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The YugabyteDB code is split into two top-level sections:

  • postgres is our modified fork of the Postgresql code. This is mostly C code.

  • yb is the core of the YugabyteDB storage engine. This is mostly C++ code.

The core storage engine is split into the following C++ components:

  • bfpg covers Builtin Functions for Postgres. This directory is now DEPRECATED, in favor of the respective code in postgres.

  • bfql covers Builtin Functions for YCQL.

  • cdc is the main code for the Xcluster Replication feature and the CDCSDK, generalized Change Data Capture feature.

  • client is the underlying client component used for RPC communication between servers.

  • common is code shared across server, client and query components.

  • consensus is the core Raft consensus implementation.

  • docdb is the DocDB encoding implementation.

  • encryption is a set of utilities for encryption related work, such as TLS and Encryption at Rest.

  • fs covers the abstractions for manipulating the underlying file systems.

  • gen_yrpc covers the abstraction on top of our protobuf usage, for generating server side code.

  • gutil is for utilities to augment the standard library, from the upstream Chromium project.

  • integration-tests is strictly used for tests which depend on several components in the code.

  • master is the control path server side of the database. This is responsible for DDLs, Cluster balancing, health checking, etc.

  • rocksdb is our heavily modified fork of the RocksDB single-node storage library.

  • rocksutil covers utilities for working with RocksDB.

  • rpc is the underlying RPC layer implementation.

  • server cover abstract classes used by both master and tserver processes.

  • tablet is the main data path IO logic, both for single shard and multi shard transactions.

  • tools contains command line utilities to help debug, inspect or modify state on a live running cluster.

  • tserver is the data path server side of the database. Responsible internally for managing tablets and externally for communication with master and the Postgres clients.

  • util covers utilities used across the entire code base. These range from low level atomic abstractions or memory management primitives, to higher level thread pools, metrics and gflag handling.

  • yql covers query layer abstractions. This contains both server side code for YCQL and YEDIS, as well as the C to C++ transition for our YSQL layer.