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1103 lines (987 loc) · 48.8 KB

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1103 lines (987 loc) · 48.8 KB


template-electron-react v0.13.0 (2023-09-01)


  • Add assertion utils separately for main and renderer For electron main process, it's better to use node assertion module, the only customized assertion util is assertIsNever
  • Add application logger AppLogger, logs will be stored in <userData>/logs folder in app-<time>.log file format
  • Use esbuild to transpile app-main code

Notable Changes

  • No customized window id
  • Add lint:fix NPM script
  • Import router stuff directly from react-router-dom
  • Make @ter/scripts a pure-esm package
  • Upgrade Electron to v26.0.0
  • Apply stricter tsconfig on vite.config.ts, do typecheck for it

Dependency Changes

  • Add
    • @types/lodash v4.14.197
    • dayjs v1.11.9
    • esbuild-loader v4.0.2
    • lodash v4.17.21
    • winston v3.10.0
  • Upgrade
    • concurrently v7.6.0 -> v8.2.1
    • electron v24.5.0 -> v26.0.0
    • rimraf v3.0.2 -> v5.0.1
  • Remove
    • babel-loader v9.1.3
    • react-router v6.13.0
    • terser-webpack-plugin v5.3.9

template-electron-react v0.12.0 (2023-08-12)

Breaking Changes

Compile renderer process code via vite

It seems that create-react-app (CRA) is no longer maintained (at least not active). It's no longer recommended by React either, instead React recommends some frameworks. For more information, see discussion and issue.

Continuing to use CRA will cause us some problems:

  • It's difficult to keep up with the latest versions of so many tools if CRA can't keep up.
  • CRA is slow.
  • SSR is not supported (I don't know if SSR is suitable for desktop applications, but there's a tool nextron that makes SSR work with electron).

So I decided to migrate to compiling renderer process code via vite.

For main process code and preload script code, it's not able to compile them via vite, the reasons are:

  1. vite only runs one rollup instance in a vite configuration.
  2. We can only have one vite configuration to compile main process code and preload script code, or we cannot support hot-relaoding-electron feature.
  3. rollup always chunks shared dependencies between multiple inputs, we cannot get rollup to generate standalone js files (see issue).

Upgrade React to v18

Upgrade React to v18 as it no longer depends on react-scripts.

Notable Changes

  • Run release dry-run workflow for PRs
  • Don't use web-vitals deprecated fns
  • Set electron renderer content-security-policy
  • Prettify webpack stats output
  • Allow TypeScript declare syntax in app-main code

Dependency Changes

  • New
    • @babel/preset-typescript v7.22.5
    • @jest/transform v29.5.0
    • @types/babel__core v7.20.1
    • @types/semver v7.5.0
    • @vitejs/plugin-react v4.0.1
    • babel-loader v9.1.3
    • babel-preset-react-app v10.0.1
    • react-app-polyfill v3.0.0
    • radash v11.0.0
    • semver v7.5.4
    • source-map-loader v4.0.1
    • vite v4.4.0
    • vite-plugin-checker v0.6.1
    • vite-tsconfig-paths v4.2.0
    • webpack-cli v4.10.0
  • Upgrade
    • @testing-library/dom v8.20.0 -> v9.3.1
    • @testing-library/react v12.1.5 -> v14.0.0
    • @types/react v17.0.62 -> v18.2.15
    • @types/react-dom v17.0.20 -> v18.2.7
    • @types/react-test-renderer v17.0.2 -> v18.0.0
    • fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin v6.5.3 -> v8.0.0
    • react v17.0.2 -> v18.2.0
    • react-dom v17.0.2 -> v18.2.0
    • react-test-renderer v17.0.2 -> v18.2.0
    • webpack v5.87.0 -> v5.88.1
  • Remove
    • @babel/plugin-syntax-flow v7.22.5
    • @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx v7.22.5
    • @testing-library/react-hooks v8.0.1
    • @types/case-sensitive-paths-webpack-plugin v2.1.6
    • @types/lodash v4.14.195
    • lodash v4.17.21
    • react-app-rewired v2.1.9
    • react-scripts v5.0.1

template-electron-react v0.11.0 (2023-07-17)

Breaking Changes

  • Rename project to template-electron-react (ter)

Notable Changes

Package Changes

  • Rename
    • @tecra/electron-common -> @ter/app-common
    • @tecra/electron-main -> @ter/app-main
    • @tecra/electron-renderer -> @ter/app-renderer
    • @tecra/eslint-config -> @ter/eslint-config
    • @tecra/scripts -> @ter/scripts
    • @tecra/tsconfigs -> @ter/tsconfigs

Dependency Changes

  • New
    • @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin v5.59.11
    • @typescript-eslint/parse v5.59.11
    • @types/yargs-parser v21.0.0
    • yargs-parser v21.1.1
  • Remove
    • eslint-config-airbnb-typescript v17.0.0

tecra v0.10.0 (2023-06-20)


  • Support saving/remember window states

Bug Fixes

  • [Typescript] fix typescript-plugin-css-modules load paths to resolve imports based on baseUrl

Breaking Changes

I previously put collected utilities into this project. In this version, I removed them because I already had another project for them.

