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195 lines (165 loc) · 116 KB
'use strict'
* Toggle the visibilty of a form group
* @param {string} form_id The form identifier
* @param {boolean} show Whether to show or hide
function toggle_visibility_of_form_group(form_id, show) {
let form_element = $(form_id);
let parent = form_element.parent();
if(show) {
} else {
* Toggle the visibility of the jupyterlab check-box
* Looking for the value of data-has-jupyterlab
function toggle_jupyterlab_switch_visibility() {
let custom_environment_input = $('#batch_connect_session_context_custom_environment');
// Allow for jupyter_swtich control not existing
if ( ! ($('#batch_connect_session_context_jupyterlab_switch').length > 0) ) {
* Toggle the visibility of the num_gpu select
* Looking for the value of data-has-gpu from partition
function toggle_num_gpu_visibility() {
// return if no num_gpu
if ( ! ($('#batch_connect_session_context_num_gpu').length > 0) ) {
let partition_input = $('#batch_connect_session_context_partitions');
let num_gpu_input = $('#batch_connect_session_context_num_gpu');
if ( partition_input[0].value.match("gpu") != null ) num_gpu_input.attr('min', 1);
else num_gpu_input.attr('min', 0);
* set max hours for seleted partition
function fix_num_hours() {
if ( ! ($('#batch_connect_session_context_bc_num_hours').length > 0) ) {
let partition_input = $('#batch_connect_session_context_partitions');
let num_hours_input = $('#batch_connect_session_context_bc_num_hours');
num_hours_input.attr('max', partition_input.find(':selected').data('max-hours'));
* toggle on/off additional user input options
function toggle_advanced_options_visibility() {
// return if no advaned_options
if ( ! ($('#batch_connect_session_context_advanced_options').length > 0) ) {
var advanced_options = document.getElementById("batch_connect_session_context_advanced_options");
if ($('#batch_connect_session_context_bc_account').length > 0) {
if ($('#batch_connect_session_context_module_collection').length > 0) {
if ($('#batch_connect_session_context_additional_modules').length > 0) {
if ($('#batch_connect_session_context_advanced_job_options').length > 0) {
if ($('#batch_connect_session_context_java_opts').length > 0) {
if ($('#batch_connect_session_context_conda_env').length > 0) {
* Sets the change handler for the custom_environment select.
function set_custom_environment_change_handler() {
let custom_environment_input = $('#batch_connect_session_context_custom_environment');
function set_partition_change_handler() {
let partition_input = $('#batch_connect_session_context_partitions');
function set_advanced_options_handler() {
let advanced_input = $('#batch_connect_session_context_advanced_options');
* Update UI when custom_environment changes
function custom_environment_change_handler() {
function partition_change_handler() {
function advanced_options_handler() {
* Main
// Set controls to align with the values of the last session context
// Install event handlers
* File Picker (Here To End Of File)
* https://github.com/OSC/bc_js_filepicker
!function (t) { var e = {}; function n(r) { if (e[r]) return e[r].exports; var o = e[r] = { i: r, l: !1, exports: {} }; return t[r].call(o.exports, o, o.exports, n), o.l = !0, o.exports } n.m = t, n.c = e, n.d = function (t, e, r) { n.o(t, e) || Object.defineProperty(t, e, { enumerable: !0, get: r }) }, n.r = function (t) { "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(t, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }), Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }) }, n.t = function (t, e) { if (1 & e && (t = n(t)), 8 & e) return t; if (4 & e && "object" == typeof t && t && t.__esModule) return t; var r = Object.create(null); if (n.r(r), Object.defineProperty(r, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }), 2 & e && "string" != typeof t) for (var o in t) n.d(r, o, function (e) { return t[e] }.bind(null, o)); return r }, n.n = function (t) { var e = t && t.__esModule ? function () { return t.default } : function () { return t }; return n.d(e, "a", e), e }, n.o = function (t, e) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, e) }, n.p = "", n(n.s = 10) }([function (t, e, n) { (function (t) { function n(t, e) { for (var n = 0, r = t.length - 1; r >= 0; r--) { var o = t[r]; "." === o ? t.splice(r, 1) : ".." === o ? (t.splice(r, 1), n++) : n && (t.splice(r, 1), n--) } if (e) for (; n--; n)t.unshift(".."); return t } function r(t, e) { if (t.filter) return t.filter(e); for (var n = [], r = 0; r < t.length; r++)e(t[r], r, t) && n.push(t[r]); return n } e.resolve = function () { for (var e = "", o = !1, i = arguments.length - 1; i >= -1 && !o; i--) { var a = i >= 0 ? arguments[i] : t.cwd(); if ("string" != typeof a) throw new TypeError("Arguments to path.resolve must be strings"); a && (e = a + "/" + e, o = "/" === a.charAt(0)) } return (o ? "/" : "") + (e = n(r(e.split("/"), (function (t) { return !!t })), !o).join("/")) || "." }, e.normalize = function (t) { var i = e.isAbsolute(t), a = "/" === o(t, -1); return (t = n(r(t.split("/"), (function (t) { return !!t })), !i).join("/")) || i || (t = "."), t && a && (t += "/"), (i ? "/" : "") + t }, e.isAbsolute = function (t) { return "/" === t.charAt(0) }, e.join = function () { var t = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); return e.normalize(r(t, (function (t, e) { if ("string" != typeof t) throw new TypeError("Arguments to path.join must be strings"); return t })).join("/")) }, e.relative = function (t, n) { function r(t) { for (var e = 0; e < t.length && "" === t[e]; e++); for (var n = t.length - 1; n >= 0 && "" === t[n]; n--); return e > n ? [] : t.slice(e, n - e + 1) } t = e.resolve(t).substr(1), n = e.resolve(n).substr(1); for (var o = r(t.split("/")), i = r(n.split("/")), a = Math.min(o.length, i.length), s = a, c = 0; c < a; c++)if (o[c] !== i[c]) { s = c; break } var l = []; for (c = s; c < o.length; c++)l.push(".."); return (l = l.concat(i.slice(s))).join("/") }, e.sep = "/", e.delimiter = ":", e.dirname = function (t) { if ("string" != typeof t && (t += ""), 0 === t.length) return "."; for (var e = t.charCodeAt(0), n = 47 === e, r = -1, o = !0, i = t.length - 1; i >= 1; --i)if (47 === (e = t.charCodeAt(i))) { if (!o) { r = i; break } } else o = !1; return -1 === r ? n ? "/" : "." : n && 1 === r ? "/" : t.slice(0, r) }, e.basename = function (t, e) { var n = function (t) { "string" != typeof t && (t += ""); var e, n = 0, r = -1, o = !0; for (e = t.length - 1; e >= 0; --e)if (47 === t.charCodeAt(e)) { if (!o) { n = e + 1; break } } else -1 === r && (o = !1, r = e + 1); return -1 === r ? "" : t.slice(n, r) }(t); return e && n.substr(-1 * e.length) === e && (n = n.substr(0, n.length - e.length)), n }, e.extname = function (t) { "string" != typeof t && (t += ""); for (var e = -1, n = 0, r = -1, o = !0, i = 0, a = t.length - 1; a >= 0; --a) { var s = t.charCodeAt(a); if (47 !== s) -1 === r && (o = !1, r = a + 1), 46 === s ? -1 === e ? e = a : 1 !== i && (i = 1) : -1 !== e && (i = -1); else if (!o) { n = a + 1; break } } return -1 === e || -1 === r || 0 === i || 1 === i && e === r - 1 && e === n + 1 ? "" : t.slice(e, r) }; var o = "b" === "ab".substr(-1) ? function (t, e, n) { return t.substr(e, n) } : function (t, e, n) { return e < 0 && (e = t.length + e), t.substr(e, n) } }).call(this, n(3)) }, function (t, e) { function n(t) { return (n = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) } var r; r = function () { return this }(); try { r = r || new Function("return this")() } catch (t) { "object" === ("undefined" == typeof window ? "undefined" : n(window)) && (r = window) } t.exports = r }, function (t, e, n) {
"use strict"; (function (t, n) {
function r(t) { return (r = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (t) { return typeof t } : function (t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t })(t) }
* Vue.js v2.6.14
* (c) 2014-2021 Evan You
* Released under the MIT License.
*/var o = Object.freeze({}); function i(t) { return null == t } function a(t) { return null != t } function s(t) { return !0 === t } function c(t) { return "string" == typeof t || "number" == typeof t || "symbol" === r(t) || "boolean" == typeof t } function l(t) { return null !== t && "object" === r(t) } var u = Object.prototype.toString; function f(t) { return "[object Object]" === u.call(t) } function d(t) { return "[object RegExp]" === u.call(t) } function p(t) { var e = parseFloat(String(t)); return e >= 0 && Math.floor(e) === e && isFinite(t) } function h(t) { return a(t) && "function" == typeof t.then && "function" == typeof t.catch } function v(t) { return null == t ? "" : Array.isArray(t) || f(t) && t.toString === u ? JSON.stringify(t, null, 2) : String(t) } function m(t) { var e = parseFloat(t); return isNaN(e) ? t : e } function y(t, e) { for (var n = Object.create(null), r = t.split(","), o = 0; o < r.length; o++)n[r[o]] = !0; return e ? function (t) { return n[t.toLowerCase()] } : function (t) { return n[t] } } y("slot,component", !0); var g = y("key,ref,slot,slot-scope,is"); function _(t, e) { if (t.length) { var n = t.indexOf(e); if (n > -1) return t.splice(n, 1) } } var b = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; function w(t, e) { return b.call(t, e) } function C(t) { var e = Object.create(null); return function (n) { return e[n] || (e[n] = t(n)) } } var A = /-(\w)/g, x = C((function (t) { return t.replace(A, (function (t, e) { return e ? e.toUpperCase() : "" })) })), k = C((function (t) { return t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t.slice(1) })), S = /\B([A-Z])/g, O = C((function (t) { return t.replace(S, "-$1").toLowerCase() })); var $ = Function.prototype.bind ? function (t, e) { return t.bind(e) } : function (t, e) { function n(n) { var r = arguments.length; return r ? r > 1 ? t.apply(e, arguments) : t.call(e, n) : t.call(e) } return n._length = t.length, n }; function T(t, e) { e = e || 0; for (var n = t.length - e, r = new Array(n); n--;)r[n] = t[n + e]; return r } function E(t, e) { for (var n in e) t[n] = e[n]; return t } function I(t) { for (var e = {}, n = 0; n < t.length; n++)t[n] && E(e, t[n]); return e } function j(t, e, n) { } var N = function (t, e, n) { return !1 }, F = function (t) { return t }; function M(t, e) { if (t === e) return !0; var n = l(t), r = l(e); if (!n || !r) return !n && !r && String(t) === String(e); try { var o = Array.isArray(t), i = Array.isArray(e); if (o && i) return t.length === e.length && t.every((function (t, n) { return M(t, e[n]) })); if (t instanceof Date && e instanceof Date) return t.getTime() === e.getTime(); if (o || i) return !1; var a = Object.keys(t), s = Object.keys(e); return a.length === s.length && a.every((function (n) { return M(t[n], e[n]) })) } catch (t) { return !1 } } function L(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++)if (M(t[n], e)) return n; return -1 } function D(t) { var e = !1; return function () { e || (e = !0, t.apply(this, arguments)) } } var P = ["component", "directive", "filter"], R = ["beforeCreate", "created", "beforeMount", "mounted", "beforeUpdate", "updated", "beforeDestroy", "destroyed", "activated", "deactivated", "errorCaptured", "serverPrefetch"], U = { optionMergeStrategies: Object.create(null), silent: !1, productionTip: !1, devtools: !1, performance: !1, errorHandler: null, warnHandler: null, ignoredElements: [], keyCodes: Object.create(null), isReservedTag: N, isReservedAttr: N, isUnknownElement: N, getTagNamespace: j, parsePlatformTagName: F, mustUseProp: N, async: !0, _lifecycleHooks: R }, H = /a-zA-Z\u00B7\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u203F-\u2040\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD/; function B(t, e, n, r) { Object.defineProperty(t, e, { value: n, enumerable: !!r, writable: !0, configurable: !0 }) } var z = new RegExp("[^" + H.source + ".$_\\d]"); var V, W = "__proto__" in {}, q = "undefined" != typeof window, G = "undefined" != typeof WXEnvironment && !!WXEnvironment.platform, X = G && WXEnvironment.platform.toLowerCase(), K = q && window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), Y = K && /msie|trident/.test(K), J = K && K.indexOf("msie 9.0") > 0, Z = K && K.indexOf("edge/") > 0, Q = (K && K.indexOf("android"), K && /iphone|ipad|ipod|ios/.test(K) || "ios" === X), tt = (K && /chrome\/\d+/.test(K), K && /phantomjs/.test(K), K && K.match(/firefox\/(\d+)/)), et = {}.watch, nt = !1; if (q) try { var rt = {}; Object.defineProperty(rt, "passive", { get: function () { nt = !0 } }), window.addEventListener("test-passive", null, rt) } catch (t) { } var ot = function () { return void 0 === V && (V = !q && !G && void 0 !== t && (t.process && "server" === t.process.env.VUE_ENV)), V }, it = q && window.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__; function at(t) { return "function" == typeof t && /native code/.test(t.toString()) } var st, ct = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && at(Symbol) && "undefined" != typeof Reflect && at(Reflect.ownKeys); st = "undefined" != typeof Set && at(Set) ? Set : function () { function t() { this.set = Object.create(null) } return t.prototype.has = function (t) { return !0 === this.set[t] }, t.prototype.add = function (t) { this.set[t] = !0 }, t.prototype.clear = function () { this.set = Object.create(null) }, t }(); var lt = j, ut = 0, ft = function () { this.id = ut++, this.subs = [] }; ft.prototype.addSub = function (t) { this.subs.push(t) }, ft.prototype.removeSub = function (t) { _(this.subs, t) }, ft.prototype.depend = function () { ft.target && ft.target.addDep(this) }, ft.prototype.notify = function () { var t = this.subs.slice(); for (var e = 0, n = t.length; e < n; e++)t[e].update() }, ft.target = null; var dt = []; function pt(t) { dt.push(t), ft.target = t } function ht() { dt.pop(), ft.target = dt[dt.length - 1] } var vt = function (t, e, n, r, o, i, a, s) { this.tag = t, this.data = e, this.children = n, this.text = r, this.elm = o, this.ns = void 0, this.context = i, this.fnContext = void 0, this.fnOptions = void 0, this.fnScopeId = void 0, this.key = e && e.key, this.componentOptions = a, this.componentInstance = void 0, this.parent = void 0, this.raw = !1, this.isStatic = !1, this.isRootInsert = !0, this.isComment = !1, this.isCloned = !1, this.isOnce = !1, this.asyncFactory = s, this.asyncMeta = void 0, this.isAsyncPlaceholder = !1 }, mt = { child: { configurable: !0 } }; mt.child.get = function () { return this.componentInstance }, Object.defineProperties(vt.prototype, mt); var yt = function (t) { void 0 === t && (t = ""); var e = new vt; return e.text = t, e.isComment = !0, e }; function gt(t) { return new vt(void 0, void 0, void 0, String(t)) } function _t(t) { var e = new vt(t.tag, t.data, t.children && t.children.slice(), t.text, t.elm, t.context, t.componentOptions, t.asyncFactory); return e.ns = t.ns, e.isStatic = t.isStatic, e.key = t.key, e.isComment = t.isComment, e.fnContext = t.fnContext, e.fnOptions = t.fnOptions, e.fnScopeId = t.fnScopeId, e.asyncMeta = t.asyncMeta, e.isCloned = !0, e } var bt = Array.prototype, wt = Object.create(bt);["push", "pop", "shift", "unshift", "splice", "sort", "reverse"].forEach((function (t) { var e = bt[t]; B(wt, t, (function () { for (var n = [], r = arguments.length; r--;)n[r] = arguments[r]; var o, i = e.apply(this, n), a = this.