Scraping from based on command line argument like year of the movie and genre of the movie.
-mt movie title (title of the movie like "ride along")
-mq movie quality (720p|1080p|2160p|3D)
-mg movie genre (run " -showGenre to view all genre")
-mr movie rating (1 to 9)
-o order by (run " -showOrders to view orders")
-my movie year (year of the movie like 2021)
-l language (run " -showLanguages to view all languages)"
-show showing number of movies
Getting 10 horror movies released on 2021.
python -my 2021 -mg horror -show 10
This command will save 10 horror movie's details into json file which are relesed on 2021.
- itertools
- threading
- time
- requests
- BeautifulSoup
- sys
- json