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File metadata and controls

85 lines (81 loc) · 7.6 KB


使用Android Design Support Library中的 CoordinatorLayout可以完美实现这个功能,云阅已经实现这个效果,具体见页面:CategoryDetailActivity

项目 介绍与问题 预览
Android-StickyNavLayout An android library for navigator that stick on the top【问题:往上或下惯性滑动时,会卡在悬浮栏那里】
NetEaseProfileDemo 仿照网易云音乐歌手资料页面滑动效果实现的Demo
StickyHeaderListView 打造炫酷列表之 StickyHeaderListView:标题渐变、吸附悬浮、筛选分类、动态头部等
stickyViewpager [deprecated] sticky view in viewpager which includes scrollview and listview - viewpager with headers
Stickheaderlayout 滑动置顶,可拓展性强,唯一的缺点是不可一次推上去
StickViewLayout 仿原京东商品详情页,上拉Tab置顶,可查看图文详情,参数详情,商品评论。【问题:1.每次切换都会回到最顶端,2.当其中一个view的内容没有占满全屏,悬浮栏会下移】
StickyHeaderViewPager An Android library supports sticking the navigator on the top when ItemView scrolls in Viewpager.
ScrollableLayout Add a headview for any view and supports sticking the navigator on the top when ItemView scrolls.
TouchEventBus 一种处理嵌套和非嵌套滑动冲突的解决方案
ParallaxHeaderViewPager Scrollable fragments within a viewpager that allows for parallax image and sticky bar effects
appbarlayout-spring-behavior One Behavior help AppBarLayout to scroll spring and with fling fix app bar
StickScrollView 仿饿了么滑动置顶双列表联动
GoodsInfoPage 仿京东、天猫app的商品详情页的布局架构, 以及功能实现
DoubleScrollVIew android仿京东、淘宝商品详情页上拉查看详情
VerticalSlideFragment vertical slide to switch to the next fragment page, looks like vertical viewpager
CoordinatorTabLayout Combination of TabLayout and CoordinatorLayout./TabLayout和CoordinatorLayout相结合的折叠控件
behavior-learn(Kotlin) CoordinatorLayout 自定义Behavior 高仿美团商家详情界面 实现页面内容复杂联动效果
MultiScrollDemo 使用NestedScrollView+ViewPager+RecyclerView+SmartRefreshLayout打造酷炫下拉视差效果并解决各种滑动冲突
StickLayout 使用嵌套实现ViewPager和header的联动效果
MDStudy 仿拉勾首页交互效果
ELeMaList 仿饿了么商品列表页面(用Kotlin实现)
StikkyHeader This is a very simple library for Android that allows you to stick an header to a scrollable view and easily apply animation to it
DragTopLayout Sometimes we need to show a top view above a ViewPager or ListView. DragTopLayout is a ViewGroup that contains a content view and a top menu view. You can show the top menu view just drag down the content view at the right time, or drag it up to fold.
ViewPagerHeaderScrollDemo 简单来说想在 ViewPager 上方加一个 Header,当 ViewPager 内部滚动时,同时或者优先滚动顶部的 Header
HeaderLayout 头部联动控件,适用于详情页,只需在XML中配置即可实现网易云歌手详情界面的滑动效果