: Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) for the host (i.e. that Ottr you will connect to.
  5. COMMON_NAME: Common Name (CN) value for the certificate.
  6. ACME_DNS: Route53 Subdelegate Zone (acme_subdelegate_zone field in infra/
  7. PREFIX: Secrets Manager prefix defined from infra/
  8. VALIDATE_CERTIFICATE: In case that the device you are registering does not have a valid certificate (i.e. self-signed certificate) set this value to False. After the initial run, this will be set to true in order to perform certificate validation before any connection is made to the host.
  9. email: Include the organizational email you want to register your Let's Encrypt profile with.

After adding these environmental variables execute . ./ (don't forget the dot preceding the ./) since you will want to execute as a parent process.

Within the template/src/ file there are instructions to explain the flow required to perform a certificate rotation. As mentioned previously is used as the ACME Client to sign a CSR from our Certificate Authority. Below there are explanations on how to use the client.

# Instantiate Let's Encrypt Client for Certificate Signing / Performs Validations
le_client = LetsEncrypt(
    hostname=hostname, subdelegate=dns, subject_alternative_names=subject_alternative_names,

# acme_local is used when executing the scripts locally during the first stage of testing. The Let's Encrypt Staging server is used and will provide an invalid staging certificate. This will be executed locally and not on the container.

# The Let's Encrypt Staging server will still be used for acme_development. However, this implementation will be used when acme_local has succeeded and you are ready to build your container and push it to Elastic Container Registry (ECR).

# When acme_development passes you are ready to push out the production image, all that needs to change within the file is to change acme_development to acme_production. This will use the production Let's Encrypt ACME endpoint and generate a valid certificate.

When you're ready to start running tests locally, run the following:

cd ottr-venv/ottr/platforms/junos-18.x/src

Building Container Image

Before pushing any images to ECR you need to check a few conditions:

  1. acme_local is not being used and acme_development or acme_production is being run.
  2. requirements.txt within the platform directory include all of the dependencies.
  3. Remove config folder and all files from the platform directory.

When you are ready to build your container image and push a development or production version up to ECR the process is the same. Within the root directory there is a Makefile that is used as a local mechanism to build and push images to our container registry.

	$(info *** build and upload containers to AWS ECR)
	aws ecr get-login-password --region $(AWS_REGION) | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $(AWS_ACCOUNT_ID).dkr.ecr.$(AWS_REGION)
	docker build -t $(CONTAINERS_PREFIX)-junos-18.x-lets-encrypt:latest $(CONTAINERS_DIR)/junos-18.x/.
	docker tag $(CONTAINERS_PREFIX)-junos-18.x-lets-encrypt:latest $(AWS_ACCOUNT_ID).dkr.ecr.$(AWS_REGION) ; \
	docker push $(AWS_ACCOUNT_ID).dkr.ecr.$(AWS_REGION) ; \
cd $HOME/Desktop/ottr-venv/ottr
make build-junos-18.x

After the image is pushed up, manuel executions can be run for testing. This can be done in two ways:

  1. POST ​/api​/v1​/certificate​/rotate​/{system_name} API Endpoint

  2. Execute after configuring environmental variables:

    • REGION: Region you are build the Ottr infrastructure in.
    • AWS_ACCOUNT: AWS Account ID
    • DYNAMODB_TABLE: Name of the DynamoDB Table for Ottr's Asset Inventory.
    • HOSTED_ZONE_ID: Route53 Hosted Zone ID, depending on the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) for your device this value will differ. For example, if you are attempting a certificate rotation on you will need to look within Route53 for the Hosted Zone ID for
    • hostname: FQDN of host that you will be making the connection to.
    • common_name: Certificate Common Name (CN) field that will be set for the certificate.
    • task_definition: ECS Task Definition, this is the same value that was generated in the family field within infra/
    • dns: Route53 Hosted Zone ID for Host Domain
    cd ottr-venv/ottr/otter/manual

This execution of either of these processes will kick off an AWS Step Function that will fire off an ECS task. If an error is generated the Lambda Handler should generate a Slack notification and provide you a link to the CloudWatch Log entry. If there are any issues there, you can find the logs in the /ecs/otter Log Group.

Once the production ready image is pushed to ECR, as long as the device metadata within the database match the routing config in the API and Core Platform, certificate expirations will be tracked natively and runs will be executed 30 days before the certificate expires.