__ob__; switch (t) { case "push": case "unshift": o = n; break; case "splice": o = n.slice(2) }return o && a.observeArray(o), a.dep.notify(), i })) })); var Ct = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(wt), At = !0; function xt(t) { At = t } var kt = function (t) { this.value = t, this.dep = new ft, this.vmCount = 0, B(t, "__ob__", this), Array.isArray(t) ? (W ? function (t, e) { t.__proto__ = e }(t, wt) : function (t, e, n) { for (var r = 0, o = n.length; r < o; r++) { var i = n[r]; B(t, i, e[i]) } }(t, wt, Ct), this.observeArray(t)) : this.walk(t) }; function St(t, e) { var n; if (l(t) && !(t instanceof vt)) return w(t, "__ob__") && t.__ob__ instanceof kt ? n = t.__ob__ : At && !ot() && (Array.isArray(t) || f(t)) && Object.isExtensible(t) && !t._isVue && (n = new kt(t)), e && n && n.vmCount++, n } function Ot(t, e, n, r, o) { var i = new ft, a = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, e); if (!a || !1 !== a.configurable) { var s = a && a.get, c = a && a.set; s && !c || 2 !== arguments.length || (n = t[e]); var l = !o && St(n); Object.defineProperty(t, e, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, get: function () { var e = s ? s.call(t) : n; return ft.target && (i.depend(), l && (l.dep.depend(), Array.isArray(e) && Et(e))), e }, set: function (e) { var r = s ? s.call(t) : n; e === r || e != e && r != r || s && !c || (c ? c.call(t, e) : n = e, l = !o && St(e), i.notify()) } }) } } function $t(t, e, n) { if (Array.isArray(t) && p(e)) return t.length = Math.max(t.length, e), t.splice(e, 1, n), n; if (e in t && !(e in Object.prototype)) return t[e] = n, n; var r = t.__ob__; return t._isVue || r && r.vmCount ? n : r ? (Ot(r.value, e, n), r.dep.notify(), n) : (t[e] = n, n) } function Tt(t, e) { if (Array.isArray(t) && p(e)) t.splice(e, 1); else { var n = t.__ob__; t._isVue || n && n.vmCount || w(t, e) && (delete t[e], n && n.dep.notify()) } } function Et(t) { for (var e = void 0, n = 0, r = t.length; n < r; n++)(e = t[n]) && e.__ob__ && e.__ob__.dep.depend(), Array.isArray(e) && Et(e) } kt.prototype.walk = function (t) { for (var e = Object.keys(t), n = 0; n < e.length; n++)Ot(t, e[n]) }, kt.prototype.observeArray = function (t) { for (var e = 0, n = t.length; e < n; e++)St(t[e]) }; var It = U.optionMergeStrategies; function jt(t, e) { if (!e) return t; for (var n, r, o, i = ct ? Reflect.ownKeys(e) : Object.keys(e), a = 0; a < i.length; a++)"__ob__" !== (n = i[a]) && (r = t[n], o = e[n], w(t, n) ? r !== o && f(r) && f(o) && jt(r, o) : $t(t, n, o)); return t } function Nt(t, e, n) { return n ? function () { var r = "function" == typeof e ? e.call(n, n) : e, o = "function" == typeof t ? t.call(n, n) : t; return r ? jt(r, o) : o } : e ? t ? function () { return jt("function" == typeof e ? e.call(this, this) : e, "function" == typeof t ? t.call(this, this) : t) } : e : t } function Ft(t, e) { var n = e ? t ? t.concat(e) : Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e] : t; return n ? function (t) { for (var e = [], n = 0; n < t.length; n++)-1 === e.indexOf(t[n]) && e.push(t[n]); return e }(n) : n } function Mt(t, e, n, r) { var o = Object.create(t || null); return e ? E(o, e) : o } It.data = function (t, e, n) { return n ? Nt(t, e, n) : e && "function" != typeof e ? t : Nt(t, e) }, R.forEach((function (t) { It[t] = Ft })), P.forEach((function (t) { It[t + "s"] = Mt })), It.watch = function (t, e, n, r) { if (t === et && (t = void 0), e === et && (e = void 0), !e) return Object.create(t || null); if (!t) return e; var o = {}; for (var i in E(o, t), e) { var a = o[i], s = e[i]; a && !Array.isArray(a) && (a = [a]), o[i] = a ? a.concat(s) : Array.isArray(s) ? s : [s] } return o }, It.props = It.methods = It.inject = It.computed = function (t, e, n, r) { if (!t) return e; var o = Object.create(null); return E(o, t), e && E(o, e), o }, It.provide = Nt; var Lt = function (t, e) { return void 0 === e ? t : e }; function Dt(t, e, n) { if ("function" == typeof e && (e = e.options), function (t, e) { var n = t.props; if (n) { var r, o, i = {}; if (Array.isArray(n)) for (r = n.length; r--;)"string" == typeof (o = n[r]) && (i[x(o)] = { type: null }); else if (f(n)) for (var a in n) o = n[a], i[x(a)] = f(o) ? o : { type: o }; else 0; t.props = i } }(e), function (t, e) { var n = t.inject; if (n) { var r = t.inject = {}; if (Array.isArray(n)) for (var o = 0; o < n.length; o++)r[n[o]] = { from: n[o] }; else if (f(n)) for (var i in n) { var a = n[i]; r[i] = f(a) ? E({ from: i }, a) : { from: a } } else 0 } }(e), function (t) { var e = t.directives; if (e) for (var n in e) { var r = e[n]; "function" == typeof r && (e[n] = { bind: r, update: r }) } }(e), !e._base && (e.extends && (t = Dt(t, e.extends, n)), e.mixins)) for (var r = 0, o = e.mixins.length; r < o; r++)t = Dt(t, e.mixins[r], n); var i, a = {}; for (i in t) s(i); for (i in e) w(t, i) || s(i); function s(r) { var o = It[r] || Lt; a[r] = o(t[r], e[r], n, r) } return a } function Pt(t, e, n, r) { if ("string" == typeof n) { var o = t[e]; if (w(o, n)) return o[n]; var i = x(n); if (w(o, i)) return o[i]; var a = k(i); return w(o, a) ? o[a] : o[n] || o[i] || o[a] } } function Rt(t, e, n, r) { var o = e[t], i = !w(n, t), a = n[t], s = zt(Boolean, o.type); if (s > -1) if (i && !w(o, "default")) a = !1; else if ("" === a || a === O(t)) { var c = zt(String, o.type); (c < 0 || s < c) && (a = !0) } if (void 0 === a) { a = function (t, e, n) { if (!w(e, "default")) return; var r = e.default; 0; if (t && t.$options.propsData && void 0 === t.$options.propsData[n] && void 0 !== t._props[n]) return t._props[n]; return "function" == typeof r && "Function" !== Ht(e.type) ? r.call(t) : r }(r, o, t); var l = At; xt(!0), St(a), xt(l) } return a } var Ut = /^\s*function (\w+)/; function Ht(t) { var e = t && t.toString().match(Ut); return e ? e[1] : "" } function Bt(t, e) { return Ht(t) === Ht(e) } function zt(t, e) { if (!Array.isArray(e)) return Bt(e, t) ? 0 : -1; for (var n = 0, r = e.length; n < r; n++)if (Bt(e[n], t)) return n; return -1 } function Vt(t, e, n) { pt(); try { if (e) for (var r = e; r = r.$parent;) { var o = r.$options.errorCaptured; if (o) for (var i = 0; i < o.length; i++)try { if (!1 === o[i].call(r, t, e, n)) return } catch (t) { qt(t, r, "errorCaptured hook") } } qt(t, e, n) } finally { ht() } } function Wt(t, e, n, r, o) { var i; try { (i = n ? t.apply(e, n) : t.call(e)) && !i._isVue && h(i) && !i._handled && (i.catch((function (t) { return Vt(t, r, o + " (Promise/async)") })), i._handled = !0) } catch (t) { Vt(t, r, o) } return i } function qt(t, e, n) { if (U.errorHandler) try { return U.errorHandler.call(null, t, e, n) } catch (e) { e !== t && Gt(e, null, "config.errorHandler") } Gt(t, e, n) } function Gt(t, e, n) { if (!q && !G || "undefined" == typeof console) throw t; console.error(t) } var Xt, Kt = !1, Yt = [], Jt = !1; function Zt() { Jt = !1; var t = Yt.slice(0); Yt.length = 0; for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++)t[e]() } if ("undefined" != typeof Promise && at(Promise)) { var Qt = Promise.resolve(); Xt = function () { Qt.then(Zt), Q && setTimeout(j) }, Kt = !0 } else if (Y || "undefined" == typeof MutationObserver || !at(MutationObserver) && "[object MutationObserverConstructor]" !== MutationObserver.toString()) Xt = void 0 !== n && at(n) ? function () { n(Zt) } : function () { setTimeout(Zt, 0) }; else { var te = 1, ee = new MutationObserver(Zt), ne = document.createTextNode(String(te)); ee.observe(ne, { characterData: !0 }), Xt = function () { te = (te + 1) % 2, ne.data = String(te) }, Kt = !0 } function re(t, e) { var n; if (Yt.push((function () { if (t) try { t.call(e) } catch (t) { Vt(t, e, "nextTick") } else n && n(e) })), Jt || (Jt = !0, Xt()), !t && "undefined" != typeof Promise) return new Promise((function (t) { n = t })) } var oe = new st; function ie(t) { !function t(e, n) { var r, o, i = Array.isArray(e); if (!i && !l(e) || Object.isFrozen(e) || e instanceof vt) return; if (e.__ob__) { var a = e.__ob__.dep.id; if (n.has(a)) return; n.add(a) } if (i) for (r = e.length; r--;)t(e[r], n); else for (o = Object.keys(e), r = o.length; r--;)t(e[o[r]], n) }(t, oe), oe.clear() } var ae = C((function (t) { var e = "&" === t.charAt(0), n = "~" === (t = e ? t.slice(1) : t).charAt(0), r = "!" === (t = n ? t.slice(1) : t).charAt(0); return { name: t = r ? t.slice(1) : t, once: n, capture: r, passive: e } })); function se(t, e) { function n() { var t = arguments, r = n.fns; if (!Array.isArray(r)) return Wt(r, null, arguments, e, "v-on handler"); for (var o = r.slice(), i = 0; i < o.length; i++)Wt(o[i], null, t, e, "v-on handler") } return n.fns = t, n } function ce(t, e, n, r, o, a) { var c, l, u, f; for (c in t) l = t[c], u = e[c], f = ae(c), i(l) || (i(u) ? (i(l.fns) && (l = t[c] = se(l, a)), s(f.once) && (l = t[c] = o(f.name, l, f.capture)), n(f.name, l, f.capture, f.passive, f.params)) : l !== u && (u.fns = l, t[c] = u)); for (c in e) i(t[c]) && r((f = ae(c)).name, e[c], f.capture) } function le(t, e, n) { var r; t instanceof vt && (t = t.data.hook || (t.data.hook = {})); var o = t[e]; function c() { n.apply(this, arguments), _(r.fns, c) } i(o) ? r = se([c]) : a(o.fns) && s(o.merged) ? (r = o).fns.push(c) : r = se([o, c]), r.merged = !0, t[e] = r } function ue(t, e, n, r, o) { if (a(e)) { if (w(e, n)) return t[n] = e[n], o || delete e[n], !0; if (w(e, r)) return t[n] = e[r], o || delete e[r], !0 } return !1 } function fe(t) { return c(t) ? [gt(t)] : Array.isArray(t) ? function t(e, n) { var r, o, l, u, f = []; for (r = 0; r < e.length; r++)i(o = e[r]) || "boolean" == typeof o || (l = f.length - 1, u = f[l], Array.isArray(o) ? o.length > 0 && (de((o = t(o, (n || "") + "_" + r))[0]) && de(u) && (f[l] = gt(u.text + o[0].text), o.shift()), f.push.apply(f, o)) : c(o) ? de(u) ? f[l] = gt(u.text + o) : "" !== o && f.push(gt(o)) : de(o) && de(u) ? f[l] = gt(u.text + o.text) : (s(e._isVList) && a(o.tag) && i(o.key) && a(n) && (o.key = "__vlist" + n + "_" + r + "__"), f.push(o))); return f }(t) : void 0 } function de(t) { return a(t) && a(t.text) && !1 === t.isComment } function pe(t, e) { if (t) { for (var n = Object.create(null), r = ct ? Reflect.ownKeys(t) : Object.keys(t), o = 0; o < r.length; o++) { var i = r[o]; if ("__ob__" !== i) { for (var a = t[i].from, s = e; s;) { if (s._provided && w(s._provided, a)) { n[i] = s._provided[a]; break } s = s.$parent } if (!s) if ("default" in t[i]) { var c = t[i].default; n[i] = "function" == typeof c ? c.call(e) : c } else 0 } } return n } } function he(t, e) { if (!t || !t.length) return {}; for (var n = {}, r = 0, o = t.length; r < o; r++) { var i = t[r], a = i.data; if (a && a.attrs && a.attrs.slot && delete a.attrs.slot, i.context !== e && i.fnContext !== e || !a || null == a.slot) (n.default || (n.default = [])).push(i); else { var s = a.slot, c = n[s] || (n[s] = []); "template" === i.tag ? c.push.apply(c, i.children || []) : c.push(i) } } for (var l in n) n[l].every(ve) && delete n[l]; return n } function ve(t) { return t.isComment && !t.asyncFactory || " " === t.text } function me(t) { return t.isComment && t.asyncFactory } function ye(t, e, n) { var r, i = Object.keys(e).length > 0, a = t ? !!t.$stable : !i, s = t && t.$key; if (t) { if (t._normalized) return t._normalized; if (a && n && n !== o && s === n.$key && !i && !n.$hasNormal) return n; for (var c in r = {}, t) t[c] && "$" !== c[0] && (r[c] = ge(e, c, t[c])) } else r = {}; for (var l in e) l in r || (r[l] = _e(e, l)); return t && Object.isExtensible(t) && (t._normalized = r), B(r, "$stable", a), B(r, "$key", s), B(r, "$hasNormal", i), r } function ge(t, e, n) { var o = function () { var t = arguments.length ? n.apply(null, arguments) : n({}), e = (t = t && "object" === r(t) && !Array.isArray(t) ? [t] : fe(t)) && t[0]; return t && (!e || 1 === t.length && e.isComment && !me(e)) ? void 0 : t }; return n.proxy && Object.defineProperty(t, e, { get: o, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0 }), o } function _e(t, e) { return function () { return t[e] } } function be(t, e) { var n, r, o, i, s; if (Array.isArray(t) || "string" == typeof t) for (n = new Array(t.length), r = 0, o = t.length; r < o; r++)n[r] = e(t[r], r); else if ("number" == typeof t) for (n = new Array(t), r = 0; r < t; r++)n[r] = e(r + 1, r); else if (l(t)) if (ct && t[Symbol.iterator]) { n = []; for (var c = t[Symbol.iterator](), u = c.next(); !u.done;)n.push(e(u.value, n.length)), u = c.next() } else for (i = Object.keys(t), n = new Array(i.length), r = 0, o = i.length; r < o; r++)s = i[r], n[r] = e(t[s], s, r); return a(n) || (n = []), n._isVList = !0, n } function we(t, e, n, r) { var o, i = this.$scopedSlots[t]; i ? (n = n || {}, r && (n = E(E({}, r), n)), o = i(n) || ("function" == typeof e ? e() : e)) : o = this.$slots[t] || ("function" == typeof e ? e() : e); var a = n && n.slot; return a ? this.$createElement("template", { slot: a }, o) : o } function Ce(t) { return Pt(this.$options, "filters", t) || F } function Ae(t, e) { return Array.isArray(t) ? -1 === t.indexOf(e) : t !== e } function xe(t, e, n, r, o) { var i = U.keyCodes[e] || n; return o && r && !U.keyCodes[e] ? Ae(o, r) : i ? Ae(i, t) : r ? O(r) !== e : void 0 === t } function ke(t, e, n, r, o) { if (n) if (l(n)) { var i; Array.isArray(n) && (n = I(n)); var a = function (a) { if ("class" === a || "style" === a || g(a)) i = t; else { var s = t.attrs && t.attrs.type; i = r || U.mustUseProp(e, s, a) ? t.domProps || (t.domProps = {}) : t.attrs || (t.attrs = {}) } var c = x(a), l = O(a); c in i || l in i || (i[a] = n[a], o && ((t.on || (t.on = {}))["update:" + a] = function (t) { n[a] = t })) }; for (var s in n) a(s) } else; return t } function Se(t, e) { var n = this._staticTrees || (this._staticTrees = []), r = n[t]; return r && !e || $e(r = n[t] = this.