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This repository hosts reproduction code for analysis in the paper Beyond reweighting: On the predictive role of covariate shift in effect generalization" by Ying Jin, Naoki Egami and Dominik Rothenhäusler. [Reference]

💡 Refer to [awesome-replicability-data] for more replication data, including the two projects in this paper!

Folder organization

The files are ordered as follows:

  • master.R: R script for the entire workflow, including pre-processing and reproducing the analyses and plots in the main text. See this file for usage of individual R scripts.
  • ManyLabs1: scripts for reproducing analysis and intermediate results (which may take a long time to compute) for easy reproduction for the ManyLabs1 datasets.
    • ManyLabs1/pre-process/: scripts for pre-processing the raw datasets downloadable from the OSF repository.
    • ManyLabs1/explanatory/: analysis for the explanatory role (Figure 3).
    • ManyLabs1/predictive/: scripts for computing distribution shift measures.
    • ManyLabs1/generalization/: scripts for computing KL-based prediction intervals in Section 4.
  • Pipeline: scripts for reproducing analysis and intermediate results (which may take a long time to compute) for easy reproduction for the Pipeline datasets, similar to above.
    • Pipeline/pre-process/: scripts for pre-processing the raw datasets downloadable from the OSF repository and the cleaned datasets for analysis.
    • Pipeline/explanatory/: analysis for the explanatory role (Figure 3).
    • Pipeline/predictive/: scripts for computing distribution shift measures.
    • Pipeline/generalization/: scripts for computing KL-based prediction intervals in Section 4.
  • summary: scripts for analyses (such as building prediction intervals, calibrating distribution shift ratios, constructing generalization intervals) built upon results from the above two parts.
  • plots_main.R: script for reproducing plots in the main texts based on the analyses.


Preparation steps

  • Set ROOT_DIR in the R scripts as the root directory of this github repository.
  • After processing the data, set ML_DATA_PATH as the path to the processed ManyLabs1 data file, and PP_DATA_PATH as the path to the directory that contains the cleaned datasets.

These variables will be referenced by all analysis scripts.

Entire workflow

  • Run master.R for producing all the results, but this can take a long time.

Computing baseline methods

  • Running /Pipeline/explanatory/explanatory.R saves data files results_plain_PP.RData for prediction intervals based on iid assumption, and results_weighted_PP.RData for prediction intervals based on covariate shift assumption.
  • Running /ManyLabs1/explanatory/explanatory.R saves data files results_plain_ML1.RData for prediction intervals based on iid assumption, and results_weighted_ML1.RData for prediction intervals based on covariate shift assumption.
  • To save time, we provide these four files in the corresponding folders. Running /summary/summary_explanatory.R processes these files and generate data ready for reproducing Figure 3 as below.

explanatory role.

Distribution shift across sites is non-negligible, and adjusting for covariate shift is not sufficient.

Computing distribution shift measures

  • Running /Pipeline/predictive/stable_shift.R saves a data file results_K5_stable_filtered_centered.RData for distribution shift measures (and intermediary quantities) for all data pairs and all hypotheses in the Pipeline dataset.
  • Running /ManyLabs1/predictive/stable_shift.R saves a data file results_stable_ML1.RData for distribution shift measures (and intermediary quantities) for all site pairs and all hypotheses in the ManyLabs1 dataset.
  • To save time, these files are provided. Running /summary/summary_predictive.R processes these files and generate data ready for reproducing Figure 4 as below.

predictive role.

Our covariate shift measure often bounds the conditional shift measure with normal-like empirical quantiles.

Computing generalization tasks (constant calibration)

  • Running /Pipeline/generalization/compute_KL_delta.R computes the conditional KL divergence between sites, stored in cond_KL_delta_PP.RData. Similarly for ManyLabs1.
  • Running /Pipeline/generalization/KL_no_aux_data.R computes KL-based PIs based on worst-case bounds calibrated in each hypothesis, stored in cond_KL_PIs_PP.RData. Similarly for ManyLabs1.
  • These files are provided in the folder, and running /summary/summary_const_calib.R prepares summary data to produce Figure 7 in the paper as below.

constant calibration.

Exploiting the bounding relationship leads to valid and efficient generalization.

Computing generalization tasks (data-adaptive calibration)

  • Running /Pipeline/generalization/study_adaptive.R computes KL-based PIs with data-adaptive calibration, stored in KL_calib_study.RData. Similarly for ManyLabs1.
  • These experiments are time-consuming. The files are provided, and running /summary/summary_data_calib.R prepares summary data to produce Figure 8 in the paper as below.

data-adaptive calibration.

Calibrating the ratio between conditional and covariate shift measures leads to valid and efficient generalization.

Producing figures

  • Running /plots_main.R builds upon the above analyses results to create the five plots in the main text.


  title={Beyond reweighting: On the predictive role of covariate shift in effect generalization},
  author={Jin, Ying and Egami, Naoki and Rothenh{\"a}usler, Dominik},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.08869},


Special thanks to Diana Da In Le for contributing the data pre-processing code for the ManyLabs1 dataset.