137 [func] godfryd
Added system tests for new agent registration. (Gitlab #507)
Stork 0.16.0 released on 2021-04-07.
136 [func] marcin
Implemented Leases Search. (Gitlab #509)
135 [func] godfryd
Added Grafana dashboard for DHCPv6. Enabled generating DHCPv6 traffic in Stork Simulator. Adjusted Stork demo to handle DHCPv6 traffic. (Gitlab #176)
134 [bug] godfryd
Fixed getting host address for listening in agent. (Gitlab #504)
Stork 0.15.0 released on 2021-03-03.
133 [doc] andrei
Spell checks (Gitlab #497)
132 [doc] sgoldlust
Updates to the Stork ARM. (Gitlab #476)
131 [ui] tomek
Added tooltips for the Grafana links on the dashboard and subnets view. (Gitlab #470)
130 [func] marcin
Added a dialog box in the UI to rename apps. (Gitlab #477)
129 [doc] godfryd, marcin
Documented secure communication channel between the Stork Server and the agents in the ARM. The new agent installation and registration methods were described. (Gitlab #486)
128 [func] godfryd, marcin
Updated Stork demo setup to use new machines registration methods. Machines automatically request registration using the agent token method. Their registration can be approved in the machines view. (Gitlab #485)
127 [func] godfryd, tomek, marcin
Secured agent-server channel part 3. Implemented agent deployment using script downloaded from the server. The script installs deb/rpm packages with stork agent. Then the script registers current machine in the server performing key and certs exchange. Enabled TLS to gRPC traffic between agent and server using certs that are set up during agent registration. Added instruction on machines page how to install an agent. Added UI for presenting and regenerating server token. (Gitlab #483)
126 [func] godfryd
This is the second part of secured agent-server channel implementation. Added code for registering a machine in the server and performing key and certs exchange but it is not used fully yet. Added server-token and agent-token based agent authorizations. Added REST API for presenting and regenerating server token, but it is not used in UI yet. Updated content of reference agent.env agent config file. (Gitlab #481)
125 [func] marcin
Assign friendly names to the apps monitored in Stork. The apps' names are auto-generated using the following scheme: [app-type]@[machine-address]%[app-unique-id], e.g., kea@machine1.example.org%123. The [app-unique-id] is not appended to the name of the first first app of the given type on the particular machine. Thus, the name can be kea@machine1.example.org. The auto-generated apps' names are presented in the Web UI instead of the previously used app ID. The names are not yet editable by a user. (Gitlab #458)
124 [func] godfryd
The first part of secured agent-server channel implementation. Added generating root CA and server keys and certs, and server token generation during server startup. (Gitlab #479)
123 [bug] marcin
Corrected an issue with refreshing the events list on the page displaying the machine information. Previously, when switched to a different tab, the events list could remain stale. (Gitlab #463)
122 [func] godfryd
Migrated command line processing in agent from jessevdk/go-flags to urfave/cli/v2. Thanks to this it is possible to define commands in command line. Previously only switches were possible in command line. This is a preparation for new agent command: register. (Gitlab #468)
Stork 0.14.0 released on 2020-12-09.
121 [func] marcin
Events received over SSE and presented on various Stork pages are now filtered and only the events appropriate for the current view are shown. Prior to this change all events were always shown. (Gitlab #429)
120 [func] marcin
When Stork server pulls updated Kea configurations it detects those configurations that did not change since last update using a fast hashing algorithm. In case when there was no configuration change for a daemon, Stork skips processing subnets and/or hosts within this configuration. This improves efficiency of the configuration pull and update. In addition, when configuration change is detected, an event is displayed informing about such change in the web UI. (Gitlab #460)
119 [doc] tomek
Prometheus and Grafana integration is now documented. Also, updated requirements section pointing out that stat_cmds hook is needed for Stork to show Kea statistics correctly. (Gitlab #433, #451)
118 [bug] marcin
Prevent an issue whereby Stork server would attempt to fetch updated machine state while the request to add this machine is still being processed. This used to cause data conflict errors in the logs and network congestion. (Gitlab #446)
117 [build] marcin
Upgraded Go from 1.13.5 to 1.15.5 and golangcilint from 1.21.0 to 1.33.0. (Gitlab #457)
116 [perf] marcin
Improved performance of connecting large Kea installation with many subnets to Stork. Adding subnets to the database is now much more efficient as it avoids extensive subnet lookups. Instead it uses indexing techniques. (Gitlab #421)
Stork 0.13.0 released on 2020-11-06.