$options.staticRenderFns[t].call(this._renderProxy, null, this), "__static__" + t, !1), r } function Oe(t, e, n) { return $e(t, "__once__" + e + (n ? "_" + n : ""), !0), t } function $e(t, e, n) { if (Array.isArray(t)) for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++)t[r] && "string" != typeof t[r] && Te(t[r], e + "_" + r, n); else Te(t, e, n) } function Te(t, e, n) { t.isStatic = !0, t.key = e, t.isOnce = n } function Ee(t, e) { if (e) if (f(e)) { var n = t.on = t.on ? E({}, t.on) : {}; for (var r in e) { var o = n[r], i = e[r]; n[r] = o ? [].concat(o, i) : i } } else; return t } function Ie(t, e, n, r) { e = e || { $stable: !n }; for (var o = 0; o < t.length; o++) { var i = t[o]; Array.isArray(i) ? Ie(i, e, n) : i && (i.proxy && (i.fn.proxy = !0), e[i.key] = i.fn) } return r && (e.$key = r), e } function je(t, e) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n += 2) { var r = e[n]; "string" == typeof r && r && (t[e[n]] = e[n + 1]) } return t } function Ne(t, e) { return "string" == typeof t ? e + t : t } function Fe(t) { t._o = Oe, t._n = m, t._s = v, t._l = be, t._t = we, t._q = M, t._i = L, t._m = Se, t._f = Ce, t._k = xe, t._b = ke, t._v = gt, t._e = yt, t._u = Ie, t._g = Ee, t._d = je, t._p = Ne } function Me(t, e, n, r, i) { var a, c = this, l = i.options; w(r, "_uid") ? (a = Object.create(r))._original = r : (a = r, r = r._original); var u = s(l._compiled), f = !u; this.data = t, this.props = e, this.children = n, this.parent = r, this.listeners = t.on || o, this.injections = pe(l.inject, r), this.slots = function () { return c.$slots || ye(t.scopedSlots, c.$slots = he(n, r)), c.$slots }, Object.defineProperty(this, "scopedSlots", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return ye(t.scopedSlots, this.slots()) } }), u && (this.$options = l, this.$slots = this.slots(), this.$scopedSlots = ye(t.scopedSlots, this.$slots)), l._scopeId ? this._c = function (t, e, n, o) { var i = Be(a, t, e, n, o, f); return i && !Array.isArray(i) && (i.fnScopeId = l._scopeId, i.fnContext = r), i } : this._c = function (t, e, n, r) { return Be(a, t, e, n, r, f) } } function Le(t, e, n, r, o) { var i = _t(t); return i.fnContext = n, i.fnOptions = r, e.slot && ((i.data || (i.data = {})).slot = e.slot), i } function De(t, e) { for (var n in e) t[x(n)] = e[n] } Fe(Me.prototype); var Pe = { init: function (t, e) { if (t.componentInstance && !t.componentInstance._isDestroyed && t.data.keepAlive) { var n = t; Pe.prepatch(n, n) } else { (t.componentInstance = function (t, e) { var n = { _isComponent: !0, _parentVnode: t, parent: e }, r = t.data.inlineTemplate; a(r) && (n.render = r.render, n.staticRenderFns = r.staticRenderFns); return new t.componentOptions.Ctor(n) }(t, Je)).$mount(e ? t.elm : void 0, e) } }, prepatch: function (t, e) { var n = e.componentOptions; !function (t, e, n, r, i) { 0; var a = r.data.scopedSlots, s = t.$scopedSlots, c = !!(a && !a.$stable || s !== o && !s.$stable || a && t.$scopedSlots.$key !== a.$key || !a && t.$scopedSlots.$key), l = !!(i || t.$options._renderChildren || c); t.$options._parentVnode = r, t.$vnode = r, t._vnode && (t._vnode.parent = r); if (t.$options._renderChildren = i, t.$attrs = r.data.attrs || o, t.$listeners = n || o, e && t.$options.props) { xt(!1); for (var u = t._props, f = t.$options._propKeys || [], d = 0; d < f.length; d++) { var p = f[d], h = t.$options.props; u[p] = Rt(p, h, e, t) } xt(!0), t.$options.propsData = e } n = n || o; var v = t.$options._parentListeners; t.$options._parentListeners = n, Ye(t, n, v), l && (t.$slots = he(i, r.context), t.$forceUpdate()); 0 }(e.componentInstance = t.componentInstance, n.propsData, n.listeners, e, n.children) }, insert: function (t) { var e, n = t.context, r = t.componentInstance; r._isMounted || (r._isMounted = !0, en(r, "mounted")), t.data.keepAlive && (n._isMounted ? ((e = r)._inactive = !1, rn.push(e)) : tn(r, !0)) }, destroy: function (t) { var e = t.componentInstance; e._isDestroyed || (t.data.keepAlive ? function t(e, n) { if (n && (e._directInactive = !0, Qe(e))) return; if (!e._inactive) { e._inactive = !0; for (var r = 0; r < e.$children.length; r++)t(e.$children[r]); en(e, "deactivated") } }(e, !0) : e.$destroy()) } }, Re = Object.keys(Pe); function Ue(t, e, n, r, c) { if (!i(t)) { var u = n.$options._base; if (l(t) && (t = u.extend(t)), "function" == typeof t) { var f; if (i(t.cid) && void 0 === (t = function (t, e) { if (s(t.error) && a(t.errorComp)) return t.errorComp; if (a(t.resolved)) return t.resolved; var n = Ve; n && a(t.owners) && -1 === t.owners.indexOf(n) && t.owners.push(n); if (s(t.loading) && a(t.loadingComp)) return t.loadingComp; if (n && !a(t.owners)) { var r = t.owners = [n], o = !0, c = null, u = null; n.$on("hook:destroyed", (function () { return _(r, n) })); var f = function (t) { for (var e = 0, n = r.length; e < n; e++)r[e].$forceUpdate(); t && (r.length = 0, null !== c && (clearTimeout(c), c = null), null !== u && (clearTimeout(u), u = null)) }, d = D((function (n) { t.resolved = We(n, e), o ? r.length = 0 : f(!0) })), p = D((function (e) { a(t.errorComp) && (t.error = !0, f(!0)) })), v = t(d, p); return l(v) && (h(v) ? i(t.resolved) && v.then(d, p) : h(v.component) && (v.component.then(d, p), a(v.error) && (t.errorComp = We(v.error, e)), a(v.loading) && (t.loadingComp = We(v.loading, e), 0 === v.delay ? t.loading = !0 : c = setTimeout((function () { c = null, i(t.resolved) && i(t.error) && (t.loading = !0, f(!1)) }), v.delay || 200)), a(v.timeout) && (u = setTimeout((function () { u = null, i(t.resolved) && p(null) }), v.timeout)))), o = !1, t.loading ? t.loadingComp : t.resolved } }(f = t, u))) return function (t, e, n, r, o) { var i = yt(); return i.asyncFactory = t, i.asyncMeta = { data: e, context: n, children: r, tag: o }, i }(f, e, n, r, c); e = e || {}, xn(t), a(e.model) && function (t, e) { var n = t.model && t.model.prop || "value", r = t.model && t.model.event || "input"; (e.attrs || (e.attrs = {}))[n] = e.model.value; var o = e.on || (e.on = {}), i = o[r], s = e.model.callback; a(i) ? (Array.isArray(i) ? -1 === i.indexOf(s) : i !== s) && (o[r] = [s].concat(i)) : o[r] = s }(t.options, e); var d = function (t, e, n) { var r = e.options.props; if (!i(r)) { var o = {}, s = t.attrs, c = t.props; if (a(s) || a(c)) for (var l in r) { var u = O(l); ue(o, c, l, u, !0) || ue(o, s, l, u, !1) } return o } }(e, t); if (s(t.options.functional)) return function (t, e, n, r, i) { var s = t.options, c = {}, l = s.props; if (a(l)) for (var u in l) c[u] = Rt(u, l, e || o); else a(n.attrs) && De(c, n.attrs), a(n.props) && De(c, n.props); var f = new Me(n, c, i, r, t), d = s.render.call(null, f._c, f); if (d instanceof vt) return Le(d, n, f.parent, s, f); if (Array.isArray(d)) { for (var p = fe(d) || [], h = new Array(p.length), v = 0; v < p.length; v++)h[v] = Le(p[v], n, f.parent, s, f); return h } }(t, d, e, n, r); var p = e.on; if (e.on = e.nativeOn, s(t.options.abstract)) { var v = e.slot; e = {}, v && (e.slot = v) } !function (t) { for (var e = t.hook || (t.hook = {}), n = 0; n < Re.length; n++) { var r = Re[n], o = e[r], i = Pe[r]; o === i || o && o._merged || (e[r] = o ? He(i, o) : i) } }(e); var m = t.options.name || c; return new vt("vue-component-" + t.cid + (m ? "-" + m : ""), e, void 0, void 0, void 0, n, { Ctor: t, propsData: d, listeners: p, tag: c, children: r }, f) } } } function He(t, e) { var n = function (n, r) { t(n, r), e(n, r) }; return n._merged = !0, n } function Be(t, e, n, r, o, u) { return (Array.isArray(n) || c(n)) && (o = r, r = n, n = void 0), s(u) && (o = 2), function (t, e, n, r, o) { if (a(n) && a(n.__ob__)) return yt(); a(n) && a(n.is) && (e = n.is); if (!e) return yt(); 0; Array.isArray(r) && "function" == typeof r[0] && ((n = n || {}).scopedSlots = { default: r[0] }, r.length = 0); 2 === o ? r = fe(r) : 1 === o && (r = function (t) { for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++)if (Array.isArray(t[e])) return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], t); return t }(r)); var c, u; if ("string" == typeof e) { var f; u = t.$vnode && t.$vnode.ns || U.getTagNamespace(e), c = U.isReservedTag(e) ? new vt(U.parsePlatformTagName(e), n, r, void 0, void 0, t) : n && n.pre || !a(f = Pt(t.$options, "components", e)) ? new vt(e, n, r, void 0, void 0, t) : Ue(f, n, t, r, e) } else c = Ue(e, n, t, r); return Array.isArray(c) ? c : a(c) ? (a(u) && function t(e, n, r) { e.ns = n, "foreignObject" === e.tag && (n = void 0, r = !0); if (a(e.children)) for (var o = 0, c = e.children.length; o < c; o++) { var l = e.children[o]; a(l.tag) && (i(l.ns) || s(r) && "svg" !== l.tag) && t(l, n, r) } }(c, u), a(n) && function (t) { l(t.style) && ie(t.style); l(t.class) && ie(t.class) }(n), c) : yt() }(t, e, n, r, o) } var ze, Ve = null; function We(t, e) { return (t.__esModule || ct && "Module" === t[Symbol.toStringTag]) && (t = t.default), l(t) ? e.extend(t) : t } function qe(t) { if (Array.isArray(t)) for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) { var n = t[e]; if (a(n) && (a(n.componentOptions) || me(n))) return n } } function Ge(t, e) { ze.$on(t, e) } function Xe(t, e) { ze.$off(t, e) } function Ke(t, e) { var n = ze; return function r() { var o = e.apply(null, arguments); null !== o && n.$off(t, r) } } function Ye(t, e, n) { ze = t, ce(e, n || {}, Ge, Xe, Ke, t), ze = void 0 } var Je = null; function Ze(t) { var e = Je; return Je = t, function () { Je = e } } function Qe(t) { for (; t && (t = t.$parent);)if (t._inactive) return !0; return !1 } function tn(t, e) { if (e) { if (t._directInactive = !1, Qe(t)) return } else if (t._directInactive) return; if (t._inactive || null === t._inactive) { t._inactive = !1; for (var n = 0; n < t.$children.length; n++)tn(t.$children[n]); en(t, "activated") } } function en(t, e) { pt(); var n = t.$options[e], r = e + " hook"; if (n) for (var o = 0, i = n.length; o < i; o++)Wt(n[o], t, null, t, r); t._hasHookEvent && t.$emit("hook:" + e), ht() } var nn = [], rn = [], on = {}, an = !1, sn = !1, cn = 0; var ln = 0, un = Date.now; if (q && !Y) { var fn = window.performance; fn && "function" == typeof fn.now && un() > document.createEvent("Event").timeStamp && (un = function () { return fn.now() }) } function dn() { var t, e; for (ln = un(), sn = !0, nn.sort((function (t, e) { return t.id - e.id })), cn = 0; cn < nn.length; cn++)(t = nn[cn]).before && t.before(), e = t.id, on[e] = null, t.run(); var n = rn.slice(), r = nn.slice(); cn = nn.length = rn.length = 0, on = {}, an = sn = !1, function (t) { for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++)t[e]._inactive = !0, tn(t[e], !0) }(n), function (t) { var e = t.length; for (; e--;) { var n = t[e], r = n.vm; r._watcher === n && r._isMounted && !r._isDestroyed && en(r, "updated") } }(r), it && U.devtools && it.emit("flush") } var pn = 0, hn = function (t, e, n, r, o) { this.vm = t, o && (t._watcher = this), t._watchers.push(this), r ? (this.deep = !!r.deep, this.user = !!r.user, this.lazy = !!r.lazy, this.sync = !!r.sync, this.before = r.before) : this.deep = this.user = this.lazy = this.sync = !1, this.cb = n, this.id = ++pn, this.active = !0, this.dirty = this.lazy, this.deps = [], this.newDeps = [], this.depIds = new st, this.newDepIds = new st, this.expression = "", "function" == typeof e ? this.getter = e : (this.getter = function (t) { if (!z.test(t)) { var e = t.split("."); return function (t) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { if (!t) return; t = t[e[n]] } return t } } }(e), this.getter || (this.getter = j)), this.value = this.lazy ? void 0 : this.get() }; hn.prototype.get = function () { var t; pt(this); var e = this.vm; try { t = this.getter.call(e, e) } catch (t) { if (!this.user) throw t; Vt(t, e, 'getter for watcher "' + this.expression + '"') } finally { this.deep && ie(t), ht(), this.cleanupDeps() } return t }, hn.prototype.addDep = function (t) { var e = t.id; this.newDepIds.has(e) || (this.newDepIds.add(e), this.newDeps.push(t), this.depIds.has(e) || t.addSub(this)) }, hn.prototype.cleanupDeps = function () { for (var t = this.deps.length; t--;) { var e = this.deps[t]; this.newDepIds.has(e.id) || e.removeSub(this) } var n = this.depIds; this.depIds = this.newDepIds, this.newDepIds = n, this.newDepIds.clear(), n = this.deps, this.deps = this.newDeps, this.newDeps = n, this.newDeps.length = 0 }, hn.prototype.update = function () { this.lazy ? this.dirty = !0 : this.sync ? this.run() : function (t) { var e = t.id; if (null == on[e]) { if (on[e] = !0, sn) { for (var n = nn.length - 1; n > cn && nn[n].id > t.id;)n--; nn.splice(n + 1, 0, t) } else nn.push(t); an || (an = !0, re(dn)) } }(this) }, hn.prototype.run = function () { if (this.active) { var t = this.get(); if (t !== this.value || l(t) || this.deep) { var e = this.value; if (this.value = t, this.user) { var n = 'callback for watcher "' + this.expression + '"'; Wt(this.cb, this.vm, [t, e], this.vm, n) } else this.cb.call(this.vm, t, e) } } }, hn.prototype.evaluate = function () { this.value = this.get(), this.dirty = !1 }, hn.prototype.depend = function () { for (var t = this.deps.length; t--;)this.deps[t].depend() }, hn.prototype.teardown = function () { if (this.active) { this.vm._isBeingDestroyed || _(this.vm._watchers, this); for (var t = this.deps.length; t--;)this.deps[t].removeSub(this); this.active = !1 } }; var vn = { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, get: j, set: j }; function mn(t, e, n) { vn.get = function () { return this[e][n] }, vn.set = function (t) { this[e][n] = t }, Object.defineProperty(t, n, vn) } function yn(t) { t._watchers = []; var e = t.$options; e.props && function (t, e) { var n = t.$options.propsData || {}, r = t._props = {}, o = t.$options._propKeys = []; t.$parent && xt(!1); var i = function (i) { o.push(i); var a = Rt(i, e, n, t); Ot(r, i, a), i in t || mn(t, "_props", i) }; for (var a in e) i(a); xt(!0) }(t, e.props), e.methods && function (t, e) { t.$options.props; for (var n in e) t[n] = "function" != typeof e[n] ? j : $(e[n], t) }(t, e.methods), e.data ? function (t) { var e = t.$options.data; f(e = t._data = "function" == typeof e ? function (t, e) { pt(); try { return t.call(e, e) } catch (t) { return Vt(t, e, "data()"), {} } finally { ht() } }(e, t) : e || {}) || (e = {}); var n = Object.keys(e), r = t.$options.props, o = (t.