A hardware prototype based on Raspberry Pi to ask a question
- Python 3.x
- Linux OS
- OpenCV
- dlib
- face_recognition
- shortuuid
- Tkinter
- python-vlc
- requests_toolbelt
For Installation instructions of dlib and face_recognition, refer, https://github.com/ageitgey/face_recognition
- Java JDK
- MongoDB
Use the following command to run in the CLI mode,
python3 main_cli.py
When running on the raspberry pi, check that in config.py
RPI = True
and start the program using,
python3 main_rpi.py
When you are not on raspberry pi, You need an additional library, keyboard
To install, use the following command,
pip3 install keyboard
then check that in config.py
RPI = False
and start the program using,
sudo python3 main_rpi.py
You need to be on the same local network as the Raspberry Pi device. Then, you can check the IP Address of the device by Long Pressing the Sync Button
, suppose the IP Address is
, then ssh can be done using the following command
ssh pi@
When prompted for password, enter rpi
as the password.
NOTE: Press CTRL + C
immediately to stop the device from trying to auto-start the gui program in terminal.
To delete existing database, face encodings and saved question & answers from the device, run
python3 reset.py