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S-DOEA - Workshop 5 - Terraform and Ansible


  • Digital Ocean Account

Terraform (a)


The objective of this workshop is use Terraform’s HCL to write scripts to provision Docker containers and a reverse proxy.


For this workshop create a directory call workshop01 in the repository you have create in step a. above. All the files for this workshop should be created in workshop01 directory.


In this workshop you will automate the provisioning of the following infrastructure shown in the following diagram.

The infrastructure stack consists of

  1. Docker network called bgg-net
  2. Container running MySQL database (bgg-database) inside bgg-net
  3. A specified number of containers running a Nodejs application (bggbackend). These web applications connect to MySQL database. These applications are also provisioned inside bgg-net
  4. An instance of Nginx running on a separate server which routes traffic to the bgg-backend instances.

The following are detail description of provisioning each of the resource in the stack.

Network (bgg-net)

• Create a Docker network called bgg-net. This network will be used for all the containers in our application.

Database (bgg-database)

• Provision a Docker volume to be used by the database. • Use the image chukmunnlee/bgg-database:v3.1 to create the bgg-database container • Mount the Docker volume that you have created under /var/lib/mysql. The database will be created in this volume rather that inside the container • Expose MySQL port 3306 • The database should be created inside bgg-net network

Application (bgg-backend)

• Create 3 instances of the application using the following image: chukmunnlee/bgg-backend:v3 • Add the following environment variables o BGG_DB_USER set to root o BGG_DB_PASSWORD set to changeit o BGG_DB_HOST set to the application database resource name • The internal port of the application is 3000. Choose a suitable external port to port bind to

Nginx Reverse Proxy

• Provision a Ubuntu server. Use Ubuntu 20.04 x64 • Add a SSH key to the server so you can SSH into the server • Install Nginx and enable the service with the following commands o /usr/bin/apt update -y o /usr/bin/apt upgrade -y

o /usr/bin/apt install nginx -y o /usr/bin/systemctl start nginx o /usr/bin/systemctl enable nginx • Create a Nginx configuration file called nginx.conf with the container endpoints. Use the following template

user www-data;
worker_processes auto;
pid /run/;
events {
    worker_connections 768;
http: {
    access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;
    error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;
    gzip on;
    upstream apps {
        # the following list the container endpoints
        # one server line for each endpoint
        # eg server <docker_host_ip>:<exposed_port>;
        server docker_host_ip:exposed_port_0;
        server docker_host_ip:exposed_port_1;
        server docker_host_ip:exposed_port_2;
    server {
        listen 80;
        location / {
            proxy_pass http://apps;

Hint: this configuration file should be generated from the bgg-backend external ports • Replace the /etc/nginx/nginx.conf on the reverse proxy with your nginx.conf. • Signal Nginx to reload the new configuration with the following command o /usr/sbin/nginx -s reload, or o /usr/bin/systemctl restart nginx


Your Terraform script should produce the following artefacts and outputs • Reverse proxy IP address • List of all the container endpoint in the following format <docker_host_ip>:<exposed_port> • An empty file call root@<reverse_proxy_ip >


Test your deployment by browsing to http://<reverse_proxy_ip>. You should see the following


When you have completed this workshop, commit your work to the repository. The instructor will clone your repository at the end


  1. Access your Digital Ocean account.

  2. Create a Ubuntu Droplet

  • Select Singapore as region
  • Select Ubuntu as the server Image v20.04 x64

  • Select cost saving server type (6 USD)

  • Choose the SSH authentication method and generate a fresh SSH key pair. Click the "New SSH Key" button, then follow the instructions provided on the right-hand side. Paste the contents of the "cat" command into the Digital Ocean text area.

  • Finalize the droplet

  1. Access the newly created ubuntu server
ssh root@<public ip address>

  1. Generate the PKI key pair on the logon server

  1. Add the public key content to the Digital Ocean account security section, name it as www-1

  1. Install terraform IAC tool on the ubuntu server
wget -O- | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hashicorp.list
sudo apt update && sudo apt install terraform
  1. Check the terraform version
terraform --version

  1. Install Docker engine, given an instructions use the - Install using the Apt repository method

  1. Retrieve a DO API KEY from the Digital ocean platform. Set the environment variable of your DO API key to the ubuntu server using the following command
export DO_PAT=<replace this with the API key>

  1. Install docker machine binary

To download and install the Docker Machine binary, type:

wget$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)

The name of the file should be docker-machine-Linux-x86_64. Rename it to docker-machine to make it easier to work with:

mv docker-machine-Linux-x86_64 docker-machine

Change the file permission to executable:

chmod +x docker-machine

Move or copy it to the usr/local/bin directory so that it will be available as a system command.

sudo mv docker-machine /usr/local/bin

Check the version, which will indicate that it’s properly installed:

docker-machine version

  1. Create a docker machine within your DO account with following command
docker-machine create \
        -d digitalocean \
        --digitalocean-access-token  <do_pat_key> \
        --digitalocean-image ubuntu-20-04-x64  \
        --digitalocean-region sgp1 \
        --digitalocean-backups=false \
        --engine-install-url "" \

