Allows easily control spotify volume via script
First of all, you should fill up the fields CLIENT_ID & CLIENT_SECRET in the App.config.
- Login into Spotify Dashboard
- Create a new application with redirect URI:
- Copy the CLIENT ID & CLIENT SECRET and fill up into App.config
Now, we should receive our refresh token in order to request the access token further.
Build our application, go to executable file location and run
SpotifyControl r
to update the refresh token (login in the browser and wait until message ' Spotify Authorization was successful.' will be shown) -
That's it! now you can use the application without any limits.
SpotifyControl +
Increase volume by 10 percent
SpotifyControl -
Decrease volume by 10 percent
SpotifyControl 0
Set volume to 0
SpotifyControl 100
Set volume to 100
You can change the percent which the volume increases/decreases by via changing VOLUME_BY value (by default is 10 percent)
♧ Don't forget to rebuild the application to save changes
By default, the application runs in Console Application mode, if you wish to run the application in "hidden mode" you can modify the Output type
at project properties to Windows Application
For example, this could be used when binding the volume control to keyboard macro