Original dataset images should be saved into <Constants.DATA_DIR>/.
Synthetic images will be saved into <Constants.DATA_DIR>/synthesized/.
You will need a csv file listing all background images (see /data/zero_lid.csv for reference).
You will need a csv file listing all images with exactly one object (see /data/one_lid.csv for reference). Please note that our method does not work with very dark objects/low contrast between background and object.
Start Copy & Paste Data Augmentation by creating DataAugmentation object, with the paths to the two csv files, in /data_augmentation/.
from data_augmentation.data_aufmentation import DataAugmentation
data_augmentation_object = DataAugmentaion(zero_lid_dir, one_lid_dir)
Then run generate method on this DataAugmentation object. You can switch on different tags:
- noise_background: add noiso to the images with label 0 (switched on by default)
- rotate: rotate some inserted objects with random angle (switched on by default)
- change_color: change color of some inserted objects
- make_edge: allows creating object in the edges
- make_dark: make some inserted objects dark
- make_transparent: make some inserted objects transparent
- coco_annotation: create a coco annotation json file with annotations for instance segmentation
For example the following code generates a new synthetic data set with 6 classes, 10 images in each class and all tags switched on:
classes={0: 10, 1: 10, 2: 10, 3: 10, 4: 10, 5: 10},