  • Remove all unused/useless/unnecessary util functions.
  • Refactor packages structure. Now we only have 6 packages:
    • @tecra/electron-common
    • @tecra/electron-main
    • @tecra/electron-renderer
    • @tecra/eslint-config
    • @tecra/scripts
    • @tecra/tsconfigs
  • [Electron] For security reasons, enable contextIsolation and disable nodeIntegration, use preload scripts

Notable Changes

  • [Lint] Enable ESLint rule no-param-reassign
  • [Lint] Disable ESLint rule no-await-in-loop
  • [Lint] Disable StyleLint rule max-nesting-depth
  • [Hooks] Delete useless hook useConstFn
  • [Types] Split global-types entries into
    • @tecra-config/global-types/types/index.node
    • @tecra-config/global-types/types/index.react

Dependency Changes

  • New
    • electron-store v8.1.0
  • Upgrade
    • @babel/core v7.19.6 -> v7.22.5
    • @babel/plugin-syntax-flow v7.18.6 -> v7.22.5
    • @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx v7.19.0 -> v7.22.5
    • @reduxjs/toolkit v1.8.6 -> v1.9.5
    • @testing-library/dom v8.19.0 -> v8.20.0
    • @types/jest v29.2.3 -> v29.5.2
    • @types/lodash v4.14.189 -> v4.14.195
    • @types/node v16.11.68 -> v18.16.18
    • @types/react v17.0.50 -> v17.0.62
    • @types/react-dom v17.0.17 -> v17.0.20
    • @types/testing-library__jest-dom v5.14.5 -> v5.14.6
    • browserslist v4.21.4 -> v4.21.9
    • concurrently v7.4.0 -> v7.6.0
    • electron v19.0.11 -> v24.5.0
    • electron-builder v23.6.0 -> v24.4.0
    • eslint v8.24.0 -> v8.42.0
    • eslint-config-prettier v8.5.0 -> v8.8.0
    • eslint-plugin-import v2.26.0 -> v2.27.5
    • eslint-plugin-jest v27.1.3 -> v27.2.1
    • eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y v6.6.1 -> v6.7.1
    • eslint-plugin-react v7.31.10 -> v7.32.2
    • fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin v6.5.2 -> v6.5.3
    • huksy v8.0.1 -> v8.0.3
    • immer v9.0.15 -> v9.0.21
    • lint-staged v13.0.3 -> v13.2.2
    • postcss v8.4.18 -> v8.4.24
    • prettier v2.7.1 -> v2.8.8
    • react-redux v8.0.4 -> v8.1.0
    • react-router v6.4.2 -> v6.13.0
    • react-router-dom v6.4.2 -> v6.13.0
    • sass v1.55.0 -> v1.63.4
    • stylelint v14.14.0 -> v14.16.1
    • stylelint-cofnig-recess-order v3.0.0 -> v3.1.0
    • terser-webpack-plugin v5.3.6 -> v5.3.9
    • type-fest v3.2.0 -> v3.12.0
    • typescript v4.8.4 -> v5.1.3
    • typescript-plugin-css-modules v3.4.0 -> v5.0.1
    • web-vitals v3.0.4 -> v3.3.2
    • webpack v5.74.0 -> v5.87.0

tecra v0.9.0 (2023-06-11)

Notable Changes

  • [Build] Speed up compilation with parallel builds
  • [Build] Set webpackChunkName
  • [Build] Use babel to compile electron main process code
  • [Build] Turn on inlineSources for debugging
  • [Build] Make webpack support declare syntax
  • [CI/CD] Run test on multiple os
  • [NPM] Add new NPM script typecheck
  • [Test] Store jest caches inside this project
  • [Test] Change the scope of collecting coverage files
  • [Lint] Enable rules import/order, @typescript-eslint/require-await
  • [Lint] Disable rule react/require-default-props
  • [Lint] Enable rule @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-exports, @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-imports
  • [Lint] Sort imports in case-insensitive mode
  • [Lint] Enable rule @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface
  • [Lint] Allow private/protected/index-signature property access in test files
  • [Lint] Change naming convention configurations
  • [Lint] Enable rule @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises, @typescript-eslint/no-misused-promises

Bug Fixes

  • [Hooks] Fix return type of useDelayFn

Breaking Changes

  • Use pnpm instead of npm as the package manager

  • [Lint] Change enum member naming convention to UPPER_CASE

  • [Hooks] Change useIsMounted to return a function to get the state

  • [NPM] Rename npm script test-coverage to test-full

  • [TS] Enable rule useDefineForClassFields

  • [TS] Disabled namedExports of plugin typescript-plugin-css-modules

  • [Types] Change type utils for picking keys and props

    • PickNullableKeys
    • PickNonNullableKeys
    • PickUndefinableKeys
    • PickNonUndefinableKeys
    • PickNullishKeys
    • PickNonNullishKeys
    • PickNullableProps
    • OmitNullableProps
    • PickNonNullableProps
    • OmitNonNullableProps
    • PickUndefinableProps
    • OmitUndefinableProps
    • PickNonUndefinableProps
    • OmitNonUndefinableProps
    • PickNullishProps
    • OmitNullishProps
    • PickNonNullishProps
    • OmitNonNullishProps
  • [Types] Move some global types into @tecra-pkg/utils-type

  • [Utils/React] Delete ReactImmerReducer

Package Changes

  • New
    • @tecra-pkg/utils
    • @tecra-pkg/utils-react-router
  • Rename
    • @tecra/assets -> @tecra-pkg/assets
    • @tecra/electron-common -> @tecra-pkg/electron-common
    • @tecra/electron-main (packages/electron-main) -> @tecra-app/electron-main (app/electron-main)
    • @tecra/electron-renderer (packages/electron-renderer) -> @tecra-app/electron-renderer (app/electron-renderer)
    • @tecra/eslint-config (packages/eslint-config) -> @tecra-config/eslint-config (configs/eslint-config)
    • @tecra/global-types (packages/global-types) -> @tecra-config/global-types (configs/global-types)
    • @tecra/hooks -> @tecra-pkg/hooks
    • @tecra/scripts (packages/scripts) -> @tecra-config/scripts (configs/scripts)
    • @tecra/stylelint-config (packages/stylelint-config) -> @tecra-config/stylelint-config (configs/stylelint-config)
    • @tecra/tsconfigs (packages/tsconfigs) -> @tecra-config/tsconfigs (configs/tsconfigs)
    • @tecra/utils-react -> @tecra-pkg/utils-react
    • @tecra/utils-redux -> @tecra-pkg/utils-redux
    • @tecra/utils-test -> @tecra-pkg/utils-test
    • @tecra/utils-type -> @tecra-pkg/utils-type
  • Remove
    • @tecra/utils-fluentui