115 [func] marcin
Improved presentation of the HA server scopes. Added a help tip describing expected HA scopes in various cases. (Gitlab #387)
114 [bug] godfryd
The links on the dashboard to subnets and shared networks have been adjusted so they take into account DHCP version. This way subnets and shared network pages automatically set filtering by protocol version based on parameters provided in URL. (Gitlab #389)
113 [bug] godfryd
Fixed handling renamed statistics from Kea. In Kea 1.8 some of the statistics have been renamed, e.g. total-addreses to total-addresses. Now Stork supports both of the cases. (Gitlab #413)
112 [bug] godfryd
Fixed handling situation when IP address of Kea Control Agent has changed. Till now Stork was not able to detect this and was still communicating to the old address. Now it checks if address has changed and updates it in the database. (Gitlab #409)
111 [bug] marcin
Corrected presentation of the HA state in the dashboard and the HA status panel in cases when HA is enabled for a server but the HA state information was not fetched yet. In such cases a spinner icon and the 'fetching...' text is now presented. (Gitlab #277)
110 [bug] marcin
The rake build_agent task now supports building the agent using wget versions older than 1.19. Prior to this change, the agent build was failing on Debian 9. (Gitlab #423)
109 [doc] tomek
Updated Prerequisites section. We now have a single list of supported systems. (Gitlab #431)
108 [test] tomek, marcin
Corrected and extended existing boilerplate WebUI unit tests. (Gitlab #164)
107 [bug] godfryd
Fixed problem of adding Kea with 4500 subnets. Now messages with Kea configuration sent from Stork Agent to Stork Server are compressed so it is possible to sent huge configurations. Added new Kea instance to Stork demo with 7000 subnets. (Gitlab #398)
106 [doc] godfryd
Added documentation for Stork system tests. The documentation describes how to setup environment for running test tests, how to run them and how to develop them. (Gitlab #427)
Stork 0.12.0 released on 2020-10-14.
105 [func] godfryd
Added a new page with events table that allows filtering and paging events. Improved event tables on dashboard, machines and applications pages. Enabling and disabling monitoring now generates events. (Gitlab #380)
104 [bug] matthijs
Stork was unable to parse inet_spec if there were multiple addresses in the 'allow' clause. Also fix the same bug for 'keys'. (Gitlab #411)
103 [func] godfryd
Introduced breadcrumb that shows current location in Stork web application. (Gitlab #337)
102 [func] tomek
The stork-db-migrate tool can now migrate up and down to specific schema versions. The SQL tracing now works and can be used to export SQL schema to external file. (Gitlab #366)
Stork 0.11.0 released on 2020-09-04.
101 [func] godfryd
Merged Stork DHCP Traffic Simulator and Stork DNS Traffic Simulator into one web application called Stork Environment Simulator. Added there capabilities for adding all present machines in demo setup and ability to stop and start Stork Agents, Kea and BIND 9 daemons. This allows simulation of communication issues between applications, Stork Agents and Stork Server. (Gitlab #380)
101 [func] marcin
Restrict log viewer's access to the remote files. The log viewer can only access log files belonging to the monitored application. (Gitlab #348)
100 [func] godfryd
Improved user experience of updating machine address/port. Improved visual aspects. Added refreshing state from the machine after changing the address. (Gitlab #283)
99 [func] godfryd
The DHCP dashboard now is presenting only monitored daemons. The daemons that have monitoring switched off are not visible in the dashboard. (Gitlab #365)
98 [bug] marcin
Corrected an issue causing false errors about broken communication with the monitored Kea application after the application was brought back online. (Gitlab #384)
97 [bug] godfryd
Improved layout of various tables that they are displayed correctly on smaller screens. Fixed address of the machine that is displayed in the tables (previous it was always showing (Gitlab #295)
96 [doc] matthijs
Add documentation on monitoring the BIND 9 application. (Gitlab #382)
95 [func] godfryd
Fixed presenting an application status on a machine tab with BIND 9 application. Previously it was always red/inactive. Now it is presented the same way as it is for Kea app: status per each daemon of an app. (Gitlab #379)
94 [bug] marcin
Fixed an issue whereby the user was unable to login to Stork when database password contained upper case letters. In addition, passwords with spaces and quotes are now also supported. (Gitlab #361)
93 [func] marcin
Login credentials are passed in the message body rather than as query parameters. In addition, the user information is obfuscated when db tracing is enabled. (Gitlab #375)
Stork 0.10.0 released on 2020-08-13.
