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File metadata and controls

630 lines (502 loc) · 11.2 KB

Mavenlink Report Builder

Task Tracker that builds custom reports/invoices for Mavenlink workspaces.


└── client: Client. A VueJS & TypeScript application.
└── service: API. A Node, Express & TypeScript application.



  1. Access the client/ directory.
cd ~/MavenlinkReportBuilder/client
  1. Install npm packages.
npm install



  1. Install and set up MongoDB. Follow their guides for your operating system.

  2. Start MongoDB without access control.

For Homebrew:

sudo mongod --port 27017 --dbpath /usr/local/var/mongodb
  1. Open a new tab in your Terminal and start a mongo instance
mongo --port 27017
  1. Switch to admin database and create admin user.
use admin
    user: "superAdmin",
    pwd: passwordPrompt(),
    roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" }, "readWriteAnyDatabase" ]
  1. Shut down the mongod instance followed by the mongo shell.
db.adminCommand( { shutdown: 1 } )
  1. Open your MongoDB configuration file.

For macOS Intel:

open /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf -a TextEdit

Find the path for your OS here.

  1. Add the following to the config file:
    authorization: enabled
  1. Go back to your first Terminal tab and start MongoDB using your new configuration file.

For Homebrew:

sudo mongod --config /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf
  1. Switch to your second tab in the Terminal and start a mongo shell with authentication.
mongo --port 27017  --authenticationDatabase "admin" -u "superAdmin" -p


  1. Access the service/ directory.
cd ~/MavenlinkReportBuilder/service
  1. Install npm packages.
npm install

Environment Variables

  1. Open ~/MavenlinkReportBuilder/service/.env.template.

  2. Create a file in ~/service called .env.

  3. Paste the content you copied from .env.template in .env.

  4. Fill the keys with the secret values. For example:


To access variables use process.env.DB_HOST for example.

This is a shell file so there can't be spaces around =

For more information refer to:

Running the Project


To use the following commands, do:

npm run <command>

List of commands:

  • serve: Start the application
  • build: Build the application
  • lint: Run eslint and let it fix the errors


  1. Open a Terminal tab and start MongoDB with the configuration file you had set up.

For Homebrew:

sudo mongod --config /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf
  1. To use the following commands, do:
npm run <command>

List of commands:

  • start: Start the application
  • dev: Start the application with nodemon
  • lint: Run eslint
  • lint-fix: Run eslint and let it fix the errors

Web Service API

Optional parameters are marked as (optional).



Request Body, x-www-form-urlencoded parameters:

  • name
  • address
  • phone
  • email
  • password

Successful Response

{ "message": "Success" }

Log In

Request Body, x-www-form-urlencoded parameters:

  • email
  • password

Successful Response

{ "message": "Bearer <token>" }


Get invoices

Request GET /invoices

Query params:

  • _id
  • invoiceDate
  • projectId
  • number
  • __v

Successful Response

        "_id": "6078f715c462e5d7b064d3a1",
        "invoiceDate": "2021-04-15",
        "projectId": 35576725,
        "__v": 0
        "_id": "6078fcdecafdeed994e5ff98",
        "invoiceDate": "2021-04-15",
        "projectId": 35576725,
        "number": 1,
        "__v": 0

Get invoice by id

Request GET /invoices/{{id}}

Successful Response

        "_id": "6078f715c462e5d7b064d3a1",
        "invoiceDate": "2021-04-15",
        "projectId": 35576725,
        "__v": 0
        "_id": "6078fcdecafdeed994e5ff98",
        "invoiceDate": "2021-04-15",
        "projectId": 35576725,
        "number": 1,
        "__v": 0

Get invoice lines

Request GET /invoices/invoiceLines

Query params:

  • _id:
  • datePerformed
  • timeInMinutes
  • notes
  • approved
  • storyId
  • taskTitle
  • taskDescription
  • rate
  • timeEntryId
  • invoiceId

Successful Response

        "_id": "6079022a4f4bc1dc2e09ab5d",
        "datePerformed": "2021-01-16T00:00:00.000Z",
        "timeInMinutes": 420,
        "notes": null,
        "approved": false,
        "storyId": 687005635,
        "taskTitle": "Consulting",
        "taskDescription": null,
        "rate": 10,
        "timeEntryId": 1838262685,
        "invoiceId": "6079022a4f4bc1dc2e09ab5a",
        "__v": 0
    } ...

Get invoice line by id

Request GET /invoices/invoiceLines/{{id}}

Successful Response

        "_id": "6079022a4f4bc1dc2e09ab5d",
        "datePerformed": "2021-01-16T00:00:00.000Z",
        "timeInMinutes": 420,
        "notes": null,
        "approved": false,
        "storyId": 687005635,
        "taskTitle": "Consulting",
        "taskDescription": null,
        "rate": 10,
        "timeEntryId": 1838262685,
        "invoiceId": "6079022a4f4bc1dc2e09ab5a",
        "__v": 0
    } ...