$options.methods, n.length); for (; o--;) { var i = n[o]; 0, r && w(r, i) || (a = void 0, 36 !== (a = (i + "").charCodeAt(0)) && 95 !== a && mn(t, "_data", i)) } var a; St(e, !0) }(t) : St(t._data = {}, !0), e.computed && function (t, e) { var n = t._computedWatchers = Object.create(null), r = ot(); for (var o in e) { var i = e[o], a = "function" == typeof i ? i : i.get; 0, r || (n[o] = new hn(t, a || j, j, gn)), o in t || _n(t, o, i) } }(t, e.computed), e.watch && e.watch !== et && function (t, e) { for (var n in e) { var r = e[n]; if (Array.isArray(r)) for (var o = 0; o < r.length; o++)Cn(t, n, r[o]); else Cn(t, n, r) } }(t, e.watch) } var gn = { lazy: !0 }; function _n(t, e, n) { var r = !ot(); "function" == typeof n ? (vn.get = r ? bn(e) : wn(n), vn.set = j) : (vn.get = n.get ? r && !1 !== n.cache ? bn(e) : wn(n.get) : j, vn.set = n.set || j), Object.defineProperty(t, e, vn) } function bn(t) { return function () { var e = this._computedWatchers && this._computedWatchers[t]; if (e) return e.dirty && e.evaluate(), ft.target && e.depend(), e.value } } function wn(t) { return function () { return t.call(this, this) } } function Cn(t, e, n, r) { return f(n) && (r = n, n = n.handler), "string" == typeof n && (n = t[n]), t.$watch(e, n, r) } var An = 0; function xn(t) { var e = t.options; if (t.super) { var n = xn(t.super); if (n !== t.superOptions) { t.superOptions = n; var r = function (t) { var e, n = t.options, r = t.sealedOptions; for (var o in n) n[o] !== r[o] && (e || (e = {}), e[o] = n[o]); return e }(t); r && E(t.extendOptions, r), (e = t.options = Dt(n, t.extendOptions)).name && (e.components[e.name] = t) } } return e } function kn(t) { this._init(t) } function Sn(t) { t.cid = 0; var e = 1; t.extend = function (t) { t = t || {}; var n = this, r = n.cid, o = t._Ctor || (t._Ctor = {}); if (o[r]) return o[r]; var i = t.name || n.options.name; var a = function (t) { this._init(t) }; return (a.prototype = Object.create(n.prototype)).constructor = a, a.cid = e++, a.options = Dt(n.options, t), a.super = n, a.options.props && function (t) { var e = t.options.props; for (var n in e) mn(t.prototype, "_props", n) }(a), a.options.computed && function (t) { var e = t.options.computed; for (var n in e) _n(t.prototype, n, e[n]) }(a), a.extend = n.extend, a.mixin = n.mixin, a.use = n.use, P.forEach((function (t) { a[t] = n[t] })), i && (a.options.components[i] = a), a.superOptions = n.options, a.extendOptions = t, a.sealedOptions = E({}, a.options), o[r] = a, a } } function On(t) { return t && (t.Ctor.options.name || t.tag) } function $n(t, e) { return Array.isArray(t) ? t.indexOf(e) > -1 : "string" == typeof t ? t.split(",").indexOf(e) > -1 : !!d(t) && t.test(e) } function Tn(t, e) { var n = t.cache, r = t.keys, o = t._vnode; for (var i in n) { var a = n[i]; if (a) { var s = a.name; s && !e(s) && En(n, i, r, o) } } } function En(t, e, n, r) { var o = t[e]; !o || r && o.tag === r.tag || o.componentInstance.$destroy(), t[e] = null, _(n, e) } !function (t) { t.prototype._init = function (t) { var e = this; e._uid = An++, e._isVue = !0, t && t._isComponent ? function (t, e) { var n = t.$options = Object.create(t.constructor.options), r = e._parentVnode; n.parent = e.parent, n._parentVnode = r; var o = r.componentOptions; n.propsData = o.propsData, n._parentListeners = o.listeners, n._renderChildren = o.children, n._componentTag = o.tag, e.render && (n.render = e.render, n.staticRenderFns = e.staticRenderFns) }(e, t) : e.$options = Dt(xn(e.constructor), t || {}, e), e._renderProxy = e, e._self = e, function (t) { var e = t.$options, n = e.parent; if (n && !e.abstract) { for (; n.$options.abstract && n.$parent;)n = n.$parent; n.$children.push(t) } t.$parent = n, t.$root = n ? n.$root : t, t.$children = [], t.$refs = {}, t._watcher = null, t._inactive = null, t._directInactive = !1, t._isMounted = !1, t._isDestroyed = !1, t._isBeingDestroyed = !1 }(e), function (t) { t._events = Object.create(null), t._hasHookEvent = !1; var e = t.$options._parentListeners; e && Ye(t, e) }(e), function (t) { t._vnode = null, t._staticTrees = null; var e = t.$options, n = t.$vnode = e._parentVnode, r = n && n.context; t.$slots = he(e._renderChildren, r), t.$scopedSlots = o, t._c = function (e, n, r, o) { return Be(t, e, n, r, o, !1) }, t.$createElement = function (e, n, r, o) { return Be(t, e, n, r, o, !0) }; var i = n && n.data; Ot(t, "$attrs", i && i.attrs || o, null, !0), Ot(t, "$listeners", e._parentListeners || o, null, !0) }(e), en(e, "beforeCreate"), function (t) { var e = pe(t.$options.inject, t); e && (xt(!1), Object.keys(e).forEach((function (n) { Ot(t, n, e[n]) })), xt(!0)) }(e), yn(e), function (t) { var e = t.$options.provide; e && (t._provided = "function" == typeof e ? e.call(t) : e) }(e), en(e, "created"), e.$options.el && e.$mount(e.$options.el) } }(kn), function (t) { var e = { get: function () { return this._data } }, n = { get: function () { return this._props } }; Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "$data", e), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, "$props", n), t.prototype.$set = $t, t.prototype.$delete = Tt, t.prototype.$watch = function (t, e, n) { if (f(e)) return Cn(this, t, e, n); (n = n || {}).user = !0; var r = new hn(this, t, e, n); if (n.immediate) { var o = 'callback for immediate watcher "' + r.expression + '"'; pt(), Wt(e, this, [r.value], this, o), ht() } return function () { r.teardown() } } }(kn), function (t) { var e = /^hook:/; t.prototype.$on = function (t, n) { var r = this; if (Array.isArray(t)) for (var o = 0, i = t.length; o < i; o++)r.$on(t[o], n); else (r._events[t] || (r._events[t] = [])).push(n), e.test(t) && (r._hasHookEvent = !0); return r }, t.prototype.$once = function (t, e) { var n = this; function r() { n.$off(t, r), e.apply(n, arguments) } return r.fn = e, n.$on(t, r), n }, t.prototype.$off = function (t, e) { var n = this; if (!arguments.length) return n._events = Object.create(null), n; if (Array.isArray(t)) { for (var r = 0, o = t.length; r < o; r++)n.$off(t[r], e); return n } var i, a = n._events[t]; if (!a) return n; if (!e) return n._events[t] = null, n; for (var s = a.length; s--;)if ((i = a[s]) === e || i.fn === e) { a.splice(s, 1); break } return n }, t.prototype.$emit = function (t) { var e = this, n = e._events[t]; if (n) { n = n.length > 1 ? T(n) : n; for (var r = T(arguments, 1), o = 'event handler for "' + t + '"', i = 0, a = n.length; i < a; i++)Wt(n[i], e, r, e, o) } return e } }(kn), function (t) { t.prototype._update = function (t, e) { var n = this, r = n.$el, o = n._vnode, i = Ze(n); n._vnode = t, n.$el = o ? n.__patch__(o, t) : n.__patch__(n.$el, t, e, !1), i(), r && (r.__vue__ = null), n.$el && (n.$el.__vue__ = n), n.$vnode && n.$parent && n.$vnode === n.$parent._vnode && (n.$parent.$el = n.$el) }, t.prototype.$forceUpdate = function () { this._watcher && this._watcher.update() }, t.prototype.$destroy = function () { var t = this; if (!t._isBeingDestroyed) { en(t, "beforeDestroy"), t._isBeingDestroyed = !0; var e = t.$parent; !e || e._isBeingDestroyed || t.$options.abstract || _(e.$children, t), t._watcher && t._watcher.teardown(); for (var n = t._watchers.length; n--;)t._watchers[n].teardown(); t._data.__ob__ && t._data.__ob__.vmCount--, t._isDestroyed = !0, t.__patch__(t._vnode, null), en(t, "destroyed"), t.$off(), t.$el && (t.$el.__vue__ = null), t.$vnode && (t.$vnode.parent = null) } } }(kn), function (t) { Fe(t.prototype), t.prototype.$nextTick = function (t) { return re(t, this) }, t.prototype._render = function () { var t, e = this, n = e.$options, r = n.render, o = n._parentVnode; o && (e.$scopedSlots = ye(o.data.scopedSlots, e.$slots, e.$scopedSlots)), e.$vnode = o; try { Ve = e, t = r.call(e._renderProxy, e.$createElement) } catch (n) { Vt(n, e, "render"), t = e._vnode } finally { Ve = null } return Array.isArray(t) && 1 === t.length && (t = t[0]), t instanceof vt || (t = yt()), t.parent = o, t } }(kn); var In = [String, RegExp, Array], jn = { KeepAlive: { name: "keep-alive", abstract: !0, props: { include: In, exclude: In, max: [String, Number] }, methods: { cacheVNode: function () { var t = this.cache, e = this.keys, n = this.vnodeToCache, r = this.keyToCache; if (n) { var o = n.tag, i = n.componentInstance, a = n.componentOptions; t[r] = { name: On(a), tag: o, componentInstance: i }, e.push(r), this.max && e.length > parseInt(this.max) && En(t, e[0], e, this._vnode), this.vnodeToCache = null } } }, created: function () { this.cache = Object.create(null), this.keys = [] }, destroyed: function () { for (var t in this.cache) En(this.cache, t, this.keys) }, mounted: function () { var t = this; this.cacheVNode(), this.$watch("include", (function (e) { Tn(t, (function (t) { return $n(e, t) })) })), this.$watch("exclude", (function (e) { Tn(t, (function (t) { return !$n(e, t) })) })) }, updated: function () { this.cacheVNode() }, render: function () { var t = this.$slots.default, e = qe(t), n = e && e.componentOptions; if (n) { var r = On(n), o = this.include, i = this.exclude; if (o && (!r || !$n(o, r)) || i && r && $n(i, r)) return e; var a = this.cache, s = this.keys, c = null == e.key ? n.Ctor.cid + (n.tag ? "::" + n.tag : "") : e.key; a[c] ? (e.componentInstance = a[c].componentInstance, _(s, c), s.push(c)) : (this.vnodeToCache = e, this.keyToCache = c), e.data.keepAlive = !0 } return e || t && t[0] } } }; !function (t) { var e = { get: function () { return U } }; Object.defineProperty(t, "config", e), t.util = { warn: lt, extend: E, mergeOptions: Dt, defineReactive: Ot }, t.set = $t, t.delete = Tt, t.nextTick = re, t.observable = function (t) { return St(t), t }, t.options = Object.create(null), P.forEach((function (e) { t.options[e + "s"] = Object.create(null) })), t.options._base = t, E(t.options.components, jn), function (t) { t.use = function (t) { var e = this._installedPlugins || (this._installedPlugins = []); if (e.indexOf(t) > -1) return this; var n = T(arguments, 1); return n.unshift(this), "function" == typeof t.install ? t.install.apply(t, n) : "function" == typeof t && t.apply(null, n), e.push(t), this } }(t), function (t) { t.mixin = function (t) { return this.options = Dt(this.options, t), this } }(t), Sn(t), function (t) { P.forEach((function (e) { t[e] = function (t, n) { return n ? ("component" === e && f(n) && (n.name = n.name || t, n = this.options._base.extend(n)), "directive" === e && "function" == typeof n && (n = { bind: n, update: n }), this.options[e + "s"][t] = n, n) : this.options[e + "s"][t] } })) }(t) }(kn), Object.defineProperty(kn.prototype, "$isServer", { get: ot }), Object.defineProperty(kn.prototype, "$ssrContext", { get: function () { return this.$vnode && this.$vnode.ssrContext } }), Object.defineProperty(kn, "FunctionalRenderContext", { value: Me }), kn.version = "2.6.14"; var Nn = y("style,class"), Fn = y("input,textarea,option,select,progress"), Mn = y("contenteditable,draggable,spellcheck"), Ln = y("events,caret,typing,plaintext-only"), Dn = y("allowfullscreen,async,autofocus,autoplay,checked,compact,controls,declare,default,defaultchecked,defaultmuted,defaultselected,defer,disabled,enabled,formnovalidate,hidden,indeterminate,inert,ismap,itemscope,loop,multiple,muted,nohref,noresize,noshade,novalidate,nowrap,open,pauseonexit,readonly,required,reversed,scoped,seamless,selected,sortable,truespeed,typemustmatch,visible"), Pn = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", Rn = function (t) { return ":" === t.charAt(5) && "xlink" === t.slice(0, 5) }, Un = function (t) { return Rn(t) ? t.slice(6, t.length) : "" }, Hn = function (t) { return null == t || !1 === t }; function Bn(t) { for (var e = t.data, n = t, r = t; a(r.componentInstance);)(r = r.componentInstance._vnode) && r.data && (e = zn(r.data, e)); for (; a(n = n.parent);)n && n.data && (e = zn(e, n.data)); return function (t, e) { if (a(t) || a(e)) return Vn(t, Wn(e)); return "" }(e.staticClass, e.class) } function zn(t, e) { return { staticClass: Vn(t.staticClass, e.staticClass), class: a(t.class) ? [t.class, e.class] : e.class } } function Vn(t, e) { return t ? e ? t + " " + e : t : e || "" } function Wn(t) { return Array.isArray(t) ? function (t) { for (var e, n = "", r = 0, o = t.length; r < o; r++)a(e = Wn(t[r])) && "" !== e && (n && (n += " "), n += e); return n }(t) : l(t) ? function (t) { var e = ""; for (var n in t) t[n] && (e && (e += " "), e += n); return e }(t) : "string" == typeof t ? t : "" } var qn = { svg: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", math: "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" }, Gn = y("html,body,base,head,link,meta,style,title,address,article,aside,footer,header,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,hgroup,nav,section,div,dd,dl,dt,figcaption,figure,picture,hr,img,li,main,ol,p,pre,ul,a,b,abbr,bdi,bdo,br,cite,code,data,dfn,em,i,kbd,mark,q,rp,rt,rtc,ruby,s,samp,small,span,strong,sub,sup,time,u,var,wbr,area,audio,map,track,video,embed,object,param,source,canvas,script,noscript,del,ins,caption,col,colgroup,table,thead,tbody,td,th,tr,button,datalist,fieldset,form,input,label,legend,meter,optgroup,option,output,progress,select,textarea,details,dialog,menu,menuitem,summary,content,element,shadow,template,blockquote,iframe,tfoot"), Xn = y("svg,animate,circle,clippath,cursor,defs,desc,ellipse,filter,font-face,foreignobject,g,glyph,image,line,marker,mask,missing-glyph,path,pattern,polygon,polyline,rect,switch,symbol,text,textpath,tspan,use,view", !0), Kn = function (t) { return Gn(t) || Xn(t) }; var Yn = Object.create(null); var Jn = y("text,number,password,search,email,tel,url"); var Zn = Object.freeze({ createElement: function (t, e) { var n = document.createElement(t); return "select" !== t || e.data && e.data.attrs && void 0 !== e.data.attrs.multiple && n.setAttribute("multiple", "multiple"), n }, createElementNS: function (t, e) { return document.createElementNS(qn[t], e) }, createTextNode: function (t) { return document.createTextNode(t) }, createComment: function (t) { return document.createComment(t) }, insertBefore: function (t, e, n) { t.insertBefore(e, n) }, removeChild: function (t, e) { t.removeChild(e) }, appendChild: function (t, e) { t.appendChild(e) }, parentNode: function (t) { return t.parentNode }, nextSibling: function (t) { return t.nextSibling }, tagName: function (t) { return t.tagName }, setTextContent: function (t, e) { t.textContent = e }, setStyleScope: function (t, e) { t.setAttribute(e, "") } }), Qn = { create: function (t, e) { tr(e) }, update: function (t, e) { t.data.ref !