92 [func] godfryd
Improved presenting application status on machines page. Now, instead of summary app status, there are presented statuses for each daemon of given application. (Gitlab #297, #282)
91 [doc] tomek
Update man pages and installation instructions. (Gitlab #202, #266, #307)
90 [ui] tomek
Clarified machines page, added tooltips. Updated color scheme to improve readability of wide tables. (Gitlab #112, #293)
90 [bug] marcin
Fixed an issue with refreshing log displayed within the log viewer. The issue was triggered by the periodic updates of the information about monitored apps. As a result of the updates the log file identifiers were changing which resulted in an error message informing that the viewed file no longer exists. (Gitlab #364)
89 [func] godfryd
Changed md5 to blowfish as algorithm in hash function used to store password in PostgreSQL database. (Gitlab #356)
88 [bug] godfryd
Fixed upgrading RPM agent and server packages. There was a problem of re-adding stork-agent and stork-server users that already exist in case of upgrade. (Gitlab #334)
87 [doc] marcin
Described Kea log viewer in the ARM. (Gitlab #349)
86 [func] tmark
Added tool tip to RPS columns on DHCP dashboard. (Gitlab #363)
85 [bug] marcin
Fixed regression in the log viewer functionality which removed links to the log files on the Kea app pages. In addition, improved error message presentation on the log viewer pages. (Gitlab #359)
84 [func] godfryd
Added stop/start monitoring button to better control which services are monitored. Communication failures now generate events that are recorded in the events system. Machine view now shows events. (Gitlab #324, #339)
83 [func] tmark
Added RPS (Response Per Second) statistics to DHCP Dashboard (Gitlab #252)
82 [func] marcin
Viewing the tail of the remote log files is enabled in the UI. (Gitlab #344)
81 [func] matthijs
Add more query details to BIND 9 exporter and Grafana dashboard: queries by duration, which transport protocol is used, packet sizes. (Gitlab #63)
80 [func] marcin
List of loggers used by Kea server is fetched and displayed in the Kea application tab. (Gitlab #342)
79 [ui] vicky, tomek, marcin
Added explicit link to DHCP dashboard. (Gitlab #280)
78 [bug] godfryd
Fixed crashes when empty requests were sent to ReST API endpoints for users and machines. (Gitlab #310, #311, #312)
Stork 0.9.0 released on 2020-07-01.
77 [bug] matthijs
BIND 9 process collector would not be created if named process was started after Stork Agent. (Gitlab #325)
76 [func] marcin
Pool utilization in the Stork dashboard is shown with a progress bar. (Gitlab #235)
75 [bug] matthijs
Bind exporter did not unregister all Prometheus collectors on shutdown. (Gitlab #326)
74 [bug] marcin
Fixed a security problem whereby an unlogged user had access to some restricted pages. If the unlogged user tries to access a restricted page, the user is redirected to the login page. If the user tries to access a page without proper privileges, the HTTP 403 page is displayed. (Gitlab #119)
73 [func] marcin
Monitor communication issues between Stork and the applications. If there is a communication problem with any app it is highlighted via appropriate icon and a text that describes the problem. The server logs were adjusted to indicate if the communication issue is new or has been occuring for a longer period of time. (Gitlab #305)
72 [func] tomek
Implemented version reporting in agent and server. (Gitlab #265)
Stork 0.8.0 released on 2020-06-10.