Dependency Changes

  • New
    • @babel/core v7.22.5
    • @babel/plugin-syntax-flow v7.18.6
    • @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx v7.19.0
    • @testing-library/dom v8.19.0
    • @types/testing-library__jest-dom v5.14.5
    • @typescript-eslint/utils v5.40.1
    • fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin v6.5.2
    • identity-obj-proxy v3.0.0
    • jest-environment-jsdom v29.5.0
    • jest-resolve v29.5.0
    • postcss v8.4.18
    • terser-webpack-plugin v5.3.6
    • type-fest v3.2.0
    • webpack v5.74.0
  • Upgrade
    • @jest/types v27.5.1 -> v29.5.0
    • @reduxjs/toolkit v1.6.1 -> v1.8.6
    • @testing-library/jest-dom v5.14.1 -> v5.16.5
    • @testing-library/react v12.1.1 -> v12.1.5
    • @testing-library/react-host v7.0.2 -> v8.0.1
    • @testing-library/user-event v13.2.1 -> v14.4.3
    • @types/electron-devtools-installer v2.2.1 -> v2.2.2
    • @types/jest v27.0.2 -> v29.5.2
    • @types/node v16.10.2 -> v16.11.68
    • @types/react v17.0.26 -> v17.0.50
    • @types/react-dom v17.0.9 -> v17.0.17
    • @types/react-test-renderer v17.0.1 -> v17.0.2
    • @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin v5.4.0 -> v5.40.1
    • @typescript-eslint/experimental-utils v5.4.0 -> v5.40.1
    • @typescript-eslint/parser v5.4.0 -> v5.40.1
    • @typescript-eslint/scope-manager v5.4.0 -> v5.40.1
    • @typescript-eslint/types v5.4.0 -> v5.40.1
    • @typescript-eslint/typescript-estree v5.4.0 -> v5.40.1
    • @typescript-eslint/visitor-keys v5.4.0 -> v5.40.1
    • babel-jest v27.2.4 -> v29.5.0
    • browserslist v4.17.2 -> v4.21.4
    • clsx v1.1.1 -> v1.2.1
    • concurrently v6.2.2 -> v7.4.0
    • error-oop v0.4.0 -> v0.6.0
    • electron v16.0.6 -> v19.0.11
    • electron-builder v22.11.7 -> v23.6.0
    • eslint v8.2.0 -> v8.25.0
    • eslint-config-airbnb v19.0.0 -> v19.0.4
    • eslint-config-airbnb-typescript v16.1.0 -> v17.0.0
    • eslint-config-prettier v8.3.0 -> v8.5.0
    • eslint-plugin-import v2.25.3 -> v2.26.0
    • eslint-plugin-jest v25.2.4 -> v27.1.3
    • eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y v6.5.1 -> v6.6.1
    • eslint-plugin-prettier v4.0.0 -> v4.2.1
    • eslint-plugin-react v7.27.0 -> v7.31.10
    • eslint-plugin-react-hooks v4.3.0 -> v4.6.0
    • husky v7.0.4 -> v8.0.1
    • immer v9.0.6 -> v9.0.15
    • jest v27.2.4 -> v29.5.0
    • jest-watch-typeahead v1.0.0 -> v2.2.2
    • lint-staged v11.1.2 -> v13.0.3
    • prettier v2.4.1 -> v2.7.1
    • react-app-rewired v2.1.8 -> v2.1.9
    • react-redux v7.2.5 -> v8.0.4
    • react-router v6.0.1 -> v6.4.2
    • react-router-dom v6.0.1 -> v6.4.2
    • react-scripts v4.0.3 -> v5.0.1
    • sass v1.42.1 -> v1.55.0
    • stylelint v14.1.0 -> v14.14.0
    • ts-loader v8.3.0 -> v9.2.6
    • typescript v4.4.2 -> v4.8.4
    • use-immer v0.6.0 -> v0.7.0
    • web-vitals v2.1.0 -> v3.0.4
    • webpack-cli v4.8.0 -> v4.10.0
  • Remove
    • @fluentui/react v8.36.0
    • @types/lodash v4.14.175
    • @types/react-redux v7.1.21
    • error-oop v0.6.0
    • jest-circus v27.2.4
    • lodash v4.17.21
    • react-scrollbars-custom v4.0.27
    • ts-essentials v9.0.0

tecra v0.8.0 (2022-01-04)


  • Support to open links in external default browser
  • [Github] Use cache in CI
  • [Hooks] Add parameter initialValue into usePrevious, parameter initialValue of useBoolean now is optional
  • [Hooks] Add new hooks useIsMounted and usePersistFn
  • [Hooks] Improve usePrevious, only re-run effect when value changes
  • [Hooks] Improve useCountdown to avoid unnecessary re-renders
  • [Hooks] Add tests for hooks useCountdown, useInterval, useSimpleInterval, useSimpleTimeout, useTimeout and useWhyDidYouUpdate
  • [IPC] Add IpcServer and IpcClient
  • [Lint] When in stage pre-commit only lint changed files
  • [Lint] Use stylelint-config-recess-order to lint css properties order
  • [Lint] Disable stylelint rule selector-max-id
  • [NPM] Add --if-present in npm scripts
  • [NPM] Add npm script dev in not-react packages
  • [Renderer] Display app details in the Introduction UI
  • [Renderer] Use react-router to route urls
  • [Test] Support package own setup.test.ts
  • [Test] Support to pass --verbose when do unit test
  • [Types] Add global types PickProp, AnyFn, UnknownFn and VoidReturn
  • [Utils/React] Add utils for callback prop onRenderXXX: defaultOnRender and renderFactory
  • [Utils/React] Add type ReactImmerReducer
  • [Utils/Test] Add mockLocalStorage and mockSessionStorage to help mock local storage and session storage
  • [Utils/Test] Add test utils: expectElementSnapshot, expectSnapshot, mockConsoleToMatchSnapshot
  • [Utils/Type] Add base type utilities: LowerAlpha, UpperAlpha, Alpha, Digit and HexDigit
  • [Utils/Type] Add type utilities for hex color: IsHexColor and MakeHexColor
  • [Utils/Type] Add type utilities:
    • OmitNonNullableProps
    • OmitNullableProps
    • OmitUndefinableProps
    • PickNonNullableKeys
    • PickNonNullableProps
    • PickNullableKeys
    • PickNullableProps
    • PickUndefinableKeys
    • PickUndefinableProps


