keys pressed: ssh cs15lfa23hg@ieng6 <tab>
to autofill the address (, <enter>
to execute the command
keys pressed: git clone <ctrl + shift + v>
to paste in the address, <enter>
to execute the command
keys pressed: cd lab7 <enter>
to move to the new directory, bash ./t <tab> <enter>
to run the testing script
keys pressed: vim L <tab> . <tab> <enter>
to autofill the
file, by some stroke of luck my cursor ended up exactly where I needed to edit so <ctrl + home>
to go to the beginning of the file and <ctrl + end> <up> <up> <up> <up> <up> <up> we r2 :wq <enter>
to navigate to the required location, replace the 1 with a 2, save, and exit the file.
keys pressed: bash ./t <tab> <enter>
to rerun the test script.
keys pressed: git add L <tab>
to add the changed file to the commit, git commit -m "yeehaw"
to commit the changes locally, git push
to push the changes to the GitHub repository.