71 [bug] godfryd
Prevent Stork Agent crashes encountered when unknown statistics was returned by Kea. (Gitlab #316)
70 [func] matthijs
Implementated Bind exporter and embedded it in Stork Agent. It is based on bind_exporter: https://github.com/prometheus-community/bind_exporter (Gitlab #218)
69 [func] godfryd
Implemented basic events mechanism. The events pertaining to machines, apps, daemons, subnets and other entities are displayed on the dashboard page. The server-sent events (SSE) mechanism is used by the browser to refresh the list of events. (Gitlab #275)
68 [func] marcin
Display last failure detected by High Availability for a daemon. (Gitlab #308)
67 [func] marcin
Hostname reservations are now fetched from Kea servers and displayed in the UI. It is also possible to filter hosts by hostname reservations. (Gitlab #303)
66 [bug] marcin
Corrected a bug which caused presenting duplicated subnets when the subnets where filtered by text. This issue occurred when multiple pools belonging to a subnet were matched by the filtering text. (Gitlab #245)
65 [func] marcin
Extended High Availability information is displayed for Kea versions 1.7.8 and later. (Gitlab #276)
64 [func] godfryd
Changed the syntax for search expressions (
). E.g.is:global
should be used instead of justglobal
. (Gitlab #267) -
63 [func] tmark
Added --listen-prometheus-only and --listen-stork-only command line flags to stork-agent. (Gitlab #213)
Stork 0.7.0 released on 2020-05-08.
62 [func] marcin
Global host reservations in Kea are shown in the UI. (Gitlab #263)
61 [func] godfryd
Implemented global search. It allows for looking across different entity types. (Gitlab #256)
60 [func] marcin
HA state is presented in the dashboard. (Gitlab #251)
59 [func] marcin
The list of hosts now includes a tag indicating if the host has been specified in the Kea configuration file or a host database. In addition, a bug has been fixed which caused some hosts to be associated with more then one Kea app, even when only one of them actually had them configured. (Gitlab #246)
58 [func] godfryd
Improved presenting Kea daemons on Kea app page. There have been added links to subnet, shared network and host reservations pages with filtering set to given app id. (Gitlab #241)
57 [bug] marcin
Fixed a bug in the HA service detection when new Kea app was being added. The visible side effect of this bug was the lack of the link to the remote server app in the HA status view in the UI. (Gitlab #240)
56 [func] godfryd
Added links to Grafana. Added web page for managing global settings. (Gitlab #231)
55 [bug] godfryd
Fixed starting Stork server: now if password to database is set to empty it does not ask for password in terminal. It asks only when the STORK_DATABASE_PASSWORD environment variable does not exist. (Gitlab #203)
54 [func] marcin
Improved Kea High Availability status monitoring. The status is cached in the database and thus it is available even if the HA partners are offline. The presented status now includes connectivity status between Stork and the Kea servers, the time of the last failover event and others. (Gitlab #226)
53 [func] godfryd
Added a dashboard presenting DHCP and DNS overview. (Gitlab #226)
52 [func] godfryd
Added links to BIND 9 manual and Kea manual in Help menu. (Gitlab #221)
51 [bug] matthijs
Added querying named stats from Bind 9 apps periodically. (Gitlab #211)
Stork 0.6.0 released on 2020-04-03.
50 [bug] marcin
Corrected a bug which caused unexpected deletion of the host reservations fetched from the Kea configuration files. (Gitlab #225)
49 [func] matthijs
Updated Prometheus & Grafana in the demo installation with BIND 9.
Implemented BIND 9 exporter in Go and embedded it in Stork Agent for showing Cache Hit Ratio.