  • Change local webpack server port to 4321
  • [Git] Use husky to execute pre-commit scripts
  • [Hooks] Simplify useConstFn, use useConstFn to create updater actions
  • [Test] Fix mocks setup in test for local storage and session storage
  • [Test] Set jest environment to jest-environment-jsdom
  • [Utils/FluenUI] Fix FluentuiProvider css class


  • [Hooks] Clear timeout when unmount in useDelayFn

Breaking Changes

  • [Hooks] Rename useSimpleInterval to useSingleInterval, rename useSimpleTimeout to useSingleTimeout

  • [Hooks] useKey is longer supported

  • [IPC] IpcMainWrapper and IpcRendererWrapper are no longer supported

  • [Renderer] KeyboardCaptor is longer supported

  • [Types] Delete type IChildrenElementProps

  • [Utils/Redux] createTypedSelector is no longer supported, use react-redux TypedUseSelectorHook instead.

  • [Utils/Redux] WritableDraft won't be re-exported from immer

  • [Uitls/Type] Move some global types into @tecra/utils-type:

    • Contain
    • Contained
    • ExcludeFunction
    • ExcludeUnderscorePrefix
    • ExtractFunction
    • OmitUnderscorePrefix
  • Rename type declarations, here only list the (maybe) important changes

    • [Hooks]
      • IUseBooleanUpdaters -> UseBooleanActions
      • ISetCountdownUpdater -> SetCountdown
      • IUseIntervalUpdaters -> UseIntervalActions
      • IUseSimpleIntervalUpdaters -> UseSingleIntervalActions
      • IUseSimpleTimeoutUpdaters -> UseSingleTimeoutActions
      • IUseTimeoutUpdaters -> UseTimeoutActions
      • IUseToggleUpdaters -> UseToggleActions
    • [Types]
      • IChildrenProps -> ReactChildrenProps
      • IClientAreaSize -> ClientAreaSize
    • [Utils/Redux]
      • IActions -> ReduxActions
      • IDispatchingActions -> DispatchingActions
      • IDispatchingThunks -> DispatchingThunks
      • IReducer -> ReduxReducer
      • IThunks -> ReduxThunks
      • IThunk -> ThunkFn
      • IThunkAction -> ThunkAction
      • IThunkActionWithArgs -> deleted

Packages Changes

  • New
    • @tecra/utils-react
    • @tecra/utils-test

Dependency Changes

  • New
    • babel-jest v27.2.4
    • eslint v8.2.0
    • husky v7.0.4
    • immer v9.0.6
    • jest v27.2.4
    • jest-circus v27.2.4
    • jest-watch-typeahead v1.0.0
    • react-router v6.0.1
    • react-router-dom v6.0.1
    • stylelint-config-recess-order v2.5.0
    • ts-essentials v9.0.0
    • use-immer v0.6.0
  • Upgrade
    • @fluentui/react v8.28.2 -> v8.36.0
    • @testing-library/react v12.0.0 -> v12.1.1
    • @testing-library/react-hooks v7.0.1 -> v7.0.2
    • @types/jest v26.0.24 -> v27.0.2
    • @types/lodash v4.14.172 -> v4.14.175
    • @types/node v14.17.9 -> v16.10.2
    • @types/react v17.0.18 -> v17.0.26
    • @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin v4.30.0 -> v5.4.0
    • @typescript-eslint/experimental-utils v4.30.0 -> v5.4.0
    • @typescript-eslint/parser v4.30.0 -> v5.4.0
    • @typescript-eslint/scope-manager v4.30.0 -> v5.4.0
    • @typescript-eslint/types v4.30.0 -> v5.4.0
    • @typescript-eslint/typescript-estree v4.30.0 -> v5.4.0
    • @typescript-eslint/visitor-keys v4.30.0 -> v5.4.0
    • browserslist v4.16.7 -> v4.17.2
    • concurrently v6.2.1 -> v6.2.2
    • electron v13.1.7 -> v15.0.0
    • eslint-config-airbnb v18.2.1 -> v19.0.0
    • eslint-config-airbnb-typescript v14.0.0 -> v16.1.0
    • eslint-plugin-import v2.24.2 -> v2.25.3
    • eslint-plugin-jest v24.5.0 -> v25.2.4
    • eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y v6.4.1 -> v6.5.1
    • eslint-plugin-prettier v3.4.1 -> v4.0.0
    • eslint-plugin-react v7.26.1 -> v7.27.0
    • eslint-plugin-react-hooks v4.2.0 -> v4.3.0
    • prettier v2.3.2 -> v2.4.1
    • react-redux v7.2.4 -> v7.2.5
    • sass v1.38.0 -> v1.42.1
    • stylelint v13.13.1 -> v14.1.0
    • stylelint-config-recess-order v2.5.0 -> v3.0.0
    • stylelint-config-sass-guidelines v8.0.0 -> v9.0.1
  • Remove
    • eslint-plugin-deprecation v1.2.1

tecra v0.7.0 (2021-10-01)


  • [Code] Add class SessionStorage
  • [Git] Lint code before git commit (in git pre-commit stage)
  • [Github] Add issue templates
  • [Fluentui] Add FluentuiProvider and use it in Window
  • [Workspaces] Use NPM workspaces to manage source code
  • [Test] Use custom jest configurations to do unit test


