Registry is a web application to help school teachers tackle the administrative tasks of a school class. Although it is a fairly small application it implements all best practices as far as security, stability and scalability is concerned. Features are constantly added and feature requests are kindly encouraged. Currently, the application uses Greek localization, with English planned next.
The application requires a Postgres database.
Before deploying the application a Postgres database schema must created. Just for reference, to create a postgres schema follow these steps:
Connect to postgres using
$ psql --host=localhost --port=5432 --username=postgres
Create the application user
CREATE USER registry PASSWORD 'registry' createdb;
Create the application database
CREATE DATABASE registry OWNER = registry;
Edit the
with the connection information provided in the end (update them accordingly for your environment if required). -
Initialize the database using flyway
# mvn clean compile flyway:migrate
host |
localhost |
port |
5432 |
user |
registry |
password |
registry |
database |
registry |
After removing the existing database, recreate using the SQL command shown previously or using the following command:
$ createdb -U <user> -W -h <host> -O <owner> <new_database>
-U <user>: the user to connect with
-W: ask for password
-h <host>: the database host to connect to
-O <owner>: the owner of the new database
<new_database>: the new database name
$ pg_restore -U <user> -W -h <host> -v -d <database> <backup_file>
-U <user>: the user to connect with
-W: ask for password
-h <host>: the database host to connect to
-v: be verbose
-d <database>: the database name to restore to (must exist)
-O <owner>: the owner of the new database
<backup_file>: the backup file
When deploying a production build a JNDI datasource is required. For tomcat installations make sure to satisfy the following:
Add the PostgreSQL JDBC driver into Tomcat lib.
Edit Tomcat
to include the following in theGlobalNamingResources
section:<Resource name="RegistryDatasource" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource" driverClassName="org.postgresql.Driver" url="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/registry" username="registry" password="registry" maxActive="10" maxIdle="4" maxWait="10000" testOnBorrow="true" validationQuery="select 1" validationInterval="360000"/>
In the previous fragment the
element has an attributename
. The value of this attribute should be the same with theglobal
attribute of theResourceLink
element ofcontext.xml
found insrc/main/webapp/META-INF/context.xml
To build the application the user interface (client) and server must be built individually. The client exists in a seperate repository.
For the server build, maven is used. The build is profile based with profiles: local_ds, jndi_ds, bundle and deploy.
The local_ds profile uses a Spring configured datasource, while the jndi_ds profile, expects a JNDI datasource to be in place when deploying. These two profiles should be considered as mutually exclusive.
The local datasource is configured in pom.xml
through the dev.jdbc.user
, dev.jdbc.password
and dev.jdbc.url
This profile instructs the build to include an already built and installed in the maven local repository user interface. When this profile is not enabled, the user should provide the user interface, typically preferred when developing user interface features
The application accepts two system properties:
This can be either dev or prod and selects between local or JNDI datasource. Note that this should be aligned with the profile built and no default is provided.
During development the maven command to execute is:
mvn clean tomcat7:run-war -Pdev -Dmaven.test.skip -Dsecure=false
This will launch the application within an embedded tomcat. It uses a local datasource. It is required that the user provides the user interface.
When preparing a production release the command to use is:
mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip -Pprod,bundle,deploy
This command will build a production package to deploy on tomcat. This build requires a JNDI datasource and the user interface to be available as a maven artifact.
Check out the client code from registry-ui and follow the instructions in README.adoc
. In priciple, the user interface must be built first and installed into a maven repository. Then the server application will pull the user interface as a depedency.