Implemented DNS traffic simulator as web app for the demo installation. Internally it runs a single query with dig, or starts flamethrower (a DNS performance tool) for selected server with indicated parameters. (Gitlab #10)
48 [doc] marcin, sgoldlust
Documented the use of Host Reservations in Stork ARM. (Gitlab #223)
47 [func] marcin
Stork server periodically fetches host reservations from the Kea instances having host_cmds hooks library loaded. (Gitlab #214)
46 [func] marcin
Host reservations are listed and the UI. It is possible to filter reservations by reserved IP address or host identifier value. (Gitlab #210)
45 [func] matthijs
Retrieve some cache statistics from named and show Cache Hit Ratio on the dashboard. (Gitlab #64)
44 [func] godfryd
Added possibility to run Stork server without Nginx or Apache, ie. static files can be served by Stork server. Still it is possible to run Stork server behind Nginx or Apache which will do reverse proxy or serve static files. (Gitlab #200)
43 [func] marcin
Implemented data model for IP reservations and detection of IP reservations specified within a Kea configuration file. Detected reservations are not yet used in the UI. (Gitlab #188, #206)
42 [func] godfryd
Prepared scripts for building native RPM and deb packages with Stork server and Stork agent (total 4 packages). They are prepared for Ubuntu 18.04 and CentOS 8. (Gitlab #187)
41 [func] godfryd
Added settings in Stork. They are stored in database, in setting table. No UI for settings yet. (Gitlab #169)
40 [func] godfryd
Exposed access to API docs and ARM docs in new Help menu. (Gitlab #199)
39 [func] matthijs
Update the data model such that applications can have multiple access points. Parse named.conf to detect both "control" and "statistics" access point. (Gitlab #170)
Stork 0.5.0 released on 2020-03-06.
38 [doc] tomek
Updated Stork ARM with regards to networks view, installation instructions and Java, Docker dependencies. (Gitlab #163, #183)
37 [bug] marcin
Improved shared network detection mechanism to take into account the family of the subnets belonging to the shared network. This prevents the issue whereby two IPv4 and IPv6 subnets belonging to separate shared networks having the same name would be shown as belonging to the same shared network in the UI. (Gitlab #180)
36 [func] godfryd
Added presenting IP addresses utilization within subnets and subnet statistics, e.g. a number of assigned addresses, in the UI (subnets and shared networks pages). Statistics are fetched from the monitored Kea apps periodically and can be manually refreshed in the UI. (Gitlab #178, #185)
35 [func] marcin
Corrected a bug in the Stork server which caused failures when parsing prefix delegation pools from the Kea configurations. The Server subsequently refused to monitor the Kea apps including prefix delegation pools. (Gitlab #179)
34 [func] godfryd
Added support for Prometheus & Grafana in the demo installation. Added preconfigured Prometheus & Grafana containers to docker-compose. Added Kea and BIND 9 Prometheus exporters.
Implementated Kea exporter in Go and embedded it in Stork Agent. It is based on kea_exporter in python: https://github.com/mweinelt/kea-exporter
Implemented DHCP simulator as web app for the demo installation. Internally it starts perfdhcp for selected subnet with indicated parameters. (Gitlab #167)
33 [func] marcin
New data model is now used by the server to hold the information about the subnets and shared networks. There is no visible change to the UI yet. This change mostly affects how the data is stored in the database. (Gitlab #172)
32 [func] marcin
Created data model for shared networks, subnets and pools and implemented mechanism to match configurations of Kea apps with these structures in the database. This mechanism is not yet used by the server when adding new apps via the UI. (Gitlab #165)
31 [func] godfryd
Added querying lease stats from Kea apps periodically. Stats are not yet presented in the UI. (Gitlab #166)
30 [func] marcin
Created data model for services and implemented a mechanism to to automatically associate a new Kea application with a High Availability service when the application is configured to use High Availability. This mechanism is not yet used by the server when the Kea application is added via the UI. The usage of this mechanism will be added in the future tickets. (Gitlab #137)
29 [func] godfryd
Added initial support for DHCP shared networks. They are presented on dedicated page. Subnets page now is also presenting subnets that belong to shared networks. (Gitlab #151)
Stork 0.4.0 released on 2020-02-05.
28 [doc] tomek
Subnets inspection is now documented. (Gitlab #149)
27 [func] matthijs
Show more status information for named: up time, last reloaded, number of zones. (Gitlab #140)
26 [func] godfryd
Added initial support for DHCP subnets. They are presented on dedicated page and on apps' pages. For now only these subnets are listed which do not belong to shared networks. (Gitlab #47)
25 [func] matthijs
Improve getting configuration of the BIND 9 application. Stork now retrieves the control address and port from named.conf, as well as the rndc key, and uses this to interact with the named daemon. (Gitlab #130)
24 [bug] godfryd
Apps are now deleted while the machine is being deleted. (Gitlab #123)
Stork 0.3.0 released on 2020-01-10.