== e.data.ref && (tr(t, !0), tr(e)) }, destroy: function (t) { tr(t, !0) } }; function tr(t, e) { var n = t.data.ref; if (a(n)) { var r = t.context, o = t.componentInstance || t.elm, i = r.$refs; e ? Array.isArray(i[n]) ? _(i[n], o) : i[n] === o && (i[n] = void 0) : t.data.refInFor ? Array.isArray(i[n]) ? i[n].indexOf(o) < 0 && i[n].push(o) : i[n] = [o] : i[n] = o } } var er = new vt("", {}, []), nr = ["create", "activate", "update", "remove", "destroy"]; function rr(t, e) { return t.key === e.key && t.asyncFactory === e.asyncFactory && (t.tag === e.tag && t.isComment === e.isComment && a(t.data) === a(e.data) && function (t, e) { if ("input" !== t.tag) return !0; var n, r = a(n = t.data) && a(n = n.attrs) && n.type, o = a(n = e.data) && a(n = n.attrs) && n.type; return r === o || Jn(r) && Jn(o) }(t, e) || s(t.isAsyncPlaceholder) && i(e.asyncFactory.error)) } function or(t, e, n) { var r, o, i = {}; for (r = e; r <= n; ++r)a(o = t[r].key) && (i[o] = r); return i } var ir = { create: ar, update: ar, destroy: function (t) { ar(t, er) } }; function ar(t, e) { (t.data.directives || e.data.directives) && function (t, e) { var n, r, o, i = t === er, a = e === er, s = cr(t.data.directives, t.context), c = cr(e.data.directives, e.context), l = [], u = []; for (n in c) r = s[n], o = c[n], r ? (o.oldValue = r.value, o.oldArg = r.arg, ur(o, "update", e, t), o.def && o.def.componentUpdated && u.push(o)) : (ur(o, "bind", e, t), o.def && o.def.inserted && l.push(o)); if (l.length) { var f = function () { for (var n = 0; n < l.length; n++)ur(l[n], "inserted", e, t) }; i ? le(e, "insert", f) : f() } u.length && le(e, "postpatch", (function () { for (var n = 0; n < u.length; n++)ur(u[n], "componentUpdated", e, t) })); if (!i) for (n in s) c[n] || ur(s[n], "unbind", t, t, a) }(t, e) } var sr = Object.create(null); function cr(t, e) { var n, r, o = Object.create(null); if (!t) return o; for (n = 0; n < t.length; n++)(r = t[n]).modifiers || (r.modifiers = sr), o[lr(r)] = r, r.def = Pt(e.$options, "directives", r.name); return o } function lr(t) { return t.rawName || t.name + "." + Object.keys(t.modifiers || {}).join(".") } function ur(t, e, n, r, o) { var i = t.def && t.def[e]; if (i) try { i(n.elm, t, n, r, o) } catch (r) { Vt(r, n.context, "directive " + t.name + " " + e + " hook") } } var fr = [Qn, ir]; function dr(t, e) { var n = e.componentOptions; if (!(a(n) && !1 === n.Ctor.options.inheritAttrs || i(t.data.attrs) && i(e.data.attrs))) { var r, o, s = e.elm, c = t.data.attrs || {}, l = e.data.attrs || {}; for (r in a(l.__ob__) && (l = e.data.attrs = E({}, l)), l) o = l[r], c[r] !== o && pr(s, r, o, e.data.pre); for (r in (Y || Z) && l.value !== c.value && pr(s, "value", l.value), c) i(l[r]) && (Rn(r) ? s.removeAttributeNS(Pn, Un(r)) : Mn(r) || s.removeAttribute(r)) } } function pr(t, e, n, r) { r || t.tagName.indexOf("-") > -1 ? hr(t, e, n) : Dn(e) ? Hn(n) ? t.removeAttribute(e) : (n = "allowfullscreen" === e && "EMBED" === t.tagName ? "true" : e, t.setAttribute(e, n)) : Mn(e) ? t.setAttribute(e, function (t, e) { return Hn(e) || "false" === e ? "false" : "contenteditable" === t && Ln(e) ? e : "true" }(e, n)) : Rn(e) ? Hn(n) ? t.removeAttributeNS(Pn, Un(e)) : t.setAttributeNS(Pn, e, n) : hr(t, e, n) } function hr(t, e, n) { if (Hn(n)) t.removeAttribute(e); else { if (Y && !J && "TEXTAREA" === t.tagName && "placeholder" === e && "" !== n && !t.__ieph) { t.addEventListener("input", (function e(n) { n.stopImmediatePropagation(), t.removeEventListener("input", e) })), t.__ieph = !0 } t.setAttribute(e, n) } } var vr = { create: dr, update: dr }; function mr(t, e) { var n = e.elm, r = e.data, o = t.data; if (!(i(r.staticClass) && i(r.class) && (i(o) || i(o.staticClass) && i(o.class)))) { var s = Bn(e), c = n._transitionClasses; a(c) && (s = Vn(s, Wn(c))), s !== n._prevClass && (n.setAttribute("class", s), n._prevClass = s) } } var yr, gr = { create: mr, update: mr }; function _r(t, e, n) { var r = yr; return function o() { var i = e.apply(null, arguments); null !== i && Cr(t, o, n, r) } } var br = Kt && !(tt && Number(tt[1]) <= 53); function wr(t, e, n, r) { if (br) { var o = ln, i = e; e = i._wrapper = function (t) { if (t.target === t.currentTarget || t.timeStamp >= o || t.timeStamp <= 0 || t.target.ownerDocument !== document) return i.apply(this, arguments) } } yr.addEventListener(t, e, nt ? { capture: n, passive: r } : n) } function Cr(t, e, n, r) { (r || yr).removeEventListener(t, e._wrapper || e, n) } function Ar(t, e) { if (!i(t.data.on) || !i(e.data.on)) { var n = e.data.on || {}, r = t.data.on || {}; yr = e.elm, function (t) { if (a(t.__r)) { var e = Y ? "change" : "input"; t[e] = [].concat(t.__r, t[e] || []), delete t.__r } a(t.__c) && (t.change = [].concat(t.__c, t.change || []), delete t.__c) }(n), ce(n, r, wr, Cr, _r, e.context), yr = void 0 } } var xr, kr = { create: Ar, update: Ar }; function Sr(t, e) { if (!i(t.data.domProps) || !i(e.data.domProps)) { var n, r, o = e.elm, s = t.data.domProps || {}, c = e.data.domProps || {}; for (n in a(c.__ob__) && (c = e.data.domProps = E({}, c)), s) n in c || (o[n] = ""); for (n in c) { if (r = c[n], "textContent" === n || "innerHTML" === n) { if (e.children && (e.children.length = 0), r === s[n]) continue; 1 === o.childNodes.length && o.removeChild(o.childNodes[0]) } if ("value" === n && "PROGRESS" !== o.tagName) { o._value = r; var l = i(r) ? "" : String(r); Or(o, l) && (o.value = l) } else if ("innerHTML" === n && Xn(o.tagName) && i(o.innerHTML)) { (xr = xr || document.createElement("div")).innerHTML = "<svg>" + r + "</svg>"; for (var u = xr.firstChild; o.firstChild;)o.removeChild(o.firstChild); for (; u.firstChild;)o.appendChild(u.firstChild) } else if (r !== s[n]) try { o[n] = r } catch (t) { } } } } function Or(t, e) { return !t.composing && ("OPTION" === t.tagName || function (t, e) { var n = !0; try { n = document.activeElement !== t } catch (t) { } return n && t.value !== e }(t, e) || function (t, e) { var n = t.value, r = t._vModifiers; if (a(r)) { if (r.number) return m(n) !== m(e); if (r.trim) return n.trim() !== e.trim() } return n !== e }(t, e)) } var $r = { create: Sr, update: Sr }, Tr = C((function (t) { var e = {}, n = /:(.+)/; return t.split(/;(?![^(]*\))/g).forEach((function (t) { if (t) { var r = t.split(n); r.length > 1 && (e[r[0].trim()] = r[1].trim()) } })), e })); function Er(t) { var e = Ir(t.style); return t.staticStyle ? E(t.staticStyle, e) : e } function Ir(t) { return Array.isArray(t) ? I(t) : "string" == typeof t ? Tr(t) : t } var jr, Nr = /^--/, Fr = /\s*!important$/, Mr = function (t, e, n) { if (Nr.test(e)) t.style.setProperty(e, n); else if (Fr.test(n)) t.style.setProperty(O(e), n.replace(Fr, ""), "important"); else { var r = Dr(e); if (Array.isArray(n)) for (var o = 0, i = n.length; o < i; o++)t.style[r] = n[o]; else t.style[r] = n } }, Lr = ["Webkit", "Moz", "ms"], Dr = C((function (t) { if (jr = jr || document.createElement("div").style, "filter" !== (t = x(t)) && t in jr) return t; for (var e = t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t.slice(1), n = 0; n < Lr.length; n++) { var r = Lr[n] + e; if (r in jr) return r } })); function Pr(t, e) { var n = e.data, r = t.data; if (!(i(n.staticStyle) && i(n.style) && i(r.staticStyle) && i(r.style))) { var o, s, c = e.elm, l = r.staticStyle, u = r.normalizedStyle || r.style || {}, f = l || u, d = Ir(e.data.style) || {}; e.data.normalizedStyle = a(d.__ob__) ? E({}, d) : d; var p = function (t, e) { var n, r = {}; if (e) for (var o = t; o.componentInstance;)(o = o.componentInstance._vnode) && o.data && (n = Er(o.data)) && E(r, n); (n = Er(t.data)) && E(r, n); for (var i = t; i = i.parent;)i.data && (n = Er(i.data)) && E(r, n); return r }(e, !0); for (s in f) i(p[s]) && Mr(c, s, ""); for (s in p) (o = p[s]) !== f[s] && Mr(c, s, null == o ? "" : o) } } var Rr = { create: Pr, update: Pr }, Ur = /\s+/; function Hr(t, e) { if (e && (e = e.trim())) if (t.classList) e.indexOf(" ") > -1 ? e.split(Ur).forEach((function (e) { return t.classList.add(e) })) : t.classList.add(e); else { var n = " " + (t.getAttribute("class") || "") + " "; n.indexOf(" " + e + " ") < 0 && t.setAttribute("class", (n + e).trim()) } } function Br(t, e) { if (e && (e = e.trim())) if (t.classList) e.indexOf(" ") > -1 ? e.split(Ur).forEach((function (e) { return t.classList.remove(e) })) : t.classList.remove(e), t.classList.length || t.removeAttribute("class"); else { for (var n = " " + (t.getAttribute("class") || "") + " ", r = " " + e + " "; n.indexOf(r) >= 0;)n = n.replace(r, " "); (n = n.trim()) ? t.setAttribute("class", n) : t.removeAttribute("class") } } function zr(t) { if (t) { if ("object" === r(t)) { var e = {}; return !1 !== t.css && E(e, Vr(t.name || "v")), E(e, t), e } return "string" == typeof t ? Vr(t) : void 0 } } var Vr = C((function (t) { return { enterClass: t + "-enter", enterToClass: t + "-enter-to", enterActiveClass: t + "-enter-active", leaveClass: t + "-leave", leaveToClass: t + "-leave-to", leaveActiveClass: t + "-leave-active" } })), Wr = q && !J, qr = "transition", Gr = "transitionend", Xr = "animation", Kr = "animationend"; Wr && (void 0 === window.ontransitionend && void 0 !== window.onwebkittransitionend && (qr = "WebkitTransition", Gr = "webkitTransitionEnd"), void 0 === window.onanimationend && void 0 !== window.onwebkitanimationend && (Xr = "WebkitAnimation", Kr = "webkitAnimationEnd")); var Yr = q ? window.requestAnimationFrame ? window.requestAnimationFrame.bind(window) : setTimeout : function (t) { return t() }; function Jr(t) { Yr((function () { Yr(t) })) } function Zr(t, e) { var n = t._transitionClasses || (t._transitionClasses = []); n.indexOf(e) < 0 && (n.push(e), Hr(t, e)) } function Qr(t, e) { t._transitionClasses && _(t._transitionClasses, e), Br(t, e) } function to(t, e, n) { var r = no(t, e), o = r.type, i = r.timeout, a = r.propCount; if (!o) return n(); var s = "transition" === o ? Gr : Kr, c = 0, l = function () { t.removeEventListener(s, u), n() }, u = function (e) { e.target === t && ++c >= a && l() }; setTimeout((function () { c < a && l() }), i + 1), t.addEventListener(s, u) } var eo = /\b(transform|all)(,|$)/; function no(t, e) { var n, r = window.getComputedStyle(t), o = (r[qr + "Delay"] || "").split(", "), i = (r[qr + "Duration"] || "").split(", "), a = ro(o, i), s = (r[Xr + "Delay"] || "").split(", "), c = (r[Xr + "Duration"] || "").split(", "), l = ro(s, c), u = 0, f = 0; return "transition" === e ? a > 0 && (n = "transition", u = a, f = i.length) : "animation" === e ? l > 0 && (n = "animation", u = l, f = c.length) : f = (n = (u = Math.max(a, l)) > 0 ? a > l ? "transition" : "animation" : null) ? "transition" === n ? i.length : c.length : 0, { type: n, timeout: u, propCount: f, hasTransform: "transition" === n && eo.test(r[qr + "Property"]) } } function ro(t, e) { for (; t.length < e.length;)t = t.concat(t); return Math.max.apply(null, e.map((function (e, n) { return oo(e) + oo(t[n]) }))) } function oo(t) { return 1e3 * Number(t.slice(0, -1).replace(",", ".")) } function io(t, e) { var n = t.elm; a(n._leaveCb) && (n._leaveCb.cancelled = !0, n._leaveCb()); var r = zr(t.data.transition); if (!i(r) && !a(n._enterCb) && 1 === n.nodeType) { for (var o = r.css, s = r.type, c = r.enterClass, u = r.enterToClass, f = r.enterActiveClass, d = r.appearClass, p = r.appearToClass, h = r.appearActiveClass, v = r.beforeEnter, y = r.enter, g = r.afterEnter, _ = r.enterCancelled, b = r.beforeAppear, w = r.appear, C = r.afterAppear, A = r.appearCancelled, x = r.duration, k = Je, S = Je.$vnode; S && S.parent;)k = S.context, S = S.parent; var O = !k._isMounted || !t.isRootInsert; if (!O || w || "" === w) { var $ = O && d ? d : c, T = O && h ? h : f, E = O && p ? p : u, I = O && b || v, j = O && "function" == typeof w ? w : y, N = O && C || g, F = O && A || _, M = m(l(x) ? x.enter : x); 0; var L = !1 !== o && !J, P = co(j), R = n._enterCb = D((function () { L && (Qr(n, E), Qr(n, T)), R.cancelled ? (L && Qr(n, $), F && F(n)) : N && N(n), n._enterCb = null })); t.data.show || le(t, "insert", (function () { var e = n.parentNode, r = e && e._pending && e._pending[t.key]; r && r.tag === t.tag && r.elm._leaveCb && r.elm._leaveCb(), j && j(n, R) })), I && I(n), L && (Zr(n, $), Zr(n, T), Jr((function () { Qr(n, $), R.cancelled || (Zr(n, E), P || (so(M) ? setTimeout(R, M) : to(n, s, R))) }))), t.data.show && (e && e(), j && j(n, R)), L || P || R() } } } function ao(t, e) { var n = t.elm; a(n._enterCb) && (n._enterCb.cancelled = !0, n._enterCb()); var r = zr(t.data.transition); if (i(r) || 1 !== n.nodeType) return e(); if (!a(n._leaveCb)) { var o = r.css, s = r.type, c = r.leaveClass, u = r.leaveToClass, f = r.leaveActiveClass, d = r.beforeLeave, p = r.leave, h = r.afterLeave, v = r.leaveCancelled, y = r.delayLeave, g = r.duration, _ = !1 !== o && !J, b = co(p), w = m(l(g) ? g.leave : g); 0; var C = n._leaveCb = D((function () { n.parentNode && n.parentNode._pending && (n.parentNode._pending[t.key] = null), _ && (Qr(n, u), Qr(n, f)), C.cancelled ? (_ && Qr(n, c), v && v(n)) : (e(), h && h(n)), n._leaveCb = null })); y ? y(A) : A() } function A() { C.cancelled || (!t.data.show && n.parentNode && ((n.parentNode._pending || (n.parentNode._pending = {}))[t.key] = t), d && d(n), _ && (Zr(n, c), Zr(n, f), Jr((function () { Qr(n, c), C.cancelled || (Zr(n, u), b || (so(w) ? setTimeout(C, w) : to(n, s, C))) }))), p && p(n, C), _ || b || C()) } } function so(t) { return "number" == typeof t && !isNaN(t) } function co(t) { if (i(t)) return !1; var e = t.fns; return a(e) ? co(Array.isArray(e) ? e[0] : e) : (t._length || t.length) > 1 } function lo(t, e) { !0 !== e.data.show && io(e) } var uo = function (t) { var e, n, r = {}, o = t.modules, l = t.nodeOps; for (e = 0; e < nr.length; ++e)for (r[nr[e]] = [], n = 0; n < o.length; ++n)a(o[n][nr[e]]) && r[nr[e]].push(o[n][nr[e]]); function u(t) { var e = l.parentNode(t); a(e) && l.removeChild(e, t) } function f(t, e, n, o, i, c, u) { if (a(t.elm) && a(c) && (t = c[u] = _t(t)), t.isRootInsert = !i, !function (t, e, n, o) { var i = t.data; if (a(i)) { var c = a(t.componentInstance) && i.keepAlive; if (a(i = i.hook) && a(i = i.init) && i(t, !1), a(t.componentInstance)) return d(t, e), p(n, t.elm, o), s(c) && function (t, e, n, o) { var i, s = t; for (; s.componentInstance;)if (s = s.componentInstance._vnode, a(i = s.data) && a(i = i.transition)) { for (i = 0; i < r.activate.length; ++i)r.activate[i](er, s); e.push(s); break } p(n, t.elm, o) }(t, e, n, o), !0 } }(t, e, n, o)) { var f = t.data, v = t.children, y = t.tag; a(y) ? (t.elm = t.ns ? l.createElementNS(t.ns, y) : l.createElement(y, t), g(t), h(t, v, e), a(f) && m(t, e), p(n, t.elm, o)) : s(t.isComment) ? (t.elm = l.createComment(t.text), p(n, t.elm, o)) : (t.elm = l.createTextNode(t.text), p(n, t.elm, o)) } } function d(t, e) { a(t.data.pendingInsert) && (e.push.apply(e, t.data.pendingInsert), t.data.pendingInsert = null), t.elm = t.componentInstance.