  • [Code] Remove premature performance optimization
  • [ESlint] Add new extended configuration airbnb/hooks
  • [ESlint] Add rule @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function
  • [ESlint] Only enable object variable declarator
  • [ESlint] Change rule @typescript-eslint/naming-convening
  • [ESlint] Disable rule react/destructuring-assignment
  • [ESlint] Disable rule react/jsx-props-no-spreading
  • [Github] Use action setup-node@v2
  • [Types] These type declarations are moved into global declaration
    • ReactStyleFunc
    • IClientAreaSize
    • IElementPositionSize
    • IElementSize

Breaking Changes

  • Rename root project name to tecra
  • [Deps] Bump lock file to v2
  • [Webpack] Delete support for custom path alias (use NPM workspaces instead).
  • [Workspaces] Use NPM workspaces to manage source code


  • New
    • @tecra/assets
    • @tecra/electron-common
    • @tecra/electron-main
    • @tecra/electron-renderer
    • @tecra/eslint-config
    • @tecra/hooks
    • @tecra/global-types
    • @tecra/scripts
    • @tecra/stylelint-config
    • @tecra/tsconfigs
    • @tecra/utils-fluentui
    • @tecra/utils-redux

Dependency Changes

  • New
    • error-oop v0.4.0
    • eslint-config-airbnb v18.2.1
    • lint-staged v11.1.2
    • stylelint v13.13.1
    • stylelint-config-sass-guidelines v8.0.0
    • typescript-plugin-css-modules v3.4.0
  • Upgrade
    • @fluentui/react v8.21.1 -> v8.28.2
    • @reduxjs/toolkit v1.6.0 -> v1.6.1
    • @testing-library/user-event v13.1.9 -> v13.2.1
    • @types/jest v26.0.23 -> v26.0.24
    • @types/lodash v4.14.170 -> v4.14.172
    • @types/node v14.17.4 -> v14.17.9
    • @types/react v17.0.11 -> v17.0.18
    • @types/react-dom v17.0.8 -> v17.0.9
    • @types/react-redux v7.1.16 -> v7.1.18
    • @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin v4.28.1 -> v4.30.0
    • @typescript-eslint/experimental-utils v4.28.1 -> v4.30.0
    • @typescript-eslint/parser v4.28.1 -> v4.30.0
    • @typescript-eslint/scope-manager v4.28.1 -> v4.30.0
    • @typescript-eslint/types v4.28.1 -> v4.30.0
    • @typescript-eslint/typescript-estree v4.28.1 -> v4.30.0
    • @typescript-eslint/visitor-keys v4.28.1 -> v4.30.0
    • browserslist v4.16.6 -> v4.16.7
    • chalk v4.1.1 -> v4.1.2
    • concurrently v6.2.0 -> v6.2.1
    • eslint-config-airbnb-typescript v12.3.1 -> v14.0.0
    • eslint-plugin-import v2.23.4 -> v2.24.2
    • eslint-plugin-jest v24.3.6 -> v24.4.0
    • eslint-plugin-prettier v3.4.0 -> v3.4.1
    • eslint-plugin-react v7.24.0 -> v7.25.1
    • react-scrollbars-custom v4.0.25 -> v4.0.27
    • sass v1.35.1 -> v1.38.0
    • typescript v4.3.5 -> v4.4.2
    • web-vitals v2.0.1 -> v2.1.0
    • webpack-cli v4.7.2 -> v4.8.0
  • Remove
    • @types/speed-measure-webpack-plugin v1.3.3
    • node-errors-pro v0.2.0
    • speed-measure-webpack-plugin v1.5.0
    • typed-css-modules v0.6.8

tecra v0.6.0 (2021-08-01)


  • [Common]
    • Add new type Optional<T>
    • Add util wait to wait for some time
    • Add declaration file common.d.ts
  • [Build]
    • Add internal npm scripts _cra-build, _cra-dev, _cra-test, _main-build and _main-dev
    • Add new npm script run-unpacked to execute the unpacked electron application built by electron-builder
  • [Github-Actions]
    • Build windows installer and publish it if need
    • Do coverage tests
  • [IPC] Add new IPC wrapper IpcMainWrapper and IpcRendererWrapper
  • [RUtils] - DOM
    • Improve the performance of CanvasUtils
    • Add new methods in CanvasUtils: createLinePainter, createRectPainter
  • [RUtils/React]
    • New React Hooks with tests
      • useBoolean
      • useConst
      • useConstFn
      • useDelayFn
      • useDoubleTrigger
      • useForceUpdate
      • useImmediateFocus
      • useInterval
      • useIsFocused
      • useIsHovered
      • useMount
      • usePrevious
      • useSimpleInterval
      • useSimpleTimeout
      • useTimeout
      • useToggle
      • useUnmount
      • useWhyDidYouUpdate
    • Add interface ReactChildrenProp
  • [RUtils/Fluentui]
    • Add namespaces FluentuiEvents and FluentuiStyles
    • Add namespaces FluentuiStyleFunctions, FluentuiTokens and FluentuiTokenFunctions
  • [RUtils/Redux]
    • Add thunkCreattorFactory to create thunks
  • [UI] - Main Window
    • Add tests for react components
    • Add tests for redux reducers
    • Add css properties overflow and user-select into container ClientArea
  • Add AppInfo to collect applicatio infomation
  • Add declaration file renderer.d.ts


