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Kssd: K-mer substring space sampling/shuffling Decomposition

Kssd is a command-line tool for large-scale sequences sketching and resemblance- and containment-analysis. It sketches sequences by k-mer substring space sampling/shuffling, please see Methods part of our Genome Biology paper ( for how it works. It handles DNA sequences of both fasta or fastq format, whether gzipped or not. Kssd run on linux system, currently not support for MacOS and Windows OS.

Table of contents

  1. Installation
  2. Quick Tutorial
  3. For Advanced Users
    1. K-mer substring space shuffling
    2. Sketching sequences
      1. Sketching references
      2. Sketching queries
    3. Sketching from data streaming
    4. Set operations
      1. Sketches union
      2. Sketches intersection
      3. Sketches subtraction
    5. Distance estimation
      1. Reference against references distance
      2. Search the queries against the references
    6. Combine Queries
  4. How to cite

1 Installation

git clone &&
cd public_kssd &&

2 Quick-Tutorial

cd test_fna;
#sketch & index references
../kssd dist -L ../shuf_file/L3K10.shuf -o reference ./seqs1
../kssd dist -o reference reference 
#sketch queries 
../kssd dist -L ../shuf_file/L3K10.shuf -o query ./seqs2
#Search queries against references db 
../kssd dist -r reference -o distout query
# or you can compute the pairwise distance of references
../kssd dist -r reference -o distout reference

Here is the explanation of the output file "distance.out" (please see How to cite for the referred equations)

Column Explanation
Qry query
Ref reference
Shared_k|Ref_s|Qry_s number of shared k-mer between the sketches of the reference and the query|reference sketch-size|query sketch-size
Jaccard Jaccard-coefficient (Eq. 2)
MashD mash distance (Eq. 4)
ContainmentM containment-measurement(Eq. 3)
AafD aaf-distance (Eq. 5)
Jaccard_CI 0.95 confidence intervel for Jaccard-coefficient
MashD_CI 0.95 confidence intervel for mash distance
ContainmentM_CI 0.95 confidence intervel for containment-measurement
AafD_CI 0.95 confidence intervel for aaf-distance
P-value(J) p-value for Jaccard-coefficient(Eq. 14)
P-value(C) p-value for containment-measurement(Eq. 14)
FDR(J) false discover rate for Jaccard-coefficient
FDR(C) false discover rate for containment-measurement

3 For Advanced Users

3.1 K-mer substring space shuffling

kssd shuffle -k <half_length_of_k-mer> -s <half_length_of_k-mer_substring> -l <dimensionality-reduction_level > -o <shuffled_k-mer_substring_space_file>

This step can be omitted, and you can skip to step 2 if you wish to use default setting of -s. Other wise read below:
This command will generate a file suffixed by ‘.shuf’ which keeps the shuffled k-mer substring space, this file would then took as input for sequences sketching or decomposition.
-k: Half-length of k-mer, -k x meaning use k-mer of length 2x. For bacterial -k 8 is recommand; for mammals or metagenomics, -k 10 is recommand; for other genome size in-between, -k 9 is recommand.
-s: Half-length of k-mer substring, -s x meaning the whole space is the collection of all 2x-mer. Make sure l < s < k. The default setting is -s 6, usually there is no need to change this setting.
-l: The level of dimensionality-reduction. -l x meaning the expected rate of dimensionality-reduction is $16^x$; for bacterial -l 3 is recommand; for mammals, -l 4 or -l 5 is recommand. l < s.
-o output .shuf file.

3.2 Sketching sequences

3.2.1 Sketching references

kssd dist -r <.fasta/fastq_dir> -L <.shuf_file or dimentionality-reduction_level> [-k <half_k-mer_length>] -o <outdir>

-L: The.shuf file generated from kssd shuffle or the the level of dimensionality-reduction.

If you feed -L the .shuf file, there is no need to specify -k again, since it has already been set in the .shuf file.