$el, v(t) ? (m(t, e), g(t)) : (tr(t), e.push(t)) } function p(t, e, n) { a(t) && (a(n) ? l.parentNode(n) === t && l.insertBefore(t, e, n) : l.appendChild(t, e)) } function h(t, e, n) { if (Array.isArray(e)) { 0; for (var r = 0; r < e.length; ++r)f(e[r], n, t.elm, null, !0, e, r) } else c(t.text) && l.appendChild(t.elm, l.createTextNode(String(t.text))) } function v(t) { for (; t.componentInstance;)t = t.componentInstance._vnode; return a(t.tag) } function m(t, n) { for (var o = 0; o < r.create.length; ++o)r.create[o](er, t); a(e = t.data.hook) && (a(e.create) && e.create(er, t), a(e.insert) && n.push(t)) } function g(t) { var e; if (a(e = t.fnScopeId)) l.setStyleScope(t.elm, e); else for (var n = t; n;)a(e = n.context) && a(e = e.$options._scopeId) && l.setStyleScope(t.elm, e), n = n.parent; a(e = Je) && e !== t.context && e !== t.fnContext && a(e = e.$options._scopeId) && l.setStyleScope(t.elm, e) } function _(t, e, n, r, o, i) { for (; r <= o; ++r)f(n[r], i, t, e, !1, n, r) } function b(t) { var e, n, o = t.data; if (a(o)) for (a(e = o.hook) && a(e = e.destroy) && e(t), e = 0; e < r.destroy.length; ++e)r.destroy[e](t); if (a(e = t.children)) for (n = 0; n < t.children.length; ++n)b(t.children[n]) } function w(t, e, n) { for (; e <= n; ++e) { var r = t[e]; a(r) && (a(r.tag) ? (C(r), b(r)) : u(r.elm)) } } function C(t, e) { if (a(e) || a(t.data)) { var n, o = r.remove.length + 1; for (a(e) ? e.listeners += o : e = function (t, e) { function n() { 0 == --n.listeners && u(t) } return n.listeners = e, n }(t.elm, o), a(n = t.componentInstance) && a(n = n._vnode) && a(n.data) && C(n, e), n = 0; n < r.remove.length; ++n)r.remove[n](t, e); a(n = t.data.hook) && a(n = n.remove) ? n(t, e) : e() } else u(t.elm) } function A(t, e, n, r) { for (var o = n; o < r; o++) { var i = e[o]; if (a(i) && rr(t, i)) return o } } function x(t, e, n, o, c, u) { if (t !== e) { a(e.elm) && a(o) && (e = o[c] = _t(e)); var d = e.elm = t.elm; if (s(t.isAsyncPlaceholder)) a(e.asyncFactory.resolved) ? O(t.elm, e, n) : e.isAsyncPlaceholder = !0; else if (s(e.isStatic) && s(t.isStatic) && e.key === t.key && (s(e.isCloned) || s(e.isOnce))) e.componentInstance = t.componentInstance; else { var p, h = e.data; a(h) && a(p = h.hook) && a(p = p.prepatch) && p(t, e); var m = t.children, y = e.children; if (a(h) && v(e)) { for (p = 0; p < r.update.length; ++p)r.update[p](t, e); a(p = h.hook) && a(p = p.update) && p(t, e) } i(e.text) ? a(m) && a(y) ? m !== y && function (t, e, n, r, o) { var s, c, u, d = 0, p = 0, h = e.length - 1, v = e[0], m = e[h], y = n.length - 1, g = n[0], b = n[y], C = !o; for (0; d <= h && p <= y;)i(v) ? v = e[++d] : i(m) ? m = e[--h] : rr(v, g) ? (x(v, g, r, n, p), v = e[++d], g = n[++p]) : rr(m, b) ? (x(m, b, r, n, y), m = e[--h], b = n[--y]) : rr(v, b) ? (x(v, b, r, n, y), C && l.insertBefore(t, v.elm, l.nextSibling(m.elm)), v = e[++d], b = n[--y]) : rr(m, g) ? (x(m, g, r, n, p), C && l.insertBefore(t, m.elm, v.elm), m = e[--h], g = n[++p]) : (i(s) && (s = or(e, d, h)), i(c = a(g.key) ? s[g.key] : A(g, e, d, h)) ? f(g, r, t, v.elm, !1, n, p) : rr(u = e[c], g) ? (x(u, g, r, n, p), e[c] = void 0, C && l.insertBefore(t, u.elm, v.elm)) : f(g, r, t, v.elm, !1, n, p), g = n[++p]); d > h ? _(t, i(n[y + 1]) ? null : n[y + 1].elm, n, p, y, r) : p > y && w(e, d, h) }(d, m, y, n, u) : a(y) ? (a(t.text) && l.setTextContent(d, ""), _(d, null, y, 0, y.length - 1, n)) : a(m) ? w(m, 0, m.length - 1) : a(t.text) && l.setTextContent(d, "") : t.text !== e.text && l.setTextContent(d, e.text), a(h) && a(p = h.hook) && a(p = p.postpatch) && p(t, e) } } } function k(t, e, n) { if (s(n) && a(t.parent)) t.parent.data.pendingInsert = e; else for (var r = 0; r < e.length; ++r)e[r].data.hook.insert(e[r]) } var S = y("attrs,class,staticClass,staticStyle,key"); function O(t, e, n, r) { var o, i = e.tag, c = e.data, l = e.children; if (r = r || c && c.pre, e.elm = t, s(e.isComment) && a(e.asyncFactory)) return e.isAsyncPlaceholder = !0, !0; if (a(c) && (a(o = c.hook) && a(o = o.init) && o(e, !0), a(o = e.componentInstance))) return d(e, n), !0; if (a(i)) { if (a(l)) if (t.hasChildNodes()) if (a(o = c) && a(o = o.domProps) && a(o = o.innerHTML)) { if (o !== t.innerHTML) return !1 } else { for (var u = !0, f = t.firstChild, p = 0; p < l.length; p++) { if (!f || !O(f, l[p], n, r)) { u = !1; break } f = f.nextSibling } if (!u || f) return !1 } else h(e, l, n); if (a(c)) { var v = !1; for (var y in c) if (!S(y)) { v = !0, m(e, n); break } !v && c.class && ie(c.class) } } else t.data !== e.text && (t.data = e.text); return !0 } return function (t, e, n, o) { if (!i(e)) { var c, u = !1, d = []; if (i(t)) u = !0, f(e, d); else { var p = a(t.nodeType); if (!p && rr(t, e)) x(t, e, d, null, null, o); else { if (p) { if (1 === t.nodeType && t.hasAttribute("data-server-rendered") && (t.removeAttribute("data-server-rendered"), n = !0), s(n) && O(t, e, d)) return k(e, d, !0), t; c = t, t = new vt(l.tagName(c).toLowerCase(), {}, [], void 0, c) } var h = t.elm, m = l.parentNode(h); if (f(e, d, h._leaveCb ? null : m, l.nextSibling(h)), a(e.parent)) for (var y = e.parent, g = v(e); y;) { for (var _ = 0; _ < r.destroy.length; ++_)r.destroy[_](y); if (y.elm = e.elm, g) { for (var C = 0; C < r.create.length; ++C)r.create[C](er, y); var A = y.data.hook.insert; if (A.merged) for (var S = 1; S < A.fns.length; S++)A.fns[S]() } else tr(y); y = y.parent } a(m) ? w([t], 0, 0) : a(t.tag) && b(t) } } return k(e, d, u), e.elm } a(t) && b(t) } }({ nodeOps: Zn, modules: [vr, gr, kr, $r, Rr, q ? { create: lo, activate: lo, remove: function (t, e) { !0 !== t.data.show ? ao(t, e) : e() } } : {}].concat(fr) }); J && document.addEventListener("selectionchange", (function () { var t = document.activeElement; t && t.vmodel && _o(t, "input") })); var fo = { inserted: function (t, e, n, r) { "select" === n.tag ? (r.elm && !r.elm._vOptions ? le(n, "postpatch", (function () { fo.componentUpdated(t, e, n) })) : po(t, e, n.context), t._vOptions = [].map.call(t.options, mo)) : ("textarea" === n.tag || Jn(t.type)) && (t._vModifiers = e.modifiers, e.modifiers.lazy || (t.addEventListener("compositionstart", yo), t.addEventListener("compositionend", go), t.addEventListener("change", go), J && (t.vmodel = !0))) }, componentUpdated: function (t, e, n) { if ("select" === n.tag) { po(t, e, n.context); var r = t._vOptions, o = t._vOptions = [].map.call(t.options, mo); if (o.some((function (t, e) { return !M(t, r[e]) }))) (t.multiple ? e.value.some((function (t) { return vo(t, o) })) : e.value !== e.oldValue && vo(e.value, o)) && _o(t, "change") } } }; function po(t, e, n) { ho(t, e, n), (Y || Z) && setTimeout((function () { ho(t, e, n) }), 0) } function ho(t, e, n) { var r = e.value, o = t.multiple; if (!o || Array.isArray(r)) { for (var i, a, s = 0, c = t.options.length; s < c; s++)if (a = t.options[s], o) i = L(r, mo(a)) > -1, a.selected !== i && (a.selected = i); else if (M(mo(a), r)) return void (t.selectedIndex !== s && (t.selectedIndex = s)); o || (t.selectedIndex = -1) } } function vo(t, e) { return e.every((function (e) { return !M(e, t) })) } function mo(t) { return "_value" in t ? t._value : t.value } function yo(t) { t.target.composing = !0 } function go(t) { t.target.composing && (t.target.composing = !1, _o(t.target, "input")) } function _o(t, e) { var n = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents"); n.initEvent(e, !0, !0), t.dispatchEvent(n) } function bo(t) { return !t.componentInstance || t.data && t.data.transition ? t : bo(t.componentInstance._vnode) } var wo = { model: fo, show: { bind: function (t, e, n) { var r = e.value, o = (n = bo(n)).data && n.data.transition, i = t.__vOriginalDisplay = "none" === t.style.display ? "" : t.style.display; r && o ? (n.data.show = !0, io(n, (function () { t.style.display = i }))) : t.style.display = r ? i : "none" }, update: function (t, e, n) { var r = e.value; !r != !e.oldValue && ((n = bo(n)).data && n.data.transition ? (n.data.show = !0, r ? io(n, (function () { t.style.display = t.__vOriginalDisplay })) : ao(n, (function () { t.style.display = "none" }))) : t.style.display = r ? t.__vOriginalDisplay : "none") }, unbind: function (t, e, n, r, o) { o || (t.style.display = t.__vOriginalDisplay) } } }, Co = { name: String, appear: Boolean, css: Boolean, mode: String, type: String, enterClass: String, leaveClass: String, enterToClass: String, leaveToClass: String, enterActiveClass: String, leaveActiveClass: String, appearClass: String, appearActiveClass: String, appearToClass: String, duration: [Number, String, Object] }; function Ao(t) { var e = t && t.componentOptions; return e && e.Ctor.options.abstract ? Ao(qe(e.children)) : t } function xo(t) { var e = {}, n = t.$options; for (var r in n.propsData) e[r] = t[r]; var o = n._parentListeners; for (var i in o) e[x(i)] = o[i]; return e } function ko(t, e) { if (/\d-keep-alive$/.test(e.tag)) return t("keep-alive", { props: e.componentOptions.propsData }) } var So = function (t) { return t.tag || me(t) }, Oo = function (t) { return "show" === t.name }, $o = { name: "transition", props: Co, abstract: !0, render: function (t) { var e = this, n = this.$slots.default; if (n && (n = n.filter(So)).length) { 0; var r = this.mode; 0; var o = n[0]; if (function (t) { for (; t = t.parent;)if (t.data.transition) return !0 }(this.$vnode)) return o; var i = Ao(o); if (!i) return o; if (this._leaving) return ko(t, o); var a = "__transition-" + this._uid + "-"; i.key = null == i.key ? i.isComment ? a + "comment" : a + i.tag : c(i.key) ? 0 === String(i.key).indexOf(a) ? i.key : a + i.key : i.key; var s = (i.data || (i.data = {})).transition = xo(this), l = this._vnode, u = Ao(l); if (i.data.directives && i.data.directives.some(Oo) && (i.data.show = !0), u && u.data && !function (t, e) { return e.key === t.key && e.tag === t.tag }(i, u) && !me(u) && (!u.componentInstance || !u.componentInstance._vnode.isComment)) { var f = u.data.transition = E({}, s); if ("out-in" === r) return this._leaving = !0, le(f, "afterLeave", (function () { e._leaving = !1, e.$forceUpdate() })), ko(t, o); if ("in-out" === r) { if (me(i)) return l; var d, p = function () { d() }; le(s, "afterEnter", p), le(s, "enterCancelled", p), le(f, "delayLeave", (function (t) { d = t })) } } return o } } }, To = E({ tag: String, moveClass: String }, Co); function Eo(t) { t.elm._moveCb && t.elm._moveCb(), t.elm._enterCb && t.elm._enterCb() } function Io(t) { t.data.newPos = t.elm.getBoundingClientRect() } function jo(t) { var e = t.data.pos, n = t.data.newPos, r = e.left - n.left, o = e.top - n.top; if (r || o) { t.data.moved = !0; var i = t.elm.style; i.transform = i.WebkitTransform = "translate(" + r + "px," + o + "px)", i.transitionDuration = "0s" } } delete To.mode; var No = { Transition: $o, TransitionGroup: { props: To, beforeMount: function () { var t = this, e = this._update; this._update = function (n, r) { var o = Ze(t); t.__patch__(t._vnode, t.kept, !1, !0), t._vnode = t.kept, o(), e.call(t, n, r) } }, render: function (t) { for (var e = this.tag || this.$vnode.data.tag || "span", n = Object.create(null), r = this.prevChildren = this.children, o = this.$slots.default || [], i = this.children = [], a = xo(this), s = 0; s < o.length; s++) { var c = o[s]; if (c.tag) if (null != c.key && 0 !== String(c.key).indexOf("__vlist")) i.push(c), n[c.key] = c, (c.data || (c.data = {})).transition = a; else; } if (r) { for (var l = [], u = [], f = 0; f < r.length; f++) { var d = r[f]; d.data.transition = a, d.data.pos = d.elm.getBoundingClientRect(), n[d.key] ? l.push(d) : u.push(d) } this.kept = t(e, null, l), this.removed = u } return t(e, null, i) }, updated: function () { var t = this.prevChildren, e = this.moveClass || (this.name || "v") + "-move"; t.length && this.hasMove(t[0].elm, e) && (t.forEach(Eo), t.forEach(Io), t.forEach(jo), this._reflow = document.body.offsetHeight, t.forEach((function (t) { if (t.data.moved) { var n = t.elm, r = n.style; Zr(n, e), r.transform = r.WebkitTransform = r.transitionDuration = "", n.addEventListener(Gr, n._moveCb = function t(r) { r && r.target !== n || r && !/transform$/.test(r.propertyName) || (n.removeEventListener(Gr, t), n._moveCb = null, Qr(n, e)) }) } }))) }, methods: { hasMove: function (t, e) { if (!Wr) return !1; if (this._hasMove) return this._hasMove; var n = t.cloneNode(); t._transitionClasses && t._transitionClasses.forEach((function (t) { Br(n, t) })), Hr(n, e), n.style.display = "none", this.$el.appendChild(n); var r = no(n); return this.$el.removeChild(n), this._hasMove = r.hasTransform } } } }; kn.config.mustUseProp = function (t, e, n) { return "value" === n && Fn(t) && "button" !== e || "selected" === n && "option" === t || "checked" === n && "input" === t || "muted" === n && "video" === t }, kn.config.isReservedTag = Kn, kn.config.isReservedAttr = Nn, kn.config.getTagNamespace = function (t) { return Xn(t) ? "svg" : "math" === t ? "math" : void 0 }, kn.config.isUnknownElement = function (t) { if (!q) return !0; if (Kn(t)) return !1; if (t = t.toLowerCase(), null != Yn[t]) return Yn[t]; var e = document.createElement(t); return t.indexOf("-") > -1 ? Yn[t] = e.constructor === window.HTMLUnknownElement || e.constructor === window.HTMLElement : Yn[t] = /HTMLUnknownElement/.test(e.toString()) }, E(kn.options.directives, wo), E(kn.options.components, No), kn.prototype.__patch__ = q ? uo : j, kn.prototype.$mount = function (t, e) { return function (t, e, n) { var r; return t.$el = e, t.$options.render || (t.$options.render = yt), en(t, "beforeMount"), r = function () { t._update(t._render(), n) }, new hn(t, r, j, { before: function () { t._isMounted && !t._isDestroyed && en(t, "beforeUpdate") } }, !0), n = !1, null == t.$vnode && (t._isMounted = !0, en(t, "mounted")), t }(this, t = t && q ? function (t) { if ("string" == typeof t) { var e = document.querySelector(t); return e || document.createElement("div") } return t }(t) : void 0, e) }, q && setTimeout((function () { U.devtools && it && it.emit("init", kn) }), 0), e.a = kn