  • [Build] Create folder working before build or dev
  • [Build] Only do incremental building for scripts
  • [Build] Change browserslist to 'last 9 chrome versions'
  • [Build] Typescript: do not skip lib check
  • [Eslint] Set rule @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any to warn level in order to enable stricter type limitation
  • [Eslint] Set rule prefer-destructuring to disable the prefer of array destructuring
  • [Redux] Fix useDispatchingThunks not correctly pass arguments
  • [Test] Fix test for react
  • [Test] Ignore messages we output
  • [Test] Rename setupTest.ts to test.setup.ts, rename reportWebVitals.ts to report-web-vitals.ts
  • [UI] Improve ui performance, rename InfoDisplay to Introduction which will be displayed only after prepared
  • [UI] Change LocalStorage to be a class

Breaking Changes

  • [Common] Rename 'src/shared' to 'src/common', change import path aliases
  • [Public] Change public assets, add icon.ico
  • [RUtils] Delete options argument in old CanvasUtils methods
  • [RUtils] Delete IStrictStyle and mergeStrictStyles, move fluentui default theme into RUtils/Fluentui


  • New
    • @testing-library/react-hooks v7.0.1
    • @types/react-test-renderer v17.0.1
    • @typescript-eslint/experimental-utils v4.28.1
    • @typescript-eslint/scope-manager v4.28.1
    • @typescript-eslint/types v4.28.1
    • @typescript-eslint/typescript-estree v4.28.1
    • @typescript-eslint/visitor-keys v4.28.1
    • eslint-plugin-deprecation v1.2.1
    • react-test-renderer v17.0.2
  • Upgrade
    • @fluentui/react v8.14.13 -> v8.21.1
    • @reduxjs/toolkit v1.5.0 -> v1.6.1
    • @testing-library/jest-dom v5.11.4 -> v5.14.1
    • @testing-library/react v11.1.0 -> v12.0.0
    • @testing-library/user-event v12.1.10 -> v13.1.9
    • @types/jest v26.0.21 -> v26.0.23
    • @types/lodash v4.14.169 -> v4.14.170
    • @types/node v14.17.3 -> v14.17.4
    • @types/react-dom v17.0.7 -> v17.0.8
    • @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin v4.24.0 -> v4.28.1
    • @typescript-eslint/parser v4.24.0 -> v4.28.1
    • concurrently v6.1.0 -> v6.2.0
    • electron v13.1.1 -> v13.1.7
    • electron-builder v22.10.5 -> v22.11.7
    • eslint-plugin-import v2.23.3 -> v2.23.4
    • eslint-plugin-react v7.23.2 -> v7.24.0
    • prettier v2.3.1 -> v2.3.2
    • react-redux v7.2.3 -> v7.2.4
    • sass v1.34.0 -> v1.35.1
    • ts-jest v26.5.4 -> v26.5.6
    • ts-loader v8.0.18 -> v8.3.0
    • typed-css-modules v0.6.5 -> v0.6.8
    • typescript v4.3.3 -> v4.3.5
    • webpack-cli v4.5.0 -> v4.7.2
  • Remove
    • ts-jest v26.5.6

tecra v0.5.0 (2021-06-15)


  • Main Process
    • Add AppPaths to get appPath and srcPath
  • Main Window
    • Add prepared property into main redux store and its usePrepared hook
    • Dispatch prepare thunk when the app start
    • Delete serviceWorker, add reportWebVitals to use web-vitals
  • Shared
    • Add Timer
    • Improve type util DeepReadonly to support making more structures deep readonly
    • Add type util ExcludeUnderscorePrefix
    • Add type util OmitUnderscorePrefix
  • Redux
    • Add IThunk and IAsyncThunk type definitions
    • Re-export WritableDraft from immer/dist/types/types-external
  • Utils
    • Add IMargin and IMarginInfo, and their transformer, add mergeToGridTemplate


  • Compile
    • Make typescript more strict
    • Rename npm script build-profile to build:profile
    • Enable typescript incremental compilation
    • Move webpack plugins into scripts, rename them and use typescript to code them
    • Set SMP's format to human
    • Fix npm script build:profile to enable profiling in the production build
    • Fix aliases of renderer webpack
    • Delete custom-gitconfig.ts
    • Move webpack configs into scripts, and use typescript to code them
    • Move typescript configs into scripts
    • Change electron-builder configs to build smaller installer
  • Main Window
    • Change redux store structure
    • Simplify the exports from redux
    • Rename MainPromiseThunk to MainAsyncThunk
  • Eslint
    • Allow enum member to be PascalCase style
    • Add rule @typescript-eslint/return-await at in-try-catch
    • Add rule import/no-default-export at error
    • Add rule import/no-deprecated at warn
    • Set rule import/no-cycle to error

Breaking Changes

  • Move IDotPosition and IRectPosition into Utils/DOM
  • Use typescript to write scripts, compile them before build or dev
  • Redux
    • Delete ReduxHooksFactory, use createTypedSelector, useDispatchingActions and useDispatchingThunks instead
    • Support to only export non-internal actions out of redux
  • Delete windowIpc, use mainIpc and rendererIpc instead


  • Use lodash rather than lodash-es
  • New
    • @typescript-eslint/parser v4.24.0
    • web-vitals v2.0.1
    • @types/speed-measure-webpack-plugin v1.3.3
  • Upgrade
    • @fluentui/react from v8.8.0 to v8.14.13
    • @reduxjs/toolkit from v1.5.0 to v1.5.1
    • @testing-library/jest-dom from v4.2.4 to v5.11.4
    • @testing-library/react from v9.3.2 to v11.1.0
    • @testing-library/user-event from v7.1.2 to v12.1.10
    • @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin from v4.19.0 to v4.24.0
    • @types/node from v14.14.32 to v14.17.3
    • @types/react from v17.0.3 to v17.0.11
    • @types/react-dom from v17.0.3 to v17.0.7
    • chalk from v4.1.0 to v4.1.1
    • concurrently from v6.0.0 to v6.1.0
    • electron from v12.0.5 to v13.1.1
    • electron-devtools-installer from v3.1.1 to v3.2.0
    • eslint-config-prettier from v8.1.0 to v8.3.0
    • eslint-plugin-import from v2.22.1 to v2.23.3
    • eslint-plugin-jest from v24.3.2 to v24.3.6
    • eslint-plugin-prettier from v3.3.1 to v3.4.0
    • eslint-plugin-react from v7.23.1 to v7.23.2
    • prettier from v2.2.1 to v2.3.1
    • sass from v1.32.8 to v1.34.0
    • speed-measure-webpack-plugin from v1.4.2 to v1.5.0
  • Remove
    • immer v9.0.1
  • Move dependency react-scripts to be a dev dependency

tecra v0.4.0 (2021-05-09)