Delete invoice

Request DELETE /invoiceLines/delete/{{id}}

Successful Response

    "n": 1,
    "ok": 1,
    "deletedCount": 1

Delete invoice line

Request DELETE /invoices/invoiceLines/delete/{{id]}

Successful Response

    "n": 1,
    "ok": 1,
    "deletedCount": 1

Create invoice

Request POST /invoices/create

Body JSON parameters:

  • invoiceDate: The date of the invoice
  • projectId: Mavenlink Project Id
  • datePerformed: Automatically imported from Mavenlink
  • timeInMinutes: Automatically imported from Mavenlink
  • notes: Automatically imported from Mavenlink
  • approved: Automatically imported from Mavenlink
  • storyId: : Automatically imported from Mavenlink
  • taskTitle: : Automatically imported from Mavenlink
  • taskDescription: : Automatically imported from Mavenlink
  • rate: : Automatically imported from Mavenlink
  • timeEntryId: Automatically imported from Mavenlink

Sample Request

{"invoiceData": {
   "invoiceDate": "2021-04-09",
   "projectId": "35576725",
   "invoiceLineData": [
         "datePerformed": "2021-01-15",
         "timeInMinutes": 420,
         "notes": null,
         "approved": false,
         "storyId": "687005635",
         "taskTitle": "Consulting",
         "taskDescription": null,
         "rate": 10,
         "timeEntryId": "1838262675"
      } ...

Successful Response Status: 200 OK

    "_id": "607b3a56ef0c73fefb2af71b",
    "invoiceDate": "2021-04-09",
    "projectId": 35576725,
    "number": 22,
    "__v": 0

Bad Request Status: 400 Bad Request

Edit invoice

Request PUT /invoices/update

Body JSON parameters:

  • id: The invoice id
  • invoiceDate
  • projectId
  • number

Sample Request

{"id": "607b3a56ef0c73fefb2af71b",
"newValues": {
    "invoiceDate": "2021-05-15"

Successful Response Status: 200 OK

    "n": 1,
    "nModified": 1,
    "ok": 1

Bad Request Status: 400 Bad Request

Edit invoice line

Request PUT /invoices/invoiceLines/update

Body JSON parameters:

  • id: invoice line id
  • datePerformed
  • timeInMinutes
  • notes
  • approved
  • storyId
  • taskTitle
  • taskDescription
  • rate
  • timeEntryId

Sample Request

{"id": "6079022a4f4bc1dc2e09ab5d",
"newValues": {
    "rate": "50"

Successful Response Status: 200 OK

    "n": 1,
    "nModified": 1,
    "ok": 1

Bad Request Status: 400 Bad Request

Get Mavenlink Tasks

Request GET /tasks/mavenlink

Query parameters: Any of the query parameters specified in the Mavenlink documentation for Stories

Successful Response Status: 200 OK

    "results": [
            "key": "stories",
            "id": "687005635"
        } ...
    "stories": {
     "687005635": {
            "title": "Consulting",
            "description": null,
            "updated_at": "2021-04-17T14:38:56-07:00",
            "assignment_timestamped_at": "2021-04-17T14:38:56-07:00",
            "created_at": "2021-01-14T10:42:32-08:00",
            "due_date": "2021-04-13",
            "start_date": "2019-12-15",
            "story_type": "task",
            "state": "started",
            "position": 100000000,
            "archived": false,
            "deleted_at": null,
            "sub_story_count": 0,
            "percentage_complete": 100,
            "priority": "normal",
            "has_proofing_access": false,
            "ancestor_ids": [],
            "subtree_depth": 0,
            "ancestry_depth": 0,
            "time_trackable": true,
            "time_estimate_in_minutes": 150000,
            "logged_billable_time_in_minutes": 133860,
            "logged_nonbillable_time_in_minutes": 0,
            "sub_stories_time_estimate_in_minutes": null,
            "sub_stories_billable_time_in_minutes": null,
            "weight": null,
            "budget_estimate_in_cents": 37500000,
            "budget_used_in_cents": 26469750,
            "uninvoiced_balance_in_cents": 26469750,
            "invoiced_balance_in_cents": 0,
            "sub_stories_budget_estimate_in_cents": null,
            "sub_stories_budget_used_in_cents": null,
            "fixed_fee": false,
            "billable": true,
            "workspace_id": "35576775",
            "creator_id": "16925965",
            "parent_id": null,
            "root_id": null,
            "current_assignment_ids": [
            "id": "687005635"

Bad Request Status: 400 Bad Request

Create Mavenlink Task

Request POST /tasks/mavenlink/create

Body JSON parameters: Any of the parameters specified in the Mavenlink documentation for Stories

Successful Response Status: 200 OK

Bad Request Status: 400 Bad Request

Edit Mavenlink Task

Request PUT /tasks/mavenlink/update

Query parameters:

  • id: the Mavenlink task id

Body JSON parameters: Any of the parameters specified in the Mavenlink documentation for Stories

Successful Response Status: 200 OK

Bad Request Status: 400 Bad Request

Delete Mavenlink Task

Request DELETE /tasks/mavenlink/delete

Query parameters:

  • id: the Mavenlink task id

Successful Response Status: 204 No Content

Bad Request Status: 400 Bad Request

Get Mavenlink Time Entries

Request GET /tasks/time

Query parameters: Any of the query parameters specified in the Mavenlink documentation for Time Entries

Successful Response Status: 200 OK

Bad Request Status: 400 Bad Request

External Packages


  • Axios
  • Eslint
  • Prettier
  • Sass
  • TypeScript
  • VueJS


  • Axios
  • Cors
  • Dotenv
  • Express
  • Helmet
  • JSON Web Token
  • Mongoose
  • Prettier
  • TypeScript
  • Eslint
  • Nodemon