}).call(this, n(1), n(8).setImmediate)
}, function (t, e) { var n, r, o = t.exports = {}; function i() { throw new Error("setTimeout has not been defined") } function a() { throw new Error("clearTimeout has not been defined") } function s(t) { if (n === setTimeout) return setTimeout(t, 0); if ((n === i || !n) && setTimeout) return n = setTimeout, setTimeout(t, 0); try { return n(t, 0) } catch (e) { try { return n.call(null, t, 0) } catch (e) { return n.call(this, t, 0) } } } !function () { try { n = "function" == typeof setTimeout ? setTimeout : i } catch (t) { n = i } try { r = "function" == typeof clearTimeout ? clearTimeout : a } catch (t) { r = a } }(); var c, l = [], u = !1, f = -1; function d() { u && c && (u = !1, c.length ? l = c.concat(l) : f = -1, l.length && p()) } function p() { if (!u) { var t = s(d); u = !0; for (var e = l.length; e;) { for (c = l, l = []; ++f < e;)c && c[f].run(); f = -1, e = l.length } c = null, u = !1, function (t) { if (r === clearTimeout) return clearTimeout(t); if ((r === a || !r) && clearTimeout) return r = clearTimeout, clearTimeout(t); try { r(t) } catch (e) { try { return r.call(null, t) } catch (e) { return r.call(this, t) } } }(t) } } function h(t, e) { this.fun = t, this.array = e } function v() { } o.nextTick = function (t) { var e = new Array(arguments.length - 1); if (arguments.length > 1) for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++)e[n - 1] = arguments[n]; l.push(new h(t, e)), 1 !== l.length || u || s(p) }, h.prototype.run = function () { this.fun.apply(null, this.array) }, o.title = "browser", o.browser = !0, o.env = {}, o.argv = [], o.version = "", o.versions = {}, o.on = v, o.addListener = v, o.once = v, o.off = v, o.removeListener = v, o.removeAllListeners = v, o.emit = v, o.prependListener = v, o.prependOnceListener = v, o.listeners = function (t) { return [] }, o.binding = function (t) { throw new Error("process.binding is not supported") }, o.cwd = function () { return "/" }, o.chdir = function (t) { throw new Error("process.chdir is not supported") }, o.umask = function () { return 0 } }, function (t, e, n) { var r = n(6); r.__esModule && (r = r.default), "string" == typeof r && (r = [[t.i, r, ""]]), r.locals && (t.exports = r.locals); (0, n(11).default)("176a63f5", r, !1, {}) }, function (t, e, n) { "use strict"; n(4) }, function (t, e, n) { (e = n(7)(!1)).push([t.i, '\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n/* Begin Bulma Modal */\n/*\n The MIT License (MIT)\n\n Copyright (c) 2019 Jeremy Thomas\n\n Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal\n in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\n to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\n copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n\n The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n\n THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\n OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\n THE SOFTWARE.\n*/\n.modal-close {\n -webkit-touch-callout: none;\n -webkit-user-select: none;\n -moz-user-select: none;\n -ms-user-select: none;\n user-select: none;\n}\n.modal-close {\n -moz-appearance: none;\n -webkit-appearance: none;\n background-color: rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.2);\n border: none;\n border-radius: 290486px;\n cursor: pointer;\n pointer-events: auto;\n display: inline-block;\n flex-grow: 0;\n flex-shrink: 0;\n font-size: 0;\n height: 20px;\n max-height: 20px;\n max-width: 20px;\n min-height: 20px;\n min-width: 20px;\n outline: none;\n position: relative;\n vertical-align: top;\n width: 20px;\n}\n.modal-close::before, .modal-close::after {\n background-color: white;\n content: "";\n display: block;\n left: 50%;\n position: absolute;\n top: 50%;\n -webkit-transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%) rotate(45deg);\n transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%) rotate(45deg);\n -webkit-transform-origin: center center;\n transform-origin: center center;\n height: 2px;\n width: 50%;\n}\n.modal-close:hover, .modal-close:focus {\n background-color: rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.3);\n}\n.modal-close:active {\n background-color: rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.4);\n}\n.modal, .modal-background {\n bottom: 0;\n left: 0;\n position: absolute;\n right: 0;\n top: 0;\n}\n.modal {\n align-items: center;\n display: none;\n flex-direction: column;\n justify-content: center;\n overflow: hidden;\n position: fixed;\n z-index: 1001;\n}\n.modal.is-active {\n display: flex;\n}\n.modal-background {\n background-color: rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.86);\n}\n.modal-content,\n.modal-card {\n max-height: calc(100vh - 160px);\n overflow: auto;\n position: relative;\n width: 100%;\n}\n.modal-close {\n background: none;\n height: 40px;\n position: fixed;\n right: 20px;\n top: 20px;\n width: 40px;\n}\n.modal-card {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n max-height: calc(100vh - 40px);\n overflow: hidden;\n -ms-overflow-y: visible;\n}\n.modal-card-head,\n.modal-card-foot {\n align-items: center;\n background-color: whitesmoke;\n display: flex;\n flex-shrink: 0;\n justify-content: flex-start;\n padding: 20px;\n position: relative;\n}\n.modal-card-head {\n border-bottom: 1px solid #dbdbdb;\n border-top-left-radius: 6px;\n border-top-right-radius: 6px;\n}\n.modal-card-title {\n color: #363636;\n flex-grow: 1;\n flex-shrink: 0;\n font-size: 1.5rem;\n line-height: 1;\n}\n.modal-card-foot {\n border-bottom-left-radius: 6px;\n border-bottom-right-radius: 6px;\n border-top: 1px solid #dbdbdb;\n}\n.modal-card-foot .button:not(:last-child) {\n margin-right: 0.5em;\n}\n.modal-card-body {\n -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;\n background-color: white;\n flex-grow: 1;\n flex-shrink: 1;\n overflow: auto;\n padding: 20px;\n}\n\n/* End Bulma Modal */\n.modal-body {\n height: auto !important;\n overflow-y: auto;\n max-height: calc(100vh - 360px) !important;\n}\n.glyphicon.spinning {\n animation: spin 1s infinite linear;\n -webkit-animation: spin2 1s infinite linear;\n}\n@keyframes spin {\nfrom { transform: scale(1) rotate(0deg);\n}\nto { transform: scale(1) rotate(360deg);\n}\n}\n@-webkit-keyframes spin2 {\nfrom { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);\n}\nto { -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);\n}\n}\n', ""]), t.exports = e }, function (t, e, n) { "use strict"; t.exports = function (t) { var e = []; return e.toString = function () { return this.map((function (e) { var n = function (t, e) { var n = t[1] || "", r = t[3]; if (!r) return n; if (e && "function" == typeof btoa) { var o = (a = r, s = btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(a)))), c = "sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,".concat(s), "/*# ".concat(c, " */")), i = r.sources.map((function (t) { return "/*# sourceURL=".concat(r.sourceRoot || "").concat(t, " */") })); return [n].concat(i).concat([o]).join("\n") } var a, s, c; return [n].join("\n") }(e, t); return e[2] ? "@media ".concat(e[2], " {").concat(n, "}") : n })).join("") }, e.i = function (t, n, r) { "string" == typeof t && (t = [[null, t, ""]]); var o = {}; if (r) for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { var a = this[i][0]; null != a && (o[a] = !0) } for (var s = 0; s < t.length; s++) { var c = [].concat(t[s]); r && o[c[0]] || (n && (c[2] ? c[2] = "".concat(n, " and ").concat(c[2]) : c[2] = n), e.push(c)) } }, e } }, function (t, e, n) { (function (t) { var r = void 0 !== t && t || "undefined" != typeof self && self || window, o = Function.prototype.apply; function i(t, e) { this._id = t, this._clearFn = e } e.setTimeout = function () { return new i(o.call(setTimeout, r, arguments), clearTimeout) }, e.setInterval = function () { return new i(o.call(setInterval, r, arguments), clearInterval) }, e.clearTimeout = e.clearInterval = function (t) { t && t.close() }, i.prototype.unref = i.prototype.ref = function () { }, i.prototype.close = function () { this._clearFn.call(r, this._id) }, e.enroll = function (t, e) { clearTimeout(t._idleTimeoutId), t._idleTimeout = e }, e.unenroll = function (t) { clearTimeout(t._idleTimeoutId), t._idleTimeout = -1 }, e._unrefActive = e.active = function (t) { clearTimeout(t._idleTimeoutId); var e = t._idleTimeout; e >= 0 && (t._idleTimeoutId = setTimeout((function () { t._onTimeout && t._onTimeout() }), e)) }, n(9), e.setImmediate = "undefined" != typeof self && self.setImmediate || void 0 !== t && t.setImmediate || this && this.setImmediate, e.clearImmediate = "undefined" != typeof self && self.clearImmediate || void 0 !== t && t.clearImmediate || this && this.clearImmediate }).call(this, n(1)) }, function (t, e, n) { (function (t, e) { !function (t, n) { "use strict"; if (!t.setImmediate) { var r, o, i, a, s, c = 1, l = {}, u = !1, f = t.document, d = Object.getPrototypeOf && Object.getPrototypeOf(t); d = d && d.setTimeout ? d : t, "[object process]" === {}.toString.call(t.process) ? r = function (t) { e.nextTick((function () { h(t) })) } : !function () { if (t.postMessage && !t.importScripts) { var e = !0, n = t.onmessage; return t.onmessage = function () { e = !1 }, t.postMessage("", "*"), t.onmessage = n, e } }() ? t.MessageChannel ? ((i = new MessageChannel).port1.onmessage = function (t) { h(t.data) }, r = function (t) { i.port2.postMessage(t) }) : f && "onreadystatechange" in f.createElement("script") ? (o = f.documentElement, r = function (t) { var e = f.createElement("script"); e.onreadystatechange = function () { h(t), e.onreadystatechange = null, o.removeChild(e), e = null }, o.appendChild(e) }) : r = function (t) { setTimeout(h, 0, t) } : (a = "setImmediate$" + Math.random() + "$", s = function (e) { e.source === t && "string" == typeof e.data && 0 === e.data.indexOf(a) && h(+e.data.slice(a.length)) }, t.addEventListener ? t.addEventListener("message", s, !1) : t.attachEvent("onmessage", s), r = function (e) { t.postMessage(a + e, "*") }), d.setImmediate = function (t) { "function" != typeof t && (t = new Function("" + t)); for (var e = new Array(arguments.length - 1), n = 0; n < e.length; n++)e[n] = arguments[n + 1]; var o = { callback: t, args: e }; return l[c] = o, r(c), c++ }, d.clearImmediate = p } function p(t) { delete l[t] } function h(t) { if (u) setTimeout(h, 0, t); else { var e = l[t]; if (e) { u = !0; try { !function (t) { var e = t.callback, n = t.args; switch (n.length) { case 0: e(); break; case 1: e(n[0]); break; case 2: e(n[0], n[1]); break; case 3: e(n[0], n[1], n[2]); break; default: e.apply(void 0, n) } }(e) } finally { p(t), u = !1 } } } } }("undefined" == typeof self ? void 0 === t ? this : t : self) }).call(this, n(1), n(3)) }, function (t, e, n) { "use strict"; n.r(e); var r = n(2), o = function () { var t = this, e = t.$createElement, n = t._self._c || e; return n("div", [n("button", { staticClass: "btn btn-primary", staticStyle: { "margin-top": "15px" }, attrs: { type: "button" }, on: { click: t.visibilityChanged } }, [t._v("Select Path\n ")]), t._v(" "), n("div", { class: t.show ? "modal is-active" : "modal", attrs: { id: t.modalId, tabindex: "-1", role: "dialog" } }, [n("div", { staticClass: "modal-background", on: { click: t.cancel } }), t._v(" "), n("div", { staticClass: "modal-dialog modal-lg", attrs: { role: "document" } }, [n("div", { staticClass: "modal-content" }, [n("div", { staticClass: "modal-header" }, [n("h5", { staticClass: "modal-title" }, [t._v("File Select")]), t._v(" "), n("button", { staticClass: "close", attrs: { type: "button", "data-dismiss": "modal", "aria-label": "Close" }, on: { click: t.cancel } }, [n("span", { attrs: { "aria-hidden": "true" } }, [t._v("×")])])]), t._v(" "), n("div", { staticClass: "modal-body" }, [n("div", { staticClass: "container-fluid" }, [n("div", { staticClass: "row" }, [t.showFsFavorites ? n("div", { staticClass: "col-sm-5" }, [n("div", { staticClass: "panel panel-default" }, [n("div", { staticClass: "panel-heading" }, [t._v("Favorites")]), t._v(" "), n("div", { staticClass: "list-group text-nowrap" }, t._l(t.fs_favorites, (function (e) { return n("a", { key: e.title, class: t.classForCurrentPath(e), attrs: { role: "button" }, on: { click: function (n) { return t.menuClicked(e, n) } } }, [n("span", { staticClass: "fa fa-folder" }, [t._v(" ")]), t._v(t._s(e.title))]) })), 0)])]) : t._e(), t._v(" "), n("div", { class: t.fsEntryColWidth }, [n("nav", { attrs: { "aria-label": "breadcrumb" } }, [n("ol", { staticClass: "breadcrumb" }, t._l(t.slugs, (function (e, r) { return n("li", { key: r, class: t.slugClass(r), attrs: { "aria-current": "page" } }, [n("a", { attrs: { role: "button" }, on: { click: function (e) { t.menuClicked({ size: "breadcrumb", path: t.pathToHere(r) }, e) } } }, [t._v(t._s(e))])]) })), 0)]), t._v(" "), n("div", { staticClass: "form-group row" }, [n("label", { staticClass: "col-sm-2 col-form-label", attrs: { for: t.filterId } }, [t._v("Filter")]), t._v(" "), n("div", { staticClass: "col-sm-10" }, [n("input", { staticClass: "form-control", attrs: { type: "text", id: t.filterId, placeholder: "file.txt" }, on: { input: function (e) { return t.updateEntriesFilter() } } })])]), t._v(" "), t.showError() ? n("div", { staticClass: "alert alert-danger", attrs: { role: "alert" } }, [t._v("\n The following error has occurred:\n "), n("code", [t._v(t._s(t.error))]), n("br"), t._v("\n If this persists please contact user support.