- Research research strategies
Email EIT for download exemptionDownload http://horatio.cs.nyu.edu/mit/tompson/nyu_hand_dataset_v2.zipClone https://github.com/jsupancic/deep_hand_pose and run some code- Reimplement Deep Hand Pose in TensorFlow
Build the graph structureRead the graph protobuffer format, understand the graph layers & vector input/output shapes, documentTranslate graph into Keras graphRun and debug Keras graph
Convert the NYU dataset to something TensorFlow can readLook at converting .png to TensorFlow vectors (TFRecord files?)Figure out how to add images to .npz file individuallyRead labels and understand/document their formatWrite script to convert the NYU dataset into a single HDF5 archive
Make a short slideshowOverview/background of projectProblem statement (inputs, outputs, process)Goals (mobile, non-depth)
Write a paper draftSynthesize information from slideshowCollect sources- Document research process
- Work on a journal / log
Report on preliminary results (if any)
- Experiment with improvements
Augment data with scales and translationsRefactor for performance
Add label depthsAdd batch normalization- Use autoencoder instead of PCA
- Try more PCA components
Use striding instead of max poolingChange number of filters- Change batch size
- Change depth of network
Change neurons in fully connected layers
- Work on mobile port
- Document and publish
Create a GitHub pageGenerate results graphs- Add model comparisons
- Start results section
- Add installation documentation
- Add 'why' to code documentation
- Try more PCA components
- Change batch size
- Start results section
- Add model comparisons