DXOpal has many of the DXRuby methods but some are not implemented yet. Pull Requests are welcome!
And if you are not sure how to implement, just create a issue to request them: https://github.com/yhara/dxopal/issues
- x - TODO: pad support
- y - TODO: pad support
- key_down?
- key_push?
- key_release?
- set_repeat
- set_key_repeat
- set_pad_repeat
- set_config
- mouse_x
- mouse_y
- mouse_pos_x
- mouse_pos_y
- set_mouse_pos
- mouse_down?
- mouse_push?
- mouse_release?
- mouse_wheel_pos
- mouse_wheel_pos=
- mouse_enable=
- keys
- requested_close?
- set_cursor
These methods are waiting Pull Requests because I don't have a gamepad.
- pad_down?
- pad_push?
- pad_release?
- pad_num
- pad_axis
- pad_lstick
- pad_rstick
- pad_pov
- pad_lx
- pad_ly
- pad_rx
- pad_ry
- pad_pov_x
- pad_pov_y
- pads
These methods will not be supported.
- update
- loop
- draw
- draw_scale
- draw_rot
- draw_alpha
- draw_add
- draw_sub
- draw_shader
- draw_ex
- draw_font - partially
- draw_font_ex
- draw_morph
- draw_tile
- draw_pixel
- draw_line
- draw_box
- draw_box_fill
- draw_circle
- draw_circle_fill
- ox
- ox=
- oy
- oy=
- get_screen_shot
- get_load
- open_filename
- save_filename
- folder_dialog
- x
- x=
- y
- y=
- width
- width=
- height
- height=
- scale
- scale=
- windowed?
- windowed=
- full_screen?
- full_screen=
- real_fps
- fps
- fps=
- frameskip?
- frameskip=
- bgcolor
- bgcolor=
- resize
- active?
- running_time
- get_screen_modes
- get_current_modes
- discard
- decide
- before_call
- after_call
These methods will not be supported.
- caption
- caption=
- create
- close
- created?
- closed?
- update
- sync
- load_icon
- hWnd
- min_filter
- min_filter=
- mag_filter
- mag_filter=
- Font.new - partially
- Font.default
- Font.default=
- get_width
- size
- fontname
- name
- italic
- weight
- auto_fitting
- info
These methods will not be supported.
- install
- dispose
- disposed?
- Image.new
- Image.load
- Image.load_tiles
- Image.create_from_array
- Image.load_from_file_in_memory
- Image.perlin_noise
- Image.octave_perlin_noise
- Image.custom_perlin_noise
- Image.perlin_seed
- compare
- line
- box
- box_fill
- circle
- circle_fill
- triangle
- triangle_fill
- fill
- clear
- copy_rect
- draw
- draw_font - partially
- draw_font_ex
- save
- slice
- slice_tiles
- dup
- clone
- set_color_key
- width
- height
- flush
- effect_image_font
- change_hls
These methods will not be supported.
- dispose
- delayed_dispose
- disposed?
- Sound.load_from_memory
- play
- start=
- loop_start=
- loop_end=
- loop_count=
- stop
- set_volume
- pan
- pan=
- frequency
- frequency=
These methods will not be supported.
- Sound.new (use Sound.register and
instead) - dispose
- disposed?
- SoundEffect.new
- add
- play
- stop
- save
These methods will not be supported.
- disposed?
- Sprite.new
- Sprite.check
- Sprite.update
- Sprite.draw
- Sprite.clean
- draw
- check
- x
- x=
- y
- y=
- z
- z=
- angle
- angle=
- scale_x
- scale_x=
- scale_y
- scale_y=
- center_x
- center_x=
- center_y
- center_y=
- alpha
- alpha=
- blend
- blend= (TODO: :none, :add2, :sub)
- shader
- shader=
- image
- image=
- target
- target=
- collision
- collision=
- collision_enable
- collision_enable=
- collision_sync
- collision_sync=
- visible
- visible=
- vanish
- vanished?
- param_hash
- offset_sync
- offset_sync=