\n ")]) : t.showSpinner() ? n("div", { attrs: { role: "status" } }, [n("span", { staticClass: "glyphicon glyphicon-refresh glyphicon-refresh-animate spinning" }, [t._v("Loading...")])]) : n("div", { staticClass: "list-group overflow-auto" }, t._l(t.filteredEntries(), (function (e) { return n("a", { key: e, class: t.classForCurrentPathSelectable(e), on: { click: function (n) { return t.entryClicked(e, n) }, dblclick: function (n) { return t.entryDblClicked(e, n) } } }, [n("span", { class: t.iconClasses(e), style: t.iconStyles(e) }, [t._v(" ")]), t._v(t._s(e.name))]) })), 0)])])])]), t._v(" "), n("div", { staticClass: "modal-footer" }, [n("div", { staticClass: "btn btn-primary", attrs: { type: "button", "data-dismiss": "modal" }, on: { click: t.save } }, [t._v("Select")]), t._v(" "), n("div", { staticClass: "btn btn-secondary", attrs: { type: "button", "data-dismiss": "modal" }, on: { click: t.cancel } }, [t._v("Close")])])])])])]) }; o._withStripped = !0; var i = n(0); function a(t, e) { var n = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && t[Symbol.iterator] || t["@@iterator"]; if (!n) { if (Array.isArray(t) || (n = function (t, e) { if (!t) return; if ("string" == typeof t) return s(t, e); var n = Object.prototype.toString.call(t).slice(8, -1); "Object" === n && t.constructor && (n = t.constructor.name); if ("Map" === n || "Set" === n) return Array.from(t); if ("Arguments" === n || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return s(t, e) }(t)) || e && t && "number" == typeof t.length) { n && (t = n); var r = 0, o = function () { }; return { s: o, n: function () { return r >= t.length ? { done: !0 } : { done: !1, value: t[r++] } }, e: function (t) { throw t }, f: o } } throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.") } var i, a = !0, c = !1; return { s: function () { n = n.call(t) }, n: function () { var t = n.next(); return a = t.done, t }, e: function (t) { c = !0, i = t }, f: function () { try { a || null == n.return || n.return() } finally { if (c) throw i } } } } function s(t, e) { (null == e || e > t.length) && (e = t.length); for (var n = 0, r = new Array(e); n < e; n++)r[n] = t[n]; return r } function c(t) { var e, n = [], r = a(t.querySelectorAll('li[title="Files"] a[title]').values()); try { for (r.s(); !(e = r.n()).done;) { var o = e.value, i = o.title, s = o.href, c = new RegExp("dashboard/files/fs(?<path>.*)").exec(s); n.push({ title: i, href: c.groups.path || "/" }) } } catch (t) { r.e(t) } finally { r.f() } return n } function l(t) { var e = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : ""; window.localStorage.setItem("files_last_path" + e, "" + t) } function u(t) { return function (t) { if (Array.isArray(t)) return f(t) }(t) || function (t) { if ("undefined" != typeof Symbol && null != t[Symbol.iterator] || null != t["@@iterator"]) return Array.from(t) }(t) || function (t, e) { if (!t) return; if ("string" == typeof t) return f(t, e); var n = Object.prototype.toString.call(t).slice(8, -1); "Object" === n && t.constructor && (n = t.constructor.name); if ("Map" === n || "Set" === n) return Array.from(t); if ("Arguments" === n || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return f(t, e) }(t) || function () { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.") }() } function f(t, e) { (null == e || e > t.length) && (e = t.length); for (var n = 0, r = new Array(e); n < e; n++)r[n] = t[n]; return r } var d = { props: ["input", "fs_favorites", "show_hidden", "target_file_type", "target_file_pattern"], data: function () { return { entriesFilter: null, error: null, filter_input: null, fs_entries: [], loading: !0, path: "", selected_element: null, staged_value: null, show: !1 } }, methods: { iconClasses: function (t) { return "d" === t.type ? "fa fa-folder" : "fa fa-file" }, iconStyles: function (t) { return "d" === t.type ? "color: #eccb00;" : "color: #e6e6e6;" }, showSpinner: function () { return 0 === this.fs_entries.length || this.loading }, showError: function () { return !!this.error }, updateEntries: function (t) { var e = this, n = this; this.loading = !0, this.error = !1, function (t) { return fetch(location.origin + i.resolve("/pun/sys/dashboard/files/api/v1/fs/", t.replace(/(^\/)/, "")), { credentials: "same-origin", redirect: "follow", cache: "no-cache", headers: { Accept: "application/json" } }) }(t).then((function (e) { e.ok ? e.json().then((function (e) { n.updateEntriesSuccess(e, t) })).catch((function () { n.updateEntriesFailure(e) })) : n.updateEntriesFailure(e) })).catch((function (t) { e.error = t })) }, updateEntriesSuccess: function (t, e) { var n = this; this.fs_entries = [{ size: "dir", name: "." }, { size: "dir", name: ".." }].concat(t.files.filter((function (t) { return !!n.show_hidden || !t.name.startsWith(".") }))), this.loading = !1, this.error = !1, l(e, this.modalId) }, updateEntriesFailure: function (t) { var e = this; this.loading = !1, t.bodyUsed ? this.error = "Parsing response failed." : t.text().then((function (t) { e.error = t })), console.error(t) }, updateEntriesFilter: function () { this.entriesFilter = this.filter_input.value }, changeSelection: function (t) { this.selected_element && this.selected_element.classList.remove("active"), this.selected_element = t.target, this.selected_element.classList.add("active") }, entryClicked: function (t, e) { this.is_entry_selectable(t) && (this.changeSelection(e), this.staged_value = i.resolve(this.path, t.name)) }, entryDblClicked: function (t, e) { "d" === t.type && (this.path = i.resolve(this.path, t.name), this.updateEntries(this.path)) }, menuClicked: function (t, e) { t.size && "breadcrumb" === t.size ? (e.preventDefault(), this.path = t.path) : this.path = t.href, this.updateEntries(this.path) }, save: function () { this.path = i.dirname(this.staged_value), l(this.path, this.modalId), this.input.value = this.staged_value, this.input.dispatchEvent(new Event("keyup")), this.hide() }, cancel: function () { this.hide() }, visibilityChanged: function (t, e) { this.show = !this.show, this.show ? (this.staged_value = this.input.value, this.path = this.get_current_path(), this.filter_input.value = "", this.entriesFilter = "", this.updateEntries(this.path)) : this.cancel() }, hide: function () { this.show = !1 }, slugClass: function (t) { return this.last(t) ? "breadcrumb-item active" : "breadcrumb-item" }, last: function (t) { return t === this.slugs.length - 1 }, pathToHere: function (t) { return i.resolve.apply(i, u(this.path.split(i.sep).slice(0, t + 1))) }, filteredEntries: function () { var t = this; if (!this.entriesFilter) return this.fs_entries; try { return this.fs_entries.filter((function (e) { return !!e.name.match(t.entriesFilter) })) } catch (t) { return [] } }, classForCurrentPath: function (t) { var e = this.path.startsWith(t.href), n = this.staged_value && t.name && this.staged_value === i.resolve(this.path, t.name); return e || n ? "list-group-item list-group-item-action active" : "list-group-item list-group-item-action" }, classForCurrentPathSelectable: function (t) { var e = this.classForCurrentPath(t); return this.is_entry_disabled(t) ? e + " disabled" : e }, get_current_path: function () { return (this.input.value ? i.dirname(this.input.value) : this.input.dataset.defaultDirectory) || function () { var t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : [], e = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : "", n = window.localStorage.getItem("files_last_path" + e), r = t.length > 0 && t[0].href, o = "/"; return n || r || o }(this.fs_favorites, this.modalId) }, is_entry_disabled: function (t) { return "d" !== t.type && !this.is_entry_selectable(t) }, is_entry_selectable: function (t) { var e = "dirs" === this.target_file_type || "both" === this.target_file_type, n = "files" === this.target_file_type || "both" === this.target_file_type; return "d" === t.type ? !!e && (!this.target_file_pattern || !!t.name.match(this.target_file_pattern)) : !!n && (!this.target_file_pattern || !!t.name.match(this.target_file_pattern)) } }, mounted: function () { this.path = this.get_current_path(), this.filter_input = this.$el.querySelector("#" + this.filterId) }, computed: { modalId: function () { return this.input ? "modal-for-" + this.input.id : "" }, filterId: function () { return "filter-for-" + this.input.id }, slugs: function () { return this.path.split(i.sep) }, showFsFavorites: function () { return this.fs_favorites.length > 0 }, fsEntryColWidth: function () { return this.showFsFavorites ? "col-sm-7" : "col-sm-12" } } }; n(5); var p = function (t, e, n, r, o, i, a, s) { var c, l = "function" == typeof t ? t.options : t; if (e && (l.render = e, l.staticRenderFns = n, l._compiled = !0), r && (l.functional = !0), i && (l._scopeId = "data-v-" + i), a ? (c = function (t) { (t = t || this.$vnode && this.$vnode.ssrContext || this.parent && this.parent.$vnode && this.parent.$vnode.ssrContext) || "undefined" == typeof __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__ || (t = __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__), o && o.call(this, t), t && t._registeredComponents && t._registeredComponents.add(a) }, l._ssrRegister = c) : o && (c = s ? function () { o.call(this, (l.functional ? this.parent : this).$root.$options.shadowRoot) } : o), c) if (l.functional) { l._injectStyles = c; var u = l.render; l.render = function (t, e) { return c.call(e), u(t, e) } } else { var f = l.beforeCreate; l.beforeCreate = f ? [].concat(f, c) : [c] } return { exports: t, options: l } }(d, o, [], !1, null, null, null); p.options.__file = "src/components/file_picker.vue"; var h = p.exports; function v(t, e) { var n = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && t[Symbol.iterator] || t["@@iterator"]; if (!n) { if (Array.isArray(t) || (n = function (t, e) { if (!t) return; if ("string" == typeof t) return m(t, e); var n = Object.prototype.toString.call(t).slice(8, -1); "Object" === n && t.constructor && (n = t.constructor.name); if ("Map" === n || "Set" === n) return Array.from(t); if ("Arguments" === n || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return m(t, e) }(t)) || e && t && "number" == typeof t.length) { n && (t = n); var r = 0, o = function () { }; return { s: o, n: function () { return r >= t.length ? { done: !0 } : { done: !1, value: t[r++] } }, e: function (t) { throw t }, f: o } } throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.") } var i, a = !0, s = !1; return { s: function () { n = n.call(t) }, n: function () { var t = n.next(); return a = t.done, t }, e: function (t) { s = !0, i = t }, f: function () { try { a || null == n.return || n.return() } finally { if (s) throw i } } } } function m(t, e) { (null == e || e > t.length) && (e = t.length); for (var n = 0, r = new Array(e); n < e; n++)r[n] = t[n]; return r } function y(t) { var e = t.dataset.targetFileType; if (!e) return "both"; var n = { files: "files", dirs: "dirs", both: "both" }[e]; return n || (console.error("".concat(e, " is not one of [files, dirs, both]. Using both.")), "both") } function g(t) { var e = t.dataset.targetFilePattern; try { return !!e && new RegExp(e) } catch (t) { return console.error("Unable to compile regular expression: ".concat(e, ". Not using target-file-type.")), !1 } } $(document).ready((function () { (window.file_picker_favorites ? Promise.resolve(window.file_picker_favorites) : window.location.href.match(new RegExp("pun/(sys|dev)/dashboard")) ? Promise.resolve(c(document)) : fetch("/pun/sys/dashboard", { credentials: "same-origin" }).then((function (t) { return t.text() })).then((function (t) { return c((new DOMParser).parseFromString(t, "text/html")) })).catch((function (t) { return console.error(t), [] }))).then((function (t) { var e, n = v(document.querySelectorAll("input[data-filepicker]")); try { var o = function () { var n = e.value, o = (n.id, document.createElement("div")), i = function (t) { var e = t.dataset.file_picker_favorites; try { return !!e && JSON.parse(e) } catch (t) { return console.error("Unable to use favorites from the data attribute because: " + t), !1 } }(n); n.parentElement.append(o); new r.a({ el: o, render: function (e) { return e(h, { props: { input: n, fs_favorites: i || t, show_hidden: (r = n, r.dataset.showHidden || !1), target_file_type: y(n), target_file_pattern: g(n) } }); var r } }) }; for (n.s(); !(e = n.n()).done;)o() } catch (t) { n.e(t) } finally { n.f() } })) })) }, function (t, e, n) { "use strict"; function r(t, e) { for (var n = [], r = {}, o = 0; o < e.length; o++) { var i = e[o], a = i[0], s = { id: t + ":" + o, css: i[1], media: i[2], sourceMap: i[3] }; r[a] ? r[a].parts.push(s) : n.push(r[a] = { id: a, parts: [s] }) } return n } n.r(e), n.d(e, "default", (function () { return p })); var o = "undefined" != typeof document; if ("undefined" != typeof DEBUG && DEBUG && !o) throw new Error("vue-style-loader cannot be used in a non-browser environment. Use { target: 'node' } in your Webpack config to indicate a server-rendering environment."); var i = {}, a = o && (document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]), s = null, c = 0, l = !1, u = function () { }, f = null, d = "undefined" != typeof navigator && /msie [6-9]\b/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()); function p(t, e, n, o) { l = n, f = o || {}; var a = r(t, e); return h(a), function (e) { for (var n = [], o = 0; o < a.length; o++) { var s = a[o]; (c = i[s.id]).refs--, n.push(c) } e ? h(a = r(t, e)) : a = []; for (o = 0; o < n.length; o++) { var c; if (0 === (c = n[o]).refs) { for (var l = 0; l < c.parts.length; l++)c.parts[l](); delete i[c.id] } } } } function h(t) { for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) { var n = t[e], r = i[n.id]; if (r) { r.refs++; for (var o = 0; o < r.parts.length; o++)r.parts[o](n.parts[o]); for (; o < n.parts.length; o++)r.parts.push(m(n.parts[o])); r.parts.length > n.parts.length && (r.parts.length = n.parts.length) } else { var a = []; for (o = 0; o < n.parts.length; o++)a.push(m(n.parts[o])); i[n.id] = { id: n.id, refs: 1, parts: a } } } } function v() { var t = document.createElement("style"); return t.type = "text/css", a.appendChild(t), t } function m(t) { var e, n, r = document.querySelector('style[data-vue-ssr-id~="' + t.id + '"]'); if (r) { if (l) return u; r.parentNode.removeChild(r) } if (d) { var o = c++; r = s || (s = v()), e = _.bind(null, r, o, !1), n = _.bind(null, r, o, !0) } else r = v(), e = b.bind(null, r), n = function () { r.parentNode.removeChild(r) }; return e(t), function (r) { if (r) { if (r.css === t.css && r.media === t.media && r.sourceMap === t.sourceMap) return; e(t = r) } else n() } } var y, g = (y = [], function (t, e) { return y[t] = e, y.filter(Boolean).join("\n") }); function _(t, e, n, r) { var o = n ? "" : r.css; if (t.styleSheet) t.styleSheet.cssText = g(e, o); else { var i = document.createTextNode(o), a = t.childNodes; a[e] && t.removeChild(a[e]), a.length ? t.insertBefore(i, a[e]) : t.appendChild(i) } } function b(t, e) { var n = e.css, r = e.media, o = e.sourceMap; if (r && t.setAttribute("media", r), f.ssrId && t.setAttribute("data-vue-ssr-id", e.id), o && (n += "\n/*# sourceURL=" + o.sources[0] + " */", n += "\n/*# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64," + btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(o)))) + " */"), t.styleSheet) t.styleSheet.cssText = n; else { for (; t.firstChild;)t.removeChild(t.firstChild); t.appendChild(document.createTextNode(n)) } } }]);