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Integrate Paybox System faster into your .NET project

What is Paybox System ?

Paybox is a payment system provided by Verifone. It displays a payment page and handles the usual payment checks.

Further informations can be found in their website : Paybox Sytem

What is Paybox Helper ?

Paybox Helper is a .NET library that will help you :

  • Load Paybox configs from your config file
  • Check that your config is correct
  • Sign payment request
  • Provide a helper to build an URL Encode form that will be sent to Paybox
  • Verify response signature and data
  • Get a full text description of the Response Code parameter (E)

Summaries of properties and methods are all provided in French and English.

This library was implemented using the following document : Integration Guide for Paybox System V8.1 - FR

How to implement Paybox Helper ?

Start by taking a look at the demo project in this repository. Now, here are the steps you need to follow once you add this library to your project

To Call Paybox System

  1. Add a PayboxSettings section in your config file. This section must contain your dev or prod settings.

Here is a basic appsettings.json section with mandatory values and some optional ones :

  "PayboxSettings": {
    "MainServerUrl": "",
    "MainServerTestUrl": "",
    "BackupServerUrl": "",
    "BackupServerTestUrl": "",
    "PBX_DEVISE": "978",
    "PBX_RETOUR": "Mt:M;Ref:R;Auto:A;RefPbx:S;Erreur:E;sign:K",
    "PBX_REPONDRE_A": "https://localhost:5001/InstantPaymentNotification",
    "PBX_EFFECTUE": "https://localhost:5001/PaymentConfirmation",
    "PBX_ANNULE": "https://localhost:5001/Index",
    "PBX_REFUSE": "https://localhost:5001/PaymentConfirmation",
    "PBX_ATTENTE": "https://localhost:5001/PaymentConfirmation",
    "PBX_HASH": "SHA512",
    "MerchantSecreteKey": "YOUR_SECRET_KEY",
    "PayboxServersIPsWhitelist": [
    "PublicKeyAbsolutePath": "PUBLIC_KEY_PATH"

PBX_SITE, PBX_RANG and PBX_IDENTIFIANT are provided by Paybox upon contract signing.

MerchantSecreteKey is your shop secret Key generated on the Back office. Keep in mind that Keys for Test environment and production are not the same.

PayboxServersIPsWhitelist is used to verify that the IPN is sent by an official Paybox server. IPs for production can be found in chapter §12.6 - URLs to call and IP address.

PublicKeyAbsolutePath Must be an absolute path to the Paybox Public Key. Key can be downladed from here

ℹ️ If you need to add any additional property to send to Paybox Servers just declare it using it's Paybox name. For instance, if you want your payment page to be displayed in German, add "PBX_LANGUE": "DEU" to your configuration file and it will automatically be apended to the payment request.

If you set an optional value to null or delete it it won't be used for building the request. If you set a Mandatory value to null, an exception will be raised by Paybox Helper.

  1. Configure Paybox helper in your startup.cs by adding the following declaration to ConfigureServices method :
  1. From there, you can inject an IPayboxService object in the page/class you want to call Paybox from. See demo/Pages/Index.cshtml

  2. Build a PaymentRequest object that will contain contextual data about the payment you want to make

var request = new PaymentRequest()
                //Your internal reference
                TransactionId = "Ref" + new Random().Next(1, 10000),
                CustomerEmail = "",
                //Amount of the shopping cart
                PaymentAmount = "10000"
  1. Call _payboxService.GetPaymentPageParametersAsync(request); If something is misconfigured or missing in your configuration file, a PayboxException exception will be thrown. Same if Paybox main and backup servers are unreachable. This method will also sign your request and provide it in the PBX_HMAC property.

⚠️ To sign values, a query string is build using each provided property in an alphabetical order !

  1. Use the PaymentPageParameters object you got from the previous method to build your form
<form method="POST" action="@Model.PaymentParams.PayboxUrl">
        <input type="submit" value="Go to Payment page" class="btn btn-primary">
  1. You should now have a button that will send your user to the Paybox Payment page !

To verify the Instant Payment Notification (IPN)

  1. As previously, you need to inject an IPayboxService object in the page/class that should process the response. See demo/Pages/InstantPaymentNotification.cshtml.cs

  2. Get the Query String params and the remote IP of the request

//Remove the ? at the beggining of the Query string
string values = HttpContext.Request.QueryString.ToString()[1..];

string callingIp = HttpContext.Connection.RemoteIpAddress.ToString();
  1. Create a PaymentToVerify object to contain the Query string, calling IP and the amount the customer should have paid. Paybox advises to always check the amount received by the IPN.
  var payment = new PaymentToVerify()
                Values = values,
                //Must be the same value as in step 4 in 'How to call Paybox System'
                ExpectedAmount = "10000",
                CallingIp = callingIp

If you do not provide an ExpectedAmount this value won't be checked and the verification will not fail. Making this value optional.

  1. Call _paybox.VerifyPaymentResponseAsync(payment);. This method will :
  • Check that the calling IP is in the configured whitelist
  • Verify the signature using the Paybox Public Key.
  • Verify that there is either an Authorisation OR error code provided.
  • Verify that the paid amount linked to this IPN is correct. (If provided in the parameters)
  • Parse the Query String to send you back an object with all the values you asked for in the PBX_RETOUR property.
  1. Use the returned PaymentResponse object for your business needs. This object will contain all the available properties of PBX_RETOUR, see chapter §11.1.7 - Mandatory Parameters / PBX_RETOUR.
        @$"Instant Payment Notification is valid. Received values are :
        Authorization Number : {verifiedPayment.A}
        Paybox Reference : {verifiedPayment.S}
        Internal Payment Reference : {verifiedPayment.R}
        Response code : {verifiedPayment.E}"

You can access these properties using the same property names they use in the documentation. As seen above, verifiedPayment.A will give you the Authorization number, verifiedPayment.R will give you the payment reference you sent in PBC_CMD, etc. If a value was not asked for in PBX_RETOUR it will be set to null.

  1. Using PaymentResponse.GetResponseDescription() method will also return you the description of the current response code.

What's missing ?

The following features are missing :

  • Getting the right response code description based on the authorization center. Right now, you can only get Mastercard/visa descriptions through GetResponseDescription. See chapter §12.1 - Response codes from the authorization centers.
  • Subscription cancelation management. See Chapter §7.4.1 - Ending of a Subscription.
  • Responsive pages URLs for smartphone users
  • Secret keys will expire each year. We could add a warning when getting close to the expiration date.
  • Checking that there are no forbiden charactere sent to Paybox. Accepted characters are all listed on chapter §12.4 - Paybox Character Set

Something else is missing or buggy ?

Feel free to open an issue or contribute 😄