Else if you feed -L the level of dimensionality-reduction, new .shuf file will generated and used. Actually, command:

kssd dist -r <.fasta/fastq_dir> -L <dimentionality-reduction_level> -k <half_length_of_k-mer> -o <ref_outdir>

is equivalent to

kssd shuffle -k <half_length_of_k-mer> -s <half_length_of_k-mer_substring> -l <dimensionality-reduction_level> -o <ref_outdir/default.shuf> &&
kssd dist -r <.fasta/fastq_dir> -L <ref_outdir/default.shuf> -o <ref_outdir>

The expected rate of dimensionality-reduction for -L x is $16^x$; for bacterial -L 3 is recommand; for mammals, -L 4 or -L 5 is recommand.

-r: Feed it with the sequences (fasta or fastq, gzipped or not) that you want built as the references-db.

-k: Half-length of k-mer, -k x meaning use k-mer of length 2x. For bacterial -k 8 is recommand; for mammals, -k 10 is recommand; for other genome size in-between, -k 9 is recommand.

-o: There are two folders ref/ and qry/ in the output dir ref_outdir. In Step 3 distance estimation ref_outdir/ref feed as references for -r and ref_outdir/qry feed as queries

3.2.2 Sketching queries

To compare queries with references, queries need be skeched using the same .shuf file with that of references.

kssd dist -o <qry_outdir> -L <ref_outdir/default.shuf or the_.shuf_file_used_by_references> <queries_.fasta/fastq_dir>

-o: There is only one folder qry/ in the output dir qry_outdir. In Step 3 distance estimation qry_outdir/qry feed as queries.

3.2.3 Sketching from data streaming

Suppose you want sketching Sequence Read Archive Accesssion ERR000001, just run:

kssd dist -L <your .shuf file> -n 2 -o <outdir> --pipecmd "fastq-dump --skip-technical --split-spot -Z" ERR000001

or prefetch first

prefetch ERR000001 && kssd dist -L <your .shuf file> -n 2 -o <outdir> --pipecmd "fastq-dump --skip-technical --split-spot -Z" <.sra dir>/ERR000001.sra

3.2.4 Set operations Sketches union

kssd set -u -o <union_outdir> <qry_outdir/qry> 

It will create the union sketch in <union_outdir> from the combined queries sketch in <qry_outdir/qry>. Note the combined queries sketch is just a sketch combined from all queries sketches, the union operation deduplicate those integers duplicated in different queries; Sketches intersection

kssd set -i <union_outdir> -o <intersect_outdir> <qry_outdir/qry>

It will create the intersection sketch in <intersect_outdir> between the union sketch in <union_outdir> and the combined queries sketch in <qry_outdir/qry>; Sketches subtraction

kssd set -s <union_outdir> -o <subtract_outdir> <qry_outdir/qry>

It subtracts the union sketch in <union_outdir> from the combined queries sketch in <qry_outdir/qry> and creates the remainder sketch in <subtract_outdir>

3.3 Distance estimation

3.3.1 Reference against references distance

If you only want to compute pairwise distances of all references, run:

kssd dist -r <ref_outdir/ref> -o <outdir> <ref_outdir/qry>

3.3.2 Search the queries against the references

Or if you want search the queries against the references, run:

kssd dist -r <ref_outdir/ref> -o <outdir> <qry_outdir/qry>

The ref_outdir and qry_outdir are the sketches created in step 2.

The distance will output to <outdir>/disntance

3.4 Combine Queries

If you have queries generated from different running batches, you can combine them by:

kssd dist -o <outdir> <path_to_query_batch1> [<path_to_query_batch2> ...]  

Make sure all queries batches use the same .shuf file

4. How to cite

Yi, H., Lin, Y., Lin, C. et al. Kssd: sequence dimensionality reduction by k-mer substring space sampling enables real-time large-scale datasets analysis. Genome Biol 22, 84 (2021).