  • NPM
    • Add npm script pretty to use prettier to format all code
  • Redux
    • Add useReduxDispatchedActions and useReduxDispatchedThunks hooks, the dispatched actions and dispatched thunks will be cached in ReduxHooksFactory
    • Add Components and Containers folders
    • Add MainPromiseThunk type
    • Add support to infer the return type of async thunks while using useReduxDispatchedThunks
  • Types
    • Add new types utils Object, ObjectStr and ObjectNum
    • Add new types for renderer
      • IClientAreaSize
      • IDotPosition
      • IElementPosition
      • IElementSize
      • IOffset
      • IRectPosition
  • Frameless Window
    • Now only provide an initial FramelessWindow and TitleBar, the client area size will be provided from TitleBar
  • Fluent UI
    • Add event type alias for the following components, see src/renderer/Utils/Fluentui/EventsInProps.ts:
      • ChoiceGroup
      • ComboBox
      • ContextualMenu
      • Dropdown
      • List
      • Pivot
      • TextField
      • Toggle
  • Hooks
    • New hooks:
      • useClientAreaSize
      • useCountdown
  • DOM
    • Add CanvasUtils to operate canvas dom, it contains the following methods:
      • drawLines
      • drawLinesOffset
      • fillRects
      • fillRectsOffset


  • Git
    • Ignore *.cjs, *.js and *.mjs in src
  • Compilation
    • Disable eslint-webpack-plugin completely
  • Eslint
    • Disable no-bitwise rule
    • Disable no-constant-condition rule
  • Redux
    • Rename type Reducer to MainReducer
    • Rename type Thunk to MainThunk
    • Disable immutableCheck and serializableCheck when in development

Breaking Changes

  • Move ColorTransformer, npm2px and npm2pt into #RUtils/Theme
  • Move WindowIpc into #MUtils/Ipc
  • Rename src/renderer/Main to src/renderer/MainWindow
  • Rename src/renderer/MainWindow/redux to src/renderer/MainWindow/Redux
  • Delete interface ClientAreaSize
  • Delete AbstractClientArea, now your own client-area containers should not be inherited from AbstractClientArea
  • Delete custom hook useReduxDispatch, please use useReduxDispatchedActions or useReduxDispatchedThunks instead
  • Delete mapMainDispatchToProps


  • Upgrade
    • Update 'electron' from v12.0.0 to v12.0.5

tecra v0.3.0 (2021-04-06)


  • Compilation
    • Add new NPM script build-profile to enable profiling in production build
  • React
    • Set environment variable INLINE_RUNTIME_CHUNK as false to disable the runtime chunk inlining
    • Set environment variable PUBLIC_URL as ./ to avoid react loading the homepage value of package.json while compiling
  • Redux
    • Add configureGlobalStore util function to help creating a global store
  • Eslint
    • Add eslint-plugin-node into eslint configs
    • Set root to true
  • Add css id ThemeProvider for fluentui's ThemeProvider
  • Add Contain and Contained type util definitions
  • Use SCSS instead of fluentui css-in-js to apply CSS styles


  • Git
    • Update .gitattributes
  • Compilation
    • Refactor base webpack configs
    • Stop hacking eslint configs in renderer webpack configs
    • Update typescript configs

Breaking Changes

  • Use npm instead of yarn to manage repository
  • Change user name from 'YSoftwareTech' to 'YSoftwareRepo'


  • New
    • Add 'eslint-config-prettier' v8.1.0
    • Add 'prettier' v2.2.1
    • Add 'sass' v1.32.8
    • Add 'typed-css-modules' v0.6.5
  • Upgrade
    • Update '@fluentui/react' from v8.0.0-beta.49 to v8.8.0
    • Update '@types/jest' from v24.0.0 to v26.0.21
    • Update '@types/node' from v12.19.9 to v14.14.32
    • Update '@types/react' from v17.0.0 to v17.0.3
    • Update '@types/react-dom' from v17.0.0 to v17.0.3
    • Update '@types/react-redux' from v7.1.15 to v7.1.16
    • Update '@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin' from v4.14.1 to v4.19.0
    • Update 'concurrently' from v5.3.0 to v6.0.0
    • Update 'electron' from v11.2.1 to v12.0.0
    • Update 'electron-builder' from v22.9.1 to v22.10.5
    • Update 'eslint-plugin-jest' from v24.1.3 to v24.3.2
    • Update 'eslint-plugin-prettier' from v3.3.0 to v3.3.1
    • Update 'eslint-plugin-react' from v7.21.5 to v7.23.1
    • Update 'immer' from v8.0.0 to v9.0.1
    • Update 'react' from v17.0.1 to v17.0.2
    • Update 'react-app-rewired' from v2.1.6 to v2.1.8
    • Update 'react-dom' from v17.0.1 to v17.0.2
    • Update 'react-redux' from v7.2.2 to v7.2.3
    • Update 'react-scripts' from v4.0.1 to v4.0.3
    • Update 'speed-measure-webpack-plugin' from v1.3.3 to v1.4.2
    • Update 'ts-jest' from v26.1.3 to v26.5.4
    • Update 'ts-loader' from v8.0.1 to v8.0.18
    • Update 'typescript' from v4.1.5 to v4.2.3
    • Update 'webpack-cli' from v3.3.12 to v4.5.0

tecra v0.2.0 (2021-02-19)


