Control a servo via wifi.
- MakerHawk D1 Mini NodeMcu 4M Bytes Lua WIFI Development Board Base on ESP8266 ESP-12F N Compatible NodeMcu Arduino (Amazon)
- Servo
- Download the Arduino IDE from the
- I found an OSX driver for the board at on adrianmihalko's page. You will want the files under the ch340g-ch34g-ch34x-mac-os-x-driver repository.
- Once both of these are installed open up the Arduino IDE
- Go into the preferences and add the url as stated in the product description above (sorry can't post the url here)
- In the "Board Manager" search for and install the latest version of the "esp8266" generic module
- Select the new "Port" added by the driver: (mine was"/dev/cu.wchusbserial14120")
- Set the "Reset Method" to: nodemcu
- All done!