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abac (Attribute Based Access Control)

This example uses the TIBCO Flogo® Enterprise to demonstrate Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) in the Hyperledger Fabric. It is implemented using Flogo® models by visual programming with zero-code. The Flogo® models can be created, imported, edited, and/or exported by using TIBCO Flogo® Enterprise.


Follow the instructions here to setup the Dovetail development environment on Mac or Linux.

Edit smart contract (optional)

Skip to the next section if you do not plan to modify the included sample model.

  • Start TIBCO Flogo® Enterprise.
  • Open http://localhost:8090 in Chrome web browser.
  • Create new Flogo App of name abac_app and choose Import app to import the model abac_app.json
  • You can then add or update the flows using the graphical modeler of the TIBCO Flogo® Enterprise.
  • After you are done editing, export the Flogo App, and copy the downloaded model file, i.e., abac_app.json to this abac sample folder.

Build and deploy chaincode to Hyperledger Fabric

Set $PATH to use Go 1.12.x for building chaincode.

  • In this abac sample folder, execute make create to generate source code from the flogo model abac_app.json.
  • Execute make deploy to build and deploy the chaincode to the fabric-samples chaincode folder. Note that you may need to edit the Makefile and set CC_DEPLOY to match the installation folder of fabric-samples if it is not downloaded to the default location under $GOPATH.

The detailed commands of the above steps are as follows:

cd $GOPATH/src/
make create
make deploy

Install and test chaincode using fabric sample first-network

Start Hyperledger Fabric first-network and create users for ABAC tests:

cd $GOPATH/src/
make start-fn

This script will start the sample first-network with CA servers, and then use the CA servers to create 2 new users, Alice of Org1 and Bob of Org2. Both users's certificates will contain an attribute abac.init = true, which is used by the chaincode for user authorization.

Use cli docker container to install and instantiate the abac_cc chaincode.

cd $GOPATH/src/
make cli-init

Optionally, test the chaincode from cli docker container, i.e.,

cd $GOPATH/src/
make cli-test

This test is expected to fail, because it uses the Admin user of Org1, whose certificate does not contain the abac.init attribute.

You may skip this test, and follow the steps in the next section to build the client app, and then use the client app to execute more interesting tests.

Note that developers can also use Fabric dev-mode to test chaincode (refer dev for more details). For issues regarding how to work with the Fabric network, please refer the Hyperledger Fabric docs.

Edit abac REST service (optional)

The sample Flogo model, abac_client.json is a REST service that invokes the abac_app chaincode. Skip to the next section if you do not plan to modify the sample model.

The client app requires the metadata of the abac-app chaincode. You can generate the contract metadata metadata.json by

cd $GOPATH/src/
make metadata

Following are steps to edit or view the REST service models.

  • Start TIBCO Flogo® Enterprise.
  • Open http://localhost:8090 in Chrome web browser.
  • Create new Flogo App of name abac_client and choose Import app to import the model abac_client.json
  • Edit Settings of the REST trigger to set port to =$property["PORT"]
  • You can then add or update service implementation using the graphical modeler of the TIBCO Flogo® Enterprise.
  • Open Connections tab, find and edit the abac client connector. Set the Smart contract metadata file to the metadata.json generated in the previous step. Set the Network configuration file and entity matcher file to the corresponding files in testdata.
  • After you are done editing, export the Flogo App, and copy the downloaded model file, i.e., abac_client.json to this abac sample folder.

Build and start the abac REST service

Set $PATH to use Go 1.13.x, and then build and start the client app as follows

cd $GOPATH/src/
make create-client
make build-client
make run

Test abac REST service and abac_app chaincode

The REST service implements a simple API that receives the name of a test user and its org, and uses the user to invoke the check_abac chaincode transaction. The following requests should succeed for users Alice@org1 and Bob@org2, but fail for user User1@org2.

curl -X GET http://localhost:8989/abac/org1/Alice
curl -X GET http://localhost:8989/abac/org2/Bob
curl -X GET http://localhost:8989/abac/org2/User1

Cleanup the sample fabric network

After you are done testing, you can stop and cleanup the Fabric sample first-network as follows:

./ down
docker rm $(docker ps -a | grep dev-peer | awk '{print $1}')
docker rmi $(docker images | grep dev-peer | awk '{print $3}')