- How to start contributing
- How to contribute code
- What is a Pull Request (PR)?
- How to open a PR and contribute code to Jaseci Open Source
- 1. Forking the Jaseci Repository
- 2. Cloning the Forked Repository Locally
- 3. Update your Forked Repository
- 4. Implement your code contribution on a feature branch
- 5. Push changes to your forked repository on GitHub
- 6. Opening the Pull Request on Jaseci Open Source
- 8. Merging your PR and the final steps of your contribution
- Things to know about creating a PR
Welcome to Jaseci! To start contributing, we would like you to start with issues.
If you would like to add a new feature or fix a bug you have found, we prefer that you open a new issue in the Github repo before creating a pull request.
It’s important to note that when opening an issue, you should first do a quick search of existing issues to make sure your suggestion hasn’t already been added as an issue. If your issue doesn’t already exist, and you’re ready to create a new one, make sure to state what you would like to implement, improve or bugfix.
If you want to contribute code, but don't know what to work on, check out the existing list of issues
Certain issues are marked with the "good first issue" label. These are issues that we think are great for first time contributor to work on while they are still getting familarized with the Jaseci codebase.
To work on an existing issue, go to the issue in Github, add a comment stating you would like to work on it and include any solutions you may already have in mind. Assign the issue to yourself.
The Jaseci team will then work with you on the issue and the downstream pull request to guide you through merging your code into the Jaseci codebase.
Code contribution will be in the form of Pull Request (PR) on Github.
This is how the GitHub team defines a PR:
“Pull requests let you tell others about changes you’ve pushed to a branch in a repository on GitHub. Once a pull request is opened, you can discuss and review the potential changes with collaborators and add follow-up commits before your changes are merged into the base branch.”
This process is used by both Jaseci team members and Jaseci contributors to make changes and improvements.
Head to Jaseci repository and click ‘Fork’. Forking a repository creates you a copy of the project which you can edit and use to propose changes to the original project.
Once you fork it, a copy of the Jaseci repository will appear inside your GitHub repository list, under your username.
To make changes to your copy of the Jaseci repository, clone the repository on your local machine. To do that, run the following command in your terminal:
git clone https://github.com/your_github_username/jaseci.git
Note: this assumes you have git installed on your local machine. If not, check out the following guide to learn how to install it.
Before you make any changes to your cloned repository, make sure you have the latest version of the original Jaseci repository. To do that, run the following commands in your terminal:
cd jaseci
git remote add upstream https://github.com/Jaseci-Labs/jaseci.git
git pull upstream main
This will update the local copy of the Jaseci repository to the latest version.
We recommend you to add your code contribution to a new branch (different from main). Then you can continuously run the previous step to always keep the main
branch in your forked repo up-to-date with the original repo. This way you have the flexibility to easily inspect your changes and resolve any potential merge conflicts all within the forked repo.
git checkout -b name-of-your-new-branch
Once you are happy with the changes you made in the local files, push them to the forked repository on GitHub. To do that, run the following commands:
git add .
git commit -m ‘fixed a bug’
git push origin name-of-your-new-branch
This will create a new branch on your forked Jaseci repository, and now you’re ready to create a Pull Request with your proposed changes!
Head to the forked repository and click on a Compare & pull request button.
This will open a window where you can choose the repository and branch you would like to propose your changes to, as well as specific details of your contribution. In the top panel menu choose the following details:
- Base repository:
- Base branch:
- Head repository:
- Head branch:
Next, make sure to update the pull request card with as many details about your contribution as possible. Proposed changes section should contain the details of what has been fixed/implemented, and Status should reflect the status of your contributions. Any reasonable change (not like a typo) should include a changelog entry, a bug fix should have a test, a new feature should have documentation, etc.
Once you are happy with everything, click the Create pull request button. This will create a Pull Request with your proposed changes.
If you are ready to get feedback on your contribution from the Jaseci team, leave a comment on the PR.
A member from the Jaseci team will review your PR and might ask you to make additional changes and update. To update your PR, head back to the local copy of your repo, implement the changes requested and repeat the same steps above. Your PR will automatically be updated with your latest changes. Once you've implemented all of the suggested changes, tag the person who first reviewed your PR in a comment of the PR to ask them to review again.
Finally, if your contribution is accepted, one of the Jaseci team member will merge it to the codebase!
Like, mentioned above, We recommend opening an issue before a pull request if there isn’t already an issue for the problem you’d like to solve. This helps facilitate discussions and tracking progress.
If you're ready to get some quick initial feedback from the Jaseci team, you can create a draft pull request. You can prefix the PR title with [WIP] to indicate this is still work in progres.
To test out your new functionalities you can run unit tests . Here are the steps to create and run your unit test.
- write your test for the new functionality in
. Below is an example on how to write a test for a standard action .
# importing the ability to peform the test.
from jaseci.utils.test_core import CoreTest
class FileLibTest(CoreTest):
fixture_src = __file__
# fucntion that will test new feature
def test_json_dump(self):
#makes the api call to run the jac code which uses the new functionality .
ret = self.call(
["sentinel_register", {"code": self.load_jac("file_stuff.jac")}], # file_stuff.jac , the jac code being ran
ret = self.call(self.mast, ["walker_run", {"name": "pack_it"}])
#running walker that was loaded from the JAC code
self.assertEqual(ret["report"][0], {"hello": 5})
- In this Folder ,
you will create a JAC file . This JAC file will contain the walker that will run to utilize the new functionality you implemented. It can follow the pattern below .
walker test_new_functionality {
report new.functionality();
- Before we can run our test we have to install redis . If you don't have redis installed , follow the intructions here .
Once installed run :
> redis-server
- Now that your test and redis server running is written you can run it by using one of the following command:
> cd jaseci_core
> python3 -m unittest discover jaseci/ --failfast -p "test_$1*.py" && flake8 --exclude=settings.py,*migrations*,jac_parse,ci_app,kube.py --max-line-length=88 --extend-ignore=E203
pytest [python_file]
python3 -m unittest [python_file]
Now all the test will be run including the one you have written.
To standardize coding style, Jaseci code is enforeced by the flake8 linter and a set of linting rules. Please run the linting command to check your code style before creating a PR.
flake8 --exclude=settings.py,*migrations*,jac_parse --max-line-length=88 --extend-ignore = E203,