  1. Create a working directory for the following terraform project.

  2. Create provider script ( for the provisioning of the DO servers

terraform {
    required_providers {
        docker = {
            source = "kreuzwerker/docker"
            version = "3.0.2"
        digitalocean = {
            source = "digitalocean/digitalocean"
            version = "2.26.0"
        local = {
            source = "hashicorp/local"
            version = "2.4.0"

provider docker {
    # host = "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
    host = "tcp://${var.docker_host}:2376"
    cert_path = var.docker_cert_path

provider digitalocean {
    token = var.do_token


provider local { }
  1. Create the variable script (
variable do_token {
    type = string
    sensitive = true

variable docker_host {
    type = string

variable docker_cert_path {
    type = string
    sensitive = true

variable app_namespace {
    type = string 
    default = "my"

variable database_version {
    type = string
    default = "v3.1"

variable backend_version {
    type = string
    default = "v3"

variable backend_instance_count{
    type = number
    default = 3

variable do_region {
    type = string
    default = "sgp1"

variable do_image {
    type = string 
    default = "ubuntu-20-04-x64"

variable do_size {
    type = string
    default = "s-1vcpu-512mb-10gb"

variable do_ssh_key {
    type = string 
    default = "www-1"

variable ssh_private_key {
    type = string
  1. Create the resources script (
# images
resource "docker_image" "bgg-database" {
    name = "chukmunnlee/bgg-database:${var.database_version}"

resource "docker_image" "bgg-backend" {
    name = "chukmunnlee/bgg-backend:${var.backend_version}"

# the stack
resource "docker_network" "bgg-net" {
    name = "${var.app_namespace}-bgg-net"

resource "docker_volume" "data-vol" {
    name = "${var.app_namespace}-data-vol"

resource "docker_container" "bgg-database" {
    name = "${var.app_namespace}-bgg-database"
    image = docker_image.bgg-database.image_id

    networks_advanced {
      name =

    volumes {
      volume_name =
      container_path = "/var/lib/mysql"

    ports {
        internal = 3306
        external = 3306

resource "docker_container" "bgg-backend" {

    count = var.backend_instance_count

    name = "${var.app_namespace}-bgg-backend-${count.index}"
    image = docker_image.bgg-backend.image_id

    networks_advanced {
      name =

    env = [

    ports {
        internal = 3000

resource "local_file" "nginx-conf" {
    filename = "nginx.conf"
    content = templatefile("sample.nginx.conf.tftpl", {
        docker_host = var.docker_host,
        ports = docker_container.bgg-backend[*].ports[0].external

data "digitalocean_ssh_key" "www-1" {
    name = var.do_ssh_key

resource "digitalocean_droplet" "nginx" {
    name = "nginx"
    image = var.do_image
    region = var.do_region
    size = var.do_size

    ssh_keys = [ ]

    connection {
      type = "ssh"
      user = "root"
      private_key = file(var.ssh_private_key)
      host = self.ipv4_address

    provisioner "remote-exec" {
        inline = [
            "apt update -y",
            "apt install nginx -y",
    provisioner "file" {
        source = local_file.nginx-conf.filename
        destination = "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf"
    provisioner "remote-exec" {
        inline = [
          "systemctl restart nginx",
          "systemctl enable nginx",

resource "local_file" "root_at_nginx" {
    filename = "root@${digitalocean_droplet.nginx.ipv4_address}"
    content = ""
    file_permission = "0444"

output nginx_ip {
    value = digitalocean_droplet.nginx.ipv4_address

output backend_ports {
    value = docker_container.bgg-backend[*].ports[0].external
  1. Create the template configuration for the nginx reverse proxy server (sample.nginx.conf.tftpl)
user www-data;
worker_processes auto;
pid /run/;

events {
	worker_connections 768;

http {
	access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;
	error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;

	gzip on;

	upstream apps {
		# the following list the container endpoints
		# one server line for each endpoint
		# eg server <docker_host_ip>:<exposed_port>;
		%{~ for p in ports ~}
		server ${docker_host}:${p};
		%{~ endfor ~}
	server {
		listen 80;
		location / {
			proxy_pass http://apps;
  1. Under the current working directory perform initialization on the scripts that was created previously.
terraform init
  1. Take note before running the following provision command using terraform tools against DO server. The DO_PAT environment variable must be setup upfront
export DO_PAT=<your DO personal access token>
terraform plan -var "do_token=${DO_PAT}" -var "ssh_private_key=/root/.ssh/id_rsa" -var "docker_host=<docker host ip>" -var "docker_cert_path=/root/.docker/machine/machines/docker-nginx"
  1. Once the provision plan is done, apply the changes to the DO cloud account using the following command
terraform apply -auto-approve -var "do_token=${DO_PAT}" -var "ssh_private_key=/root/.ssh/id_rsa" -var "docker_host=<docker host ip>" -var "docker_cert_path=/root/.docker/machine/machines/docker-nginx"

Ansible (b)

The objective of this workshop is to automate the installation of Code-Server on a server


a. Create a directory called workshop02 in your course repository.

b. Read Step 1 and Step 2 of the following blog code-server-cloud-ide-platform-on-ubuntu-20-04.


Provision a Ubuntu server for this exercise. You can use Terraform or manually provision an instance on DigitalOcean’s console. Once you have provisioned, note the IP address, root user and SSH keys used. Use these information to create an inventory file, inventory.yaml. Write a playbook that will use the inventory.yaml file to configure the server. The playbook should perform the following tasks

• Update the /lib/systemd/system/code-server.service file with the code server password; change the following line


with the password, assuming that the password is mypassword


• Update the /etc/nginx/sites-available/code-server.conf file with the domain code-<ipv4_address>; change the line with server_name to

server_name code-<ipv4_address>;

• Use systemd module to restart nginx and code-server services. You must also perform a daemon reload viz. set daemon_reload to yes.


Test your deployment by browsing to http://<ip-address>


When you have completed this workshop, commit your work to the repository. The instructor will clone your repository at the end