If you don't have a local RPC node, add a RPC to the docker-compose file.
$ git clone git@github.com:kleros/kleros-v2.git
$ cd bot-pinner/
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up -d
- Standard IPFS container which creates a local mount for data
- Evidence container that awaits new events and then scrapes the latest hashes and submits it to IPFS.
contains a list of peers, by default it will add connects to Estuary & Kleros IPFS nodes. This should make it easier to find content by creating a data network around Kleros Court V2.- Adding these peers will make it easier to find and replicate content.
The IPFS service is expected by default at http://ipfs-cluster.dappnode:9094
, it can be configured at build time in docker-compose-dappnode.yml
or at runtime in the Config tab of the package in the dAppnode UI.
# first time only
$ yarn install
$ yarn build:dappnode
✔ Verify connection
✔ Create release dir
✔ Validate files
✔ Copy files
✔ Build docker image
✔ Save and compress image
✔ Upload release to IPFS node
✔ Save upload results
DNP (DAppNode Package) built and uploaded
Release hash : /ipfs/Qma773qBk3PqTDQk6biRagcjiNutmit2rpKStq5WbH16XJ
Then follow the url to install the package, or open the DappStore page and paste the ipfs hash.
# Increase the version number, specify either: major, minor, patch.
$ yarn bump:dappnode patch
# Upload to IPFS
$ yarn publish:dappnode patch
✔ Fetch current version from APM (next version: 0.1.1)
✔ Build and upload
✔ Generate transaction
DNP (DAppNode Package) published (version 0.1.1)
Release hash : /ipfs/xxxx
You must execute this transaction in mainnet to publish a new version of this DNP.
To : 0x988b3A538b618C7A603e1c11Ab82Cd16dbE28069
Value : 0
Data : 0x32ab6afxxxxx
Gas : 1100000
You can also execute this transaction with Metamask by following this pre-filled link
Please visit contribution.kleros.io. For any questions, please join the Kleros Discord or Telegram.