To start your new Phoenix application:
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Rename config/.exs.example to config/.exs (where is the environment)
- Create Database with
mix ecto.create CastPub.Repo
- Run migrations with
mix ecto.migrate CastPub.Repo
- Seed the database with
mix castpub.seed
- Start Phoenix router with
mix phoenix.start
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.
TO create a migration, do: mix ecto.gen.migration CastPub.Repo <migration_name>
To run migrations, do: mix ecto.migrate CastPub.Repo
do mix help
to see all the commands that are available
User signs up User creates Company. Company essentially is a group of podcasts User can invite other users to Company User can give Permissions to Podcast/Company for invited Users
Data saved on user's own S3 instance (cover art, episodes)
Can save episode without media, but can't publish it