  • Compilation
    • Add source map when compiling main code by webpack
    • Add npm scripts hooks prebuild and predev, to edit git configs to only permit fast-forward pull
    • Add electron-devtools-installer to install extensions in development mode
  • Environment
    • Add dependency node-errors-pro to support more kinds of errors
  • Redux
    • Add global-state to improving the performance of redux
    • Add createGlobalEntityAdapter to use adapters in global state, the adapters created by createEntityAdapter (provided by @reduxjs/toolkit) cannot be used out of redux store
    • Add ReduxHooksFactory, it returns useReduxDispatch and useReduxSelector
      • useReduxDispatch an custom hook to use dispatch in functional containers, pass actions and thunks as the second parameter
      • useReduxSelector an custom hook to use the global state in functional containers
    • Add IExactlyActionsDestructuring and IExactlyThunksDestructuring to do a strict type check for mapMainDispatchToProps and useReduxDispatch
  • Fluentui
    • Add IStrictStyle to do a strict type check for styles
    • Add mergeStrictStyles to use IStrictStyle
    • Use ThemeProvider to provide theme
  • Transformer
    • Add num2px and num2pt utils
  • WindowManager
    • Add WindowManager to manage multi windows
    • Delete the old window managing solution


  • Ipc
    • Delete all ipc wrappers
  • Environment
    • Restructure project, change path aliases
    • Update dependency @fluentui/react from v7.157.1 to v8.0.0-beta.49
    • Update dev dependency eslint-config-airbnb-typescript from v12.0.0 to v12.3.1
    • Change line length limit, from 100 to 120
  • Fluentui
    • Update fluentui styles and render utils
  • Redux
    • Rename IMapActionsToProps to IActionsDestructuring
    • Rename IMapThunksToProps to IThunksDestructuring
  • Eslint
    • Allow 'PascalCase' naming for variable
    • Disable prefer-arrow-callback
    • Enable react-hooks/rules-of-hooks and react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
  • Scripts
    • Delete 'utils.mjs', move the util functions into 'app.mjs'


  • dependencies
    • @fluentui/react: ^8.0.0-beta.49
    • @reduxjs/toolkit: ^1.5.0
    • immer: ^8.0.0
    • node-errors-pro: ^0.2.0
    • react: ^17.0.1
    • react-dom: ^17.0.1
    • react-redux: ^7.2.2
    • react-scripts: 4.0.1
    • react-scrollbars-custom: ^4.0.25
  • dev dependencies
    • @testing-library/jest-dom: ^4.2.4
    • @testing-library/react: ^9.3.2
    • @testing-library/user-event: ^7.1.2
    • @types/electron-devtools-installer: ^2.2.0
    • @types/jest: ^24.0.0
    • @types/lodash-es: ^4.17.4
    • @types/node: ^12.19.9
    • @types/react: ^17.0.0
    • @types/react-dom: ^17.0.0
    • @types/react-redux: ^7.1.15
    • @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin: ^4.14.1
    • chalk: ^4.1.0
    • concurrently: ^5.3.0
    • electron: 11.2.1
    • electron-builder: ^22.9.1
    • electron-devtols-installer: ^3.1.1
    • eslint-config-airbnb-typescript: ^12.3.1
    • eslint-plugin-import: ^2.22.1
    • eslint-plugin-jest: ^24.1.3
    • eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y: ^6.4.1
    • eslint-plugin-node: ^11.1.0
    • eslint-plugin-prettier: ^3.3.0
    • eslint-plugin-react: ^7.21.5
    • eslint-plugin-react-hooks: ^4.2.0
    • lodash-es: ^4.17.20
    • react-app-rewired: ^2.1.6
    • rimraf: ^3.0.2
    • speed-measure-webpack-plugin: ^1.3.3
    • ts-jest: ^26.1.3
    • ts-loader: ^8.0.1
    • typescript: ^4.1.3
    • webpack-cli: ^3.3.12

tecra v0.1.0-fluentui (2020-12-30)

Main Info of Environment

  • create-react-app@4.0.1
  • electron@11.1.0
  • fluentui@7.155.3
  • react@^17.0.1
  • typescript@^4.1.3


  • custom eslint configurations
  • custom webpack features
    • concurrently build main process code and renderer process code in development compiling mode
    • build main process code firstly and build renderer process code secondly in production compiling mode
    • support automatically reloading electron process in development compiling mode
    • support path alias in both in main process code and renderer process code
    • support compiling common code when compiling main process code or renderer process code, the common code should be placed in src/shared
    • use speed-measure-webpack-plugin to show the timecost info in production compiling mode
  • custom webpack plugins
    • [webpack-electron-reload] Automatically restart electron process after updating code, and set the cwd to the working folder
    • [webpack-mkdir] Automatically create working directory before starting electron process
  • custom type definitions
    • ReactStyleFunc
    • IReducer, IMapActionsToProps and IMapThunkToProps
    • type definitions for fluentui props and fluentui styles

tecra v0.1.0 (2020-12-30)

Main Info of Environment

  • create-react-app@4.0.1
  • electron@11.1.0
  • react@^17.0.1
  • typescript@^4.1.3


  • custom eslint configurations
  • custom webpack features
    • concurrently build main process code and renderer process code in development compiling mode
    • build main process code firstly and build renderer process code secondly in production compiling mode
    • support automatically reloading electron process in development compiling mode
    • support path alias in both in main process code and renderer process code
    • support compiling common code when compiling main process code or renderer process code, the common code should be placed in src/shared
    • use speed-measure-webpack-plugin to show the timecost info in production compiling mode
  • custom webpack plugins
    • [webpack-electron-reload] Automatically restart electron process after updating code, and set the cwd to the working folder
    • [webpack-mkdir] Automatically create working directory before starting electron process
  • custom type definitions
    • ReactStyleFunc
    • IReducer, IMapActionsToProps and IMapThunkToProps