diff --git a/0-1/projects/basic-wallet-app/README.md b/0-1/projects/basic-wallet-app/README.md index a0959fc..cdda8e5 100644 --- a/0-1/projects/basic-wallet-app/README.md +++ b/0-1/projects/basic-wallet-app/README.md @@ -31,16 +31,36 @@ ## ❄️ Introduction -To-Do App created during Week-5 of 100xDevs Cohort by Harkirat Singh. +Wallet App created during Week-8 of 100xDevs Cohort by Harkirat Singh.
- +
## 🔋 Features
- **Organized File and Folder Structure**: Maintain a well-organized file and folder structure for easy navigation and management.
+- **Intuitive UI**: Well-organized and intuitive user interface design for a smooth user experience.
+- **Server Side State Management**: Leveraged React Query for efficient data fetching and caching.
+- **Client Side States Management**: Recoil for managing global state at client side.
+- **Custom Hooks**: Efficient data management with a custom hooks.
+- **Schema Validation**: Enforced schema validation on both frontend and backend for enhanced data integrity using zod.
+- **Secure Authentication**: Robust authentication using JWT tokens.
+- **Security Measures**: Implemented rate limiting and refereshing tokens.
+- **Documentation**: For clarity & a local development setup guide.
+- **Fully Responsive Design**: Utilize Tailwind CSS utilities for great UX across different screen sizes.
+- **Dark and Light Mode**: Seamlessly switch between dark and light themes for personalized visual preferences.
## ⚙️ Tech Stack
@@ -50,6 +70,8 @@ To-Do App created during Week-5 of 100xDevs Cohort by Harkirat Singh.
- [React](https://react.dev/) – library for building UI
- [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/) – JavaScript runtime
- [Tailwind CSS](https://tailwindcss.com/) – utility-first CSS framework
+- [Recoil](https://recoiljs.org/) – library for state management
+- [Tanstack Query](https://tanstack.com/query/latest) – library for asynchronous state management
- [Mongoose](https://mongoosejs.com/) – MongoDB object modeling
- [RESTful API](https://restfulapi.net/) – API design principles
- [Git](https://git-scm.com/) – versioning
@@ -77,6 +99,81 @@ To-Do App created during Week-5 of 100xDevs Cohort by Harkirat Singh.
cd 100xdevs-full-stack-mastery/0-1/projects/basic-wallet-app/
+3. **Setup Backend:**
+ - **Navigate to the Backend Codebase:**
+ ```bash
+ cd server/
+ ```
+ - **Install dependencies:**
+ ```bash
+ npm install
+ ```
+ - **Add Environment Variables:**
+ Create .env file in the root folder and copy paste the content of .env.sample.
+ ```bash
+ cp .env.sample .env
+ ```
+ If required, add necessary credentials.
+ - **Start the Server:**
+ ```bash
+ npm start
+ ```
+ - **Explore the API:**
+ Access the project APIs at the specified endpoints using [API Docs](https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/31850881/2sA3Bn7srM).
+4. **Setup Frontend:**
+ - **Navigate to the Frontent Codebase:**
+ ```bash
+ cd client/
+ ```
+ - **Install dependencies:**
+ ```bash
+ npm install
+ ```
+ - **Add Environment Variables:**
+ Create .env file in the root folder and copy paste the content of .env.sample.
+ ```bash
+ cp .env.sample .env
+ ```
+ If required, add necessary credentials.
+ - **Start the frontend app:**
+ ```bash
+ npm run dev
+ ```
+ - **Start the backend server:**
+ ```bash
+ cd ../server
+ npm start
+ ```
+ - **Open app in browser:**
+ Visit [https://localhost:5173](https://localhost:5173) to access frontent.
## 🤝 Contributing
diff --git a/0-1/projects/basic-wallet-app/assets/wallet-app.png b/0-1/projects/basic-wallet-app/assets/wallet-app.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0450ad7
Binary files /dev/null and b/0-1/projects/basic-wallet-app/assets/wallet-app.png differ