23 [func] godfryd
Added presenting number of all and misbehaving applications on the dashboard page. If there are no applications added yet, the dashboard redirects to the list of connected machines. (Gitlab #120)
22 [doc] marcin
Updated Stork ARM. Added documentation of the High Availability status monitoring with Kea. Added new sections describing applications management. (Gitlab #122)
21 [func] godfryd
Added new Rake tasks to build and start two containers with Kea instances running as High Availability partners. (Gitlab #126)
20 [func] matthijs
Add BIND 9 application to Stork. Detects running BIND 9 application by looking for named process. Uses rndc to retrieve version information. (Gitlab #106)
19 [func] marcin
Kea High Availability status is presented on the Kea application page. (Gitlab #110)
18 [func] marcin
Logged user can now change his/her password. Also, users can be associated with one of the two default permission groups: super-admin and admin. The former can manage users' accounts. The latter is not allowed to manage other users' accounts. (Gitlab #97)
17 [func] marcin
Implemented a mechanism by which it is possible to send a command from the Stork server to Kea via Stork Agent and Kea Control Agent. (Gitlab #109)
Stork 0.2.0 released on 2019-12-04.
16 [bug] marcin
Fixed an issue with closing a tab on the user management page. (Gitlab #100)
15 [doc] tomek
Users and machines management is now documented in the Stork ARM. (Gitlab #99)
14 [doc] sgoldlust
Introduced new Stork logo in the documentation. (Gitlab #95)
13 [build] tomek
Extended the build system to be able to run on MacOS. Also updated installation instructions regarding how to build and run Stork natively. (Gitlab #87)
12 [func] marcin
Enabled creation and editing of Stork user accounts in the UI. (Gitlab #25)
11 [func] marcin
Stork server automatically migrates the database schema to the latest version upon startup. (Gitlab #33)
Stork 0.1.0 released on 2019-11-06.
10 [doc] marcin
Updated ARM with a description how to sign in to the system using the default administrator account. (Gitlab #84)
9 [doc] tomek
Initial ARM version added. (Gitlab #27)
8 [func] marcin
Enabled sign-in/sign-out mechanism with HTTP sessions based on cookies. The default admin account has been created with default credentials. (Gitlab #22)
7 [func] godfryd
Added initial implementation of the page which allows for adding new machines and listing them. The missing part of this implementation is the actual storage of the machines in the database. In addition, the agent has been extended to return a state of the machine. (Gitlab #23)
6 [func] godfryd
Added initial implementation of Stork Agent. Implemented basic communication between Stork Agent and Stork Server using gRPC (Server initiates connection to Agent). (Gitlab #26)
5 [func] marcin
Added stork-db-migrate tool to be used for migrating the database schema between versions and returning the current schema version number. Also, added basic schema with SQL tables holding system users and session information. (Gitlab #20)
4 [doc] tomek
Added several text files: AUTHORS (lists project authors and contributors), ChangeLog.md (contains all new user visible changes) and CONTRIBUTING.md (Contributor's guide, explains how to get your patches accepted in Stork project in a seamless and easy way. (Gitlab #17)
3 [func] godfryd
Added Swagger-based API for defining ReST API to Stork server. Added initial Web UI based on Angular and PrimeNG. Added Rakefile for building whole solution. Removed gin-gonic dependency. (Gitlab #19)
2 [build] godfryd
Added initial framework for backend, using go and gin-gonic. (Gitlab #missing)
1 [func] franek
Added initial proposal for Grafana dashboard. (Gitlab #6)
For complete code revision history, see http://gitlab.isc.org/isc-projects/stork
- [bug] General bug fix. This is generally a backward compatible change, unless it's deemed to be impossible or very hard to keep compatibility to fix the bug.
- [build] Compilation and installation infrastructure change.
- [doc] Update to documentation. This shouldn't change run time behavior.
- [func] new feature. In some cases this may be a backward incompatible change, which would require a bump of major version.
- [sec] Security hole fix. This is no different than a general bug fix except that it will be handled as confidential and will cause security patch releases.
- [perf] Performance related change.
- [ui] User Interface change.
*: Backward incompatible or operational change.