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vdx npm Version build

An intuitive CLI for processing video, powered by FFmpeg

  • Crop, trim, resize, reverse, rotate, remove audio, change the speed, change the frame rate, change the volume, convert to a different file format
  • Run multiple operations on multiple video files concurrently

Quick start

Requires FFmpeg and Node.js.

$ npm install --global vdx

A variety of common video processing operations are supported:

$ vdx '*.mov' --crop 360,640    # Crop to width 360, height 640
$ vdx '*.mov' --format gif      # Convert to GIF
$ vdx '*.mov' --fps 12          # Change the frame rate to 12
$ vdx '*.mov' --no-audio        # Remove audio
$ vdx '*.mov' --resize 360,-1   # Resize to width 360, maintaining the aspect ratio
$ vdx '*.mov' --reverse         # Reverse
$ vdx '*.mov' --rotate 90       # Rotate 90 degrees clockwise
$ vdx '*.mov' --speed 2         # Double the speed
$ vdx '*.mov' --trim 0:05,0:10  # Trim from 0:05 to 0:10
$ vdx '*.mov' --volume 0.5      # Halve the volume

We can also run multiple operations all at once:

$ vdx '*.mov' --format gif --fps 12 --resize 360,640 --speed 2 --trim 0:05,0:10

By default, the processed files will be written to a directory called ./build. To change this, use the --output option:

$ vdx '*.mov' --format gif --output './gifs'

By default, up to 3 video files will be processed concurrently. To change this, use the --parallel option:

$ vdx '*.mov' --format gif --output './gifs' --parallel 5


Usage: vdx <files> [options]


One or more globs of video files to process.


Use the -d or --debug option to print the underlying FFmpeg commands that are being run.

-c, --crop

Crop the video to <width>,<height> or <x>,<y>,<width>,<height>.

# Crop to width 360, height 640
$ vdx '*.mov' --crop 360,640

# Crop to width 360, height 640, starting from coordinates (10, 20)
$ vdx '*.mov' --crop 10,20,360,640

-f, --format

Convert the video to a different file format.

# Convert to GIF
$ vdx '*.mov' --format gif

-fp, --fps

Change the frame rate of the video.

# Change the frame rate to 12
$ vdx '*.mov' --fps 12


Remove audio from the video.

# Remove audio
$ vdx '*.mov' --no-audio

-o, --output

Set the output directory. Defaults to ./build.

# Output files to './gifs'
$ vdx '*.mov' --format gif --output './gifs'

-p, --parallel

Set the maximum number of video files to process concurrently. Defaults to 3.

# Process up to 5 files concurrently
$ vdx '*.mov' --format gif --parallel 5

-r, --resize

Resize the video to <width>,<height>. Set either <width> or <height> to -1 to maintain the aspect ratio.

# Resize to width 360, height 640
$ vdx '*.mov' --resize 360,640

# Resize to width 360, maintaining the aspect ratio
$ vdx '*.mov' --resize 360,-1

# Resize to height 640, maintaining the aspect ratio
$ vdx '*.mov' --resize -1,640

-rv, --reverse

Reverse the video.

# Reverse
$ vdx '*.mov' --reverse

-ro, --rotate

Rotate the video by -90, 90, or 180 degrees.

# Rotate 90 degrees clockwise
$ vdx '*.mov' --rotate 90

# Rotate 90 degrees counter-clockwise
$ vdx '*.mov' --rotate -90

# Rotate 180 degrees
$ vdx '*.mov' --rotate 180

-s, --speed

Change the speed of the video. To slow down, set to a number greater than 0 and less than 1. To speed up, set to a number greater than 1.

# Halve the speed
$ vdx '*.mov' --speed 0.5

# Double the speed
$ vdx '*.mov' --speed 2

-t, --trim

Trim to <start>,<end> where <start> and <end> are timestamps in the format HH:MM or HH:MM.mmm. Omit <end> to trim from <start> to the end of the video.

# Trim from 0:05 to 0:10
$ vdx '*.mov' --trim 0:05,0:10

# Trim from 0:05 to the end of the video
$ vdx '*.mov' --trim 0:05

-vo, --volume

Change the volume of the video. To remove audio from the video, set to 0. To decrease the volume, set to a number greater than 0 and less than 1. To increase the volume, set to a number greater than 1.

# Remove audio from the video
$ vdx '*.mov' --volume 0

# Halve the volume
$ vdx '*.mov' --volume 0.5

# Double the volume
$ vdx '*.mov' --volume 2


$ npm install --global vdx

Prior art

See also
